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Reviews for The Gap between Us

By : Bombay
  • From ANON - Shivawn on October 03, 2005
    OhEmGee! THIS IS SO KEWL! I can't wait for more! AHHH! ::squee:: This is the kewlest story I have EVER read! Fairy Tale, etc. So kewl! Umm...Yeah, just update...I'll be waiting in lots of suspense hehe I love the ending of this chapter...with the portraits and little Estel (such a cute name! hehe) kind of finding out about Aragorn and Legolas. I really can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Crowesaga on August 20, 2005
    It is always hard yo give a review after the first chapter so please post a few more. I do think this sound interesting.
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