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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - Potatoes on April 25, 2004
    I care. Please keep writing.

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  • From ANON - Kirah on April 25, 2004
    HEY! I have no clue if I'm the only one reviewing, and I don't care, this story is cool. I even gavu myu my e-mail if you're willing to take up on the offer. You are a good writer. Get over few revies and be very grateful if you get any at all (trust me on that one.)
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  • From ANON - fallintonothing on April 25, 2004
    don't give up! i love your stories. definitely some of the best on here. i check almost daily to see if you've updated. don't worry, you do have loyal fans. thanks a ton for the great entertainment!
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  • From ANON - heiders on April 25, 2004
    Oh yay! a new chapter! This was the bright point in my day, as all of my friends, including myself, are depressed. A letle bit on the short side, but an update is an update and its more than we deserve for not reviewing. thankyouthankyouthankyou! *cookimuffmuffins, and apple fritters* you are currently my favorite author. WAHOO! The goddess of must favour you...
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  • From ANON - thala (nsi) on April 25, 2004
    please don't stop writing! i love this story! actually, come to think of it, i love all of ur stories. :( the only problem is, i never have time to read them, which majorly sucks. so i use the time in my computer class at school to read stuff, lol! anyway, if u do just start emailing the rest of the chapters, please add my address to ur list!
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  • From ANON - Rose on April 25, 2004
    I can't wate till you put the next chapter up! So far it's great!
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  • From ANON - Your Worshipfulness on April 25, 2004
    Great story, I really like it. The idea of them each living each other's experiences is really great. Please post soon.
    ~Your Worshipfulness

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  • From ANON - Gracer on April 25, 2004
    Ack! No you cannot stop posting! That would be horrible. This is one of the only decent fics on here. The plot is great and original. The writing is superb. DO NOT STOP!
    I love your work. Keep it up.

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  • From ANON - Miss Independent3 on April 25, 2004
    Ah! I love this story! you can't stop posting! I know I don't review every chapter, but I still review most of the time, I think. I hven't read this Ties story you're talking about. But since it's gotten rave reviews I think I will. So maybe you'll see a review from me there timetime soon. But please just don't stop posting the chapters! Cause I'm really enjoying this story. I think it will get even better(wow, is that possible?) once she and Legolas actually meet! (which I can't wait for!)
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  • From ANON - Calenhisiel Greenleaf on April 25, 2004
    before i say anything, WHERE DU GEU GET THESE IDEAS FROM?
    that having been said, i really like it. keep up the good work and update soon!

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  • From ANON - Just me on April 25, 2004
    OMFG! business:
    I am your adoring fan and i love all the work u do on and for this story.
    You are the writing goddess and all shall hail you and worship you and service your everim.
    Thanx for your time.

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  • From ANON - Aranel3 on April 25, 2004
    Probably dont mean much but I care, wouldnt want you to stop subitting yourr stories cos your friends are right- you should write pro.
    Please dont give up

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  • From ANON - Princess Shido on April 25, 2004
    I'mk a devoted fan! I was hping to finish reading this story before your others but as it is incomplete i guess I 'll have them anyway! btw:GO JAN,YEAH!
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  • From ANON - babmidnight on April 25, 2004
    lol so reading and talking on the phone aren't a good idea. When Janessa got pulled into the dream, it was really believable. Thought she was in middle earth for real for a second there. It was when she was pulled back to the porch I r I realized it was just a dream. :) Keep writing, reviews or no reviews, it's really good, and has the talent of pulling the reader into the story. :)

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  • From ANON - Nilla Van on April 25, 2004
    I am not one of your friends, lol I just started reading this story today. Is rather interesting, though makes me a bit dizzy, going back and forth so much. I do admit to skipping most of the song lyrics stuff., but I kind of like the story line. Is quite different. Write on! Must take a cold shower now, WHEW!
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