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Reviews for Mael-Gul

By : Aislynn
  • From ANON - Lanta on April 06, 2006
    I love this fic! And those flashbacks were heartbreaking - poor Legolas! Personally I think he should tell Aragorn about that potion or whatever it was - stop him drinking more in the future!
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  • From ANON - Calenharn Elflover on April 05, 2006
    Well, okay. So Aragorn *wasn't* a pure lily-white innocent by the time they got around to extending the spell. Still, it is undeniable that he acted from good intentions in quaffing the potion, whereas Elrond acted with evil intentions in silencing Legolas, and allowing Aragorn to proceed. Justice demands that the Valar impose a stiff penalty on Elrond for all that he has done, but the bloodthirsty part of me doubts that anything They would do could be worse than what has already been done to Legolas. (Spend all eternity in the Halls of Waiting? Others have *chosen* that fate. Ban him from Valinor altogether? Well *dubiously* a possibility - though Elrond is a cosmopolitan sort and would get along well (enough) in the World of Men. Reverse the Choice that he made? Hmmm....)

    It's sad that once they were on their own, Aragorn subsequently decayed/declined/degenerated into thinking that he truly "owns" Legolas. You would think that would prompt Legolas to fade from heartbreak, but it seems that fading of any kind is blocked by the spell.

    Truly, I am wondering how all of this is going to play out once the evil spell is broken. (It *is* going to eventually be broken, isn't it?) Do all of the victims finally fade? *ponders if it is possible to "fade in sheer relief"* That would sort of be like the Ring's Last Laugh!

    Happy at the swift update, and looking for more...
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  • From ANON - Ertia on April 05, 2006
    Ah! Phew. Good to have AFF back up, even if it absolutely sucks for load-times and is timing-out more often than not.
    I'm sooo glad to see this story continued. And as always, you've so clearly set the scene and told the story that I wasn't distracted at all by the flash-back sequencing. It DID get a bit hard to read, especially the initial corruption of Estel- but I think that was my own squeemishness, not anything to do with your brilliant writing! I just want to weep for Legolas, and... well... I kinda want to kick Aragorn in the shins. But I'll try to restrain myself.
    You weave this story so well, setting out the layers of characterization, that Estel's transition from kindly boy to harsh master seems perfectly natural, as does Legolas' transition from broken slave, to hopeful lover, and back to broken slavery. Very well done!
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  • From ANON - nightbreeze on April 04, 2006
    I would not want to be in Elrond's shoes when he sails west. As a matter of fact I don't think he should.
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  • From ANON - Calenharn Elflover on April 02, 2006
    Evil Elrohir.

    It's sad that Legolas had to all but beg Estel to go along with it - to protect his people.

    So Elrohir *starts* Aragorn down the path, but I gather that it is going to be Elrond (with his evil potions, when the spell is extended) that makes it a path of no return. With Aragorn like a lamb to the slaughter - all unknowing, until he is well and truly caught.

    I'm still bemused that the twins are going to (had actually *planned* to) give Legolas to Aragorn. Despite their cruelties, despite their warped psyches, perhaps there is still a small bit of good left buried in them - good that resists the Ring-induced corruption that seems to have tainted all of Imladris (excepting Glorfindel, of course!). One bit of hope in this bleak tale.

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  • From ANON - nida on February 11, 2006
    How I love this story more and more. It’s good to see Aragon jealous and feel regret. I feel sorry for Boromir, Don’t you think his gentleness to our dear elf should have gained at lease a bit recognition. As for Aragon’s special gift to the elf, well I know it’s intended to show how he loved Legolas, still I had a feeling that he did it more just to keep his slave‘s trust and affection of him. Aragon had to try harder if he wanted to convince me that he loved his elf unconditionally. One thing (among many others) I like to compliment you here is the way and the time you put the flashbacks. It helps building emotions a lot. Just in the last 2 chapters, young Aragon and Legolas were so sweet to each other and it really brought tears into my eyes when I read this chapter seeing how Legolas remained love and faithful to his lover even though his young sweet Aragon had changed. I hope when Legolas is free from the spell (if it fortunately happens at all), they would have sweet and gentle love makings, ones without pain and submission. I look forward to that and of course to the update.
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  • From ANON - nightbreeze on February 08, 2006
    This is a crime second only to the first kinslaying. Why is Namo silent?
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  • From ANON - Calenharn Elflover on February 08, 2006
    Another excellent chapter.

    Boromir is angry, and jealous. *Aragorn* is angry, and jealous. (Well, at least he was for a while. But I'm willing to bet that those feelings aren't done with.) And Legolas is inescapably caught between the two of them. It will be interesting to see how this triangle develops.

    It was touching to see truly how much Legolas loves, and is devoted to, Aragorn - enough so that he is willing suffer pain, just so that Aragorn can get off. (!!) If nothing else, this chapter conclusively proves the point re Aragorn's potency (or, rather, lack thereof, unless his sadistic side is fed).

    All of us would like to see Legolas freed from the spell, but the only chance of that ever happening (short of divine intervention), is with the destruction of the One Ring. Of course, this is only a hope, but I rest that hope on the premise that it was Vilya's power (rather than any native power or other sorcery of Elrond's) that effected/effects the spell. Just as (canonically) the towers of Mordor (and Sauron's other works) came to ruin with the destruction of the One Ring, and just as the power of the Three faded with the destruction of the One Ring - then so too (hopefully) any spells wrought with Vilya would come to naught.

    But while Legolas might someday be freed from the spell, there are some things, I think, that cannot be undone. One of them is the damage wrought to Aragorn's psyche (and probably Legolas' as well - decades of sexual slavery cannot be shrugged off without lasting effect). Aragorn's sadism has been positively reinforced for however many decades (60 odd years, was it?), and from everything that I have read, there is no turning back from that. Those neural pathways are well and truly set. And so, even if Legolas were freed of the spell, he and Aragorn could never have a sexual relationship untainted by sadism.

    Elrond has much to answer for.


    To depart from this chapter, that was a very interesting explanation re Elrond's hatred for Thranduil (and Legolas). As you pointed out, Thranduil is not the only Elven ruler that is Ringless (and hence a free agent), but perhaps (due to proximity, if nothing else) he is more of a threat to Sauron than Cirdan is/would be.

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  • From ANON - midnighteyes on February 05, 2006
    Just love this story.. Its very different then what i've been reading.. Please keep it up!!!
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  • From ANON - Ertia on February 04, 2006
    WOW! Amazing as always!
    I think this is my favorite chapter yet. I had to read it twice to catch all the sublties that were going on. Poor Legolas! Poor Aragorn, so deep in his own spell that he can't see a way beyond it. And Legolas' heartbreak when he realizes Aragorn isn't aroused by him, only by his submission.

    I so look forward to new chapters of this story. You have no idea.
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  • From DrkDreamer on January 20, 2006
    Good Grief - I swear I thought I checked for updates every day but I missed the last chapter. So, now I'm commenting on 32 and 33.

    Excellent, excellent! As awful as Estel has been in some of the past chapters, it's so good to see why Legolas loves him.

    Of course, the mystery of how Estel will react to the Baromir/Legolas pairing is still hanging over our heads... And now the horror of Elrond finding out that Estel loves Legolas.

    You're doing such a great job keeping your readers on the edge of their seats. {grin}

    Hurry, hurry - please, please!
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  • From ANON - Calenharn Elflover on January 19, 2006
    "The next kiss felt like finally, wonderfully coming home at last."


    Those were two lovely chapters. Young love - but a love soon to be destroyed by Elrond. (Grrrrr.) Bless Glorfindel for his warning and concern. I can even feel somewhat more mellow towards the twins - knowing as they did what was going on between Estel and Legolas, but not saying (or doing) anything about it.

    I am a bit confused though, as I thought somewhere earlier in the tale, it was implied that the twins demonstrated (various unspecified but probably including painful acts) on/with Legolas to satisfy Estel's curiosity. So maybe that is something yet to come, after Elrond binds Estel and Legolas together through the spell? After when (presumably) Estel first starts down that slippery sadistic slope?

    Another dangling bit I would like explained is just why Elrond hates Legolas so much. I seem to recall mention that Legolas reminded Elrond of Thranduil, but surely that can't be reason enough?!

    Going back to the previous installation (before these two chapters), it belatedly occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, those visions haunting Aragorn aren't real. After all, in the real Quest things never got that desperate (and I suspect that had they all made it to Mordor, it would not have been either). So if it is not a realistic vision, then what? Could it be.... maybe.... that the Ring was producing those visions? It's an intriguing thought. The Ring seems to be able to read hearts, so it must know about Aragorn and Legolas, and it must know about Boromir's lust for Legolas, so maybe it produced those visions to prompt Aragorn to bind Legolas to Boromir (well, other Quest members) via the spell. In one fell swoop it thereby sets up one big nasty situation between the three of them: Legolas hurt and grieved by Aragorn's actions, Aragorn angry at Boromir (I would also say feeling guilty, except he doesn't seem to *have* any sense of guilt about it all), Boromir (even though he is getting what he wants, physically) growing jealous of Aragorn (because of Legolas' devotion to him). Can the Ring put all these bad feelings to good use? Hmmm. (It may not be what is really going on, but I thought it was an interesting possibility.)

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  • From ANON - nida on January 18, 2006
    It's a sweet flashback of how they fell in love with each other. Estel was cute in these 2 latest chapters. I hope you can produce a good reason of how he adopted such a sadistic taste. I also wonder if there's a flashback of when Estel first met Arwen and what was his reaction. I'm just so curious to know which one Estel loved more between Arwen and our poor elf. After reading these 2 flashbacks, I can accept Estel more than before and hope that they could be happily together at the end, though I know this is not your plan.

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  • From ANON - Ertia on January 17, 2006
    Any time you want to turn out chapters as beautiful as this one, I can be as patient as you'd like! The image of Legolas, standing over Estel and fighting to save his life - WOW - gave me chills! Pretty angry at Elladan and Elrohir right now for putting their brother in such a place to be humiliated! And even angrier at Elrond for destroying what happiness Aragorn and Legolas had found.
    All right, I'll withhold on kicking Boromir anymore until he does something to REALLY deserve it! *wicked grin*
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  • From ANON - Luna on January 14, 2006
    I love it, I love Legolas in this story.
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