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Reviews for Fallen

By : pip
  • From ANON - Aya Holbytla on October 30, 2021

    Dear goodness, how much am I loving this story so far? A lot! Going into this website is the best thing ever, because I get to read such treasures like this. Dear goodness, the dialogue is beautiful, the plot is so... amazingly written! Perhaps even tragic and so so sad, knowing what's happening to Legolas and Maglor and being so uncertain about what might come next--but damn, if I didn't love every single word.

    The smut? Hot. The sex scenes' impact on the characters' developments? Fucking outstanding.

    All of the kudos to you, dear author! Thank you for letting us read such a wonderful story <3

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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 28, 2016
    Okay I'm back so on to...

    Chapter 23, I knew Sauron couldn't stay away from Maglor... God, I can feel Maglor's need to return, to serve his Master, you've written it so well, that longing where one would think there should only be revulsion and the need to run far far away. The scene with Legolas is so poignant, you can almost feel Maglor's hurt and then his remorse when he in turn hurts Legolas to try to drive him away, I'm so glad that Legolas didn't let it work the way Maglor had wanted it to in the end. Yes he had to let Legolas go on his own but maybe he'd have been better served by telling the truth? So sad.

    Chapter 24, Okay, you surprised me in this one, I'd have thought Sauron would have collected his slave at his earliest convenience but no, you had to draw it out but to know that Sauron wants Maglor back of his own violation, truly, as a companion makes me happy for some strange reason. I mean, I know that Maglor will still suffer but maybe knowing that he's doing so by his own choice makes it different somehow (even though I also know that he's been so broken and trained that he really has no other choice). Whatever I'm strange because even though it's crazy and insane it's still a sort of love story in the end, at least to me it is and I want them together. And really how could he give up the experiences he's had under Sauron's crazy hands? That would be asking too much of him, to forget all he's been through? I knew he'd refuse them when they asked that of him. Maglor's back and Sauron's pleased as punch no doubt, well we'll see what happens now...

    Chapter 25, Ah I've made it and only with a nightmare or two because of it! I didn't see the switch coming, though I probably should have! I like the change in Maglor, I don't feel the sadness hanging over him anymore. I'm not sure I'd say he's happy, but maybe content with his lot now. But oh, poor Legolas, you left me fearing for his fate and wanting to see what Maglor would do with his own little slave. "Want to play a game?" Scariest line Sauron ever uttered, at least to me it is. I sort of wish you'd have written the sequel because I think I would have enjoyed it.

    All in all very well done! I was dreading what was coming next most of the time but I'm really glad I read this. The ending was very satisfying even though it did leave me wanting more just because I knew there could be... Thank you for telling me not to read this and thank you for writing it so I could.


    Oh and could you tell which one I wrote while a bit tipsy? LOL
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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 28, 2016
    Chapter 16, I love that Maglor has Mithedhel it's like a kid for each of them! Oh Sauron, that was so mean making Maglor do that to the poor boy and then... Urrgh it makes me so mad.

    Chapter 17, that punishment was terrible to read and then to find out that Legolas must suffer the same fate? Now I'm on pins and needles waiting to see when he has to endure it. Poor Maglor, I swear he is the perfect tortured soul and even he sees that he's changed. Oh and so ‘Athân, may be more than he seems also?

    Chapter 18, Mithedhel is a breath of fresh air after so much suffering he's so cute and his instincts to run and fight are going to get him trouble I think. Maglor would do anything to protect what he loves, that much is evident to me. I don't know why it surprised me that Sauron would not even blink an eye at using a child as a pawn in their 'game' but it sort of did. Poor Maglor, he just can't win, can he?

    Chapter 19, Oh Sauron plays dirty and now I'm worried for Mithedhel! And of course he should have woke Legolas up, I'd have been a bit miffed at him too if it were me. ‘Athân is his father's son for sure, the other father of course. I do believe I dislike the little brat quite a bit. You'd think Legolas would take at least some heed in Maglor's warning about ‘Athân, since surely he would wonder what Sauron is teaching the boy and knowing that again he's his father's son and that means he's at least half, um, bad?

    Chapter 20, This is so sad, it's like Maglor lost his own child not being able to be close to Mithedhel for his own good. And then even sadder, this chapter killed me! He can't resist Sauron even though he struggled with all his will to hold on to the kid. I loved how you used a house to represent Maglor's mental escape from Sauron, I could just picture it so vividly. And then I don't care, those are powerful words that Maglor spoke! Finally ‘Athân does something that makes me not hate and distrust him. Oh and yes he has learned well from his father, thankful for that at this point.

    Chapter 21, The first half of this chapter was painful for me to read. I just kept hoping (I knew it was stupid to) that he would finally say no but pretty much knew he would give in to Sauron in the end. Then ‘Athân being a brat to Legolas because he will be punished, I want to strangle him sometimes, really why must you make me hate the child so? So there is no escape for Maglor, even the ghosts know that but I'm sure Sauron will punish properly for trying to help Legolas.

    Chapter 22, Oh man, the ghost are pitiful aren't they, so sad. I was so worried when they came to the door that they'd just went around in a big circle and ended up back where they started. They're free! Okay this makes me sad just because I know it can't be real, they are either under Sauron's thrall, thinking they're free or Sauron plans to let them get a taste of freedom and then he'll snatch them back making it that much worse for them in the end. And then Sauron's plan for Maglor is revealed, so he really thinks Maglor will choose him over his freedom? He's probably right but I hate that he is... At least Sauron let poor Mithedhel back out where he belongs and I'm glad he knows that Maglor and Legolas are okay.

    Ugggh, being called away, will finish the rest later. :D
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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 25, 2016
    Chapter 11, yes, Legolas gets found. I didn't see that coming and I made it worse by refreshing my memory of what the uruk-hai looked like in the movies. *shudders* Not my best idea.

    Chapter 12, yes Legolas, you are the reason poor Maglor is being punished and you thought you were so much better than him. But now you get to think about what it actually means to give birth, a fitting little bit of punishment all your own.

    Chapter 13, okay, I wasn't really prepared for a birth scene of this magnitude, maybe I should have heeded your warning... Is it bad that for a moment I actually wanted Legolas to go? I knew he wouldn't leave the babies though... I don't have a very good feeling about this at all, Sauron is planning something bad, I can just feel it.

    Chapter 14, Urggh, Maglor to take the place of another to save them from suffering even though they're about to die... Why do you torture me so?

    Chapter 15, Okay, Maglor killing Brandir was very satisfying. The fact that he saw how the other prisioners saw him, as a monster, was eye opening I think. But it was nice to see him reunited with Legolas and the babies, so sweet.

    I wrote these down after I read the chapters over the last couple of nights, sorry it took me so long to review! I'm still enjoying the story though I have a bad feeling about what Sauron has planned for the babies and also in relation to the two elves and the babies, I see hard times coming for them all. Will try to be better about getting my review posted sooner. :D

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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 22, 2016
    Up to chapter 10 now. Poor Maglor, he's jealous and has to follow the rules but then damn Legolas has to go and run away. Sauron is scary and his other form gave me nightmares, thank you very much. So Maglor sings his heart out and still ends up being thrown to the prisoners? Not fair Sauron, not fair! I did love the image of Maglor leaning his head and hands on the door at the same time as Sauron doing it on the other side, I don't think Sauron loves punishing Maglor in that way as much as he leads him to believe he does. So Legolas, I'm sure, will be found and then what? You best get your smutty thinking cap on because I'm so going to finish this in the next few days. :D

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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 20, 2016
    Okay I made it to chapter 7. Wow I was not expecting Maglor to play a part in this! Well I guess sort of but not such a big one at least. I was happy when he and Legolas spent time together but just knew it wouldn't last and that it would end badly. Oh my god! Seriously, Maglor you ass! I know he had to do it but did he have to enjoy torturing poor Legolas? I feel so bad for Legolas and Maglor, I know he's damaged and all but urrrgh, I want to punish him myself now. This is a vicious, nasty game Sauron is playing with them and I don't think there will be any survivors... at least not in the form they once were.

    This is good, can't wait to get the time to read a few more chapters. Is it bed time yet?

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  • From ANON - The_CL on April 18, 2016
    I'm breaking my rule and reviewing on my kindle because seriously poor Legolas even the woods is having its way with him. How much worse can it get for him?

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  • From CL.Mustafic on April 16, 2016
    Okay so I only got through one and a half chapters of this so for the first chapter, really well done. I could feel Legolas's fear and then his revulsion at the way he was being used. Like I told you I'm really surprised to find that you wrote an mpreg story, and this will be the first I've ever read... I'll let you know how that goes. :P

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  • From Rokkis on January 19, 2009
    God that was beyond depressing. Sometimes it actually hurt to read it. One has to wonder what life the author has had so far considering the darkness and despair of this fic!

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  • From ANON - anonymous on November 03, 2006
    Great job! I loved the story. I love your characterization and the psychological angst you put in your story. There are many vivid descriptions that I can't beging to count, but it's very well written. I love your style too.
    One thing I found disappointing though was that halway through the story you seemed to switch only to Maglor and almost no legolas pov. It might just be me, though cuz I'm a Legolas lover, but I would have loved to have seen more constant Legolas POV later near the end of the story. But other than that, it was awesome! Thanks, I had a good read.
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  • From ANON - elflover on October 22, 2006
    Oh wow - I wasn't expecting that ending! And I don't think i've ever read a story where, at times, I actually felt compassion for Sauron! I can't wait to rad your next story and find out what happens to these characters.
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  • From ANON - Nim on October 19, 2006
    Fantastic story. The last chapter blew my socks off. I read it over and over. So powerful and riveting. Your ideas are so amazing! The scene between Legolas and his son was incredible in its intensity. And then there's Maglor, who knows exactly who Legolas is, but plans to screw around with his mind! I wanted Maglor to find some measure of happiness, but what he plans to do to poor Legolas is evil! I hope Maglor gets his just desserts! I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel!

    P.S. WARNING! This part may be squicky for some of you! This is a bit late, but I want to commend you for your birth scene. It was not too squicky for me, because the C-Sect you described happened to my mother. Back in the 40s, it was believed if you did a C-Sect on a woman after she went into labor, she would die. My mother was too small to give birth normally, so an early C-Sect was planned, but my sister decided to come earlier than that. My mom was in the Emergency Room, and the ER doc walked in, assessed the situation, and said, "We can't save both the mother and the baby, so let's save the baby." Mom started to scream, so the nurses quickly put a cloth in her mouth, and tied her down. Dr. Sauron told my mother there was no time for anesthesia. All Mom could do was scream against the cloth. He cut her wide open (since she was going to die, he didn't try to be neat). Right then, Mom's OB doc walked in, shoving people aside and cursing a blue streak. He saved Mom, but she was so messed up it took her many tries before I was born. So from a technical point of view, your description of a cruel C-Sect was dead on.
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  • From ANON - J on October 18, 2006
    Jeez, you got me with that one. I did not see the end that you wrote coming at all! This whole
    story was like a roller coaster ride from beginning to end and what a fine ride it was. Did I see
    where you posted that there is a sequel to this?? I hope so.
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  • From ANON - DarkLadyNyara on October 18, 2006
    Wow... I didn't see that coming. This is hands down the most disturbing story I've ever read(I mean that as a compliment). Brilliant. Absolutly brilliant. ;)
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  • From ANON - Nikkiling on October 17, 2006
    Ooooh! You are evil!!
    I love it!
    And you did please me in one way: I just wanted Maglor to be happy, and it seems that he is. hehehe
    I can't wait until the sequel!!!!
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