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Reviews for Winnowing

By : XxLadyGreyxX
  • From ANON - aimless on February 08, 2004
    Very, very well written story. You described well the horrors of war and its effects on the spirit. I liked that you showed us a vulnerable side to Legolas and that the war scarred him deeply. Your description of his recovery from his depression was well thought out and brilliantly written. The final paragraphs brought a tear to my eyes. Bravo!
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  • From Nanamar on October 07, 2003
    All I have to say is WOW!!! This story was so heart warming, and I loved it. Thanks so much for writing it. It was a rare treat to see a fic that takes place after the fellowship.
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  • From ANON - gwil on September 27, 2003
    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this story. It was both beautiful and moving. Despite the death at the end you managed to make it heart-warming. Thank you for posting and I'll be saddened to see it taken off of despite the rating.
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  • From ANON - spiffy on September 27, 2003
    Lovely work!
    Thank you for your hard work. . .
    You're welcome to write more for us, you know!

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  • From ANON - Vi Janaway on September 27, 2003
    It is 10 a m on a bright, beautiful Saturday morning, and i can't stop the tears.
    This story picked me up and shook me. Gentle, kind, poignant, strong, powerful.....
    Ever faithful Legolas...on the last one to pipe him home....just the memories
    on a last, soft, sweet breeze.
    Thank you
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  • From XxLadyGreyxX on September 26, 2003
    I just wanted to add a thank you here for all of you that took the time to review Winnowing. It really means a lot to me. ;)
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  • From ANON - Ash on September 07, 2003
    Awe... That was a very sweet chapter. So when are you gonna write more? I love this story so much. ps sorry I took so long to review. The modem in my computer was blown and it took me a while before I could go into the city and get one. Write more soon please!
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  • From ANON - Steph on August 25, 2003
    I was about to go to bed, and I thought I'd check for a good story to read before I did. I'm glad too, because this is one of my favorites. I love Elrond/Legolas, and your story, being after the war, is original and lovely. I really appreciate the interaction between the two, and the gradual build of comfort they gain from eachother. I know you have a life, and can't stay glued to your computer, but please update soon! I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 06, 2003
    I'm enjoying this very much, and hope you continue. Your charcterization of Elrond rings true, and I'm loving his and Legolas' interaction.
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  • From ANON - Ash on July 29, 2003

    Awe .....! That was so sweet and sad I loved it! You almost had me crying, please write more very soon.
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  • From ANON - Steph on July 28, 2003
    I'm so glad you updated! I love this story. There is not enough Elrond/Legolas fiction on the net, but I think they make a beautiful pairing. I really appreciate the sentimental aspect of your fic and the gentle and caring characterization of Elrond.

    Thank you again for the story
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  • From ANON - Vermillion on July 23, 2003
    Oh, this is good, very good. So sad, so sweet. The description of the battlefield was very vivid. Gave me the shivers. Please hurry with more.
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  • From ANON - narcolinde on July 19, 2003
    please write more, this is so heartbreakingly gentle and sad.
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  • From ANON - Ash on July 16, 2003
    Awes! That was so sweat! Another excellent chapter, please continue soon!
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  • From ANON - Lady of Legolas on July 16, 2003
    Ow,that's sweet of Elrond singing to Legolas.
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