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Reviews for The Beverly Hillbillies Go To Middle Earth

By : Sinda
  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on December 18, 2004
    Girl, you are too crazy!!! I have been rolling on the floor near tears! Growing up with the Bev. Hillbillies(I'm somewhat of a hillbilly myself-from Tennessee) I would never imagine such a pairing of characters! But it's so hilarious! I absolutely love poor Eomer's dilemma! Keep up the writing,Chica! Tengo que irme! Salud!(I must be off! Cheers!) Your redneck reader, Killer K JGEL:)
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  • From AnnaB on August 06, 2004
    I cannot remember when I have laughed this much ! You have an AWESOME sense of humor , and you absolutely PEGGED the characters ! This is a CLASSIC !!

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  • From ANON - Wanderer on July 23, 2004
    Well, what a ride! I totally understand all the niminations--this was one of the funniest storys I've ever read, in or out of fanficdom:)

    Sinda, you did a wonderful job meshing these two alien worlds together. Bravissimo!
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  • From ANON - Maiel on July 01, 2004
    I laughed the entire time I read this. Please write more!
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  • From ANON - Ithilin Palandiriel on June 23, 2004
    I am sooooooooo trying to suspend my disbelief here. And of course stop laughing so hard. Granny and Gollum? To much Simbelmyne liquor for you I think. heheheehe
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  • From ANON - Rozzan on May 30, 2004
    Aww Thank You Sinda for a very funny laugh out loud roll around in the chair tears leaking time. I enjoyed this very much.
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  • From ANON - Irena on May 29, 2004
    Okay, I admit it. I died laughing. I'm so glad I read this. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Wanderer on May 28, 2004
    Oh hurts! Reading this story is like watching a car accident in slow motion-----I just can't look away! Great Chapter 5, especially our newset female elf, haldir *giggles* too funny:)

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  • From ANON - DMS on May 20, 2004
    What is Granny's beef with the Uruk-hai? Did they steal some of her corn liquor?

    Life with Elly May ... a fate worse than death ... who'da thunk it?

    Who in Middle-Earth would appreciate Miss Jane's poise, intelligence, and kind heart? Maybe someone whose name begins with G?
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  • From ANON - Wanderer on May 12, 2004
    Ha! this'll teach Eomer not to be so devastatingly handsome! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
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  • From ANON - Tilara on May 10, 2004
    well i honestly didnt think this was going to be a funny story but that jethro is hilarious especially when he is around legolas. that was brilliant good job i cant wait to finish reading the story.
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  • From ANON - DMS on May 06, 2004
    Great stuff! Hee hee!

    Will Eomer soon have a close encounter with Jed's shotgun? Gotta give Elly May credit for good taste, though. Eomer is a much finer specimen of manhood than Sonny Drysdale.

    If Granny can best an Uruk-hai, how about a cave troll?

    It would be nice to see Hat Hathaway find happiness in Middle-Earth. And what about Jethro? Legolas *is* awful purty ... hmmmmm ...
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  • From ANON - Wanderer on May 04, 2004
    now this:
    Satisfied, he went to leave but decided that Miss Legolas didn’t look too comfortable with her clothes on. He’d undress her for bed. He took off the tunic and noticed that she seemed pretty flat-chested for a girl. Well, maybe he was just used to Elly May. He went to undo the leggings and noticed something strange. He reached his hand down and felt. Legolas moaned in his sleep. Frown Jet Jethro untied the elf’s laces and looked inside the leggings. His scream shattered the night and could be heard throughout most of Rohan.

    is classic. :) And the whole *watching Miss Hathaway is like looking at a car accident* thing....hilarious.....
    I can't wait to see what happens next!

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  • From ANON - Bec on May 03, 2004
    I just luv me a good comedy. Jethro has to steal the show, he was the biggest idiot then, he is the biggest idiot now. Lets site some examples:

    Legolas and Jethro first meet:

    The strange travelers were introduced to the members of the fellowship whi while Jethro thought Legolas had strange ears, he was otherwise enthralled.

    “Well, ah’ll be,” he said, looking at the flawless elf. “You’re a tall one, but you sure are be-ootiful.”

    Legolas raised an eyebrow, but remained silent.

    “Shy, too, ain’t ya darling?” Jethro tried to put his arm around Legolas who proceeded tply ply a back-fist to the man’s face.

    “So, yer gonna play hard to get, huh?” Jethro said, picking himself up off the ground. “Well, most women can’t resist me. You’ll just need to get to know me a little better.”

    Legolas slowly turned and looked at Aragorn, asking with his eyes if this human could truly be this dense.

    ROFL!! The way you wrote Jethro was pretty true to form. My favorite part was:

    Legolas sighed. “Jethro, obviously there has been some sort of a misunderstanding as to my gender…”

    “Gender? What’s that?” Jethro asked.

    “My sex…” Legolas explained.

    Jethros eyes got big. “Now Miss Legolas, I just barely done met you and you’re already talking about sex. I ain’t that kind of a boy! Let’s just slow it down a bit and get to know each other first. There’s no hurry!”

    What kind of boy are you, Jethro?? Maybe this explains it:

    Jethro was still talking to Legolas, who was having trouble getting out of his chair.
    et met me help you, Miss Legolas,” Jethro said, standing.

    “I need to go to my room,” Legolas said, trying to maintain his balance.

    Jethro’s face lit up. “You just tell me where!”

    Legolas barely got the directions out of his mouth before he passed out. Grabbing the elf, Jethro took off at a run. He found the room and closed and locked the door behind them.

    “Whoo-eee,” the man said, laying the unconscious elf on the bed. “You sure are purty when you’re asleep, too!” He patted Legolas’ cheek. “Wake up, Miss Legolas. At least give me one kiss.”

    No reaction. Jethro sighed and thought for a minute, then he thought some more. Thinking took a lot of work under normal circumstances but now it was even more difficult. After about ten minutes, the thought finally completed the circuits in his brain after skipping around a bit. He could kiss Miss Legolas and she would never even know it. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and leaned over, giving her a big kiss right on the mouth.

    Satisfied, he went to leave but decided that Miss Legolas didn’t look too comfortable with her clothes on. He’d undress her for bed. He took off the tunic and noticed that she seemed pretty flat-chested for a girl. Well, maybe he was just used to Elly May. He went to undo the leggings and noticed something strange. He reached his hand down and felt. Legolas moaned in his sleep. Frowning, Jethro untied the elf’s laces and looked inside the leggings. His scream shattered the night and could be heard throughout most of Rohan.

    Fell out of the chair, may have hurt something laughing so hard. I betcha THAT won't stop Jethro. I hope he says "Screw it" and becomes a pervy elf-fancier! Can't wait for more, UPDATE SOON PLEASE!

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  • From ANON - Sinda (reply) on May 02, 2004
    Ithilin - Miss Hathaway is familar with the books so it was her idea, but maybe I need to make that more obvious. Thanks for
    your ideas, by the way. The warg road kill was much better than rabbit would have been. Sinda.
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