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Reviews for Vanima Cunneth

By : Nimrauko
  • From jme24576 on September 23, 2012
    Poor Legolas! How could Haldir do that?! Oh please don't leave it hanging like this! I hope you haven't given up on this! It's so good! I hope they don't punish him for sneaking out (without his mantel)! Please update soon! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 09, 2007
    I still wish that there would be more chapters to this story. I love the start! Their relationship has a strange beginning. It would be interesting to see how it continues. Basically neither of them did nothing wrong based on their own customs.

    Please continue this story!
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  • From ANON - MysticHeero on January 16, 2006
    OMG I love this! I really would like to read an update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting patiently for such a long time now..... will you put me out of my misery? I really like the phermones and such effecting Haldir..... *drool* I can picture him ripping his clothes off with a Rawr! And asking to be "greased2 by Las.!
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  • From ANON - yukiya ayase on March 25, 2005
    only two words here:

    MORE PLEASE!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Topaz Kat on February 12, 2005
    Oh come on! You can't stop there! I really want to see this one continued, it needs a few more parts at least. Please update soon. The formating is a little hard to read, since all the paragraphs are squished together, but that's the only major downside that I see. Please update.
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  • From ANON - anonymous_fan on January 26, 2005
    please continue with this story i am very interested in seeing what happens next :0
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  • From ANON - Bishojo Shadow on November 24, 2004
    Hello, I am a fan of your stories reading them on Adultfanfiction and I’m pretty sure I have read them on as well and I was wondering if you plan on finishing Vanima Cunneth that story is amazing! It's one of the best LOTR fictions I have ever read (and I’ve read quite a few) I really hope you will update it! If you don't plan on updating that’s okay it is your time I realize, but please email me back and tell me weather or not you plan on continuing, thanks for your time!

    -Loyal Fan
    Bishjoshadow (happy member of ^_~) - Ginn

    P.S. I tried to email you but your email won't work with me! Please contact me!
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  • From ANON - greenleaf on September 30, 2004
    Please more? ;) *drooools* I like it so far.. Please write some more! :)
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  • From ANON - KC on August 28, 2004
    I love your fic plotline- I've always had a weakness for a submissive Legolas, and Haldir having those animalistic tendencies is pure genius. With a little beta work, your fic will be excellent, and I eagerly wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - gilleydunbar on August 15, 2004
    Excellent well-written opening.... now where do you go from here?... I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. I love your melding of wild animal instincts with elvish behavior... very intriguing.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 07, 2004
    This story is great, although it's obvious that you need a beta reader to check your spelling and grammar. I like the way you picture the interaction between characters and you are not restrained by what human must do. In other word, I like the idea of your "claiming" of Legolas by Haldir it's full of animal instincs. Those acts do happen in animal kingdom and when Haldir bit Legolas' neck during coupling, that reminds me of sea otter mating ritual. Enough for my rambling, the bottom line is I'm very impressed and I hope you'll update soon. BTW I've read your other story ;)
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  • From ANON - Tink on August 06, 2004
    This is great, I love it! Please update this soon, I want to know how it continues!! Will Haldir get to take Legolas again and is he pregnant now??
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  • From ANON - Haldir\'s Heart and Soul on August 05, 2004
    Don't get me wrong here,I love Haldir/Legolas pairings.But I never thought that Haldir could be so insensitive as to claim Legolas and not care at all of his feelings.
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