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Reviews for Cuil Eden

By : Esteliel
  • From ANON - li on June 15, 2004
    so pretty,I think i like glorfindel more than ever
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  • From ANON - anna on June 10, 2004
    Bitte, bitte, bitte wir warten alle sehnsüchtig auf die nächsten kapitel! Du bist eine fantastische Autorin, es macht irre Spass
    deine Storys zu lesen! Ich muss zugeben, daß ich hoffe, daß Legolas allen irgendwann zeigt, was in ihm steckt, vor allem denen, die geglaubt haben auf ihn herabuen uen zu dürfen!
    Danke für alle deine herrlichen Storys und alles Liebe!
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  • From ANON - spinifex on May 18, 2004
    Gosh, those are two messed-up Elves. Their relationship is pretty warped too, though fascinating in a sick kind of way. I really don't like Glorfindel, he is a callous brute who doesn't care a fig for Legolas. He just likes the idea of "owning" him, like a big live doll. I bet he tortured puppies when he was a kid. And I really feel sorry for Legolas, life has been pretty rotten to him. And his son is going to really suffer when growing up, with everybody around him remembering how his parents were.
    Your story is great. I like the total unflufiness of it and the way you don't try to make Glorfindel sympathetic. He's a beautiful monster, that's what he is, and those types exist in real life too.
    I hope you'll update soon, and will you try to develop Erestor's character? I thought the way you portrayed him rather interesting. I wonder if he is so bitter because maybe he too was once Glorfindel's lover, but maybe was able to break up before it was too late? Now, THAT is a fascinating idea...
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  • From ANON - Pirate Bitch nut on May 10, 2004
    Damn, I really liked that chapter. The way you made Legolas's epiphany, sort of made it sound like he was in love...*hope*
    :) Great chapter.
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  • From ANON - noizy on April 23, 2004
    YAY, finally a new chapter .. and it was definitely worth waiting. :)

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  • From ANON - Bec on April 20, 2004
    That was Abso-f'ing-lutely hot! Almost makes me think that another baby could be in the works! I love this story almost as much as Anestel. Update soon please!?!?!?!?!?!?
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  • From kirameki on April 20, 2004
    I've said it twice, I'll say it again! It was simply Brilliant! ^_^ Me wants more yummy elf sex. muahaha.
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  • From ANON - Pixel Pixie on April 20, 2004
    Sometimes this story is almost too sad to read. Just when I have hope that Glorfindel will finally show Legolas a little tenderness and love, it turns into another callous bout of possessive lust and brutality. I realize that Glorfindel, at times, shows a little bit of kindness but it is usuallreacreaction to his own guilt and not because he desires to do so. I just wish he could see Legolas as more than just ang tng to be used. I have to wonder why Legolas has not begun to fade by now. Glorfindel is like an only child with an old toy; he really doesn't care for it, he just doesn't want anyone else to have it. And now, Legolas is starting to think this is acceptable. I'm not sure if I can keep reading. It is just too heartbreaking.
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  • From ANON - Tamarah on April 20, 2004
    Oh thank you ! Thank you for another chapter. I couldn’t wait for an update. The story is such a wonderful masterpiece. I wish you would update more often because waiting is a torture...
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  • From ANON - Taelin on April 13, 2004
    This is a wonderful story! I love your style, and I must admit, I like this pairing. I have actually read the prequel to this twice now, and may do so more times. I look forward to future updates on this series! I'll try not to lurk so much anymore.
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  • From ANON - pingu on April 11, 2004
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  • From stargazer on March 28, 2004
    lovely lovely story. I am greatly impressed with this series. I hope you continue with the wonderful work.
    ~ Stargazer
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  • From ANON - Chloe Amethyst on March 28, 2004
    I am a true Anestel/Cuil Eden addict. It has been fascinating to watch this relationship evolve, as well as watching the feelings of the characters change as we go along. The exploration of the power dynamic continues to be always interesting and the erotic charge never lets up. It's hard sometimes to write such a "dom" character and make him sympathetic, but with Glorfindel you've truly succeeded. And Legolas' gradual tranformation from unwilling captive to willing "sub" has been great to watch. Thanks for all the great work on this continuing saga.
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  • From ANON - Awww on March 26, 2004
    Awwww.... I got so excited when I thought you had updated again so soon!! But no - the fates have left us still with such a painful cliffhanger!! Please don't keep us (and Legolas) waiting much longer!!
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  • From ANON - kirameki on March 25, 2004
    Jeez, these two have one warped relationship. Although it certainly makes things interesting. What Legolas feels he has to do to feel safe is ridiculous. My gosh, in order to stay relatively safe he has to get hurt. It's such a contradiction. Like their whole relationship. Anyways, it's good. I wanna see more baby interaction, though! Such a cutie. *sighs dreamily* Is it just me, or do these two seem to have multiple personalities? -_-; Anyways, More please. *puppy dog eyes*
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