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Reviews for My Own

By : Rainchilde
  • From ANON - Rogue on July 13, 2004
    I was hoping it was Eomer. I dunno why there's just somethin kinky about incest. That was deliciously done and I hope you are doing quelquel. I can't wait! Great job on such a good fic!
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  • From ANON - Anke on March 17, 2004
    Ha! Nearly guessed it, but not quite! I did think, for the first couple of paragraphs, that it was Gríma, but Éowyn would simply not have yielded to the Wormtongue, noway, nohow. Had to be someone else. I would've bet on Théodred, but that _was_ rather éomerish behaviour.
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  • From ANON - Julia on July 26, 2003
    You had me fooled there right down to the last sentence.
    Very well written, but a touch to disturbing for my taste, probably because it was so very convincing. I long for a sequel where Grima get's to rip Eomer a new one. Or an orc. Someone. Nothing tops up a nice rapefic like the rapist ending up with his dick nailed to a tree. (Right, make it a stable post. Rohan has too few trees.)
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon on July 09, 2003
    I LOVE EOMER/EOWYN PAIRINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fic is so powerful and the feelings felt in it are very possible if one looks at the movies and the characters reactions/personalities. I have a thing for sibling incest and you wrote this so beautifully, it can't just hang here, it must be fleshed out, such as her thoughts on it and her brother and his desire for more of her which I'm sure he feels. How is she going to react to his wanting more of her????? Is she going to react to him badly, angrily, shut off, tell, revenge or want him, crave him & hurt him???????? This is so not finnished it's not even funny.... Once again, beautifully done, not overdone etc & so forth....... (No, I never felt at any point that it waima,ima, she would never allow him near her like she would her brother........... were is this going to go... that is what I want to know....)
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  • From ANON - white raven on June 13, 2003
    I admire your bravery for tackling not one, but two very controversial issues within one fic. It was very well written and I felt you treated it very realistically. The brutality of Eomer's reactions, as well as his thoughts, seemed fitting to the scene, and Eowyn's reactions seemed on par. I knew it was Eomer within the first couple of paragraphs. You left a hint regarding incest in your A/N and the one line that he was the beloved of both king and heir ruled out Theodred.

    While the ideas of rape and incest make my hair stand on end, I decided to read this fic to see how a writer would tackle it. You are very talented, and I imagine that if you handle such difficult topics so well, you must be quite extraordinary with less controversial and frightening subjects. Hope to see more from you.
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  • From ANON - Arabwel on May 03, 2003
    A great story you have here... A really good one. Unfortunately, I did not think it was Grima. I thought "Éomer" from the first mopment I read trhe word "rape"... For some mysterious reason, I associate every fic where Eowyn gets raped with Eomer... (I am a sick bitch) Maybe it's due to the fact that I am a huge fan of Grima? :D This is good. Very, very good. :D
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  • From ANON - Bungie on March 10, 2003
    I know it was him! I for some kinky reason liked that very much
    please contune if you can!
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  • From ANON - Deborah on March 05, 2003
    Well, I certainly thought what you expected me to think about the pairing. But, I kept wondering, how was it that Eowyn the sword-lady wasn't strong enough to resist? And then at the end I realized...
    Very nicely done.
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  • From ANON - tanya on February 14, 2003

    I love it. Write more, lots more. Love the dark stuff, so little of it to be found, especially delicious, brutal claimings of innocent sisters.


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  • From ANON - Isa on February 14, 2003
    Actually, I was hoping it was Eomer the whole time.
    Got what I wd.
    Good work!
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