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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - Tammy on January 19, 2004
    You are providing an invaluable service....delivering absolutely delicious elf sex with a really good story as well. You are talented. Please continue.
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  • From ANON - Tal on January 19, 2004
    I care!!! While I certainly wouldn't mind keeping you to myself, getting stories via E-mail, I believe it would definitely be a waste for you not to continue. I am, of course, partial to Ties, but Twisted is helping me with a few of my own demons, and I'm sure we are not alone in that. Please continue. E says pretty please, with whip cream and a cherry on top (oops,fereferent story). he he

    Wanton Elfbanger
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  • From ANON - Serenityblack2000 on January 09, 2004


    Waiting for more!!!

    Legolas and the twins need to really raise some hell

    Great fic!

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  • From ANON - m on January 05, 2004
    You're not really going to stop right there are you?


    I wanna know what happens next
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  • From ANON - Bekki on January 03, 2004
    Ego demands, so the reader shall pay. *S* You're a Goddess? No...wait....Keep going? Hmm...still not enough.

    Silliness aside, I'm really enjoying this story. The combination of angst with humor thrown in is just the right combination. Angst is all well and good; but without a break in the angst, the mind is sure to explode. You seem to have a good understanding of this. Well done. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - DragonEyeZ on January 02, 2004
    I'll only say this once.. UPDATE!!! I want to know what the twins have in mind! :D
    Great story, btw.
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  • From ANON - the earth guide on December 31, 2003
    I just have to say, you are my husband's favorite fic writer! Though he doesn't know it ;). I love you writing, it is incredible. You manage to find away to combine highly developed smut *grin* with actual character development. Brilliant! I love the way you are able to plot the reader into the middle of a story and have it still make sense. Keep it coming girlfriend...update soon.

    the earth guide
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  • From ANON - satiana on December 27, 2003
    I love this story. JRRT is/was a god but you're a goddess in the fanfiction world. Kit uit up
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  • From ANON - Talasi on December 24, 2003
    OK. You asked for it....You're a goddess. It is so wonderful to finally read mind boggling, naughty elf sex with an excellent story behind it. Please continue. I shall have a vivid picture of Legolas and his "proble han hand" until you continue the story further. I am a self-professed Haldir worshiper, so I am absolutely loving The Crux of the Problem. That arrogant but fiercely loyal and honorable Marchwarden has met his match in Jan.

    You are just too naughty!! Keep it up!! (no pun intended)

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  • From ANON - Sewer-dweller on December 24, 2003
    Very nice! Very, very nice!
    More please oh Goddess outt.utt.
    Am =D
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  • From ANON - Lorwen on December 13, 2003
    Wow, long new chapter :p
    You made up for not posting.. altough I only just read what you posted earlier :p
    What can I say... loving it loving it loving it!
    Especially since I already know where it's going! :p

    Keep up the nice work!


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  • From ANON - Kelly on November 28, 2003
    Really like the story!
    more please!
    like now!
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  • From ANON - pat on November 28, 2003
    I really like the story, i like the interaction between the characters-especially between the brothers. Im really intrigued by the story and cant wait to find out everything thats going on and why Janessa and Legolas have such a connection. Just one complaint though , Ive read your other stories and feel a little cheated that you seem to be using the some of the same material in all three. But overall Im really enjoying it ,its really well writen . Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Lairewen on November 27, 2003
    Hmmm. This is quite interesting, thou lit little confusing in places. It's intersting to see modern-day archery in a LOTR fic. I was wondering, do you read 'The Glade'? (An archery mag) Because there's an on-going article in that called 'My twisted road to gold' by Erica Le Brie. If you don't it's a weird coincidence!
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