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Reviews for Balrogs, Butterflies & Bondings

By : DurOltha
  • From ANON - sbyte on May 30, 2005
    I love it. Glorfindel as Erestor's personal butterfly catcher. I could just picture the twins running around trying to nab a butterfly. Cute. Ah, but the scene in Glorfindel's bedroom. Very nice, as I'm certain Erestor would agree. The description of the mural was very well done. I just adore this fic and eagerly await the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Ertia on May 30, 2005
    Ooooh! How errr... delightful! To quote a certain advisor. :D Although, I think I might be a little creeped out to find a picture of myself looking all sultry like at Glorfindel's bed! Well...maybe creeped out isn't exactly the right word. But I love the repainting of the mural in Erestor's room! How very charming!
    Ewww! 9 am to midnight? Yuck. I'm only doing my usual 9-6, and no mailing so it should be an easy day. And then I'll head over to the Chamber of Commerce B-B-Q and fireworks display. Certain advantages to living in a resort town, really. In the meantime, I have a lovely Elven Lord who looks wonderful all tied to my bed with this wonderful pattern of multi-coloured jelly bellys all over him. I must come up with an appropriate punishment in case he struggles and ruins the pattern. Any ideas?
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  • From ANON - nikkiling on May 30, 2005
    Holiday? There's a holiday? *grin* I always end up working Memorial day myself. Such is they way with retail.
    As far as this lastest chapter... *sigh* So sweet. And the murals were a nice touch. I was laughing quite hard at the image of Glorfindel with a sword and butterfly net.
    So... do we get a bit of Legolas and his sister soon? As much as I'm eager to confront the butterfly issue, I need some Leggy! *smirk*
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  • From ANON - Gingitsune on May 29, 2005
    Heheh I burst out laughing when I read about the new mural on Erestor's bedroom. Glorfindel, the butterfly catcher indeed! Lol. A few comments that I want to make though they are not meant to be criticism but rather constructive advice =) Well, I noticed a few typo errors in the latest chapter so you might want to run a spell check or something. I also felt that the relationship between Glorfindel and Erestor seemed to have gotten intimate in a very fast period. Hehe then again maybe it's just me. Love your story though. The ideas of Erestor being afraid of butterflies and Glorfindel being afraid of paper cuts are very refreshing indeed. And I appreciate the fact that you have been getting the chapters out really fast. Thank you! *huggies*
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  • From ANON - nikkiling on May 29, 2005
    Aaawwww!! That's so cute! Paper cuts; yes those things are quite amazing really. Such a little, tiny wound, and yet they hurt like the bloody blue blazes! Working with books, I've had my share. Nasty little things....
    And I loved Glorfindel's brief commanding tone. Oooohhh...just sent shivers up my spine. *grin*
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  • From ANON - Lauand on May 29, 2005


    Yours is not the best piece of fanfiction I've ever read, but I find the "butterflies" thing really intriguing, and though sometimes your fic is a bit typical, it has some very interesting ideas and pretty good replies between characters. In general is pleasant to read and I will be waiting impatiently to know what the secret of Erestor fears is. Please, keep on writing and updating this often! Yours,

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  • From ANON - Ertia on May 29, 2005
    Teeheeee...paper-cuts! Well, as a bookseller who gets at least one a day, I understand that!
    Thanks for the best wishes. I'm holding up all right. It helps to be able to come in here and escape for a bit!
    And while Anon has made some excellent suggestions to improve readability, your story-telling ability is wonderful and has improved amazingly over the time you've been posting stories here. I always look forward to MORE! :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 29, 2005
    I'm sorry, it looks like the last half of my review didn't come out. I had added at the end that I think this could be a really good story with a few minor adjustments like that :)
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  • From ANON - katy on May 29, 2005
    Happy sigh, i got my BB&B fix.
    So, what? Thranduil will fall in love with Elrond right? Right? :)
    OOOOH how about the twins!?!?!?! Legolas? am i right? huh? huh?
    NO THE TWINS WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH LEGOLAS' SISTER!? both of them!!??? Or just one?
    but who will be with Legolas!!!??
    put me out of my misery and update soooooooon.

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  • From ANON - Anon on May 28, 2005
    The story itself isn't bad at all, but I think you might benefit from a beta-reader to check over some of your grammar. There's a couple of simple points that could pick this story right up :)

    --> Elrohir shrugged "I know not. I just know that adar wants the hole ready and is going to let the elleth pick, I think he wants her to feel comfortable, she is a wood elf after all and Adars balcony is right above us and..." the younger twin paused and blinked at his brothers expression "...what" 'He said, "What are you doing?"' or 'He shouted, "Stop that!"' 'Elrohir shrugged. "I know not."'

    If you're finishing a sentence, either in speech or outside it, you need some kind of punctuation mark: --> 'The younger twin paused and blinked at his brother's expression. "What?"' or 'He cried, "Hey, stop that!"' or 'He whispered, "Perhaps it will not be so bad."'

    If something belongs to somebody, it needs an apostrophe: --> "Adar's balcony", or "his brother's expression"
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  • From ANON - Ertia on May 28, 2005
    Doh! A butterfly screen? Now why didn't I figure that out? You'd think I was thinking of jelly bellies and Elven Lords or something!
    Awww...poor Elrond... a loveless bond with a pretty blond elleth who doesn't seem to keen on it, either. Perhaps Elrond can convince Thranduil to give her to Elladan instead? :D
    Thanks for the warm wishes. My father is still critical, and the doctors really can't say much. My brother is there now, so I'm home for a few days, catching my breath. It could be a very long haul. Everyone has been so supportive, it's just amazing!
    Thanks again!
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  • From ANON - Gingitsune on May 28, 2005
    That was a very sweet and considerate thing that Glorfindel did for Erestor. Poor Elrond. Hehe Will Legolas manage to find a loophole that allows his sister to marry either Elladan or Elrohir. Hmm......hahah maybe Legolas can end up marrying Elrond instead! =) Can't wait to see your next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Sheeijan on May 27, 2005
    LOL, I thought the big picture of Glorfindel dying was kind of creepy too. It's such a violent scene, after all, to have in the bedroom. But I loved Glorfindel's question about how he'd feel with a butterfly mural. *evil grin* But what was all the measuring about? Erestor never even asked!

    Legolas and his sister are so cute. I love that he's looking for the loophole, and his deviousness. My, he's going to be a handful in Imladris!
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  • From ANON - aglarien on May 27, 2005
    More! More I say! Oh I love the cute little Erestor and big, strong Glor! Want more now!
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  • From ANON - nikkiling on May 26, 2005
    I must say, you do have a way with words. I love it when Glorfindel tells Erestor that having that mural is creepy. And are you going to have Legolas say 'Eeew' in this fic too at some point? I just love it when he does that! *grin* I can just see it in my head, and it's so cute! Just like Glorfindel's 'That is creepy'. And Legolas' love of chocolate... It's the little things, you know? I just love little details! Especially cute ones!
    And I thank you for your compliment. I'm glad you're enjoying my little piece of fluff. (Hmmm... only I would call something like that fluff... ah well. Wait 'til you see the NEXT one I have planned! Bwa-ha-ha! *evil grin*)

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