Underneath alien skies | By : Nuredhel Category: +Third Age > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: II do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, and i do not earn any money from this work of fiction, it is solely written for entertainment and not for profit at all. do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, |
Finally they are getting to the big day, and it will be marvelous. Yep, the name of the chapter is inspired by one of my favorite metal ballads, by helloween. I just thought it fitted, when elves swear to remain true to each other forever it really means forever!
So here there’ll be a conversation with some confessions of the intimate kind, a lovely wedding and a wedding night so this is adult, and yes, I guess it is a bit smutty! Enjoy!
And thanks to everybody who uses their precious time reading this. Hugs for ya all
Chapter eleven Forever and oneOne soul and one mindEntwined like young vines
Forever inseparable
Bound together for eternity
Naragh checked their wounds very carefully, he was gentle and took his time and Thilian was grateful they hadn’t received really deep burns. The healer thought that they should stay in bed for one day just in case and she agreed. She still felt weak and a bit shocked by what she had done. She should have been past the state of mind in which she doubted her own decisions but she had not. It had almost cost her the lives of both Thranduil and herself, she would not let that happen again.
Everybody had been stunned by the things that had happened, but the relief was even greater when it got clear that nobody had gotten seriously hurt. Thilian knew that the activity out there was rather frantic, they had not postponed the wedding, they wanted to go through with it and Thranduil had agreed. He was feeling rather ok but the burns had been a bit painful until Naragh managed to numb them with some ointments. Thilian had been very quiet and she looked a bit sad and he had been sitting there for a while, just holding her whispering soothing words. Naragh had brought them some food and Thilian wasn’t feeling all that hungry but Thranduil was feeding her and she did eat quite a bit after all. They had felt drowsy afterwards so they had gone to sleep again, both needed it and now that they slept so close to each other their sleep was deep and undisturbed.
When Thilian woke up she felt a bit weird, like her head was spinning ever so slightly and it felt heavy. She tried to sit up and gasped, reached behind her and felt something against her back, something soft. Her hair had been really damaged by the heat but now it was suddenly even longer than before, and just as shiny and soft as it had been. The same thing had happened to Thranduil and Thilians eyes narrowed, Frostbird! That elf was behind this or else she was a donkey. She did notice something weird though, she had gotten some silvery blond hairs where there had been none before and he had gotten some bronze colored ones. Thilian shook her head in disbelief and fought the impulse to scratch her burns, they were itching but Naragh told her they were healing so fast he could barely believe it.
Akisha had been visiting just to check in on them and Thilian was a little sad she had caused so much death and turmoil. Akisha on the other hand was glad they had managed to discover the dangerous group and removing it completely and they were glad nobody had gotten hurt except the bad guys. Thilian was beginning to realize that her wedding was just two days away, she was getting nervous but in a good way. She felt so utterly safe and loved when he was close to her and she enjoyed his company more than ever. They spent the day in bed telling stories and just relaxing, Thilian needed to accept the necessity of her deeds, she had burned those men in order to save herself and the others and the regret she had felt had been to expect, she had just overreacted because of her previous experiences and Thranduil was able to speak with her and help her clear her mind without causing any outburst of rage or denial.
That night he dreamed again, he was standing on one of the hills surrounding the palace, the sky was clear with a huge moon and the stars were out, shining like jewels across the velvety skies. He could see the forest in all directions but he saw a deep darkness creeping closer, a dark mist of some sort and it was closing in on the area around the palace. “There is hope now!”
It was his father’s voice but he could not see him. “You will return soon, do not worry. You will know what you are to do, and then you all will be safe”
He moaned in his sleep, pressed his face towards Thilians thick hair, inhaled her scent. Yes he knew what he had to do, save Legolas from becoming the man he had been, bitter, angry and sad. A soul devoured by the past, haunted by regret and the memories of deeds that should have been undone. He knew exactly what to do.
The next morning Naragh let them leave the infirmary and Thilian got the shock of a lifetime when they entered the dining room. It had been washed, and that had to have been one hell of a job in itself because she had thought the walls were painted a deep dark color of brownish grey, and now they were light grey, almost white! Someone had decorated the whole room with flower garlands and she knew people had been working non-stop and still were. Jalisa had given one of the other cooks the responsibility of making the daily meals, she was so busy with preparing the wedding dinner. Raigh told Thranduil that he didn’t have to work these last two days, he should relax and gain some strength. The heat and flames had almost scorched his lungs and even though he was healing fast they did not want him to take any chances.
There were people running around everywhere and they went to the stands and sat down on the top row, they could see almost the entire circus from that place and he realized how much of a change he had gone through since he came to this place. He would be a better leader when he returned, and a better father too. Thilian was leaning against him and he put his arm around her, he felt content and relaxed. He had done something he never would have imagined just months before, he was no longer afraid of fire and he knew the Gods had a plan with everything.
The day after was so busy Thilian and Thranduil didn’t have time to meet, Thilian was being taken care of by the other women and Thranduil was kept busy too. He had to learn the wedding ritual so he knew what to say and when to say it. Raigh had gotten him new clothes he had to try on and they went shopping again. He had not been aware of the custom of giving the bride a gift the morning after the wedding and he felt a bit stressed out but did find something he thought she would like.
Thilian on the other hand was starting to feel nervous. She would not be allowed to see him again until the wedding and she missed him already. Enez and Shanrae was preparing her, they were washing her hair and making jokes and she was grateful they did not follow the custom of throwing a hen party. She had had enough humiliation for a lifetime. Enez was fixing her fingernails and grinned. “You can be very grateful you’re not human. I know it is common in many places for a bride to have all of her body hair plucked out.”Thilian cringed, she was suddenly very happy she had inherited the elven lack of such hair. The very idea of having someone doing something like that to her was terrible. Enez grinned. “I think the groom too has to go through that procedure”
Shanrae laughed. “Oh my goodness, really? So that’s why so many guys are afraid of marriage. Men aren’t really that good with handling pain”
Thilian had to grin. Akisha entered the room with a handful of nice sating ribbons to braid into her hair and she sat down and helped Shanrae with her job. The half elf was covering Thilians feet with a very delicate pattern of henna paintings, they were supposed to protect the bride and prevent evil from being able to interfere with the marriage. It was superstition of course but the patterns were beautiful and Thilian had never felt so pampered before.
Enez cocked her head. “Nervous?”
Thilian nodded slowly. “A little, I am afraid I will do something stupid.”
Akisha petted her hand. “Do not worry, you will be the most lovely bride ever and I am sure he will be more than satisfied with you, I bet he will be unable to take his eyes of you. “
Thilian blushed and Enez grinned once more. “You know, among royal families it is common that the bride and groom are being followed to bed and witnesses has to stay there the whole night so everybody can be ensured the marriage is consummated.”
Thilian snorted, her eyes got wide. “You are kidding me?! Someone is watching them…do it?!”
Enez nodded. “Yeah, and the sheets are hung out in public so everybody can see whether or not the bride was a virgin”
Akisha sighed. “Silly customs, I am glad few follow them these days.”
Thilian felt a shudder run down her back. She blushed and bit her lower lip, looked down. Akisha noticed her expression and hugged her. “Worried about something dear?”
Thilian gathered her courage, she had to ask. “Yes, ah, I am a little nervous. I mean, I haven’t... We haven’t…”
Her courage failed her and Akisha got a very soft expression within her eyes. “I remember when I and Raigh started to realize we were meant to be together, that we were more than friends. I asked Naragh the same question you are trying to ask now and the answer was that that experience is different for every woman.”
Thilian looked very fragile, there was a small glimpse of fear within her eyes and Akisha felt a bit angry. Her mother had really messed that girl up, if she had had a daughter she would never have raised her the way Thilian had been raised. Enez sighed and grabbed her hand, squeezed it gently. “The first time I slept with Rheynek we were under siege and the next morning I was going to let myself get caught by some vampires in order to steal two gems from their master. I was so damn nervous and I wanted to give him that, in case I would not return alive, or worse, I returned as one of those damned bloodsuckers.”
She had an ironic expression within her eyes. “Frostbird used her magic on me so I could not feel pain for several hours. Damn it was welcome, and it turned out to be a night well worth remembering but I must confess I was less than happy the morning after. I could barely walk!”
Akisha laughed out loud. “I remember that, gods, he was so afraid when you left for the woods, he looked as if he was ready to lay down and die.”
Enez nodded. “It was the worst thing I’ve ever done, leaving him behind like that. But it had to be done and I survived!”
Thilian made a strange grimace. “I know it will hurt, I am just not sure how much!”
Shanrae hugged her. “Do not worry my sweetest, he will be gentle with you I am sure. If you relax it won’t be that bad. Remember it will get better and try to enjoy the experience.”
Thilian blushed even more. “I know I can enjoy him touching me, I already felt that, but I am afraid I might disappoint him somehow”
Enez looked at her with disbelief. “Disappoint him? Are you nuts girl?! How on earth can he ever be disappointed by someone like you.?”
Thilian tried to smile. “What if I can’t go through with it?”
Her voice was shivering and weak and Akisha hugged her. “Thilian, listen to me. He can wait, if you don’t feel ready tell him. This is all about you, not him. He will respect that if he truly loves you!”
Thilian tried to smile again and Enez grinned once more. “If you try to be in control it might be a little easier you know”
Thilian looked like a question mark, her eyes wide and Enez sighed. “Damn you really are innocent are you not, if you are on top you can decide how fast you want to proceed. “
Shanrae nodded. “And you’ll decide more than that too, it is really a good advice”
Thilian nodded, she understood and hoped that she would be able to make use of it. Akisha sighed and there was a sort of melancholy within her glance. “I and Raigh did it for the first time the night of my best friend’s wedding. She was already pregnant and had to get married in a hurry, I remember the happiness of that day, it filled the very air itself. She was so proud and lovely and I was so happy on her behalf.”
Thilian smiled. “And so you two also had a sort of wedding night.”
Akisha nodded and rustled her hair. “Yes, and I have never regretted it a single time. Yes it was not all that pleasant but it was a transition, I was no longer a child, I was a woman and I was his.”
Thilian smiled, she had a soft light within her eyes. “I have had a dream, I saw a child, a small girl. She was mine and Thranduils, I pray my dream will come true”
Akisha smiled softly. “I am sure it will, you and Thranduil will become very happy I am sure.”
Shanrae started to laugh and the other women looked at her with confusion. “What?”
Enez looked truly puzzled and Shanrae grinned widely. “I remember something a friend of mine once told me. She and her boyfriend was finally ready to do the deed so to speak and they had found some nice spot in the woods where nobody would disturb them. They started and she started to scream like crazy, she almost scared the living daylights out of the poor fellow, he must have thought he had injured her seriously!”
The others stared at her and Shanrae grinned again. “You see, just as he started and entered her she discovered that she had one of those huge giant crickets sitting on her leg and she was terrified of them, with him on top of her she could not reach it or shake it off.”
Akisha started to laugh like crazy and Thilian had to laugh too, suddenly she did not feel that nervous any more.
“Damn, that’s a nightmare come true I am sure!”Enez voice was rather dry and suddenly the atmosphere had changed. It had become light and relaxed and Thilian was really enjoying it. The women sat there for hours chatting and exchanging gossip and Thilian was looking forward to her big day.
Thilian had to go to bed alone that evening, she was feeling alone but she knew that she probably never would have to be alone again when this night was over. She was feeling a bit restless but she fell asleep nevertheless, Jalisa had given her a huge cup of wine filled with herbs and they had their effect. She slept without dreams or any disturbances and she woke up simply because Frostbird was shaking her vigorously. It was getting light outside and she rubbed her eyes with a feeling that she just went to bed.
Frostbird nodded with a grin. “Hurry up, we have to bathe you and then it is breakfast, there is so much to do!”
Thilian tried to smile but felt a bit dizzy, Frostbird helped her get on her feet and put a huge bathrobe on her. They walked to the baths in silence until Thilian hawked and turned to the silver haired elf with a pleading glance. “Have you seen him yet today?”
Frostbird sniggered. “I have my friend, he is also rather nervous. Don’t worry, you’ll soon be together again and then you’ll never again be apart.”
Thilian smiled but she could feel her chin shivering, she was nervous again. They entered the baths and Enez and Carmariel were already there, both were ready for their job and started right away. Thilian was bathed and washed with soaps with the scent of wild flowers. They dried her hair and added perfume to it and then they tied it with ribbons and strands of beads. Thilian did not speak but she could feel her own heart thundering in her chest. They put on her some make up so she would not look so pale, then she was taken to the dining room for breakfast. It was apparent that everybody worked within a very tight time schedule, under no circumstance should the two of them meet before they stood at the altar. Thilian had no appetite but forced herself to eat, she knew there would be toasts and she did not want to get drunk, she needed something in her belly to protect her from the alcohol. Afterwards they went back to her room and Akisha and Elywen brought the dress. It looked even more magnificent now and once it was on they placed the necklace around her neck and she got a bracelet from Akisha. It was made with silver and moonstones and some small rubies and it was discrete and yet very elegant. Thilian saw herself in the mirror and could not believe what she saw, she looked amazing, it was as if she was staring at some stranger. The other ladies went one by one to bathe and change their clothing and Thilian was not left alone even once. She wanted this day to be over with, so she and Thranduil could be alone together. She wanted the fuss and the stress to be gone.
Thranduil on the other hand was no less nervous than Thilian, he felt like he had ants everywhere once more, could not relax nor rest. He was pacing around in his room until Raigh just grabbed him and pushed him into a chair. “Sit down, you will wear the floor down soon if you continue like that.”Raigh and Khir was there keeping him company and Thranduil tried to relax but it was hopeless. Raigh sighed and poured something into a cup from a belt flask. It smelled rather good but the smell was strong and he sniffed the liquid with a bit of suspicion. “Drink it, it will calm your nerves.”
Raighs voice was stern and he obeyed and drank the whole cup. It tasted great and it did really help him relax. They put his new clothes on and he just allowed them to do their job, he felt like he was in some sort of dream. His hair was being braided carefully and he got new boots and a new belt. He did not wear any jewelry except a small necklace with a rose pendant made from bronze, it reminded him of her and he had bought it the day before. Everything was being prepared and Raigh told him that there would be guest there, many within the city were very involved with the circus and the king would most certainly send someone to represent him. Thranduil had not really realized how important these people and this place were.
The atmosphere of the place was electric, there was so much anticipation in the air. The guest had started to arrive and were greeted at the gates by Frostbird who had dressed in a blue dress, she looked very ethereal. The priestess had arrived too and was going through her preparations, everything was getting ready.
Thranduil knew that he would be the first to arrive at the altar, then the bride would follow and he felt a sort of knot form around his chest, this was the grand moment and he was feeling like some elfling once more. He remembered the last time he got married, oh it had been grand for sure. Many guests and lots of pomp and circumstance. He had felt trapped, angry even. He was being forced to go through with something he was totally against and something within him wanted him to just turn around and run. But he hadn’t, it would have been a scandal. He had kept a calm face and he had been polite. Nobody could have been able to criticize his behavior on that day, he had played his role well. He had been unhappy, he had felt hurt and betrayed and he now realized that that feeling had haunted him for the millennia which followed. He had been unable to control his own fate and in an attempt to correct that he had become obsessed with controlling everything else. How could he have been so blind?
He remembered his wife, she had been so happy, so eager to please and he had acted like some jerk. Had he really tried to get to know her or had he just ignored her from the start? He could no longer remember and that was both a blessing and a curse. He would never treat Thilian like that, he would never take her for granted.
Someone brought a tray of fruit and some thin ale and Thranduil was starting to feel rather shaky. Raigh could see his expression and grinned widely. “Getting nervous are we? Don’t worry, it will be fine.”
Thranduil moaned, he could hear his own heartbeat and he had a very sheepish expression upon his face. “I know, but I can’t help but feel like I am going to do something stupid and create a complete mess!”
Raigh shook his head. “Don’t think then, just feel. Remember who you are, I am sure you know everything there is to know and more about behaving like a true gentleman. I am convinced you know all there is to know about etiquette too. Just try to pretend like this is some important meeting or something.”
Thranduil grimaces, right, he could do that he assumed. He could pretend like he was meeting some important noblemen or emissaries from Lothlorien or Imladris. Breathe, just breathe and keep your posture. He remembered what his father had taught him and calmed down, a little.
He was almost completely calm and he had almost convinced himself that this would be a walk in the park when Rheynek opened the door with a huge grin. The hunter was wearing the clothes he had bought while in town and they looked amazing on him. “Everybody is ready, it is showtime!”
He winked at Thranduil who immediately felt how all his collected courage fled him and took his peace and calm with it. Suddenly he was shivering like a leaf in the wind and Raigh hoisted him onto his legs. The warrior sighed and gave him a friendly slap across his cheek. “Hey, focus! It is easy, all you have to do is try to look less like you are heading for your own execution and more like you are going to a joyous event. Smile damn it, right now you look utterly silly. You don’t want Thilian to think she is about to marry the village idiot do you?”
He managed to grasp a hold of himself, he nodded at Rheynek and checked that his clothes were ok. The short walk to the arena was the longest and hardest he had ever done, he had to keep reminding himself to breathe, to smile and to walk with his head up straight. Since Raigh and Rheynek were his witnesses and best men they walked right behind him and he felt a little better knowing they would do all they could to prevent an utter disaster. He knew of a few grooms who had passed out at the altar, not a very dignified way to start a marriage.
The arena was prepared, chairs had been lined up, the altar was in place and someone had brought enough flowers to redefine the area as a garden. It looked amazing and he could see that everybody from the circus were present. There were also a lot of people he never had met and felt a little insecure right away. What would they think of him? He walked up to the altar and bowed before the priestess. She was an elderly and very dignified woman with long gray hair and a gentle but yet stern glance. He was getting nervous once more, the rituals were intricate and even thought the other men had gone through them in detail he was nervous he would forget anything. The priestess could see how nervous he was and she sent him a very reassuring and almost maternal smile. “Do not worry, I will help you if you forget anything.”
He gave her a rather shivering smile and stared at the gathered crowd, he knew how to do this, he just could not remember. Raigh whispered at him. “Look at it from the bright side, it will soon be over!”
Thranduil nodded and he noticed how everybody stared at him, he felt self-conscious and nervous right away. He did not understand how majestic and proud he looked, his inner turmoil did not show on the outside and the lovely deep blue robe over a tunic in a lighter color with silver embroideries made him look rather ethereal and unworldly beautiful. The men had braided his hair so most of it fell freely down his back and even though he was a bit pale it was to expect on such a day. A gate opened at the other end of the arena and someone was blowing a horn. Thilian came walking towards the altar and Ghuad was holding her hand since he was her step-father. Shanrae walked behind her holding a sort of small parasol over her head and Enez followed her with a basket filled with white roses. Thranduil let out a gasp, he had never seen anything as beautiful as her in this moment. The dress could only enhance her beauty and she was smiling shyly at him. The crowd gasped too when she came into view and some got on their feet and bowed or curtsied. She walked slowly, head held up high and her eyes were shining, she looked so proud, so full of love and power. She was a goddess and he was blessed to be allowed to worship her.
Thranduil swallowed, it all started now, he had to remember what to say and what to do. Ghuad held Thilians hand until they too stood before the altar. Thranduil turned to face them and he and Ghuad stood right in front of each other. Ghuad raised his right hand and laid it on Thranduil’s shoulder. He did the same and Ghuad smiled, the grin was friendly but also serious. “I bring you this bride. She is blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh. Given in trust, given in love. Honor her or face the wrath of the Gods”
The words were ancient and Thranduil managed to remember the answer, he had thought he would stutter and forget everything but it was all clear in his mind now, it was as if the sight of her had brought him to a state of peace he never had felt before. “I accept this bride, given in trust given in love. I will honor her or face the wrath of the Gods”
The priestess smiled and lifted an eyebrow to show how pleased she was with his very dignified and calm answer. She nodded and Ghuad lifted Thilians hand and placed it in Thranduils, she gasped at the contact and he could see how her pupils got larger. He felt the same way too, too happy and too moved to be able to express his feelings. The priestess pulled a string of rawhide out of a basket on the altar, she tied it loosely around their wrists and then she started to chant. The words were in the holy language nobody but the priestesses could speak but it was a blessing. She poured some wine onto the string and then she removed it again and threw it into a small fire burning in a pot on the altar. The deed could not be undone as the string could not be unburned.
Thilian smiled at him, he saw the trust and joy in her smile and he could not help but smile back. The priestess took two small daggers from the altar, one for each of them and they had to send them back and forth between each-others hands three times. It was a way of showing how he was willing to protect her and she to be protected by him. Earlier the ritual had included swords but they were heavy and in some cases a bit too dangerous. After that the priestess lined them up side to side, facing in the opposite direction of each other and they were told to raise one hand each so they held them together palm against palm. This was the tricky part, they had to walk around with their hands as the center of the circle, and they should not come apart because that was a bad omen. Both had to walk forwards for three rounds and backwards for three and they had to stare at each-others face the whole time. Walking backwards was not easy and absolutely not while wearing a long dress but Thilian managed, this part of the ritual was to show that they both were willing to give and receive, to lead and be guided.
Enez walked forth when they stood before the altar side beside like before. She sprinkled the white roses around Thilians feet, they were a symbol of her purity and Thilian blushed and looked down a bit. Thranduil now placed his hands around her waist and lifted her gently out of the circle of flowers, it was a symbol of her transition from a maiden to a wife and she shivered slightly at the touch. The priestess raised her hands and they knelt down before her. There was yet another blessing and now it was time for the wows. The priestess read them out loud one sentence at a time and both had to repeat them. Thranduil could hear how his voice trembled and it was thick with emotions. Thilians were shivering too but after a few minutes it was done. The wows were given and they were told to rise. The priestess smiled. “They are from this moment on and until the end of eternity bound together, one soul, one union. I declare them husband and wife!”
It was at this moment the crowd got on their feet and applauded and Thranduil was allowed to kiss her. He could not hear the cheering and shouting, all he could notice was her. He was drowning in her eyes, she was the whole world.
He took her by the hand and escorted her down from the altar and the others were applauding the whole time. Some threw rice at them and others also shouted obscenities, it was an old custom which was thought to ensure the fertility of the bride. It made Thilian blush so bad it felt like her cheeks were burning. They went to the dining hall where the feast was being prepared and Thranduil was in awe of all the work that had been done. Jalisa stood there wearing a rather peculiar and not particularly well fitted dress but she was shining nonetheless. To be given the honor of making such a feast was the peak of her entire career as a cook. And it was very apparent, the tables were filled with delicious things and Thilian had no idea as to what half of it was. The guests arrived and were seated and Thilian felt dizzy. There were speeches, blessings and congratulations, and faces, so many faces. She felt a bit trapped by the enormity of it all but his hand was holding on to hers the whole time and made her feel safe. She managed to smile at the guests, toast and appear calm and dignified.
Gifts were placed before them and Thilian was really shocked by all the things they got. Jewelry and money, weapons and rolls of expensive cloth. Thranduil was so calm, so apparently relaxed and sure of himself. He smiled and greeted the people and he looked as if he enjoyed himself. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “I would rather hunt orcs than go through this but I guess there is no other choice.”
She giggled and squeezed his hand and felt a little bit better. The wine was flowing and the food fantastic, she ate more than she had imagined she would and she had a little too much wine too. She felt a bit tipsy and giggly and perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing after all. The king had sent an emissary and Thranduil was greeting him with the dignity and politeness you could expect from a king, the man was a member of the royal family and presented them with two magnificent drinking cups cut from pure crystal. Thilian could see that Thranduil was impressed by the objects, they could not make anything similar in his world and she knew they would be treasured. Akisha and Raigh walked by, they bent down and grinned. “We have a gift for you too, but you won’t receive them just yet.”
Thranduil looked a bit puzzled and Thilian frowned. She had a strong suspicion of what it was, them? Luckily the etiquette didn’t require that the bride and groom spoke, Akisha held a speech where she told of how he had transformed while he had been there and Shanrae also spoke of how grateful she and Ghuad were he had managed to heal her heart and make her whole. Now the atmosphere changed once more, dinner was done and Jalisa had made cakes and enough of them to feed an army. Akisha had hired musicians and they started playing, people were sitting down in groups chatting merrily and Thilian relaxed. Thranduil got on his feet and took her hand. “I think it is required of us to lead the dance.”
Thilian swallowed hard but smiled and got up, took his hand. She was no dancer but it did not matter, he was so skilled at this he knew how to lead her and make it appear as if she was a true master. Soon she started to enjoy herself, she was aglow with happiness and danced with almost all the men there. Thranduil danced with all the ladies and received many congratulations and advices for the night to come. It made him blush a bit and he was getting a bit nervous once more. Elywen and Hawk came and sat down by their table. Elywen was clad in green and looked amazing and Hawk was in black and white and did look a bit less frightening than usual. Thilian talked a bit with them before Carmariel and Janrem joined them too. Carmariel was in white and looked stunning and exotic. She kissed Thilian on her forehead and whispered a blessing in her own language. There was dancing and singing and as the evening fell some of those songs started to become less prudish and more indecent. It turned into a real party and Thilian was dancing with Thranduil once more. They were slow dancing rather close and she knew they were expected to sneak away from the party soon. It was also tradition, the bride and the groom should try to get out without anyone noticing that they were gone and everybody should try to catch them leaving the party. The sun had set and the sky was flaming and beautiful, it was a cool evening with little wind and many went outside to dance and sing some more. Thilian was starting to get a strange feeling, she was not exactly nervous but she wanted to be done with it. She could see it in his eyes too, they were dark with love and desire and she did not fear him anymore. It had to happen so why wait? There were still people placing gifts on the tables Jalisa had destined for that use and the heap of things was impressive. Thilian went over to them and stared at everything with a feeling of confusion and a bit of despair. She could not believe that she had been given so many lovely things, and how in the name of everything sacred would they manage to thank everybody properly?. She did notice a wooden box with no card on it and lifted it, it was elongated and very beautifully carved and it was made from a special type of wood which was rare and expensive. It smelled very good and did never rot. The lid could be slid off and she did and gasped, the thing inside was something she had heard of but never seen. She blushed so bad she almost dropped the whole thing and he noticed and grinned when he saw the content.
“Oh gods, that is…that is…!”Her voice was shivering and she could not really look at the object, it was made by a master no doubt, carved from ivory and quite realistic looking.
Thranduil whistled and grinned. “A masterpiece. “
He leaned down and whispered to her. “But I am proud to say that its rather small compared with me!”
She blushed even more and she noticed a card inside the box. She picked it out and read the words on the backside of it. “For the moments of need when he is not available, I doubt it can compare with the real thing but I hope it will do the trick and be satisfying none the less, in a storm any harbor will do. Love Enez”
Thilian giggled and blushed and felt angry at the same time. “Oh Enez, that …that little….I am gonna strangle her!”
Thranduil closed the box. “Easy there my love, I am sure she meant it very well. It must have cost her a fortune, those things are not cheap.”
Thilian looked at him and her eyes revealed that she was a bit shocked by the artifact. “She isn’t really suggesting that I should use it?!”
Thranduil shrugged and grinned, he had a somewhat devilish glimpse within his eyes. “I guess she does, I don’t mind if you do. If I am not there for some reason I would most certainly prefer that you use that thing to keep yourself satisfied rather than jumping any of the palace guards!”
She snorted. “I would never do that and you know that darn well, there is only one man in this world for me and that is you!”
He smiled softly and kissed her hair, whispered to her. “I know my love, as there is only one woman for me, you!”
He grasped her by the elbow and led her toward the table where all the cakes were placed, it was almost none left and Thilian had a strong suspicion that there would be a lot of people suffering from a serious hangover and stomach cramps the day after. Thranduil picked up a small cookie and took a bit of it, he nodded towards the door to the kitchen. “Nobody is looking, should we make a run for it?”
Thilian felt how her legs suddenly felt rather wobbly and she got butterflies in her belly once more. “Yes, let’s go!”
They got out through the door and through the kitchen without any of the guests noticing that they were leaving and Thilian giggled and felt a bit silly. It was like when she was a kid and played hide and seek. The room they had gotten for the night was the best in the entire circus, it was reserved for special guests and quite large. It was luxurious and beautiful and someone had gone to great lengths to assure that it was romantic. There were candles lit everywhere and on a table someone had placed some bottles of wine and other beverages. There were some fruit too and some sandwiches. The tray of sandwiches had a card on it from Jalisa, to keep the strength up through the night it said and Thilian giggled a little. Thranduil stopped by the beverages and he got a funny expression on his face. He picked up a small bottle and Thilian frowned. “What is that?”
He grinned. “Chocolate sauce!”
Thilian stared at fruit. “For the fruit?”
He grinned even wider. “Nope, someone here knows what they are doing apparently, must be a connoisseur! It’s to be eaten yes, or rather, licked!”
Thilian did not understand and she stared at him with an expression of confusion. Thranduil sighed and walked up to her. “Hold out your hand!”
She reluctantly did and he poured some drops over her fingers. Then he sat the bottle down and slowly he lapped the sauce from her fingers. Thilians eyes got wide and she gasped, the room had suddenly gotten very hot and she could hear her heartbeat. She understood what the sauce was for. “Ah, say no more, I see!”
He grinned and the grin was a bit wicked. He leaned forward and kissed her gently and she could taste the sweet sauce on his lips, suddenly she felt like her lower belly was on fire and the heat moved down even more. She gasped and he nodded, took her by the hand and walked over to the bed. It was huge and covered with a beautiful crocheted bed spread and some nice soft cushions. It looked very inviting but Thilian felt a bit frightened once more. She knew what would happen to her on that bed and even though she longed for it she was also a bit afraid. In a few hours she would no longer be a pure maiden and she could feel her heart beat fast and hard against her ribs.
She remembered something Akisha had warned her about and knelt down, lifted the bed spread and checked under the bed. Thranduil looked very confused and cocked his head, when she lay there on her knees he could really admire her perfect butt. “What in the world are you doing? Checking for monsters under the bed?”
He could not help but laugh a little and she turned around and looked at him with a grin. “No, I am checking that nobody is trying to pull some kind of practical joke on our behalf.”
He frowned. “Do you think they will?”
Thilian grimaced. “Some places it is a tradition, Akisha warned me about it. They can do things like putting mice in the bed, pull the plugs out of the bedframe so it falls apart when there is movement upon it and things like that. It is said to bring good luck”
He took a look around, everything looked normal. “Right, but under the bed?”
She nodded. “Akisha told me of a trick which is rather popular, they tie a piece of string to the springs underneath the matrass and attach a piece of cork at the end. And underneath the cork they place a jug of fresh milk on the floor and the next morning they check to see whether or not there is butter on the cork”
Thranduil did not understand, he was not used to milk and the production of dairy products and Thilian blushed and moved her hand up and down. “It’s how they make butter, by moving something up and down through the milk, so when the matrass and springs go up and down the cork does to and so on and so forth, got it?”
He blushed, he could see it with his imagination and Thilian giggled. “If there is no butter on the cork they will mock the groom and claim he has been lazy and not very manly”
Thranduil grinned widely. “Check under the bed one more time, please!”
Thilian just shook her head. “Once is enough, there was nothing there.”
He nodded and grinned. “Good, then we’ll have nothing to worry about.”
He pulled the bed spread off the bed and hung it on a chair, then he pulled the soft blankets aside and Thilian felt how her body tensed up out of pure anxiety. She could not control it, not any longer. He turned around and saw the expression within her eyes, she looked utterly vulnerable and he knew he would have to do everything right to avoid any problems. He leaned towards her, let his forehead rest towards hers. “Afraid?”
She nodded, she could not lie. He cupped her chin with his hands and kissed her softly. “Do not worry my love, I will let you set the pace. If you don’t feel like it we can wait, I don’t mind.”
She had to grin. “Really?”
He nodded and his eyes were sincere. “Really! I can wait knowing it is you I am waiting for.”
She sighed and lifted her face towards him. “I know, I am just…scared!”
He nodded and kissed her again. “You are afraid of the unknown, it is to expect. But you do remember what we did in your room right? We’ll see if we can get to that point and then we’ll take it from there when or if you feel ready for it.”
She tried to smile and put up her most brave expression. “Ok, that’s a good plan. “
Thranduil stared into her eyes, they were so wonderful and clear and he kissed her slowly. She felt that heat return once more and some of her fear disappeared. She had longed for something like that experience once more and felt reassured knowing he would listen to her and respect her wishes. He smiled softly. “Then first of all, let’s get comfortable!”
He slowly untied the ribbons within her hair and it fell down, he let his fingers glide through it and kissed the back of her neck, she could feel the heat of his breath and it felt almost like some sort of fluid flowing down her back. It made her shiver and moan and he removed her necklace and bracelet gently. Then he pulled off his robe and tunic and stood there in a soft undershirt, he nodded to her and she bit her lower lip and pulled it over his head. He untied his own braids and kicked off his boots. Thilian giggled a little out of sheer nervousness and got rid of her shoes and was going to pull her stockings off too but he stopped her. He guided her over to the bed, made her sit down. “I’ll do that for you.”
She cocked her head and looked at him with confusion, she was very well able to get rid of her own stockings. He grasped her foot, he was kneeling down in front of her and she winced when she felt him slide his huge warm hand up her leg underneath the skirts of her dress. He never took his eyes off her face and slowly he pulled the thin garment off her. She immediately felt very exposed even if she still had her dress on. He did the same thing with the other stocking and she shivered ever so slightly. Then he helped her get back upon her feet and started to undo the lacings of the dress. She felt his breath against her shoulder, he kissed it while he let the dress fall towards the floor and she stood there only clad in her thin undergarments. They were mostly of lace and made to look seductive more than to cover anything up. He moaned at the sight of her and she could see the fire in his eyes. He was kissing her neck once more, letting his mouth slide up towards her ear and then he kissed her mouth. Thilian was feeling like she stood next to a red hot fireplace, she tried to touch him in return and he appreciated it. Soon her lips felt almost sore from the passionate exchange of saliva and she was shivering from head to toe in a mixture of anticipation and fear. Thranduil was whispering to her, soft words she yet had to learn the meaning of but his at the moment rather husky voice did turn her knees into jelly. He got his belt off while kissing her, let his pants drop and was left with his shorts. Thilian had that burning sensation within once more, she hungered for him but she was yet to afraid to admit it, even for herself. He pulled her last garments off, he could have ripped them off her body but he tried to be gentle and the sight of her naked made him moan her name. “Oh gods, you are so beautiful, so perfect”
He gently lifted her and placed her in the bed, then he got rid of the shorts and slid onto the bed next to her. She gasped and he could see the conflicting emotions within her, he slowly started to caress her breasts once more and she gasped and closed her eyes. “Relax my love, you are safe, just enjoy it.”
He had problems speaking and Thilian was letting her hands slide through his hair, almost pulling at it. He licked and sucked her nipples and heard how her breath became ragged and fast, he slowly let one hand slide down between her legs and found her wet and rather ready already but he would have to wait. He wanted her to come at least once before they attempted to fulfill this. Thilian was stunned by how fast he had ignited that fire within her once more, it felt just like it had when they were in her room and she wanted more, so much more. She wanted to touch him in return, let her hands slide over his muscular warriors body and hear him moan in pleasure. She kissed his neck and he shivered, then she tried to kiss one of his flat small nipples and was rewarded with a gasp. She grinned to herself, so he was sensitive. Good to know.
Thranduil was glad he had managed to awaken her lust once more, he let a finger slide between her slick folds and began to caress her sensitive nub once more. Thilian felt like ever nerve in her body suddenly had caught fire, she pressed her hips up against his rhythmical caresses and her breathing had become panting. He was leaning over her, sucking her nipple while his finger caressed her clit and Thilian was sweating now, she was squirming and could not really understand how she could survive this overwhelming onslaught of feelings. He was bringing her closer to the edge with each gentle flick of his finger and she closed her eyes and surrendered completely to her emotions and her body.
Thranduil was glad she didn’t touch him more than she already had, he would not have been able to control himself if she had. He had to remain in control for as long as he could. She was so beautiful, caught in the maelstrom of her own desire and he felt something akin to reverence at the sight of her rapture. She tensed up, her body went rigid and then she closed her eyes and grimaced as her release rushed through her, she called out his name and he felt how he was close to following her right there and then without even having been touched. But he had his plan ready, as soon as she relaxed he slowly let a finger slide into her. Thilian gasped and her eyes went wide and she lifted her head and stared at him. She had not anticipated that and absolutely not this new sensation. “Just relax and try not to over analyze what you are feeling.”
She nodded and he started to move his hand again, slowly in a very gentle rhythm. He let his finger slide between the walls of her inner passage and he could feel how tight she was and how her muscles clenched on to him. He moaned her name, almost on the breaking point. Thilian was beyond conscious thought once more, the sound of her own heartbeat thunder in her ears and her entire body aching with her need. He added another finger and Thilian could not help it, she started to push against his movements, screaming as another climax rushed through her leaving her bone less and limp upon the bed.
She was panting and shivering and yet she wanted more, she wanted to go the whole way, to feel his cock in her where his fingers had been. She no longer cared if it hurt, she was part of him, and they belonged together. She grasped onto his shoulders, pushed herself towards him and kissed him once more. “Please, do it, I am ready”
He shivered, closed his eyes. She was more than beautiful, she was brave too. “Are you sure? Do not let me do this just to please me”
She shook her head. “I want you, I want to be as one with you. I have only one question…”
He nodded and kissed her lovingly. “Yes my love?”
She blushed, he could see how she was shivering but now it was with desire. “May I…be on top?”
Her voice was a bit thin and nervous and he let his hands trail over her, nodded and smiled at her. “Off course, it is very wise of you my love. You will decide how much of me you can take then, and how fast.”
He moved closer to the center of the bed and laid down on his back, put a cushion behind his neck and she hesitated for a second, then she placed her legs on each side of his narrow hips and got into position. He raised his hands, caressed her breasts once more, heard her moan and saw how her breath was quickening once more. He let his hand slide in between her legs, caressed her gently again and she hissed and closed her eyes. He placed his hands on her hips to support her and she stared into his eyes. He was in awe of the sheer determination within her golden eyes, she wanted this to be fulfilled just as much as he did. She reached down and steered him towards her entrance and she winced when she felt the head of his cock against it, he was already slick with pre cum and she was wet so there would be no problems with lubrication. At least one less thing to worry about.
Thilian felt weird at that moment, she had a feeling of power, of control. She decided her own fate and she felt strong and a bit proud of her own courage. Slowly she let her body relax and could feel him starting to slide into her. Her eyes opened up wide, she gasped and her face told of utter disbelief. The sensation was so different from what she had expected she barely could believe it. She allowed him to slide a tiny bit deeper into her and felt how something inside of her resisted the penetration. She gasped and swallowed and he met her glance. “I love you Thilian, I wish there was a way to avoid this.”
She could feel the love within his voice, saw his desperate need for her in his eyes and felt how his body shivered against her own. She was in control, she was the strongest one there now and it felt like freedom. Freedom from fear, from guilt and regret. “But there aren’t!”
She took a deep breath and then she pushed herself down, impaled herself upon him and took him inn entirely. The pain was not as she had expected, it was much sharper, more piercing and she could not hold back a short scream. She felt like she was about to be ripped in half and she was shuddering and gasping. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and yet she felt triumphant, as she had been victorious somehow.
Thranduil could not believe that she had done it like that, he could feel how her maidenhood gave way and was torn and the scream she made was terrible. He could not believe that she was this bold, this determined. She sat still, whimpering and he raised a hand, wiped tears from her cheeks. “Oh my sweetest love, heart of my heart, I am so sorry. But it is done now, there is no need to cause yourself more pain and discomfort.”
She tried to smile. “No? And what about you? “
He stared at her, confused. “What about me? What do you mean?”
She swallowed. “You haven’t had your release yet, even if I have come twice. That is a bit unfair would you not say?”
He did not know what to say, she should not think about him and his pleasure now, he could see how much she was hurting still. “Thilian, it doesn’t matter, really.”
She smiled gently, lifted his hand to her cheek and then she kissed it gently, she started to rock her hips against his and the feeling made him gasp. “It matters, to me!”
She was very careful, moving slowly and she could feel how she was teetering on the edge between agony and pleasure. There was pleasure, she felt whole, filled and stretched and it was wonderful and yet it hurt like hell. She used every bit of will she had within her to do what she did, she found a rhythm and angle that didn’t hurt too bad and his eyes were black and he was covered in sweat, gasping as his pleasure grew towards his release. Thilian had started to feel a sort of frenzy, she was in pain but she could no longer control her own body. It knew what to do by sheer instinct and she was moving faster, letting him get deeper into her as she fucked him. He was almost fighting it, he did not want to let go of his control but he had to, it was simply too much for him. With a guttural growl he grabbed her hips again and started to thrust up against her. He was screaming her name with every thrust, he was seeing stars and sparks and he had a feeling that he would pass out soon. Thilian was calling out his name, her face contorted by pain and pleasure and she opened her eyes and caught his glance with her own the moment his orgasm claimed his body. He looked as if he was in agony, screaming her name so loud she feared everybody within the building could hear him. She could feel his cock pulse within her, spurting warm seed into her and she screamed once more, triumphantly. It was done, it was completed. He did pass out, the world went black before his eyes and when he woke up she was laying on top of him, letting her fingers glide through his hair. She was smiling, there were tears in her eyes still and he could see she was in pain. There was blood on her inner thighs and he felt like a bastard for having enjoyed it when she had clearly suffered through the whole thing but she had wanted him to come and he would not have been able to make her change her mind.
He knew her now, knew how truly amazing she was and how strong her spirit could be. She was as strong as the very bones of the earth and he felt that she would do anything for those she loved. He felt tears flowing from his own eyes as well, tears of sheer happiness. He had never known you could weep because you were happy. He silently again thanked the Valar for bringing him to this place and allowing him to meet her, to be complete. He pulled the blankets over them and Thilian rested against his chest, she was already asleep and he was so moved by her courage and trust he wept even more. It was with a profound feeling of humility he slowly fell asleep.
On the other side of the wall there was a small storage room, Wilbwyn and Khir and a couple of the other guys were gathered there. They were grinning like crazy. “She did check under the bed, but I am glad Akisha did not know of the other trick”Janrem grinned from one ear to the other. “She would have killed us had she known, so everybody, keep your mouths shut please. “
The men giggled and moved towards the door, there would be no more entertainment for a while. Wilbwyn removed the very thin fishing line they had attached to the headboard of the bed. A tiny hole had been drilled through the wall and the line had been tied to a broomstick which was placed against an overturned flower pot in such a manner that every movement of the headboard made the stick move in and out of the top of the pot. Wilbwyn grinned. “Damn he was loud, and I must say they had a very good rhythm together”
Janrem was shivering with withheld laughter. “He roared like a stag in rut! But no doubt they will hear the pitter patter of small feet soon. “
Wilbwyn made wry smile. “Just don’t let him know about this, he is a very changed elf but he is still very dangerous, do not doubt that for a second!”
The others just grinned and they left the room and headed back to the dining hall for yet some hours of drinking and partying.
Thilian woke up in the middle of the night from a strange sensation, it was as if someone else was in the room for a few seconds. A fleeting shadow, a spirit of some sorts. She gasped and closed her eyes, she was laying with her head on his chest and he was sleeping soundly. He did not notice anything out of the ordinary. She let her hand glide across her flat belly just once, she smiled. A very content and happy smile, a smile filled with promises and longing. “Narya, little fiery one, I welcome you. We will meet, soon”She closed her eyes once more, resting in the knowledge that her dream was going to come true. She did no longer fear the future, she had all the strength in the world, and all the love she could ever need.
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