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Reviews for A Family Way

By : kspence
  • From ANON - The Lauderdale on January 01, 2012
    I won't lie: I read this chapter about two weeks ago when I first discovered it, along with your latest update to "Orc in Ithilien," but I wanted to review when I had regained a proper focus. So here it is, New Year's day and I'm feeling all refreshed, and I thought I'd give the chapter a once-over before I sat down to writing my review-proper.

    First off, I enjoy Shagrat's continuing snobbishness regarding snaga Orcs (for whom I've always had a secret fondness), because I think it's been an interesting and consistent character trait of his. I wonder how that's been playing out in his post-"Orc in Ithilien" days, though as dorky as Maz is, he's probably not doing that much to challenge Shagrat's prejudices.

    I also love the idea of the gigantic terrifying Uruk women. Coming to the end of the chapter and your author notes, I was smacking myself in the forehead that I didn't recognize the parallels to spotted hyena culture earlier on. I had a kind of obsession with hyenas as a teenager (not unlike a lot of people who saw "The Lion King" when it first came out, I suppose) and could have told you the Latin names of the four subtypes, along with coat coloration, principle feeding habits and so forth. The idea of overlaying spotted hyenas on the Uruk-hai (though not necessarily on Orcs across the board, at least based on that contemptuous aside about Orc women) is both original and at the same time plausible - why hasn't anyone done it before? And while I may like my Wargs wolfish, it is also a nice nod to the hyena-based Wargs of the LOTR movies, and the longstanding relationship between Orcs and Wargs.

    The parallel to the wholesale desertion of the Uruk females to the old "loss" of the Entwives is also enticing. We know where Rashanka's dam ended up, but what about the others? I have to confess, my immature brain likes the notion that they are all together somewhere, the Entwives AND the female Uruk-hai, doing their thing and enjoying life without the menfolks. I'm sure they'll all come straggling back sooner or later to roll their eyes at what has gone on in their absence.

    So I've gotten my background on Rashanka now: NOT, refreshingly enough, the product of a rape, and treated as a kind of goddess figure by her tribe. Explains more than I could ever have expected, that does. Although I wonder what it means for both her and her standing that Safina and...what's his face...have up and scarpered in the 4th chapter. Are they really out of the picture for good, or will they be causing trouble for our erstwhile heroine later on?

    I should say, before I forget to say it, that I'm glad you came back to this story, since I'm not sure when it was that you uploaded Chapter Five, but I feel as if it was quite a long time ago. Obviously my first love is Shagrat/Faramir, but this has been an entertaining interlude, and now I also have to wonder if consequences from "A Family Way" will turn up again in the post-"Orc In Ithilien" future - and how wenchy Faramir is going to be about that, if they do. (Lord! I can actually see an entire scenario spinning out from this, involving Southron/Gondor diplomacy, and issues of religious tolerance, and a lot of Faramir grinding his teeth and Aragorn downing headache medicine. Be an interesting pretext to get Shagrat to the Citadel, too.)
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  • From ANON - Moniquill on December 02, 2011
    So pleased to see this updated again! I love th new chapter, especially the worldbuilding insight in the author's note.
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  • From AntiDolorifico on November 27, 2011
    I am so pleased that you updated this (and Speaks to the Trees) again. I find the thought of a matriarchal orc society completely plausible. I love your hyenas vs. orcs parallels, and it makes perfect sense, really. I always figured that she-orcs (Orcesses? Mayhap stretching that one a bit) would be larger, stronger and more vicious than their male counterparts. I see this in other fandoms as well, such as Predator (their females are supposedly some 14ft tall and far stronger than the males, ruling with an iron fist), so the notion has never been alien to me. I am currently very tired, so do apologize if I ramble a bit. Anyways, was that a tiny reference to the Entwives and their disappearance from Middle Earth that I saw? In either case, awesome. =) Perhaps the she-orcs refused to submit to assorted evil entities and hightailed it out of Mordor when things started to look a bit sour.

    On a (somewhat) related note, I just finished reading the Queen of the Orcs trilogy by Morgan Howell in which the orcs are a society depicted to be far more sophisticated than their human counterpart (most humas in these books truly are horrid in comparison). Their society is completely matriarchal and all she-orcs are called "mothers" and they rule the "sons" (orc males) completely. Long story short, the books tell the story of a human female that joins the Orcish society. I won't go into further detail in case it'd be something you'd want to take a gander at. The books are interesting and decently written, I like them because orcs are not depicted as monsters at all (even though I personally like my fantasy orcs evil and sadistic, hehe... sometimes I am a walking paradox, I think). Anyways, interesting little read.

    Again, very sorry about the rambling, but fatigue does strange things to the mush inside my head that some call a brain. Please do continue your stories, aye?
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  • From ANON - Mary on November 09, 2008
    Wow, I'm so glad to see that your writting again even if its not continuing the main story arc because if anything you've got better. It is, as always, a joy to read your writting and about Shagrats misbigoten exploits. I love the way you seem to completly understand the characters you write about and show great warmth in the way you darkly and humourlessly spin your tales of them. Can't wait to see where this story goes you've got me hooked in your writing again :)
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  • From ANON - chaotic_binky on September 22, 2008
    This is a most unusual story and I sat reading with a big smile on my face. I have never read an orc story before with one as the main character. Shagrat reminds me of a few Geordie men lol

    Looking forward to the next chapter, Binky xxx
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  • From ANON - The Lauderdale on September 17, 2008
    I am so crap at reviewing. I actually found this story two weeks ago, read the three chapters you had up and intended to review but somehow did not get around to it. And then today I happened to be on the HASA web site and saw that you had responded to my post about female Orcs (in what is, indeed, the least frequented forum on that site) over a month ago. So, yes, mortified to have let so much time go by, but also glad of the fresh incentive to read again and review. I'll go with the chapter highlights approach again:

    1) The part that stuck out most strongly for me - the one that left an enduring image - was that brat flinging shit at Shaggers, and him telling the kid to hop it. It's the...whaddyacallit...the banality of everyday human evil, as manifested in society's youngest and most vulnerable members. Behold our bright future. (One question - why is the first chapter called "In a Family Way"?)

    2) And to add to the indignities visited upon poor Shagrat, some random Harad woman begins sexually assaulting him. We'll leave aside discussion of one the more awkward and uncomfortable sex scenes I've seen in literature for a while (congratulations, BTW, I mean it) while I say that I'm really interested Rashanka. She seems so arrogant, but I'm still working out whether she's actually arrogant or just a particularly strong-minded individual from another culture who feels powerful contempt for our hapless protagonist. (Second question - how'd Shagrat know the one fellating him was the male? I'm assuming smell, but the text doesn't make mention of seeing/hearing/smelling the guy while it's happening. It's all tactile.)

    "That look half-dead. It awful." For some reason this really made me laugh, I guess because I could see it.

    3) "It seems to me that you have allowed yourself to grow altogether too reliant upon your keepers – too comfortable with them, perhaps. Particularly since it seems clear that you have never made the slightest effort at attempting any proper form of escape." --> 0_0 Bitch! What makes you the grand authority on the life of some poor bastard you just hired to fuck you? (Seriously, I want to gather all of the people who pick on Shagrat in one room and drop a roof on them.)

    That said, I'm also interested in what the Harad attitude is toward Orcs - obviously there is still contempt from the way she and her pals act toward Shagrat, but is it not to the same degree as among other people's of Middle-earth? Rashanka is obviously at least somewhat unusual since her half-Orcishness is a "feature that define(s) or set(s) her apart," but is she the only exception or have other Orcs and half-Orcs found tolerance or even esteem among the people of Harad? And I'm interested in her backstory as well, for all that I'm a bit miffed with her at the moment.
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  • From ANON - AntiDolorifico on September 07, 2008
    Oh ye gods, you're alive! I'm so pleased you're back. And writing again! I'm so overwhelmed right now that I can't really say anything else than "More!"
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  • From ANON - Rhody on July 30, 2008
    You have no idea how much squeeing greeted "A Family Way" when I looked at your AFF page tonight. :D a NEW story from Draylon, eeeeee!!!

    I'm a horrible fan, though. Even though I was beside myself with delight when I discovered your Faramir/Shagrat stories (and all of your orcish stories) last Christmas, I've never reviewed or commented or emailed you despite my best intentions and warmest wishes. Your stories have touched my heart on many occasions, and I have a Super Poseable Shagrat and it's all your fault.

    "A Family Way" is a great read. I'm really looking forward to this mysterious new female, and I hope poor Shagrat gets fed soon.
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  • From Silverfrost on July 26, 2008
    Hee heed, funny. Never read an orc story before. I'm really liking this one.
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  • From ANON - Moniquill on July 17, 2008
    I just want to say that I am completely elated and happy to a possibly psychotic level that you're posting again. Your stories are simply amazing. Shagrat has my continued sympathies. Your writing style, voice, and general alacrity for description and tone has my continued awe and admiration.
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