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Reviews for Feud

By : narcolinde
  • From ANON - tufail on September 15, 2003
    Great story, keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 10, 2003
    Sorry, that was meant to say chapter 15 above, I've already done 14. Wooops

    And this is now chapter 16

    Enter Elrond and Erestery! Fy! Finally, they have made it to Mirkwood! Oh, and such a clever elf is Legolas to be able to slice off the top of Erester's bout nut not harm the toe. He truly is skilled.

    Wow! 24 orcs in one go! Sure it's only a few leaves in the woods, but every little bit helps.

    Awww, but the poor little ex-princeling. Fought til exhausted. Poor baby. Kinda just makes one want to santch him up and cuddle him all the while. Pity those two immature Noldor elves had to go on talking about his hair colour and his flushed cheeks. Hehe, but go Leggy, knowing Quenyan and stuff. (Woops, not meant to say that yet. *shrugs* oh well).

    "Aye, and a deep one at that," he said. "That wound was self-inflicted! Physically it has healed, but the soul still bleeds!" Sorry, can't get over this line. Elrond knows how much Legolas is hurting, yet still not only treats him toughly during their first (I use first because I assume there shall be many more times) coupling, but also still abuses him emotionally aswell. BASTARD! But a loveable one at that.

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 10, 2003
    Chapter 14

    Oh poor Maltahondo! He truly despises himself for what he has done, yet no one believes his guilt! Not that I blame them either, but it's hard to choose sides when one gets information from all characters involved. Though, I suppose it is for the best Legolas doesn't see him, let the kid get over the bastard as best he can.

    But, also, clever Maltahondo! Not believing Elrond's ploy to get to Legolas! Very smart of him!

    Oh, and Lindalcon has finally been able to speak of his father, how sweet and comforting for him.

    This is going so wondefully!

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 10, 2003
    Chapter 14

    Wow, I must admit I found it a bit of a chock when I read this chapter the first time to find that Malthondo had gotten out of the grasp of the queen and make it back to Greenwood. Oooh, and how sweet is Fearfaron? Not only telling everyone Legolas had freed Annaldir, but also standing up for his honour? That's so cute!

    Oh, and poor Lindalcon. Not only having no one to talk to about his father, but also giving up going into the Guard just so he can stay near Legolas. I'm sure if Leggy passed out enough times, everyone in Mirkwood would like him again!

    In all honesty I didn't quite understand Maltahondo and Meril's dislikeness of one another, I presume this has something to do with Malthen liking males? Or perhaps Meril knows he raped Legolas aswell?

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 10, 2003
    Chapter 13

    Ok, back to business.

    Hehe, cute names: Fiery... devient... bent... so many possibilities as to where such names may have originated from...

    Ooooh, Elrond is a cunning one indeed! Even if he thinks Thranduil is a good tactitioner, I think Elrond may just surpass him in this, if only he can get it to work.

    WOOHOO! Thanks the Valar for controlled ejactulation among the Elda! Even though Elrond does not think he is Legolas' father, it would still be kinda cool if he was. Though I'm sure we'll find out who the real dad is eventually, won't we?

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - FunkyCharms21 on September 05, 2003
    another wonderfully done chapter!
    absolutly great!
    as usual i have some questions! is there a chance that Erestor and Legolas might hav a thing going on soon? because i like the thought of them making Elrond jealos. also hated elrond even more after his behaviour towards the wizard.
    love the realtionship between the wizard and Legolas, it's always makes me feel better when he has people who care for him. elrond better start acting somewhat likable, because i'm really starting to hate the bastard.
    as for the vilage with the humans, i was so sad when Legolas was hugging the kids and counting them, trying to find out who died, it was a beautiful moment, well done!
    as for my story, i doubt it's to your taste, i write a harry potter fic, with a Sirius Black/ Remus Lupin slash. it's posted here as well.
    keep up the great work! i cant wait to see a change in Elrond, and one last question, when will he find out about what happened to Legolas that made him sgry gry at him, i mean he does know that Legolas has scars from previous lovers, so it doesnt even occure to him that he might have been raped or at least taken by force? can't he see the emotional damage, if not the phisical one? he is a healer after all. i know it's several questions, but i couldnt help but ask, i find that point in the s har hard to accept, whic of course is what makes me dislike Elrond so much, i guess.
    and who is legolas' father?
    i already figured out he has a destiny to accomplishe which is basically why he was born.

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  • From ANON - Autore on September 03, 2003
    Wow! I just got back into the LotR fanfiction about a week and a half ago, and then i spent a few days reading this, and I think my brain is still on overload (it's hard to th w/ w/ college starting and a good, big story in my head) Terrific! I love the interaction between Legolas and the forest and Brown wizard. He's so in character too! Not that I can say the same for Elrond, but I was warned about that. Coooooool!!!
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 01, 2003
    Chapter 12

    Ok, on the one hand I really like Elrond for somewhat putting Ningloriel in her place and saying there were more important people in the world than her. Yet on the other hand, I can't help but think what a conniving little trickster he is! But, I only know that because I've read all of your wonderful story, so that doesn't really a yet yet.

    Still, I can't get over Ningloriel! She's only leaving to hurt Thranduil (not that he cares, really, except that he won't get another child out of her), yet she grieves for all she leaves behind! Sure, most of it's a show, but some of it has to be real. Though I do warm to her a bit when she says how much she worries for Legolas; kinda shows that she wants to be a good mother, but isn't sure how to go about it. BUt the fact that she still refuses to go back to him angers me!

    OH! And who is she to think she can make someone go to Valinor with her? Yeah, Malthen isn't much of a nice guy (though I know he does truly regret what he has done), but it still doesn't give her the right to order people around! Even if she is the Queen!

    Ok, 12 chapters done, 12 to go. I'll get on with the rest later, (uni essays beckon),

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on September 01, 2003
    Chapter 11

    Awwwww, such sweet sorrow. A nice little bonding session there for Fearfaron and Leolas. Yet intertwined so perfectly the tale of Legolas' first time. Pity it had to be with such a monster, but it does make for a good tale of angst and Leggy torture. (always a good, yummy thing).

    Seriously, you say my story is hot? HA! Your's is STEAMING! I think I need a cold shower now! Oh! And such detail! It was like I was really in the room watching it all hapenning! (Course, if I was there, I'd porbably stop Malthen, but that's not the point.

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on August 31, 2003
    Chapter 10

    Poor Legolas, having to grow up with that all his life! I'm surprised he's turned out the way he has! I can see why Lindalcon wants to get away from there as soon as possible!

    Poor Gandalf, going to all that trouble to steal his favourite pie and not be able to eat it!

    I CAN'T believe Thranduil! Is the guy so up himself as to believe Meril will willingly just jump into his bed on order to carry his children!? I realise it may only have been said to hurt the queen, yet later on it's mentioned that Thranduil has put it to the Council to decide! I just cannot believe that Elf! I'd hate to think what Lindalcon will go through if and when he sees his mother heavy with Thraduil's child, his father not dead 20 years yet!

    And what the hell is up with Legolas' Mum? It's obvious Leggy refuses to go with her (both because that's what she wanted, and I've already read the full conversation between them), but doesn't she realise he has two souls yet to save? Besides, she's onlytingting to take Leggy with her to spite Thranduil. But, I don't think she realises Thranduil would want that to happen. Never see his (dead) son ever again. Never have to deal with all his disappointments or anything! She's playing right into his hands and she doesn't even realise it! (Well, at least that's how I interpretted it).

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on August 31, 2003
    Chapter 9

    Annaldir is free! And Legolas and Fearfaron are strengthening their bond! Woohoo! (yeah, that's pretty much all that happenend in that chapter, right?) Still, a very important chapter, none the less.

    I'm SO loving this fic!

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From ANON - Mawgy on August 31, 2003
    Chapter 8 (just so you know, there was no chapter 7)

    GO FEARFARON! I LOVE it when good guys kick butt! Then again, I love it when bad guys do too, but that's another story.

    (forgot to mention last chapter) When Ailinyero told Legolas to touch himself I was shocked that not only would he make Legolas join in with such activities, but he would also force Leggy to break the celibacy rule which he himself put into place! So, I was very happy indeed that he was punished for such vile acts. (and I loved every moment of it!)

    I think Leggy should have raised his queries about how they were going to enforce Ailinyero to go to Valinor, and how he would know if Ailinyero's partner had been released. I would have loved the Council membaers answer those.

    Oh, I LOVE Fearfaron, he's so nice! I liked it that he decides to foster Legolas. (It's very hard to pretend I haven't read all the chapters and am acting as if this is the first time I have read every chapter. Like, earlier I said that Maltahondo was very nice (or sweet, or something), but in all truth I don't like him much anymore because I know of what he has done. Don't know why I just said that, but now that I have I can't be bothered deleting it.)

    And he's evern allowed to sleep in Annaldir's room! I think it was therefore the perfect night for Leggy to have the dream about him. (NO! Can't mention that yet! It doesn't happen till next chapter! See? Very hard indeed).

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From Mawgy on August 30, 2003
    Chapter 6

    Ok, while I can't help and admit that were I Ailinyero, watching Legolas beat himself, I'd probably get off on it aswell, but at the same time I also can't help but that 'WHAT A BASTARD!!!!!' Oh, and those jerks outside egging him on? I don't think I have ever been as disgusted with the Elven race in all my life!!! But, once again, like that they are in the story because they give good background on how much the Elves hate Legolas. Well, maybe not hate, but strongly disapprove of him.

    Though it is nice that at least Fearfaron is wary of his treatment at the hands of Ailinyero.

    Ok, just got you e-mail. Thanks so much. Can't wait for the update. The main reason I'm writing a review for each chapter is because your story is SO good, but you only had 1 or 2 reviews per chapter on average. And I think it deserves many more, so I thought I might raise the numbers a bit.

    Yeah, I wrote Yearning. Well, I'm still writing it actually. I know it's been something like 10 months now since my last chapter, but I'm slowly getting to it. And thanks for your praise aswell. Much appreciated.

    Luv Mawgy
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  • From Mawgy on August 30, 2003
    Chapter 5: Part 2

    Smart Elf! NOt only in killing as many Orcs as possible by just himself, but also devising a plan involving troops from Thranduil's army, not to mention knowing Gandalf wished to speak with him and not just Thranduil.

    Oh, and not forgetting Gandalf's very smart horse. (Or perhaps his well informed horse).

    Luv M Maw
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  • From Mawgy on August 30, 2003
    Chapter 5:part 1

    OH! I LOVED the way the bird gave Legolas the feathers. Sort of like saying that someone still wants him, even though his people may not. And it's nice that he got them that day. Just as he was about to go back to the city and be tormented by Ailenyero, he receives this great gift from the forest to perhaps give him courage and help him through the night.... *sigh* lovely.

    Luv Mawgy
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