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Reviews for The Empty Vessel

By : ZeDrippyVessel
  • From ANON - Qachatu on October 14, 2003
    The passing of Orelinde and Beckett...
    I can see Bronwyn and Legolas sharing and comforting in their time of grief
    Faeowynne's twins - it was the perfect gift
    sometimes the best ones come truely from the heart.
    Gran'Ada Celeborn as Godzilla...
    where do you get these ideas?
    Glorfindel and Bronny having a kegger - AHA!
    hey, I was single once, so I went to a few Elf keggers, *hee,hee,hee*
    (I still haven't forgiven PJ for the Arwen switch!)
    The hidden notes from her children...
    Another child?
    Her Duncan?
    Her children all playing their parts in history - making history
    John, listening and learning....

    You have woven a tale that has touchedall,all,
    Thank You!

    Congratulations on The Golden Mallorn Award! WOW!
    We will be awaiting Tel'Lindar
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  • From ANON - Meffa on October 14, 2003
    This is such a good story. I struggle to find a description that does it justice. So here is a list of words:

    Need I go on? In three simple words… I loved it.

    This story has a very interesting take on the whole "a person from our time goes to middle earth and this is their story" type of fanfic. I can't wait for the sequel. I also loved the short stories posted separately.

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  • From ANON - Jackie on October 13, 2003
    When you first started this story, I was there to read the first chapter. From that moment on I have been helplessly hooked. I'm so proud of you. The finished product of this story has gone beyong my wildest expectations. Everything you wrote of, I devoured and fell in love with. Your attention to detail and character evolution was amazing. You are by far one of my favorite authors. Job well done. You are truly an inspiration.
    PS: In Tel Lindar, does 'you know who' *wink*wink* come back to B? Or does the 'other man' take things over? b/c eventhough I like choice 'B' alot, it's just not the same as choice 'A'! H+B=forever
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  • From ANON - Joy on October 13, 2003
    Oh, God! I am so sad this has ended. You've given me a lot of enjoyment for a long time. Thanks so much. This was truly a work from the heart.
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  • From ANON - Anna on October 13, 2003
    OMG!! That was absolutely wonderful. No words can do it justice. You are an excellent writer, and I have enjoyed this journey you have taken me. I am looking forward to the sequel!!! This story has made me laugh and cry. BRAVO!!!!
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  • From ANON - Qachatu on October 11, 2003
    How do you do that?
    The weddings...the babies...the memories...the goodbyes...
    Poor Bronwyn..pushed away from Haldir..into Celeborns arms...
    Hello...You know if you are going to mention dreams involving C&B you could atleast give us a littasteaste...please...
    Ah..Faeowynne..the mystery is solved. I had such a feeling...*hee..hee..hee*'s another one.."well, I had them at the same time, mother..."
    I hate to see this story end, but knowing it doesn't realy, that it will go on...
    Harry who? just kidding would have done them too...

    You are an amazing woman...don't forget that..
    Wonderful chapter - wonderful story!
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  • From ANON - nerwen on October 11, 2003
    The Twins are not going to Undying Land? :( or Are you planning to put them in later chapters? Are there anymore chapters?
    I've read your stories and they are wonderful. Excellently written. I hope you'll write more, and maybe some short stories (err..with the Twins n Faeowyn?). A crossover between LOTR/HP will be great. Hope to read that one soon. Thanks Zee
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  • From ANON - alexandria on October 08, 2003
    Truly an amazing story. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
    When will you be posting your HP fiction? I prefer Snape to Elves, but
    my sister said I had to R&R or else. I'm glad she made me.
    Send Rumil my way, he seems so alone.
    Will your OFC be in the sequel or her children?
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  • From ANON - Qachatu on October 02, 2003
    Ah, to see Bronny & Leggy - nose to nose, spraying spit on eachother.
    Now THAT would be a battle scene!
    Haldirs gentle touch with Orelinde, considerate of her ingsings...
    Poor Legolas, how hard to let go of his only child, but he agreed to the bonding.
    Good father, she's grown and ready to lead her own life. *sob*
    Is Thranduil coming? Would like to see the old fart again. *hee,hee,hee*
    I was wondering when Gimli would pop up again, I had forgotten he arrived
    with Legolas and Orelinde. He never married?
    The "talk" between Haldir and Beckett..."Aha!"
    The son becomes a
    "You are a dead Elf!"
    Ah, the youngest daughter and her beloved - with child.
    Why agree before they are bonded, Elves have the ultimate birth control - choice!
    I know, oopsies do happen.
    Ok, I read "I'll not marry" Faeowynne seemed determined to not marry, and to go with
    her parents to Valinor. I have a strong feeling there is going to be a catch somewhere.
    Just what does Celeborn know, and who is he protecting?
    I have to say, I realy love that horny old bastard!
    *I wonder if they need help in the kitchen...*

    and what about the "Twins"? Where do they fit in all of this?

    The tension is getting stronger - Great Chapter!
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  • From ANON - Qachatu on September 25, 2003
    Incredible...absolutly incredible.
    I have been re-reading "Godesses in Everywoman" there is reference to Joseph Campbell (my fave author on the study of mythology) he stated that "Dream is the personalized myth, myth the depersonalized dream"
    No wonder myths invariably seem vaguely familiar.
    When a dream is correctly interpreted, the dreamer has a flash of insight - an "Aha!" as the meaning of the dream bes ces clear. When someone has an "Aha!" responce to an interpretation of a myth, the particular myth is symbolically addressing something that is personally important. The person now grasps something and sees through to a truth
    Yes - in the beginning you took canon Tolkien characters and situations and built your story around them. But you also created your own mythology and intertwined, wove it with Tolkiens. It is connected, but has a flavor, a life of its own.
    Reading your writing - yes it is for enjoyment. But I keep experiencing that "Aha!" Some are good, pleasant, funny. Others tend to strike a nerve, bring back memories both good and bad. Sometimes bad enough I have to stop reading for a while....
    But enough rambling - now your story....
    Smut? Smut the dragon brought down by the mighty Aretha Franklin! If she only knew...
    The following scene with Tari literally brought tears to my eyes - Bronwyn claiming her titles - I get chills thinking about it. Kind of reminded my of drawing down the moon (a pagan ritual)
    The Armor! My jaw hurt for days in sympathy pains.
    Now, I have a confession - I like bad boys! I know I should know better - but I just can't help it. And I especially like the King of all bad boys - Thranduil!
    Yes girls, you can keep Legolas (ok - he might be fun to play with) but there is something about the lord of Eryn Lasgalen - *sigh* Oops - sorry, got distracted. Your portayal of Thranduil was wonderful - he is such an ass! *sigh*
    Bronwyn and Galadriel playing *girlfriends* - I think Celeborn would have wanted to play too.
    I got all choked up when Heridil got to speak to his father in the dead marsh...
    Bronwyn and the twins mooing at eachother...
    The presentation of becket... Four elven warriors watching a sleeping babe...
    Elrond had a daughter? Legolas...well maybe he would be fun to play with.
    Now as the mother of teenaged daughters I found the last two chapters do I put it....I'm not ready to go there.
    But I have to admit I am sitting on the edge of my seat wondering about Faeowynne.

    Great Job! Keep it up!


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  • From ANON - Anna on September 23, 2003
    Great chapter!! They twins are so sneeky. But they are so loveable though. I'm so happy that Orophin is ok. I am looking forward to reading what will happen next. I have a feeling when Haldir finds out he's going to be highly mad, but will eventually get over it (I hope). Please update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Vi Janaway on September 19, 2003
    Oh my......I read all 27 chapters in two sittings......oh my. I have read and written fanfiction for the past 25 years. Star Trek Star Wars etc., etc., etc. Good, okay, bad, ghastly. Bronwyn is not a Mary Sue. This one is better than good. her entrance in Middle-Earth is plausibe. And she more than holds her own. She could carry a story by herself.
    Your characterizations are on track. The narrative is nail-biting at times and laugh out loud funny . Mooooooooooooo!
    Thank you for treating my favorite Elf with dignity. The story is structured well the word pictures are vivid
    I want a hard copy of this.
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  • From ANON - Anna on September 15, 2003
    This story is amazing! I love reading it. Poor Orophin. He poses a good point. How will she leave her children behind? I am really looking forward to reading more. I am sad because I know that the end is coming closer with every chapter. Please keep updating. Once again you have done a wonderful and excellent job. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Qachatu (tr: hot tempered woman) on September 09, 2003
    Ok, sunday afternoon - I'm IMing with my sister. She too is "into" fanfiction (Buffy VPS and Harry Potter)
    She tells me about this great site she found - I HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT! So last night I did.
    I was up until 3am (thats 7am eastern) No pre-pubescent dribble here. Finally, I was ready to call it a night -
    taking one last scroll down LOTR, and guess what story I found - YOU WENCH! Sorry... Had to let that out.
    I sat and drooled at the long list of chapters....3:15am.....well maybe just one.....
    Picturing Orophin watching the Eminem show - Crying over rekindled memories of the death of Dale Earnhardt and 9/11
    Both times my beloved elf was gone to sea - as he is now - on a quest for the giant spiders of the deep...that living gold.
    (I'm prone to be an emotional basket case when he's gone) So I went to bed.
    But tonight I made it through....Celeborn on a harley.... That is a sight worth seeing! Just like an Elf - pin a woman down
    "Tell me you love me..." "Tell me you trust me..." It stirred some ancient memories.... "I am not Rams." ." more
    memories, more tears... strange... mine used the same words..."I am not Bill..." It sent chills down my spine.
    Okay...the arrow thing was bad enough...but did you have to run her through with a sword? There must be a twist with death
    I can't see all those chapters being about Haldir playing with himself.... or maybe....
    You truly have a way with words.... Tomorrow - TWO CHAPTERS!
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  • From ANON - Hel on September 07, 2003
    Aaww, chapt 26 was so angsty! But good...this is a great story! Hope to see more soon! ^_^
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