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Reviews for Greenleaf & Imladris 9-Melethron: The Ancient Path

By : MPB
  • From ANON - Jayn on June 01, 2005
    The "madness" eh? well, damn, is it contageous? I'm sure many have it then. Lol. Luv it. Abosolutly LOVE your story!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Imzadi on March 26, 2005
    Where is the chapter 4?
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    Chapter VIII of 9
    Legolas' musings were interesting. He had surrendered control to another. Had been the sheath to the sword. Had he endured this or enjoyed it. Very important questions he has to answer before he can reconcile his upbringing with this new experience. My lover. Does he truly have deeper feelings or just confusion as to the turn of events.

    I think it would have been goor Ler Legolas to stay for Elrohir to wake up to. But then we would have had less angst on Elrohir's part. Regret, sacrifice; these words really show Elrohir's ambivalence of what just happened. He is satisfied physically now but at what cost to his friend. He should give Legolas some credit here, he isn't some fragile, soft, gentle creature to be coddled. He is a warrior and as he proved with Oreth perfectly able to handle himself. He did this out of love and friendship for Elrohir bec because he felt himself coerced. If he had felt forced he would have handled the situation like he did with Oreth. So he will cherich this new experience and reg regret it. And make himself available if needed in the future. Elrohir probably cares for Legolas even more after that interchange. Lover, brother, friend for always. So sweet.

    I am glad Legolas kept on an even keel. He had been introduced to many experiences by the twins and this is just one more, maybe. Time will tell on that one. I would like to commend you here on your use of time. So many stories take part over a short period of time. You use the centuries, even millenia to good use. Showing us the different time scale the elves operate on. I really like that. They aren't like men. They can wait and take their time over things. The twins have until Elrond leaves before they have to decide, well according to Tolkien, so you can play with all this time. I like that.

    I really enjoyed Legolas' conversation with his father. Yes the first night I had some doubts, first nighK. K. That was so cute.

    I was interested in the thought that Elladan was concerned not that Elrohir wanted a male but that the male was Legolas, a very close friend of theirs. This could wreck a beautiful friendship and for something that could prove to be shortlived while their friendship had lasted longer than any lover they had up to this point. That was a very good point to make.

    Would Thranduil disown Legolas for loving a male, because at this point males are not his choice but now he is not averse or disgusted with the idea. I am sure the king still feels this is not a good idea but no he would not disown his son for taking the ancient path. This is good because the prince has made up his mind to be there for Elrohir when needed.

    Ha the twins go Oreth good. Great ending. giggle

    I hope this made sense. I really need to go to bed now and I may be sleep deprived to the point that I am not coherent. If so sorry.

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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    I keep hitting the wrong button. I need to go to bed but I am determined to finish this part of your tale.
    Chapter VI of 9
    Now we get to the good part. The part we have been waiting for as well as Elrohir. Elf smut. I love it. These two had tongeongest foreplay in the history of Middle Earth. Well up to poor Arwen who waited almost three millenia for her lover.
    Well I started drooling from Elrohir on the balcony sans heavy robes, his lean and yet firmly muscled form more distinct. Oh my.
    I loved "You could have used the door." Snorfle.
    Then the room started getting very warm when you had Elrohir appreciate the beauty of Legolas lightly clad on his bed. His hair a golden stream down his back. Oh my Oh my.
    Having Elrohir replicate what Oreth had done was so great. Making Legolas prove that what Oreth wanted was base but what Elrohir wanted was not. Your largest sex organ is your brain. If you can't get it in sync with what you desire then no way can you enjoy yourself.
    The whole lovemaking scene was just beautiful. Elrohir didn't disappoint at all did he? He lived up to all the hype.
    Now they need a good long rest until next time. giggle
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    Chapter IV of 9
    ORCS - And they were having such a nice day. NOT. At least Legolas got to kill an orc that was going to kill Elrohir. That was sweet. They have now saved each other and can face each other with a clean slate. OUCH Elladan was not at all happy. Legolas tried, he really did.
    We have one really hurt twin here and he needs comfort, a lot of comfort, maybe more than comfort from Legolas. At least Elrohir won't be going anywhere really soon so this gives Legolas time to think things through. He needs time to decide what price he will pay for friendship. More angst and pain here. Really pile it on.
    Ah Legolas will go to adar for help. I am sure this is one conversation the king would just as soon not have with his youngest son. I really enjoyed your delineation of the king's thought processes throughout this whole discussion. "Our Elrohir!!!" After he manages to pick his jaw up off the floor he can become coherent and remember that Elrohir is like a son to him.
    OK - first the twins love of beauty and their physicality being entwined was lovely. The king has to point out that Legolas is indeed beautiful and that the twins have undoubtedly been drawn to that aspect of him. Legolas remembers all the times they have teased him unmercifully about it. That eases his despair a little.
    Second - the king muses on love and desire bringing frustration and bewilderment to all races not just this one sole elf. That enables him to help Legolas see that Elrohir bears no fault here if indeed he has fallen in love and not just lust.
    Third - Elrohir has kept this to himself for a long time, wanting to keep Legolas a friend and in no way harming the prince with desires he might not want to contemplate. That shows a deep regard for the prince and his friendship with him.
    Lots of nice things to put up on the plus side of this situation.
    I really liked Elrond Cel Celebrian having go soothe ruffled feelings or even heartbreak while their wayward sons cool their heels in other realms. That was so cute.
    So we have Legolas here thinking that maybe he can do this rather odd thing for friendship. Of course he could easily make things much worse than they are so he better think on this long and hard. giggle
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    Chapter 3 of 9
    Poor clueless, dim prince. Oreth has divined what Elrohir's feelings are just by watching Elrohir's actions. Legolas knows that the twins dally where their whims take them so why should he get all uptight when Oreth brings this up.
    So Legolas will take matters in to his own hands and search out why Elrohir has suddenly become so distant. I loved "You talk like a wizard. All allusion and no substance." Remember Legolas elves say both no and yo ano any question.
    So now Legolas wants plain speaking. But can he handle it? I really liked Elladan speaking so carefully. Elrohir in such pain and Legolas so slow to grasp what is going on here. Finally Elladan has to draw Legolas a map and we get "Why didn't I see it?" Well I suppose because you were not exposed to this way of life for one thing. "He is till my friend and dear to me as a brother." Well that is just not enough. Elrohir has had a long time to ove over his desire for Legolas and since he can't he probably is very serious about him.
    I would like to smack Oreth's face for the nasty little smirky look but maybe it is for the best. Legolas needs to cope with this in an adult elf way.
    OK It is truth time. This whole scene is just so beautifully written for both of them. We can see the hope, the desire in Elrohir and the denial from Legolas. The prince still doesn't get it at all. The great divide between them. The talking yet not connecting. "How do yoow Iow I can't help you" when only Elrohir really knows what this means for their future.
    Oh that was angsty. giggle
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    Chapter 2 of 9
    More Elrohir angst here. Elrohir's little problem. Well we all know it isn't lust anymore. Elrohir has cut a huge swath through Middle Earth so far so it must be love. Is love a problem? I guess unrequited love would be, especially for an elf who can fade from grief. So it is for this duo.
    Legolas creepip onp on them. He c hav have been an orc, oh my. That was cute.
    A Peredhil with nothing to say. Well he has something to say but Legolas might not like what he has to say, that's the trouble.
    Prolonged chastity. Oh yeah right. Let's face it for the twins chastity is not something they like to practice.
    Now this was such an interesting discussion about Legolas' feelings about things as they stand right now. The yin/yang of male/female coupling seems to be right to him. Oreth was debased not because of his desires but because is dis desire to dominate, subdue, force his attentions on others. Yet with Sirgon he did not want him to go to the Halls of Waiting unloved or uncared for. He will have long centuries to contemplate his life, fate and future and Legolas wanted him to carry something with him he could cherish. That was sweet but not very helpful for Elrohir. Legolas is still not willing to consider a wander down the ancient path.
    I don't know if Elladan should keep Elrohir's secret if he is going to fade. That would be a very unfair burden to place on your brother.
    Oh no spiders. I really hate spiders. I totally freak over little tiny ones and I am now scarred for life because of Shelob. She was just way too real acting.
    I did like the way Elrohir attacked the bad spider that was going to get Legolas with such sound and fury. Like one who was defending his mate. That was a very great observation for Elladan to keep in mind.
    This is getting great. giggle
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  • From ANON - giggle on May 22, 2004
    Chapter 1 of 9
    Well the twins are back in Mirkwood. Not Greod aod anymore. Too many orcs and spiders have made the Greenwood all dark and stif. S. Sigh.
    I loved that the twins are becoming more restrained. Ah youth. I am sure if you scratch the surface of their maturity there would be some elfling left to play some horrible prank.
    Captain Oreth picked on the wrong elf this time didn't he? Of course the way you described Legolas we can see why. All that imagery about his looks, his fragility but his warrior grace and litheness you can see why the Captain fell. Literally fell too. Elrohir just can't stand to think his prince might be in a little spot of trouble and he is shocked to find that Legolas was using himself as bait to trap the Captain. I guess someone had to. If Oreth is going around taking advantage of young elves who might not be able to defend themselves somebody has to stop him and who better than the king's son? I'm glad that Legolas nailed him. giggle
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  • From ANON - kirameki on January 07, 2004
    Woohoo! FInally some action |^_^| Whew, I'm still fanning myself. This was an excellent chapter in the series. I'm eager to know what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Lupusdragon on January 06, 2004
    This exceeded my expectations! It was, no... is, a true work of art. I cannot put words to how I feel about it, so I will just say this: I loved it!
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  • From ANON - Pervy Elf on December 06, 2003
    I must confess, I was absolutely hooked from the very first chapter (Not to mention the blue wine...). This story has me fervently hoping for the twins in the last movie, but that's not the point. Your story flows absolutely beautifully and your characterizations nearly mirror what's in my thoughts. It's not everyday that I find a story that has me obsessing about the next chapter while at work; and I have read more stories than I can remember. The tension that you have built throught the progression of your story is amazing. I could prattle on and on about how much I *adore* your story, but I must go read it again!

    Much, much praise and admiration,
    Pervy Elf
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  • From ANON - Anita on December 05, 2003
    "The first time!?" *bg*

    Luckily the 'morning after' turned out quite all right, again a very well dialogue between Elrohir and Legolas.

    I see there you will continue in the next part (duh...that's what people usually do in the next part...*hits herself on the head*) Anyway :)...I will wait for the next storyline! And with you, the wait is never long *g*
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  • From ANON - m on December 05, 2003
    so funny!
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  • From ANON - louise_oblique on December 05, 2003
    Way cool!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant! fantastic! Exceptional!!!! so glad you posted, yaaaaaaaaaaaay! lovely and can't wait for 'aftermath'. sorry short review got to go to uni and still trying to styop hiccuping, lol :)

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  • From ANON - gwil on December 05, 2003
    Thank you so much for another wonderful story! It was an absolutlely beautiful awakenof Lof Legolas and I love how you portray his relationship with his father. His honesty and frankness with his father is delightful and I love Thranduil's acceptance. I truly cannot wait for the next story.
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