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Reviews for Dulce et Decorum

By : laeglass
  • From writersareINSANE on August 26, 2007
    Daaang! Will you please update? For me? I really like this story! It actually has PLOT! And I mean like a real plot that you can get involved in, and I really like the way you've inserted the actors into the characters' roles. It makes it very interesting, seeing if I can recognize the name from the movie without actively looking it up. But one question: Why'd you insert Jude Law into it? He's not in any of the movies. And I'm sad that Elijah had to die. Ah, well. The sacrifices your characters make for a good story.

    Update soon!

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  • From ANON - Kadan on June 02, 2006
    I have to say this story is the most well written intriguing story i have ever read, and believe me when I say I have read ALOT lol :)
    You truly are an amazingly talented person. As of yet i have only read the first 2 chapters and im already so into your sory...the plot...the way introduced each new event...EVERYTHING is just truly amazing.
    I will be looking forward 2 each new chapter.
    Dulce et Decorum is going to be one of those stories I remember and will want 2 read again and again :)
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  • From ANON - twodiffsocks on February 02, 2006
    ooooo loving the story & the twist. lookin 4ward 2 another chapter. great work!
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