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Reviews for The Teacher

By : pip
  • From ANON - Anon on February 22, 2007
    please write another chapter soon, i want to know what happens! love this,

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  • From Laurefindel on February 03, 2007
    I love it! I know i have said this before but the descriptions are so beautiful - this is from someone who doesn't often read desriptive passages. I am intrigued about legolas's and elronds agreement and what thranduils letter contained. has elrond agreed to be legolas's love slave or something as a payback for something in the past perhaps? The cherry blossom bit was so sweet.

    Sending Mel the elfling round with a bag of 50p pieces. Hugs Binky x
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  • From Laurefindel on January 21, 2007
    I've just read your disclaimer - 'personally wash the elves down'ROFL !!!!

    Oropher is so sweet and playful and Elrond needs to get his 'I am a mature elf' stick out of his ass. I wonder will Legolas be as sweet?

    Lovely writing as usual - is Erestor still with you with that big black whip? lol

    Hugs Binky x
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 02, 2007
    love it, more please!!!
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  • From ANON - chaotic_binky on December 31, 2006
    Again you have written something beautiful and left us with a bit of a cliffie. You dont have to kill Oropher if you dont want to - just make it AU *grins* - looking forward to more - sending Erestor with his black leather whip to help you write faster hehehehe
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  • From ANON - lady cel on December 27, 2006
    hey an othe chapter!!!*happy*
    do you know that it can happen that you get addicted to a story? Well it certanly happens if one read your! So go on!
    lady cel
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  • From ANON - chaotic_binky on December 27, 2006
    You have made Oropher a fully rounded elf that is far removed from the rigid, unloving and harsh elf of most fanfiction. In your story he is capable of love, insecurity and happiness. This is nice because it doesnt stick to the confines of fanon familiarity but pushes away the boundaries and is all the better for that.

    *hugs* tx Binky x
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  • From ANON - chaotic_binky on December 26, 2006
    So you found a title - one that is an enigma for the moment lol

    You know already that I love this series - so quick, quick, quick! write some more lol

    *hugs* binky x
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  • From ANON - cel on December 26, 2006
    he that is a good story. please write on it really looks interresting!
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