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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - elfmaiden07 on April 25, 2004
    I seriously love this story. It's freaking awesome! Please write more!
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  • From ANON - trekqueen on April 25, 2004
    I wub you too!
    Legolas is so enjoying his pleasure sessions. :D
    Can't wait for the next installment... MORE MORE MORE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
    *ahem* sorry had to get that out. :D I'll just harass you on IM some more...

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  • From ANON - Oracle on April 25, 2004
    What are those three planning to do to poor little Arry and Wen?
    *hatches an evil plot, but then it proceeds to sprout legs and run away...*Hey, come back!
    Well, at any rate. Please continue, update faster with longer chapters. And while I'm dreaming, I want a poney, a boyfriend, lots of money, chocolate, and my own house...

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  • From ANON - heiders on April 25, 2004
    another excel cha chapter (look at me sucking up so i can get an update soon) and i hate cliffhangers!

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  • From ANON - Babmidnight on April 25, 2004
    lol, so evil...oh I feel for Aragorn...even though it hasn't happened yet! Now I do hope you write more because I really really want to know what your going to do to Aragorn... (payback is a bitch isn't it? lol) I find the link interesting. I get the feeling, the link in this chapter, might be what will pull Janessa to middle earth. If so I'm guessing that in maybe a few more chapters that we might have Janessa in middle earth. (guess that gives you another reason for you to write we can see how she gets to middle earth lol)

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  • From ANON - Thala on April 25, 2004
    that was such a funny chapter!
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  • From ANON - grace™ace on April 25, 2004
    AH!! This is so good. I love this story. Great chapter...
    Keep up the good work

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  • From ANON - Aranel3 on April 25, 2004
    twins rock, first time ive ever read of an elf pleasuring himself...hehe
    site wont let me review crux so i shall praise here, that line with celeborn saying 'enjoying Loriens finest?' or something like that was hilarious...or is my mind just in the gutter?

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  • From ANON - kirah-keeper-of-ice on April 25, 2004
    *puts on puppy dog face* Keep going? please? Need a little more persuading?
    Happy now?
    Ok, onto the actual review. One sentence might sum up what I am thinking (with no lack of adjectives, obviously); You are a hilarious (first adjective for ason)son), wonderful, creative wrriter.
    And, unfortunatley for me, I read fantairstirst, so it made very little (but some) sence to me. KEEP WRITING and I'll keep reviewing (like you're constantly asking.) And I reviewed a few chapters of fantasy.

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  • From ANON - Elerrina Rose on April 25, 2004
    I wouldn't consider a turned on Legolas a "problem" in MY hands. Heh heh... nice mental picture.
    BTW I love that Aragorn and Arwen are horny and mischeivous. Gotta love that Dunadain.
    What ever will the Ped twins do? I am on pins and needles in anticipation.
    Still devoted, still a fan :)
    ~Elerrina Rose

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  • From ANON - Miss Independent3 on April 25, 2004
    I like this chapter. It's funny. But bring Janessa and Legolas together already! Or at least let them meet each other or something! I'm getting impatiant. lol

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  • From ANON - Just me on April 25, 2004
    YEAH! Pester.
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  • From ANON - KnowInsight on April 25, 2004
    *amused smirks*
    Looking forward to more luv.
    Am ^_^

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  • From ANON - babmidnight on April 25, 2004
    good chapter. I could see a few lines that connected to real life. Some were funny too. :) You picked good songs for this chapter. Write more. :) now I just have your other chapters to catch up for the other fic. :)

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  • From ANON - Aranel3 on April 25, 2004
    T twi twins just crack me up!
    *imagining legolas waking me up*

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