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Reviews for Fading Future

By : Nimrauko
  • From ANON - topaz_kat on February 12, 2005
    I hope to see more of this. While the formating is a bit hard to read, the storyline is very intersting. I want to see what happens with regards to Haldir, perhaps he'll get chased off for good and leave poor Legolas alone, after all, he isn't is.

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  • From ANON - Galadriel on November 09, 2004
    Girl, dude, whatever... you're cracking me up! I was laughing so damn hard that I thought I'd choke. This is the fu**ing most absurd BadFic that I've ever read... LMFAO!!
    Legolas in a dress... Legolas about to getting married to Elladan... Legolas being able to get pregnant... and THEN this whole ritual thing with Elrond. Geez, where did you get those sick ideas? I did a very big mistake taking a sip of juice before reading that passage where Elrond tells las las what he's gonna do with him... I spit it all over my desk and almost choked ;D
    The Library of Moria Forums had a BadFic Challenge some time ago. You should have participated. Your chances to win would have been high.
    Again: ROFLLLL LMFAO! Fu**ing great!
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  • From ANON - greenleaf on September 30, 2004
    Just wanted to say that you have my interest ;) This is a very good beginning and I'd really like to read more! So pretty PLEASE update soon...please? :)
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  • From ANON - no one on September 27, 2004
    this was awesome! you have to keep going, you can't just leave your readers hanging with a story like this! please please please keep going!
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  • From on August 19, 2004
    Update soon man!! It's an awsome fic.!!!!!
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