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Reviews for Feud

By : narcolinde
  • From ANON - giggle on June 04, 2005
    Dancing and music. Wheee! What fun a party in the Woodland Realm All the good food and fun. Legolas hasn't had fun in such a long time that it must be like wine to him.
    So here comes the prank and everyone is in on it. Erestor is in for a hard time here.
    Oh Oh The Enchanted River. This is not a good development. Not good at all. This is really a lesson in group dynamics. Once you let things get out of hand there is seldom a chance of turning things back around. It is sad to note that the elves, like humans, are just a bunch of sheep when they get in a large group. Sigh.
    Great rescue indeed. Maybe too much damage hasn't been done. In fact Erestor was kind of cute slipping off to elvish dreamland. At least it wasn't total disaster, he could have been totally immersed. How big a disaster is still to be seen though. Poor Legolas. He never gets a break from you does he? "He will forget me." How sad and heartbreaking is that. Also how would that affect Legolas? Probably the last straw for him. I do think practical jokes are stupid and can easily become cruel and harmful. I even hate surprise parties. I have had two inflicted on me and hated both.
    Well what was to be a joyous and glorious day has fallen flatter than road kill on a very busy highway. How do you like my lovely metaphor? Or was it a simile? I can never get those two straight. Everyone was part of this but Fearfaron so they are all going to have to bear some of the burden of guilt.
    I was on the edge of my seat reading this. It was very exciting and very sad at the same time. You certainly do have your way with us, your readers.
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  • From ANON - giggle on June 04, 2005
    I of course love the history lesson. It is fascinating to read different writer's views about the many groups of elves. I have never really understood why the Valar just had to have all the elves follow them to Valinor or be forgotten. I think they was some overwheening vanity among them.
    The Danwaith view of the fea and hroa was also interesting. Without anyone to guide them they came up with some unique ideas as to what happens when you die. I read all I could about the houseless ones. Not much but it gave me a basis for understanding your story more. It was nice that they would stay with their forest and be there for their families rather than go to the Halls of Waiting for their rebirth. Then of course the Sinda came and things got much less cut and dried and very messy what with Thranduil imprisoning their fear in the river. He has to pay big time for that.
    Then we have your idea of the whole blood debt thing. So un-elflike but worthy of elves that are "less wise and more dangerous." Erestor should think on that point a little more I think. He has cast his lot with a group that is very different from the group he has been hanging with. Since you state that only Legolas has been able to pay the debt without dying you would think they would give the matter a little thought. I guess having an elf in that situation be dead is easier than having to deal with the mess that Legolas has brought upon them.
    So the prince was drawn to the sacred places and now his home will be where his heart was broken. Maybe this will exorcise the demons that haunt him.
    The phrase that the elves wanted the world set to rights and Legolas was to be the key. He was but in the future. The forest suffered but thanks to the Fellowship Sauron and his forces will bother the Woodland Realm no more.
    Very imaginative. The cycle of the year as seen through their customs. Marriages in Autumn. Lousy Winters, they probably really celebrate the winter soltice for the return of daylight. After all this is why our culture adopted all those pagan customs and symbols and grafted them onto christianity. Fertile and fecund Spring and have a great time while you work yourself silly Summer. Sounds very rural, agrarian and simple. These are not simple elves even thought they may look, act, speak and reflect simple, they are very complex. I loved the barrel dancing. Now that sounds like a fun thing to do if you are an elf and have tremendous grace, power and agility. Not for me though.
    Lindalcon and his musings on he and Legolas not knowing the rules of attraction. But Legolas found someone and so will Lindalcon. The vision was so sweet. Very Japanese in a way. Even the braziers to keep the place somewhat warm. What with Erestor singing in Quenya and the two of them just strengthening their bond the vision was a good one.. Legolas' happiness is so good for Lindcalon. Just what does he have up his sleeve for his new law-brother though? The snowball fight, not really a fight but an ambush decided Erestor's fate.
    I did wonder at the thought that Erestor would never leave Tirno's side. That just can't be and I wonder how you will work things out. Have to keep tuned to find out.
    Now it was time for Legolas to face his fears and defeat them. He is so right that it isn't the place that was hurting but his heart. I hate the phrase 'get over it' but sometimes that is what one has to do.
    Wow Three levels. Well after where he has been living that probably is better than a palace. Certainly better than the hole in the ground the king lives in. It may be beautiful but I doubt there is as much love there as will be in this flet. This was a big step for Legolas and he gets the last word. Gandalf and his ice chunk for Lindcalon's rear end. It was also nice that Gandalf could acknowledge his desires and then let go and let Legolas find happiness.
    That was a very satisfying chapter.

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  • From ANON - Sesshgangel on June 03, 2005
    Ah! FINALLY! Now we're getting somewhere! Do get that coniving b*tch out of her comfy spot and do knock thranduil down a peg or two-- dozen that is.
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  • From ANON - JastaElf on June 02, 2005
    AI!! Thank you for not making us wait so long after that last cliff-hanger!!

    I am now on tenterhooks again though... for the name of Meril's co-conspirator has been uttered in court, thank ERU for the Men....

    I have no idea how this will all turn out, but I am LOVING the ride!!! Thanks for the update!

    Will there.... be an update to Legolas and the Balrog soon too, though??? *begging anime eyes of Pleading...* :-)
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  • From ANON - Shanna on June 02, 2005
    Erobey congratulations, are an extraordinary story. Wonderful writing...
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  • From ANON - Nightbreeze on May 27, 2005
    really Thranduil is a class A jerk
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 23, 2005
    I am really glad you did this. This story is so long and convoluted that we need crib sheets to keep up with it. Sometimes I go back and re-read just so I can get a feeling for what is going on.
    Talagan - Andamaite is his distant cousin. I missed this one. This could prove to be very interesting or a red herring.
    Malthen - Why did he act the way he did about Erebor and tell Legolas to find a clean death and wait for him in Mando's Halls? He knows something but what?
    Fearfaron - I didn't realize this was monthly chastisement for twelve long years. I thought it was yearly on the anniversary of the battle. All of the elves must have known about this. They are so gossipy that one of the warriors would have told someone. Yet no one tried to help Legolas at all. As far as I'm concerned they can all get eaten by orcs. I have no pity or fellow feeling for them at all now.
    Valtamar & Andamaite - I find this story of Merils to have little merit. If the author decides it is true OK. I know it will be explained more fully. It just doesn't gel with me. I think Lindcalons' dreams would be quite different if he had lost a sibling as well as his father.
    Rochendil - We need to find out why he hated Legolas from the very beginning. It seems odd somehow. This could be the key to the whole puzzle. I think he ws going to kill Legolas the night that Fearfaron interceded. He would have made it look like an accident and the warrior elves there would have had to back him up. No one really cared if the prince were lived or died. Especially those in power to do anything about it.
    Me - I sound like a lot of fun. I do like me haring around after Legolas and trying to help him. I am really in favor of under dogs.
    Ningloriel - Thank God and the greyhound she is gone.
    Erestor - I'm glad you cleared up the lie about being bonded (bound?) to the Galdhrim.. Just a lie to let young elves down easy. Now it comes back to bite him. Gonna be a very interesting reunion when these 3+1 get together. You will let us be a fly on the wall I am sure. I do like Erestor=Alone Rests the Inner Heart. That is a good job translating. I find it hard spelling Berenauer so I stick with Erestor.
    Iarwain - he may be oldest but he isn't the brightest lamp in the Chamber. Both Legolas and Thranduil have him hopping and wondering about what the **** is going on. Day late and a dollar short.
    Ben waith and Ben waeth - Kooky how that turned out. Freudian slip maybe.
    I will be looking forward to Legolas going to see the humans again.
    Taurant & Gwileth - Although they have every reason to reject Legolas as part of the past, and not happy past, of their father I think they will dearly love him. Not only Legolas but Lindcalon as well. I think elves can feel with their fear who truly cares for them. Part of their problem right now is their unrest and uncertainty of all the turmoil around them and their fear recognizes and responds. But the love that the two siblings have for them is true, pure love without burdens. One of Legolas' big problems is the lack of care and love his fea had to deal with and he won't let that happen to any of his siblings.
    It would be ironic if goblins threw those rocks. But I will trust Gandalf's two human eyes. If the goblins had done this though the blame would fall on Talagan and Malthen. Talagan did not take enough care to protect his sniper and Malthen was supposed to be watching Legolas as his bodyguard.
    Rochendil would be best because he is so lousy. Of course he is also out of reach.
    Lots of good questions for us to ponder as we continue this marvelous epic tale and wait for the wicked author to answer them in her own classic way.

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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2005
    #91 I hope
    Oh no this Iarwain is going to spoil everything if given half a chance. The king may have his own misgivings but he's not going to let some wood elf get the better of him. He won't give up his powers without a fight. I agree with Iarwain that Meril probably had a much larger part in this scheme than has come to the surface but if the king can get someone else to take tha blame he will. He cares little for Legolas and what is right, only what he wants. Boy it must be nice to be king. Total authoritarian despot. Good job if you can get it. Unfortunately he probably agrees with Talagan that he also bears some responsibility for this mess. After all he got rid of his hated Queen and her hated son so he was happy. He got Meril, whom he loves and two adorable children. One of them male and in line for a dynasty all of his own devising. I did like him intimidating Iarwain with the pretty dagger. OOPS! Just accidentally cut of the head of my foe. Well win some lose some.
    I liked Thranduil wanting to end the scandalous debacle when he has brought so much of this on his own head. Some small pleasures to look forward to with Elrond's fall from grace. Have you read The Last Elf Standing? It is a hoot. Thranduil and Elrond write letters back and forth over parts of three ages and act pretty much like elflings. In your story they are like elflings still but just much more dangerous and not a hoot at all. The stakes are very high in your tale.
    I think if Thranduil beat Meril to within an inch of her immortal life she would agree to anything he wanted her to also. Is this part of the payback for what Malthen did to Legolas? I prefer public humiliation for them all. That is what Legolas had after all and for something that wasn't his fault.
    So he repudiated Meril for her half truths. I am sure she will use her feminine wiles to try to gain him back. After all that is what got her to her lofty position in the first place. It did surprise me when he allowed his love for Meril to die. He has done such hideous things in his lifetime and sounds as if he is proud of them yet he can't forgive her. Hypocrite much? I thougth it was interesting that he would share his deepest darkest secrets with her in order to get her to realize that he would not care what she had done. I don't think he would care either. He has to deny her because of his lack of trust but he trusts very little and very few. He would have trust problems considering Ningloriel and his long life with her.
    His thoughts about Malthen cracking under so little considering what Legolas had suffered and having not only guilt but pride. You have certainly made him a real, well rounded character.
    Poor Taurant and Gwileth. According to Tolkien lore the fea of the parents feed the fea of the child. If both parents are in turmoil then of course the children are going to be profoundly affected. This is just what Legolas did not want. The king couldn't trust Ningloriel's son though to care about his siblings. Well he doesn't accept them as siblings. They do have Meril 24/7 but since she has been formally dumped by Thranduil moving out of their love nest she probably isn't up to much fea sharing.
    Ah. Nongloriel in Valinor helping Vaire weave a rope to hang Thranduil on her tapestry of life. He has some imagination. Well you do anyway. She got the king good didn't she. Even not being present she will always be a thorn in his side. Of course his hatred of Legolas started with the thought of Elrond being the prince's true father and then after years with Ningloriel he could hate Legolas for the fact the Ningloriel was his mother. Hate all around, enough for all.
    Without Erebor what would have come to pass? No Meril, no siblings for Legolas to love, no big fat mess to deal with right now. And now the king can see/feel the link between his children. He can accept this and knowing him use it to his advantage. I found it interesting that even if Legolas is pardoned he is no longer in line for the throne. That must have been why Ningloriel wanted him to come with her. He had no status. Of course he had lost that status because of the judgement but she knew with her gone that he would have no one to care. She was partially right. Now if Meril proves to be part of this plot would that have any affect on Taurant's claim. If she helped deny Legolas his status, taking it for her son. If she was the reason Ningloriel left. If she helped caused the death of her husband and two others what affect would this have? Enquiring minds want to know and we hope we find out. After all Legolas really loves Lindcalon, Gwileth and Taurant and would never take anything away from them. I don't think he would want to be king. Or at least he would be a king like Oropher not like Thranduil. Since he is footloose and fancy free during the Quest then he must not have much status in the royal line anyway.
    Talagan treading a thin wire here. Trying to get the king to admit to his faults in this matter. Get real General. Like this is going to happen.Good old fashiioned elven pride and arrogance is going to keep Thranduil hard as the stone his stronghold is made up of. Leoglas would probably want as much as his father could give him. Since he won't give him anything unless he is forced I don't think there will be a problem here.
    This put Talagan on the spot also. All of them really. The elves seem to love gossip and living in a very closed community they would hear it all. So everyone knew that Elrond intimated that the prince was his son and that the Queen was "really close" to the Lore Master so everyone despised the young prince and cared little about him as he grew. I did like Talagan's sense of honor, late but welcomed, but even better was his sense of timing.
    Oh boy Erestor is for it now. Those goofy elves. They are going to skin him alive. What a situation. Ah Tirno weeps when he is happy and goes and kills something when he feels grief. Works for him. The brotherly jest heightened to a degree of perfection. A public explanation for the missing clothes. There is gonna be a fun time in the old woods tonite. I hope it isn't too much fun for them to take.
    Very shizo chapter. Fun and games with lots of angst, anger and plotting with some cunning thrown in for good measure.

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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    Lindcalon is certainly romantic isn't he? Maybe all wood elves are at heart they just let things get in the way. All the elves who helped set up Legolas' home were romantic. His hopes have certainly changed and taken wing since he finds that Legolas has found his bond mate. If the prince can so can he. He is so giddy here as if he were already in love. Maybe he is just in love with love itself. Now on to harass his law brother. What fun he shall have.
    I loved the epithets they hurled at each other. Very imaginative you are with curses. grin He's going to instil fearful respect for Legolas in the Noldo's heart. Very young still isn't he? Erestor has a lot to get used to when it comes to wood elves. Far different from lofty Imladris. I don't think he is in Kansas anymore.
    So Erestor thinks he is going to meet Legolas for a nice long soak in a hot bath. UMMMM Instead he gets Fearfaron. It may be hot but it won't be a fun long soak with Legolas. Now the father figure gets in his licks.
    Now to Lindcalon there were really no signs he could read with Erestor that put his mind at ease over this bond. Fearfaron with his millenia of insights can see right away that there is a bond. Good.
    Well that all was very interesting. Erestor never really gave his heart and soul into the keeping of the Galadhrim. He felt cheated. It was just a bonding because of sharing the same pain. I think even if Orophin doesn't realize this. Dambethnin probably does. Women seem to be more aware of feelings. She seems to worry about him and his reactions to things. It seems as if Erestor, Orophin and Legolas are all caught up in the same trap of taking responsibility for something they could not prevent. Trapped in guilt for a phantasma of pain, loss and anger. Unable to let go and move forward. This might be the catalyst that all three need to stop living in the past and go forward.
    Oh, Legolas is a romantic. He would want a ring as an outward symbol of the bond. I can see why. It would give him something to cling to when Erestor has to leave and go back to Imladris. How sweet.
    I really liked Erestors comment that Legolas' life is a waste and yet he leaves eveeything improved in the wake of his passing. He would succeed for Thranduil, Meril, Elrond and Malthen if they would just accept it. But they just refuse and stay trapped in their webs they have woven.
    Now to the baths.
    Good chapter for insights.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    Poor Lindalcon. (Ialways seem to be saying poor somebody in your epic tale) He has no father, he can no longer trust his mother. Her actions and motives are those of a stranger in his mother's body. He certainly can't go to Legolas with questions about courtship and love since he has such a warped view of relationships through no fault of his own. I was glad the tree dumped its snow on Lindalcon. He needs to be calm. You know like an elf. HA.
    It's all in the eyes isn't it? You can look at an elf and tell that they are bound. I sure hope in time this all works out for him.
    Lindalcon forgot shoes. OOH Those poor toes. I shiver to even think of being barefoot in the snow even if I know that the weather affects elves less.
    Oh Oh Communication is really key here. You elves need to find out what is going on before you jump to conclusions. They didn't just jump they leaped.
    Fearfaron's concerns are good ones. He wants so much for this second son to have some fulfillment in his life that isn't tainted with distrust, hatred, pain. All elves want this for there Tirno that is why they are all on pins and needles. They fear this Noldo might not be the one to give this to the prince. But for Fearfaron just seeing Legolas whole and complete answers all his questions and criticisms.
    I read an item once about the Maia and elves. It was very interesting. I think maybe Mithrandir's interest went a little farther than most but look at Melian and what she did and gave up for an elf. At least Legolas never had any doubts about Mithrandir even if Mith had doubts about himself.
    So Legolas is giddy with ease and delight. I am so glad you have given him this moment of joy because I just know that you have some hellish things in store for them all. He will need this time to remember when things get tough. Two of the rocks that could capsize this little love boat are Dambethnin and Orophin. Fearfaron is right. Let Erestor deal with that part of his life. He started this he has to finish it with as little harm to Legolas as possible. If the prince faded because of Erestor's actions then I don't think Erestor would long survive him.
    I loved Gladdie bouncing out of the tree and haring off after Legolas. I think Fearfaron liked it too. He is loving and kind. What a different elf Legolas would be if he had had that kind of accepting love when he was an elfling. Makes you fell so bad for the children in this world who suffer like Legolas has. Am I getting too weird about this? I tend to take things a I read and compare them with real life. Which can be very angsty indeed.
    A great chapter to give us as an nice loving interlude.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    Oh they are going to use that glade. Well maybe Erestor's presence will cleanse the place for Legolas. One hopes so. I did like the daughter of the fallen tree. I can see the wood elves feeling that way.
    I actually agree with Fearfaron abuot Legolas' ability to think straight right now. If Erestor proves to be less than noble Legolas is in for a rough time perhaps even fading. Let's hope that Erestor is as noble as he appears to be right now. The fact that we now have a foursome is bothering. If a threesome is problematic how will elves view a foursome? I know Gladdie and Lindalcon want Legolas to be happy I just don't want it to be bought with future pain. I'm sure the mighty author will come up with something unique to settle this matter. She always has a lot of curves to throw to her readers. Fearfaron's comment about his edwen ion being tangled in an unsalvageable situation is probably true but when do the younglings ever listen to their elders. I mean Legolas not Erestor. The hurt he will feel now or later if Fearfaron is unhappy. The now won out. Let the future take care of itself.
    Yes the wood elves are very fickle. They could turn on their Tirno in a hearbeat. At least they will offer restitution now with their generosity. I hope the couple get to enjoy all their new stuff before the BAD THINGS HAPPEN.
    OOH. Nasty Mithrandir peeked. Well so to speak. Sounded like he peeked a little too much. At least he accepts that he had a little more than just affection for Legolas. At least he made sure they were OK and he will give Legolas the skills to protect himself mentally.
    Are we going to have a shivaree? After all Lindcalon took Legolas' clothes and Erestor's boots. Something is going on.
    Party plans and sounds like a surpise party. I love parties. I hope I love this one.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    So winter hits with a fury. I wonder if the fact that Vilya's wearer is having problems has anything to do with this?
    Elladan and his surety regarding his family disintegrated. They never knew their father's real heart, did they know their mother's. Did they think it because she willed it? It would be the same thing to her? Did she live for her children? Did she resent Elrond his lovers, his plots, his machinations? Will they ever really know?
    The disruption of the room is like the disruption of the weather. Both tied to Lord of Imladris and his breakdown. Oh great now we see Elrond's obssession again with a picture of the fallen prince in all his nakedness. All his scars, his misuse, bone breaking fatigue on display. And Elrond has pleasured himself to this picture of misery. Worse and worse. How low will he fall in the twins eyes.
    Well at least Legolas and Erestor are having a good time. Another OMG chapter. They need this break from reality. When they leave things will never be the same. They will have to really treasure and cherish the memories. The king and the lord will be very unhappy over this. We know things will GET NASTY when they rejoin the elves.
    So Legolas still has the need to please. At least Erestor lets Legolas be the dom occasionally. This might help his self esteem. Someone with Legolas' background will always be on edge about loss, hence his doubts and silent warnings.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    I clicked on Review Feud and lost the site altogether. Scared me senseless. This is always happening to me and it sure ruins reading and reviewing.

    OK enough whining.
    AN - Maybe elven horses are like the difference between Men and Elves. More stamina, hardier, faster. They could be like jet propelled. I will admit that that the travel times in some fics really annoy me. Also lembas. I realize that everyone would have some kind of waybread but the books makes it very clear that Galadriel and her maidens made this with their own fair hands and it was very special when it was given to anyone but 'Lorien elves. There are no franchises like McLembas in Middle Earth.
    OK enough whining again.
    I liked the Border Crossers. I can really see this kind of elan developing in a group. Even elves, maybe especially elves would thrive on this kind of endeavour. All that arrogance after all.
    Already dealing with Arwen and her doom. You know I always believed that death was the Gift of the Second Born from Eru Iluvatar. Think of what the elves have to live with for untold millenium. There is even some thought that elves eventually fade just from the passage of so much time. I have to quit these side thoughts or I will never get this one done..
    I like Celeborn the Wise to be wise, not like that cypher in the movie. In your story he got to show off his tactical skills some. Having the elves pretend to go to the Grey Havens and then have them sneak back.
    So Celeborn is worried about Thranduil being overcome by Sauron. I am sure Sauron would like to pull that off. Pick them all off one at a time. If he knows what is going on he would certainly try to get rid of the Tawarwaith. He is a real problem for the wraiths, orcs and spiders.
    I am imagining that the power that is growing in the north is the Dunedain and Aragorn. Maybe the problems in Mirkwood will distract Sauron from the far north. That is if I had read this right. Sometimes I think I have a real handle on things and then a few chapters later I go "WHAT" and have to change direction.
    Galadriel and Alqualonde. Ouch. That was another blot on the Noldor wasn't it. You know Tolkien had all these rules about the elves and he then proceded to break everyone of them. Marriage, elflings, kinslaying, leaving the Undying Lands without permission. There is after all no great tale without conflict. Anyway I liked her answer. What's a little more blood. I like your Celeborn and Galadriel. They are noble to a point and then pragmatism sets in.
    In Celeborn and Galadriel's discussion I was glad to see their concern for Legolas. Elrond does have a huge support group and the prince has very little. They actually think he is entirely alone. Another reason to be so upset with Elrond. The idea that Saruman and Elrond had come up with this idea of the ring was very interesting. Saruman is just using Elrond to find the ring so he can get his hands on it. It is scary in a way for if Elrond had gotten his hands on it with his pain the ring could so easily have used him to get back to Sauron some way. A close call if the ring had been in Mirkwood.
    So Celeborn will accept nothing less than Thranduil's acknowledgment of his first born child. Wow. I hope this is public and with Meril standing by. Legolas doesn't have to be king after all. I don't think he would want to be king to be honest. He is used to being a free spirit and I think he would want that to continue. Or if he were king it would be in the manner of Oropher.
    Your Legolas is very interesting. I liked the description that Celeborn gave. Oropher's temperment and Ningloriel's rebellious determination. What a combo. No wonder Thranduil can't keep him down. He couldn't cope with his father and he certainly couldn't cope with his first wife. If he weren't so horribly bad you could almost feel sorry for him. No. I can't go that far.
    I liked Legolas being a "worthy cousin". So sweet. The trees being in pain over what Legolas has endured was a painful thought for all involved. I wonder if Thranduil is in touch with the trees and realizes their pain in his domain. So Galadriel would like to have some influence over Thranduil. She was a power hungry little minx wasn't she? Just couldn't put the thought of rulership out of that pretty little head.
    I really loved "seeing" the Galadhrim in all their glory. What a sight elven war parties must have been. Even a small one like this. Of course they were just the bait to bring out the forces of Dol Guldur. At least they lost the renegades. I doubt the orcs or wraiths will overlook such tasty morsels as unarmed elves ripe for the taking.
    The men were inexplicably competent with theirough equipment. Funny. Then the schocker, dwarves and elves fighting together. The Lesser Evils, the Bloody Wraiths. It was nice when two of the men wanted to speak at the king's court in the Tawarwaith's behalf. Slowly things are gelling for the prince's side.
    AH. Good old elvish arrogance at its best again. Haldir, and why aren't we surprised. Sigh. At least Celeborn the Wise showed his mettle again. Not only with Haldir but with the dwarves wanting to go along. After all they are great businessmen and why shouldn't they give it a try on. You don't ask you don't get.
    Nice chapter again. Moving things right along.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 21, 2005
    Oh boy things are rough here for the Peredhel, all of them.
    I enjoyed more lovely scenic description. The scenery and nice weather was of course lost on the twins. I was very interested in the sparring between the two of them. Even though you didn't go into detail I managed to use my imagination to fill in the blanks. I am rather good at that. In fact it got way too warm there for awhile. I am sure it was just the weather here.
    So much soul searching going on. Naturally they would blame themselves to a certain extent. Children always do. But soul searching can be a good thing. I was glad that they warned Galadriel. Arwen is going to need a lot of help to get through this. I adore my ada too and it hurt when I realized he wasn't perfect.
    So. A showdown. Will we get the full truth now or just more lies? At first lots more lies, dancing around the basic truth here. The twins would give him an out, he would take it and they could sense that it was a lie, half truth, evasion, prevacation on Elrond's part. And that would hurt them more than the unvarnished truth. No matter how much the truth hurts, once it is out then healing can begin. As long as you lie in word or deed it has such a hold over you. Once in the open it loses that hold and such a burden is lifted from your soul.
    It is so sad that Elrond finally found a soulmate, one who could and would understand him, give him their all and he rejeted this and gave the wood elf over to his friend. Then when his friend takes advantage of the opportunity Elrond throws them both away and blames them for his decision. Yep he is a typical nutzoid.
    It had to hurt Elrond a lot when Elrohir quoted him as to honor. That Elrohir had tried to live by the maxim and now he doesn't really know the elf that spoke those words to him. Did they mean nothing to Elrond? Were they just words that sounded noble or does he really believe them? Hard questions to answer.
    At least now they know their fathers pain and loss. He has had a great facade for so many centuries. If he had shared any of that pain they none of them would be in the position they are in now. It is very important to not let things get so desperate that things bubble over and like acid etch everything it comes in contact with. Not the least loss and pain is the loss of Elrond's soul mate. What could have been and now will never be. They could have been a dynamite pair. No one would have been able to stand against them. So Elrond has lost and lost big time and for all time. Now we need to get Thranduil to that point. What he has done is much worse actually than what Elrond did and I don't want either one of them to get away with their acts. I think Elrond is going to pay big for his actions and I want the same for the king. Elrond's payment is going to be very public unless Celeborn can change that. I hope Thranduil's can be just as public.
    How do we make this right? Big question. A lot of pain and suffering is going to go down first.
    Wow. What a tough chapter.
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 20, 2005
    Something funny happened while I was reviewing. I hope this goes through. I think I must be the kiss of death on this site. I have been thrown off, my reviews have been lost in cyberspace and I have been unable to even open the site. It is kind of scary.

    Erestor is an artist. That may explain a lot if I think about it hard enough.
    Glrofindel was being as discreet as he could be until the twins showed up and then all was out in the open. How many more are to be drawn into this maelstrom of lies. Elrond has the three main elven kingdoms like wasps nests when someone has hit them. All that noise and movement is going to get out of hand any minute. Poor twins. It is hard to realize that your parents aren't the paragons of virtues that you thought. Elrond, like many humans, has feet of clay. He has managed to keep the two parts of his life from meeting before but now the collision will like a supernova. Someone is going to get hurt.
    OOEE! Dambethnin takes no prisoners does she? I think Elrond had a narrow escape with the Galadhrim and he was very lucky. He was so focused on what he wanted and not the repucussions if he was discovered. Too many years as the all mighty head of Imladris to realize that it could all be lost so easily.
    I enjoyed this chapter even if Elrond didn't.
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