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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - Serenityblack2000 on February 24, 2004
    TEEE HHEE HEE HEE HEE LMFAO!! I really appreciate a good laugh! Twins gottem good!! aaaaahhhhh those mischevious twins......gotta love em..... and you know I do! Constantly without delay any chance I can get!!!

    Yet again another great chapter.

    Post more ASAP.

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  • From ANON - Rainien on February 24, 2004
    Yay!! You finally updated! *S* hehe I like what you did with my suggestion for how the twins and Legolas could get back at Aragorn and Arwen. Very good job!
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  • From ANON - Mia on February 11, 2004
    I love this story! I hope everything works out for you. Don't give up!
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  • From ANON - Blackkat on February 09, 2004
    You are a Goddess I l I love your fanfictions. I am a devoted fan now. :) I love the way you write, it's clear andernderstanding. This is a beautiful written story and I spend all of last night reading it from beginning to where you stopped at. I hope that you will be able to finish it cause I'd really like to know what happens. =^.^=
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  • From ANON - rashida on February 05, 2004
    Hey! I loved this story Been reading it for 12 hours now AND I am sick. I just need to know a few things..I read The Crux of the Problem do I get from Twisted to that one. I hate incompletes! Twisted only had 17 chapters I! This is quite original. Please don't keep me hanging here! Shalom.
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  • From ANON - Jennifer on February 05, 2004
    I've read all of My Twisted Road to Life that you have pd sod so far and enjoyed it very much. I'm a writing minor and do understand that sometimes you just have to go with the words and see where they take you. This story so far has good cohesion and has obviously been plotted out - not always the case in fanfic! I look forward to reading further in this series and your other stories as well. Don't worry, this is not a "hurry up and finish" cause I also know those don't help at all. Untill further installments are posted I"ll have fun speculating on what will happen next. Please keep including the details about dress, and descriptions and reasons for the are making things very real by not just outright listing all details and past events. If you do discontinue posting the series, I would like very much to be added to the list of people you mail future chapters to.

    Thank for for sharing you stories with others,
    Jennifer D.
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  • From ANON - aimless on January 31, 2004
    I know it must be discouraging to get so many hits on your story and so few reviews, and negative ones at that. People are rude, if they do not like the story they should move on and not leave childish and damaging flames. I try and review every story I read, I also try and find something positive in a review even if the story did not grab my attention or was not to my taste. That is not the case with your fics, I have read a lot of them and think you are a very talented writer. I have a lot of respect for anyone that can take a group of established characters and write them into an original story complete with a new character that is interesting and 3 dimensional. I also have enormous respect for anyone that can write humor into a fic. Your fight scenes are well choreagraphed and the action is really good. You also write emotional tension angstngst really well and the sexual content is very erotic. Please do not lose heart I will continue to read as long as you continue to write. If you stop posting please feel more than free to send me e-mails with your stories.
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  • From ANON - rabe on January 27, 2004
    wow...this has quickly become one of my favorite stories of all time! It's absolutely wonderful, and i can't relate to it more than i ever thougt i could. Thank you for writing this, seriously, and please continue to write more! :p :D
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  • From ANON - Jade on January 24, 2004
    Sorry for not reviewing sooner have been behind on my reading. I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next. You really tell a good story
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  • From ANON - steph on January 21, 2004
    Now come on hon, don't get discouraged! I have read all of your stuff and absolutely love them! Don't worry about the twisted people who only want to bring you down! I think you are a great writer and can't wait til you update! But I do have one request , update more often!
    Best wishes,
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  • From ANON - the earth guide on January 20, 2004
    Sorry you are feeling disappointed that you haven't been getting enough reviews. Don't let that affect your writing though. Write for yourself and your own enjoyment (ok ok and mine too! ;) ). Everyone one is on their own trip and sometimes people cannot review or not being writers, don't understand how much a review can affect the writer. Before I started writing fic, I would devour stories but left almost zero reviews. I was greatly enjoying the stories and anxiously awaiting updates but didn't understand how much that review could mean to the writer.

    Ok on the the review - short but nice. I like see the same scene from different perspectives. Keep it up (ha ha ha)

    the earth guide
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  • From ANON - Cyndi on January 20, 2004
    Very nice!
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  • From ANON - Serenityblack2000 on January 19, 2004
    Good chapter! The excitement is starting to build!! I wanna know what happens next!!

    When when when!!

    ( As for a side note! its just plain rude to read and not review. At least people can do is say something *no flames allowed*If you hated it that bad ... Fine.... We don't want to hear from you anyway. An Author should not have to beg reviews. Especially talanted authors. Shana is talanted and you should be ashamed not to atleast drop a friendly note! Hell you could just type four letters *keep it clean now.... remember no flames** Or you will have me to deal with!* Letters such as

    "Good" or "Nice" or "Neat" COME ON PEOPLE WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
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  • From ANON - Kelly on January 19, 2004
    I CARE!
    Really like your story and i really want to know what the twins are going to do!
    Yes its true, you are a godess - so please dont stop writing!
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  • From ANON - Rainien on January 19, 2004
    Ok. Ok. Here's your review. *S*

    I skipped over this story for quite some time simply because "I've landed in ME" stories have, for the most part, lost much of their appeal to me. Then I read The Crux of the Problem (youckedcked me with the summary *S*) and realized that Crux was an arc of another story, this story, that you were also writing. I read Crux, then began this one and have also read the other arcs you've written. And they're all very good. It would be a shame if you didn't continue to share them.

    Now for the actual review. *S*

    Janessa is an interesting character. Being pierced (twice) and inked (once) myself, I can relate to her somewhat. I've always enjoyed a female lead character who is strong in her own right. She doesn't have to be a "warrior woman" to be strong, though Janessa is certainly both. Janessa's biggest strength, though, is her determination to fight her own battles, whether they be physical or emotional. That is what holds the most appeal for me. There are only so many times I can read those "Oh, good. I've landed in ME, now the big strong male can fix it all for me" stories. Janessa doesn't want someone to "fix" things for her.

    "The Problem is in Hand" was a wonderful chapter. It's nice to have drama and intrigue broken up with a little humor now and then. We all need to smile from time to time. Aragorn and Arwen were always such serious characters. I love it when they're given a sense of humor...and a twisted one at that! And I cannot *wait* to see what the twins and Legolas do to them.

    I'm curious about the silk that Legolas seems to constantly neeMaybMaybe I missed the explanation of its significance. If not, I'm sure you'll clue us in sooner or later. Either way, it's a nice touch, Legolas' constant need for the comfort it seems to provide.

    This is quite possibly the longest review I've ever written. I hope it has helped to eragerage you to continue to share this story with the rest of us as I'd have to have to beg you to send me the chapters in email should you decide to *not* share any longer. I'm not good at begging. *S*
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