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Reviews for The Wanted Series

By : Heidi
  • From ANON - hazel on June 28, 2005
    so this is myself. the author. if anyone wishes to read more of my stories i'm afraid i'm going to have to direct you to my own website for i've lost my password and none of the moderators are able to find it for me. haha. so if interested, go to where i've got all my fanfiction listed. for example there are two more chapters to the wanted series.

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  • From ANON - J.J. on July 22, 2003
    I can't believe no one has reviewed this fic. Well I love it so far and i would really like it if you continue with it.
    Everything seems so complicated just like a tango of three would be.
    And for all those other people out there, typing a few words of appreciation isn't really that difficult turs me.

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