Underneath alien skies | By : Nuredhel Category: +Third Age > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: II do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, and i do not earn any money from this work of fiction, it is solely written for entertainment and not for profit at all. do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, |
So, they are going to get married, and everything will be smooth sailings from now on right? Nope, there are still some obstacles. I wanted to toy a little with them and explore just how deep his love for her really is. He is willing to die for her, is he ready to die with her? Even to face flames once more? Hmm, we’ll see.
Yes, the title of the chapter is inspired by the poem Tiger Tiger
Rated adult because of rough language and graphic violence.
Chapter Ten Fire fire burning brightBeware of what’s hidden
Be ready be strong
Don’t let the bond be forgotten
Face the fire face the flame
They followed the group to the dining room, Thilian noticed how pale Akisha looked and knew how this must have affected her. It probably awakened some memories that were far from good. Thranduil noticed how Hawk seemed to almost be in some sort of frenzy, he could not relax and he knew that the dark elf was caught by battle fever. He had felt that fury himself, several times and he had a strong suspicion that it had been Hawk who did the killings, he probably didn’t mind beheading such awful people. He could see that several of the others there came to the dining room to hear the latest news and he could see Ghuad and Shanrae, he knew what he had to do now but he feared it.Thilian sat down and listened to the loud noise of everybody talking at once, everybody wanted to know what had happened and she felt almost a bit relieved, at least nobody asked her what she had been up to for several hours. She tensed up when Shanrae came over and sat down, she looked a bit worried and Thilian could see a shadow of fear within her eyes. “I wonder what this will lead up to, Akisha has never looked so enraged before.”
Thilian nodded. “I just hope the city is safe, there are a lot of unsuspecting people here.”
Shanrae shrugged. “Anyone bold enough to try and kidnap someone within the city itself deserves what’s coming. There are guards everywhere and I know that Akisha has paid a lot of people to keep their eyes open for any sign of trouble. “
Thilian smiled but her smile was a bit nervous. “Of course, I just feel a bit shocked, that’s all.”
Shanrae sighed. “We all do, believe me my dear. “
Thranduil saw the two women talking to each other and he gathered his courage and went over to where Ghuad was sitting, the shape shifter was alone at his table and the elf swallowed hard and sat down. He saw that his own hands were trembling and Ghuad stared at him with a very piercing gaze, it appeared that Ghuad already knew what the elf was going to say. He leaned forward, hands folded together and his face abiding, the strange eyes were staring straight into Thranduil soul. “So, what makes you think that you are worthy of my step daughters hand?”
The voice was calm, relaxed and smooth and Thranduil winced and tried to remain calm, he felt sweat running down his neck and he could not see how amused Ghuad was by the expression of sheer terror within the elf’s blue eyes.
“I am not, I can never be worthy of her, because she is so much more than me. She is everything that is good in this world, everything that is worth living for. Compared with her I am nothing!”
Ghuad raised an eyebrow, he was actually a bit shocked by Thranduils confession, he had not expected the elf to be so straight forward, and he had absolutely not expected him to be so humble. He would have guessed that the elf would brag a little about his title and his home and everything but no.
“All I know is that I love her, that she is everything to me, that I would lay down my own life for her without hesitation. Without her I cannot continue existing, I would die. “
The words just came, flowed from him like blood from an open wound, he could not stop them. He gasped and grabbed on to the edge of the table, just to hold on to something solid. “If she wants to live in a shed in the forest, clad in rags I will join her, if she wants me to leave everything behind and become a mere traveler I will. Without her there is no tomorrow, no life. Without her everything will perish, turn to ash. “
Ghuad noticed the shivering within the elf’s usually steady voice, saw the tears building up within his eyes. Ghuad felt a bit embarrassed, he did not want to torture the elf, he just needed to know that he was sincere, that his intentions were based upon real love and not just a crush. He reached out and grasped Thranduils hand, noticed how it shivered and Ghuad knew there and then that the elf indeed was honest. He loved Thilian with a love that was stronger than anything Ghuad ever had encountered. It made him feel a bit humble, a bit honored. It was such a rare thing to witness.
He hawked and squeezed the elf’s hand gently, saw how those ice blue eyes got wider and how he shivered again. He looked so young at the moment, so vulnerable. It was crazy to think that this elf in fact was almost as old as himself and had seen several millennia. “Lad, let me tell you one thing. Thilian is a rare treasure, I will not allow her to marry just anybody. She may not have been sired by my loins but I regard her as my daughter, as my own child.”
The elf was staring at him with a very nervous glimpse within those blue eyes, he looked as if he was ready to pass out any minute. Ghuad grinned ”And I must say, that I could not have asked for a better son in law than you.”
Thranduil let go of his breath, he was turning pale and red and then pale again and Ghuad grinned widely and patted him across his back. “Easy there lad, keep breathing!”
Thranduil felt so relieved by Ghuads blessing he thought he would faint, he could see that Thilian was staring towards him and he managed to smile at her. She rolled her eyes a little and appeared to be just as relieved as he was. Shanrae frowned and looked a bit confused, she realized that something was going on right underneath her nose and she had not been able to detect it at all. Ghuad got on his feet and clapped his hands, everybody turned towards him and Thranduil felt how he wished the floors to open up and swallow him whole. Oh no, Ghuad wasn’t about to do what he thought he was, was he? His fears were realized, Ghuad grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up so everybody could see him and he did notice the smirk on Ghuad’s face. “Everybody, listen up. I have great news, may I today announce the engagement between my dear step daughter Thilian and this prime specimen of an elf.”
Some looked flabbergasted while others clapped and laughed but everybody was obviously happy and Shanrae stared at Thilian with eyes so wide she looked rather ridiculous. “Oh my goodness, he has proposed?!”
Thilian was blushing, Thranduil was blushing even more and Ghiad stood there laughing out loud, he was actually very happy. He knew that Thilian would be very safe and even more loved and he knew that this elf had managed to save her from becoming a bitter and angry creature. He raised his jug of beer in a cheerful manner. “Good people, we have a wedding to plan, and the sooner the better. I don’t think these two would like to wait all that long to be declared husband and wife!”
There was chaos, people were crowding around them to congratulate and Thranduil was sitting there almost like in a trance while he was petted on the back by the guys and hugged by the women. Shanrae hugged him hard and she was almost crying. “Don’t worry my friend, we’ll arrange everything.”
He felt a bit confused and Thilian hurried over and sat next to him, embraced him tightly. He felt better right away, safe even. He found new courage to smile and thank everybody and Akisha sat down and grinned. “We have never had a wedding here before, my oh my, this is gonna be a lot of work but by the Goddess, such joyous news are more than welcome.”
He swallowed. “You do not need to make such an effort, not for us, We do not need that much, just a priest and whatever is needed for the rituals to be complete.”
Akisha was leaning forwards toward him, she grinned. “Nothing is gonna be simple my friend, we all love Thilian and we have grown very fond of you too, you both deserve a dream wedding and that is exactly what you’ll have! I don’t take no for an answer!”
Thranduil moaned, this was getting out of hand at record speed but then again, he noticed the dreamy expression within Thilians eyes and knew she deserved it. And if she wanted a grand wedding then that was what she would have. Akisha was suddenly almost ablaze with eager energy, she was shouting orders to everybody and he could see that Jalisa was standing at the door to the kitchen and she appeared to be beside herself with joy. She would certainly make sure that the food was beyond excellent and if he knew her she welcomed the challenge with open arms.
The atmosphere turned into an almost party like state, everybody was cheering and happy and Thranduil could not really believe how truly appreciated he had become. Their well wishes and congratulations were heart felt and he was so happy he almost felt like sobbing. Thilian sat there and she was clinging to his arm, she was practically glowing with joy and Shanrae was wiping away tears. “Oh what a joy, this is going to be an amazing wedding. We’ll have to get you a really nice dress, and gifts, lots of gifts!”
Thilian was blushing and giggling and he wanted to just grab her and be gone from the room, there were too many people and too much noise. Akisha lifted her hands and everybody got quiet. “One week from now, that’s the best day to celebrate. Everybody, you know what to do, but do not forget about your everyday duties, I am warning you all”
There was laughter and then the crowd dispersed and the room became a bit more quiet. Thranduil was staring into her face, she grinned at him. “One week, I can wait one week”
He nodded and kissed her openly. “Me too, I know I am waiting for something amazing”
She just giggled and Enez came running and sat down, her eyes were wide with enthusiasm and she grabbed their hands and shook them vigorously. “Oh I am so excited, a wedding! I have never been at a wedding, ever. May I be your maid of honor, please?”
Thilian just sighed and nodded and Enez got back on her feet, she was almost tap dancing with pure eagerness. Thranduil had to grin, she and Rheynek were opposites to the extreme, he was the living incarnation of stoicism while she was a whirlwind of energy and emotions. Thilian laughed and leaned her head towards his shoulder. “Well then, I guess we’ll better lean back and just enjoy the show, they are going to fix everything for us.”
Thranduil nodded and felt a warm sensation within his chest, they did really care, he had never had friends like this before, friends who would go to such lengths to make him happy. He was so grateful. They remained sitting there for the rest of the evening and Thilian was starting to ask him more direct questions about his home. There was no doubt she wanted to come with him to Mirkwood and he was getting enthusiastic. He told her about the palace and the gardens, he told of the other elves living there and she listened and tried to remember as much as possible.
Jalisa brought them a cup of wine each, to celebrate as she said. Thilian was not used to wine at all and got a bit tipsy after just a couple of sips and Thranduil didn’t like the stuff anymore. But he drank that one cup so Jalisa wouldn’t get too disappointed. When they went to their separate rooms that night they both had a feeling of peace. They hugged and whispered small words of love and joy to each other and both fell asleep rather fast with a sensation of anticipation.
The next morning every person within the circus was busy doing something. Jalisa was ecstatic and so busy creating a menu for the great day she almost forgot about her other duties and that was unheard of. The women were gathering and planning everything from decorations to entertainment and Thilian was a bit overwhelmed by their zeal. Thranduil was luckily spared for most of the planning, he was just told to follow orders and do whatever she told him to do so he just grinned and agreed. He kept working with the apprentices and helped Dheg and he did notice that Akisha and the other masters were busy with more than planning the wedding. They were doing their job and he wondered what they did find but he never got the chance to ask.Akisha was a bit stressed out, she was very busy with the wedding and she also spent a lot of time trying to find the rest of the people responsible for the deaths of those girls. She had a nasty feeling that they hadn’t seen the last of this yet. The others were helping out but they did not seem to get anywhere, nobody had seen anything and there were no indications of who else besides the three executed men were involved. It had been very apparent that the three last girls had been killed just so they would not speak, that told her that these people were ruthless and determined. She did not like that at all.
The three men they had executed had denied to talk, she had almost been tempted into torturing them to get the truth but it just wasn’t their way. Hawk had scared the living daylights out of them and yet they had not spoken a single word, that was not a good sign. She had encouraged the king to double the number of guards within the city and make them choose the streets they went through randomly so nobody could anticipate where they would be. Now they just had to wait and see whether or not it had an effect. She knew that the pick pockets were facing a hard time now and they were probably cursing the situation but she did not care. She wanted the guilty ones brought before the king, the sooner the better.
Thilian had never thought that there were so many things to fix before a wedding. She was just awestruck of the efficiency of the others and she had started to get some butterflies within her belly. Elywen had arranged it so that one of the high priestesses of the temple would perform the ceremony and Frostbird had been all over town ordering flowers from every florist she could find. Thilian felt almost dizzy from all the turmoil and activity. Enez Shanrae and Carmariel had decided that they would help her get the perfect gown and they brought samples of different fabrics and colors. Thilian was a bit nervous, she did want to look beautiful and she was so unused to wearing nice dresses, she feared she would become a rather shaky bride.They decided on deep dark green satin and bronze colored lace and some golden colored fabric too, Enez felt just silly. She had never seen anything as expensive as that fabric and could not believe that she would be wearing something that nice.
She had barely time to talk with Thranduil during the preparations, they were so busy but when she did have the time she enjoyed each moment with him immensely. Frostbird had found a very good seamstress and three days before the wedding day the elf and the two others ordered her to follow them to check how the gown fitted. Thilian was very excited and Thranduil was not occupied with anything that morning so he thought he would tag along to look at some new boots. Rheynek and Hawk would be joining the group too, the dark elf was looking for a suitable wedding present and Rheynek needed something to wear. Enez had insisted and Thranduil had a strong suspicion that she was the boss of that relationship. Raigh had taken Thranduil’s measures and told him he would match her, he feared the worst. He no longer felt like he needed to wear anything out of the ordinary. They met outside the gate and wandered into the city together, Thilian was feeling very excited and her eyes were shining while she almost danced along the roads. People did notice her, the joy which seemed to radiate from her like some visible force and many smiled and felt as though they had received something very precious.
Thranduil could not help but smiling when he watched her, she had become so relaxed, so full of trust and hope. She did no longer act in her previous hostile manner, she had become a radiant beacon of pure light and joy and everybody was amazed by her transformation. The seamstress was living not far from the harbor and she had a rather nice house at the end of a narrow alley. Thranduil wasn’t allowed to see the dress just yet so he followed Rheynek to a store which sold men’s clothing. The two caused a few raised heads and some commotion, both were beautiful and very different from everybody else there. The owner of the shop did look a bit nervous, he was staring in disbelief at the height of the two men and it was rather obvious that he had few items big enough for Rheynek. Not only was the hunter tall, he was also wide across the shoulders and muscular and he had long arms and a narrow waist. They managed to find a shirt which did fit and a pair of very nice pants. The shop owner promised that he could have a vest and a jacket ready the next day, and Rheynek was very polite so the man started to act a bit more relaxed. Thranduil just hoped that Thilian would be satisfied with her dress, he could almost hear her excited voice when she and the other women were chatting together.
Thilian was indeed very impressed by the dress, it was so lovely she felt like crying and it had a perfect fit. The seamstress swore she never had seen a more beautiful bride to be and Thilian knew that the necklace would fit the dress just perfectly. She was looking forward to showing this to Thranduil, she could almost see how stunned he would look. Enez was giggling and claimed that Thilian would look so gorgeous the other women would have to watch their men, Frostbird just grinned and Shanrae hugged her and told her she was very proud of her. Frostbird paid the seamstress a huge amount of money and Thilian felt a little ashamed. They should really not spend so much money on her, it made her a bit uncomfortable. They left the house and Shanrae wanted to buy some fruit so they went to the market to wait for the men.
Thilian liked the market, it was filled with people as always and the smells and colors were almost too much for her sensitive senses but she forgot about her discomfort and ran between the different small shacks to look at everything from exotic fruits to veils and jewelry. Shanrae joined them and the women had a great time, chatting and laughing. Thilian was so interested in a couple of nice scarfs she did not notice that the two other had moved on. She suddenly discovered that she was alone and a feeling of panic started churning in her chest. She ran from the shop, stared around her and thought she saw Frostbirds silver hair a few hundred feet down the street. She breathed a sigh of relief and started walking towards the other two but suddenly she felt something fall over her head and strong arms locked around her and lifted her off the ground. The shock would have stunned everybody else than her, but she still had a lot of her old personality left and she screamed.
There were a lot of screaming and shouting at the market, the noises were loud and would have drowned her scream if she had not let her instinct lead her. She did not scream as a human female, she screamed as a she dragon would. A terrible high pitched sound that made everybody stop whatever they were doing and just stare. Thilian heard someone swear rather coarsely and then something hit her on the head and the world turned black.
Frostbird and Shanrae heard the scream and they reacted right away, they ran towards the sound and managed to get a glimpse of three men carrying something within a huge sack. Shanrae screamed and Frostbird knew that there were too many people within the streets for them to simply pursue the attackers. They would hide within the crowd. Shanrae was trying to run when Thranduil and Rheynek came walking together with Hawk. They stopped when they saw the expression on Shanrae’s face and Thranduil felt a cold chill running down his spine. “Someone took her, they just grabbed her!”
Rheynek swore and Hawk’s black eyes were shooting black lightning, Thranduil had gotten so pale he looked like a ghost. “There are doors and alleys everywhere, and carts and sheds, she could be everywhere!”
Thranduil was barely able to speak, he was suddenly so scared he felt his legs shiver and his heart beat in a wild rhythm. “We…We have got to find her!”
Hawk had a terrible expression on his face and Rheynek did look a lot like a negative image of him. Thranduil had not really truly realized how dangerous these people were but now he saw the truth, they were experienced killers and no mortal stood a chance against them. Rheynek nodded at Frostbird. “Run to the nearest guards, tell them the gates are to be closed, nobody in, nobody out. Then go to circus and ask them to let Frerk out, we need his ability to track by scent”
Thranduil knew it was wise, she was there somewhere within the city and they would find her, even if they had to tear the whole city down brick by brick. Frostbird ran and some young boys came running, one of them held a small amulet in his hand, it was shaped like a black wolf and he bowed and looked a bit nervous. “My lords, lady. We saw what happened, they carried her into the area by the old pier.”
Hawk threw the boys some coins. “Well done lads, spread out and keep your eyes open!”
The boys ran and Hawk sighed. “That part of the city is a maze, the only area that did not burn during the great city fire. There are alleys and doors everywhere, it would make even a mouse confused.”
Thranduil was panting, he was so worried for her safety he was unable to think. Rheynek placed a very strong and very gentle hand on his shoulder. “Do not worry, we’ll get her back unharmed, we won’t rest until she is safe”
He could not think, he shivered and Shanrae embraced him tightly, she was terrified as well and the very idea of Thilian in the hands of someone who wanted to harm her in any way almost made him go insane. Suddenly there was some screaming and people went running, Frerk was galloping down the street with several of the others from circus behind him, the huge dragon cat licked Hawk and the dark elf grabbed the animal by his long fluffy ears and whispered something. Frerk growled and the eyes got narrow and told of anger. Someone had hurt one he liked? That would never be accepted, he would find her.
Hawk grinned. “He has got a nose even better than that of a bloodhound, if she is in the city he will find her”
Thranduil just hoped that the dark elf didn’t put too much trust in the dragon cats abilities, there were so many scents there, the place literally reeked of everything from raw sewer to spices. Akisha and Raigh jumped of their horses and Ghuad had been running after them since no horse wanted to carry him. Rheynek stared at them. “She is probably in the old buildings above the pier, it’s thousands of places to hide there so it is gonna be tricky.”
Akisha was pale and Thranduil could see a wrath in her eyes which made him cringe, there would be no mercy for those who had taken her if they were caught. Frerk whined and started to run and they followed him, the sight of the area made Thranduil sigh. It was a slum, most of the buildings were stacked more or less on top of each other and there were narrow roads everywhere. It was indeed a maze.
Frerk used his nose for all it was worth, he was intelligent and knew his friends wanted him to find her. The scent was vague and weak but so different from all others he managed to follow it until they reached an area where the stench was so terrible it overwhelmed him. He whimpered and looked at Hawk with an apologetic expression within the yellow eyes. “It’s alright Frerk, at least we have narrowed it down to five blocks. “
Akisha pulled her sword. “This place is just too quiet, it is almost abandoned.”
Rheynek and Raigh nodded. “Yes, you are right. It is a trap!”
Thranduil looked at them with eyes wide with fear and desperation. “What?”
Akisha had an almost nasty grin on her lovely mouth, her eyes were shooting blue sparks or so it seemed. “There are a lot of people who would love to get rid of us, as long as the masters and priestesses rule this city criminals have no chance and they know this. They want to get rid of us!”
Raigh and Rheynek had pulled their swords too and they could hear the sound of running feet. Khir and Frostbird came running together with Elywen Janrem Rhylja and Carmariel. Akisha grinned. “The troops are gathered, You all know what to do!”
Carmariel grinned, she had two rather short narrow swords and she was wearing only a pair of loose pants and boots, her upper body was naked and covered with strange patterns made with fresh paint. “Kill them all and take no prisoners, I know the deal”
Akisha grinned. “Right, spread out, there are bound to be many people hiding here, Elywen will create a diversion. “
Thranduil felt a bit shocked, they would just attack? Without a plan or anything? Akisha caught his glance. “The longer we wait the longer they have to prepare for a counter attack and to hurt Thilian. I fear they will use her as a hostage.”
Thranduil was shivering, Hawk grabbed him by the shoulder. “Calm down my friend, you have seen battle before. Do not fear to shed blood this day, it is all for the greater good. “
Something was being pushed into his hand and he looked down, it was one of Hawks swords and suddenly he felt a new feeling surge through him. Anger, rage, hatred. They dared to hurt the one he loved? They dared to take her away from him? They would face his wrath and his eyes had become cold and hard, he tightened the grip around the hilt and Hawk smiled, a terrifying smile filled with a sort of dark joy. “Yes my friend, that is the attitude, find the bastards and let them bleed.”
Carmariel petted him on the shoulder, she was staring at the buildings and her eyes were glowing. “You and me, we team up now. I can see in complete darkness so you will need me, and I fight in a style they cannot anticipate.”
Thranduil nodded and pullet his cloak off, he did not want anything to hinder his movements. His heart was thundering in his chest but he managed to stay calm. Ghuad had been standing there without a word the whole time, he was in obvious despair but now he turned around and left. Akisha nodded. “He’ll keep an eye on the whole thing from above, if they try to flee he will turn them into cinders in an instant.”
Everybody was armed, everybody knew where there place was and Elywen nodded, she lifted her arms and a huge fireball suddenly flew upwards and remained hanging in the air above the area. It bathed everything in a strange hard light and to look directly at it hurt. Janrem grinned and he ran towards the closest door, Thranduil remembered that the young man was an undead and wondered what he could do which the others could not. The answer was delivered rather quickly and with brutal efficiency. The moment he opened the door a shower of arrows shot through it and hit him square in the chest. It would have killed anyone else, he just pulled the arrows out with a grunt and shouted back to the others. “The place is booby trapped, but I’ll try to flush em’ out”
Carmariel and Thranduil ran into the shadows, the light created very deep dark ones which were a perfect cover. Carmariel nodded. “Our job is to find her and get her out, once we have accomplished that I guess Elywen will set the whole place on fire and drive the bastards out.”
Carmariel was extremely elegant and extremely fast, her movements were almost insect like and he was reluctantly fascinated by her calm. She nodded towards a small hatch almost at ground level. “That will be my point of entrance, I will clear the area out and then let you inn through the door.”
He swallowed. “What if there are several people in there?”
Carmariel grinned, a wide and wicked grin with a lot of teeth. “Even better, I’ll get some practice.”
Thranduil could hear screams and shouts from the front side of the house now, the others had attacked and he just prayed that none of his friends would be hurt. Carmariel was like a black cat, she was so silent and quick and before he knew it she had crept through the hatch as if she had no bones in her body. There was silence for a few second, then he heard a gargling sound and the sound of steel being pulled from flesh, it was sickening. A man screamed but the scream was cut short, there was some thuds and bangs and another dying gasp and then the door was opened. Carmariel stood there, covered with blood and her eyes were ablaze. He did not know if he really liked the expression within her gaze, it reminded him of sheer blood thirst. She waved at him. “Come on, just keep your eyes open”
Thilan had awakened with a head that really hurt a lot, she could not move and for a second she was utterly confused. Then she remembered and she froze, she was sitting on a chair and her legs and arms were tied to it. She could hear voices not far from her, they sounded a bit muffled and she had an old sack over her head so she could not see but she thought she was in some small room and the voices came from the other side of a thin wall. The place stank of something really disgusting and she realized that this had to be an old tannery, the city had had a few of those until the citizens started to get so fed up with the smell the tanners had to move their business out of the city itself.What had happened, and why? Her heart was beating like drum, she was so scared and confused but she tried to remain calm. She had managed to warn Shanrae and Frostbird and she knew everybody was looking for her by now. Why had anybody bothered kidnapping her? She tried to remain completely still so nobody would notice that she was awake. Her mixed heritage was an advantage, she healed much faster than anyone of human or elven blood. She felt how panic was starting to spread throughout her body, this was that terrible moment again. She would hurt anyone once more, she started to shiver and could not control it.
She focused on the voices, felt like she had to so she would not go insane. What would they do to her? She feared she never would see Thranduil again, that they would kill her or worse. She would rather die than letting them have her, her body was only for him and him alone to touch. There were several people in the next room, they were whispering but her ears were hyper sensitive now. She concentrated and could hear that one man was doing the talking, the others were just giving short answers. She gasped, they had been planning this, they were going to kill everybody who tried to free her. They wanted to be able to run their criminal activities from this city and wanted the masters gone.
She felt a strange sensation form within her heart, a sort of rage. It was not like anything she ever had encountered, it was painful. Could she allow them to do this? Hurt her friends who wanted to save her? They had just grabbed her by chance, it could have been Shanrae or Frostbird as well as her and she felt a growling sound form within her throat. No, they should not get away with this, the city would not fall under the spell of these ruthless bastards! The peace and safety Akisha and the others had worked so hard to achieve was not to be ruined just because of her. She would have nothing of it.
The gods had a plan with everyone and she was suddenly glad it was she they had taken and not Shanrae. She was stronger than a human being by far but far more vulnerable than herself. The old Thilian was just a memory, burned to ashes by her new determination. Ghuad had taught her well, he had told her to be proud of who and what she was, finally she realized how true his words were. They would regret the day they were born. She was grinning while she waited for them to make the first move. They had grabbed a tiger by the tail and let go, yes they would pay for their stupidity.
Janrem was a real asset, he did not die and even though it hurt being injured the wounds just disappeared immediately. He was not going to let anything happen to Thilian and so he willingly served as bait. He found a lot of rather devilish traps and made sure that they were harmless to the ones who followed him. He encountered human resistance rather soon, three men came rushing towards him from an alcove and he grinned and spun around, his blades in motion. He had two swords, both enchanted and sentient and they both screamed into his mind, pleaded for him to shed blood, take lives. Both Bite and Fang were forged by a very dark wizard and no ordinary human being would have been able to force them into servitude. He could and they were sharper than a razors blade, cut through flesh and bone like a knife through hot butter All the three men dropped dead with horrible gashes and Janrem growled and shouted out to tell the others what he had done.The group was attacking the buildings from different places and they soon discovered that this group was rather large and well disciplined. These were mercenaries, Akisha had no doubt. They had received training and were dangerous but they had underestimated the masters and priestesses. They killed with relative ease, but it had to be at least a hundred men within the area and they were hiding. Akisha just hoped that Carmariel and Thranduil would be able to find Thilian. Elywen was setting fire to parts of the buildings and Frostbird did freeze some men with her powers. The masters relied on steel and muscle and Akisha could see that Hawk had gone berserk. He was just as lethal with one blade as with two and she cringed as she saw the dark elf crush a man’s skull into smithereens with just his hand.
This group had to be obliterated, nobody should be left there alive. They had to show the world that such evil was unwelcome within their city. Several of the mercenaries went for her, they saw a female and expected an easy fight but they were dead wrong. She was the ultimate master, head of the group. In her hands any object became a lethal weapon and she killed with a sort of distant and dispassionate elegance, it was as if she was a gardener cutting away weeds from a perfect lawn.
Thranduil and Carmariel had progressed farther into the complex of buildings, they had killed several men by now, Carmariel had ripped the throat of one guy with her bare hands and broken the neck of another one with a kick, Thranduil started to wonder what he could have accomplished with an army of people like her. They met Rhylja and Rheynek in a small hall, the two hunters had finished off at least ten men and Rhylja looked like the totem who’s stripes she had tattooed all over her body, she was a she tiger and her teeth were bared as she shook the blood of her blades. The four advanced forward very slowly, Thranduil was so scared they were too late, he could hear his own heartbeat and he saw Thilians face in his mind. She had to be terrified and alone and he wanted to just rush forward to find her but knew that it was too dangerous. He could be killed, he was flesh and blood and he did not want to die before he knew she would be safe forever. He did not want to leave her, ever.
Thilian had been sitting there for a while, it could not have been that long but it felt like forever. She heard distant screams and the sounds of battle, they were coming for her. She feared for their safety and she heard a door being opened close by. “Get her, we’ll use her as a shield if we have to. They won’t let this little elven wench get hurt.”Thilian almost snorted, she did look like an elf since it was within an elven body her father had sired her. But she was nothing at all like the common elf and she prepared herself. The anger and fear within her heart made her chest burn, she would make them pay for this.
The sack was pulled of her head, the room was small and filthy and dark and three men stood there and stared at her. She stared back, defiant and her eyes were glowing. One of them back handed her across her cheek, the pain only added to her determination. “Too bad we don’t have more time, I am sure that little whore would be quite an enjoyable one to break.”
The man who appeared to be the leader was leaning forward, he was staring at her and his grin was both wicked and cruel. “When those other freaks are dead we are gonna have some fun, I do not think you will like it but then again maybe you will. Those guys are so pretty I bet most of them prefer the ass of a pretty boy instead of a good cunt.”
She spat him right in the face and he slapped her again, it really hurt but she knew she could take it, she was getting ready to strike back. “Oh you are a feisty one ha? I like that, but I bet we’ll break you easily, when all the guys here have fucked you a few times I bet that feistiness is gone.”
A shorter man with an ugly scar across his forehead and dirty blond hair grinned and bent down, tried to lift her skirts. “They say elves lack hair down there, let’s see if it is true.”
Thilian hissed at him and he looked a bit shocked, backed off for a short second. The sound was inhuman and the men started to realize that this was no ordinary elf. Thilian grinned and let her powers go to work, the ropes were dry and old and even a tiny flame could burn through them. It was done in a second, she had her hands free and she grabbed the man who stood before her by his jaws and pulled his face close to her own. The shock made him open his mouth and she leaned towards him as if she was to kiss him. Instead she opened her own mouth, let her flames free. She did not need to shape shift to spew flames, it was a part of her no matter how she appeared. The man gasped and inhaled flames, she scorched his lungs and the body went rigid and jerked a few times before he dropped dead.
Thilian got on her feet, the two men had screamed and she heard several more running towards the sound. Nice, more to fry! She smiled, showed her sharp teeth and blazing eyes and she lifted her arms and let the flames dance around her once again. The men’s clothing caught fire right away, they screamed and tried to brush the flames off but to no prevail. Dragons fire is not like ordinary flames, it cannot be extinguished with water end it melts things rather than just burning them. Their attempts to save themselves were futile and the flames appeared to have a will of their own, seeking the mouth and nose as if to crawl into the bodies, burning them from the inside. Thilian was shivering, rage and fear and desperation just exploded within her, she ran forward and saw that four more men had entered the bigger room on the outside of the one where she had been kept. They stopped in shock and stared at her and she growled and let the flames engulf them as well.
They screamed, horrible screams in pain and fear and fell onto the floor, writhing in agony. The one who looked the youngest was screaming for his mother before death came as an angel of mercy and claimed his soul and Thilians eyes got wide with shock as she realized what she just had done. She screamed and suddenly the entire room was ablaze. She should not exist, she should not be allowed to kill again. She was really a monster and if Thranduil stayed with her the evil of her soul would taint him, stain him forever. She had to die to save everybody from herself. She fell onto the floor, screaming in mental anguish. The memories of the past overwhelming her, devouring her, reawakening her old fears and doubts. The flames were roaring around her, flowing like sheets of thin paper. She was immune to her own fire, as all dragons are. One of the dead men had a dagger in his belt, it was scorched and burned but intact. She pulled it free from the sheath and stared at it. She had endangered everybody, if anyone had died this day it was her fault, she could not allow it to happen again. She lifted the dagger, placed the tip of the blade over her heart and gathered all her courage and strength. “Thranduil, my love, forgive me, I cannot live knowing what I have done!”
Carmariel had just finished off another couple of attackers, she was fighting with an elegance which was just breathtaking and even though he had managed to kill a few of the bandits too he felt like a mere amateur compared with her. They were running down a narrow corridor when they saw a shadow ahead of them, it was a black wolf and Thranduil remembered what the old man had told him. He felt cold sweat running down his back and he just stared and gasped. The wolf raised her head and howled, it sounded as if the sound came from afar and Carmariel gasped and bowed her head. “The goddess, you must follow her!”Thranduil looked at Carmariel, she smiled. “Don’t worry about me friend, I’ll find the others. Go get her, save her. It is all up to you now!”
Thranduil swallowed, he had a wild expression within those ice blue eyes. Carmariel nodded. “Go, run, save her!”
He ran, the corridor turned abruptly and he could smell smoke. He stopped, could see flames raging between the boards of the wall and he knew she was in there. He felt how his legs were shivering, how fear turned his courage to dust. Then he heard her scream, a terrible sound filled with anguish and grief and something just snapped within him. To venture into those rooms was to die, but without her he could not live. He ran, he ran to his own death and knew it but he could not let her die alone and afraid, If they were to burn at least they were to burn together. He burst through the door, the room was filled with flames and smoke and he could see her but only with difficulty. She sat on the floor, bent forward, a dagger pressed towards her chest, her hair was floating around her with the flames and her eyes were black with despair and grief. He saw several scorched bodies on the floor and knew what fate had befallen them.
The heat was unbearable, he whimpered with pain as embers landed on his skin and burned him, there was no air there, nothing to breathe except flames. She lifted her head, saw him and screamed, a sound filled with absolute grief. “No, Melethron, leave me, go. You’ll get burned! I cannot live with what I just did!”
The flames were no longer just dragonsfire, it was ordinary flames as well and her clothes were almost gone, she had burns everywhere and there were no more air to breathe, it would kill them both and there would be no escape this time.
He felt how his love for her filled his very being and suddenly he felt at ease, if this was their destiny then be it. He walked towards her, smoke rose from his clothes but he did not care, he was no longer afraid. The agony of the heat was unbearable but he endured, he knelt down next to her and removed the dagger. His clothes were burning and he embraced her tightly. Thilian lay her head backwards and released a strange howling noise. He whispered to her with what seemed to be his last breath. “If we have to go, we will go together. We cannot be separated now my love, we belong together, in life as well as in death.”
Her eyes rolled back into her head, suddenly there was a calm around them, like a bubble where the fire could not reach them. She could not let him die, but he would if she did not save him. She saw now how deep the bond really was, they could not exist without each other. She forced the flames she had created to die down, they seemed to just shrink and disappear and she gasped with fatigue and pain. Even if the flames couldn’t hurt her the lack of air could and she felt like choking, the ordinary flames were forced away from her at the moment but she was getting weaker by the minute and soon they would be to strong. Thranduil had passed out and still he hung on to her, embraced her and protected her with his own body.
Thilian was unable to move, too weak to do anything except breathing. She could not even scream for help, if any of the enemies returned she would be defenseless, she did not have the strength to bring forth her flames once more. She just sat there, stroked his head slowly, she felt a sensation of despair and surrender. She could not die, she could not protect him and she could not live without him. She would just have to accept what she was and in time perhaps she would be able to forgive herself. His hair had been singed and he smelled like fire and smoke, she wept for him. He had been willing to burn to death to save her, how could she ever reward such courage? She knew the answer, by being equally brave. She would prove her courage in childbirth, reward him thus by giving him healthy strong children. She remembered the child in her dream, how could she have been so foolish, risking everything out of despair and confused fear?
She sat there when Frostbird came running followed by Carmariel and Rheynek. They all were bloody and looked terrible and they stopped and stared at the incredible sight. The two sitting and laying on the floor, both almost naked with their clothes burned off them. Thilian gasped when she saw them, her throat was raw from the overheated air she had breathed in. “Please, help him”
Frostbird could see that both had burns, some rather bad. Thilians flames had ignited more regular flames as well and she was not immune to those, the room was still burning and smoke filled it slowly. The silver haired elf knew what to do, she applied thin layer of ice cold air around the burns to prevent them from getting worse. Carmariel and Frostbird lifted Thilian and Rheynek wrapped a robe around Thranduil and lifted him across his shoulder. The elf was breathing but he was injured and they ran as fast as they could back to the others. They had managed to drive the rest of the bandits into the back of the complex. Akisha did not want to risk any more lives so she gave the order to retreat, there were still about twenty men left and they were well armed and knew how to fight.
The warrior priestess watched with grim determination as her people emerged from the building. Ghuad was hovering up there somewhere and he would deliver the final blow. She gasped when the three came running carrying Thilian and Thranduil, both were unconscious and she screamed one last command. These arrogant excuses for a human being would never be allowed to hurt anyone again. If these two died she would never be able to forgive herself for not having protected them. Janrem had gotten a small cart from a local stable and they placed the two in it and Janrem whipped the horse into gallop. Frerk was running ahead, getting people out of the way. The dragon cat had killed a few men who had tried to escape and blood was running from its jaws and chest. It had enjoyed the fight and licked its lips with an expression of pride.
Akisha made sure that everybody was out of the buildings before she screamed to the dark shadow way up there. “Ghuad, now.”
The black dragon was furious, he had seen that Thilian was hurt, he had sensed her sorrow and doubt and his rage was beyond description. He flipped over in the air, fell towards the buildings like a brick and the men left within the building never got the chance to know what had hit them. Ghuads weight was enormous, it was as if a meteorite had struck the block. The impact made the ground shake, rocks and pieces of building material flew everywhere and all that was left was a twenty foot deep crater and a very satisfied dragon. He got on his feet again, shook himself a few times and was back on his wings right away. It took more than a fall to injure him.
Back at the circus Naragh was ready to receive any wounded warriors and he gasped when he saw Thilian and Thranduil. He was immediately busy with their burns and did not let anyone in except Frostbird who used her healing powers on them both. It drained her of strength but it was needed and she was utterly exhausted whence she was finished. Thilian was breathing with a strange sound and Thranduil was even worse off, she felt so sorry for them. Naragh turned his back on her and Frostbird made a soft smile, let her fingers glide through their singed locks of hair. She whispered a few words in her own tongue and grinned, the grin was filled with mischief.
Naragh worked on the two the entire night, he was almost cross eyed with fatigue when he finally had done all he could. He had his helpers and apprentices place the two in the same bed, he did not want to separate the two, not any more. Both were covered with lotions and bandages and he was rather sure that they would be alright, there would not even be scars. He strongly suspected magic to be a part of the picture and if he had known about the necklace he would have known exactly what type of magic too.
Thilian woke up as the first of the two, she opened her sore eyes and felt confused, she had dreamt of flames and… She felt warmth next to her body, skin towards her own. She turned slowly, looked at him. He was sleeping and his arm was placed around her waist, he belonged there with her and she relaxed and felt a surge of relief flow through her soul. They had made it, they were both alive. She felt tears flowing from her eyes, she would never again let anything keep them apart, never.
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