Underneath alien skies | By : Nuredhel Category: +Third Age > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: II do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, and i do not earn any money from this work of fiction, it is solely written for entertainment and not for profit at all. do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, |
Well, everything comes to an end eventually, Thranduil will have to return back home and how will that happen? He will meet a wizard with an uncanny appearance, there will be goodbyes, gifts and tears. And we will see how his son has been coping with his fathers disappearance, it is indeed about time he returns. And yes, there will be barbeque, Ghuad has a gift for the happy couple too, some nasty orcs are gonna get the surprise of a lifetime. And there will be yet another wedding, yes happy endings!
Chapter twelve Goodbyes, meetings and barbequeThere is no sorrow in this farewellFriends may not be kept apart
Time and space are but words
And there are new worlds to explore
The morning came with a swift breeze and a chill in the air, very few were up and about as the sun rose above the horizon. Just a few servants who were trying to clean up the utter mess left by the guest, the party had not ended until the eastern sky started to grow brighter. The stable boys were doing the morning rounds as well, all were hangover and tired and stumbled about while cursing the very fact that there were such a thing as wine.
A couple of the apprentices had been given the task of guarding the gates and they had never felt less prepared for the task. They were leaning on their spears and took turns at puking behind the small shed at the entrance. Both were green in color and felt like their feet had turned to jelly. Suddenly they did notice a man who walked towards the entrance, he was holding the reins of a huge red gelding and he wore a cloak made from some soft deep dark blue cloth. It was embroidered with runes in silver and the whole appearance of the man told everybody this was a wizard. The two apprentices tried to look intimidating and strong and the man stopped and stared at them. They could not see that face within the cowl of his cloak but they could hear him laughing, a soft sound and a rather deep voice. “My goodness, now there’s two throats who have seen more than their fair share of wine I recon.”
The guards groaned and the man reached out, touched their hands ever so gently and suddenly the feeling of nausea and pain disappeared. They stared at him in awe. The man was leaning onto his staff and nodded. “I am Marteen, I have been summoned to send someone home to where he belongs.”
The guards nodded, one of them ran to find someone in charge and Marteen grinned and looked at the giant walls of the circus with narrow eyes. He had willingly obeyed when the black wolf called him, and he knew the Gods had been wise. The evil which infects one world will also affect others and he did not want to see the whole intricate weave which was creation be undone and destroyed. He was more than happy about doing his job. He bowed when Elywen came running, he sensed what she was and was honored to meet her. “Greetings daughter of flames, I have come to help a certain elf return home.”
Elywen did not know whether she should be happy or sad, she knew he had to return but somehow she felt a sting of sorrow. They had grown rather fond of the elven king and to watch him open up and become a new person had been wonderful. “Follow me then, I do not think they are awake just yet. But there is food and drink and I hope you don’t mind waiting? “
Marteen shook his head. “Not in the least my lady, I will have to wait for a few days anyhow, the stars are not in the right alignment just now.”
Thranduil was the first of them who woke up that day, the sun had been up for several hours and he shook his head and felt a bit dizzy. He could see Thilian beside him in the bed, she was curled up against his body and he shivered with affection and awe. She was so perfect, so soft and vulnerable and yet so strong. He leaned over and stroked her hair, she made a small sound and opened her eyes. They sparkled when they saw him and he kissed the tip of her nose. She giggled and stretched. She winced and he knew she was feeling some pain, he felt so guilty still. Thilian grinned and ran her fingers through his hair. “I am glad there is a bath here, because I seriously need it. “He nodded, they both needed a bath, they reeked of sex and he blushed and got out of bed slowly. He felt a bit light headed but walked to the bathroom and filled the huge tub. The living area had a pipe system which provided the best rooms with running water and he remembered how amazed he had been at that system when he got aware of it. When the tub was ready he helped her into it and it really caused him pain to see how she struggled walking. She bit her lip and tried to smile. “I knew I would feel sore, but not this much!”
He hugged her, kissed her neck. “I am so sorry, we should never have…”
She pressed her finger against his lips, silenced him. “I don’t want to hear another word of that, you hear? It had to be done, it is over and when I have had a few days to recover I am looking forward to try again”
He kissed her and felt how the love made his heart swell within his chest. There was oils and soap there and he helped her getting clean, she was very careful when she washed herself between her legs, it hurt but she did not really mind. She was really his wife now and the pain would disappear. When she was done she helped him in return and then they dried off while eating some fruit and drinking some thin wine. Thilian had organized for fresh clothes to be laid ready for them and she slowly got dressed in a rather elegant green dress. He helped her and then he put on a clean tunic and some new pants and his boots. It was so late in the day it was really the afternoon before they left the room and walked into the dining room. The activity was staggering, the place was being cleaned up and the servants were running around like headless chickens. Otherwise from that there was little sound, nobody was up and about yet and Thranduil grinned widely. “Weird, we are the newly-weds and we are the first to get out of bed!”
Thilian giggled. “Let’s hope it isn’t a bad omen for us!”
Thilian noticed that Elywen was sitting at a table and a man sat in front of her with his back towards them. He was covered with a cloak and Thranduil froze, he sensed the magic which surrounded this man as something almost visible. He knew it, the time had come to return and he gasped with a mixture of hope and fear. Elywen got on her feet. “And there we have the happy couple, come sit, there is someone you’ll have to meet. “
Thilian was feeling a bit embarrassed, Enez had been right, she had some problems with her gait. She was so sore she tried to keep her legs as far apart as she could. She wondered if Naragh had anything which could help relieve the discomfort. She held onto Thranduils hand and they sat down next to Elywen. The stranger lifted his head. “I am honored to meet you both. I am Marteen and the goddess has sent me to help you get back to your own world.”
He had the cowl on still and Thilian got curious . “Not to be rude, but why are you hiding your face?”
Marteen sniggered. “I have my reasons but heck, I’ll let you see. But I am warning you, the sight is far from beautiful.”
He pulled the cowl off and Thranduil let out a startled whimper, he was staring at the man with utter disbelief. Thilian covered her mouth to strangle a scream and Marteen nodded slowly. “Ah, I expected that. Familiar isn’t it?”
Thilian swallowed again and again. It was as if she was looking at Thranduils twin only that this man was human, and he had dark hair and green eyes. The right side of the face was a vision of angelic beauty, the left a charred scarred monstrosity. Thranduil was staring at the man’s face and he was breathing hard, he was having huge problems looking at the damages. This was far worse than the damage he had gotten from the dragons fire. “What…What..”
Marteen grinned, a wicked grin. The eye on the left side had not been affected, it was as emerald green and sparkly as the other, filled with a glimpse of recklessness and a bit of ruthlessness. Thranduil knew that this man may worked on behalf of the light but he was not good, not a creature of light. He was probably both cruel and dangerous, even gruesome if he needed to be.
“It was no dragon who caused this, this is the loving memory of a demon I tried to summon thinking that I was strong enough to control the beast. I was not, hubris is if not a sin definitely a weakness, one we are both suffering from every now and then.”
Thranduil was frowning. “Why are you saying this, we have just met, you don’t know me?”
Marteen grinned, the grin vicious. “Oh but I do know you because I know myself. There are an infinite number of worlds and in each and every one there is a version of every soul alive. I am you Thranduil, in my world I am the same person as you are, just in another body with a different life path, “
Thranduil stared at the wizard. “I can’t believe it!”
Marteen sniggered. “Hard to believe or what? But I do see that the good looks are running in the family so to speak. “
Thilian was letting her gaze glide between the two men, yes the similarities were striking. “So you are basically just another version of Thranduil?”
Marteen nodded. “That my lady is correct. We have been faced with the same kind of challenges and opportunities, and solved them in different ways.”
Thranduil stared at Marteen with a feeling of slight antagonism, he did not know whether or not he liked this man, he could see a reflection of his own self within the wizard, of the parts of his personality he now hated and loathed. Marteen grinned once more. “Good boy, I see that you dislike what you see, that’s nice. It tells me there is hope for you. I was lost a long time ago, and only my own hatred towards the dark has prevented me from becoming one of its minions. I have done terrible things, things so awful it would give you nightmares, believe me when I am telling you that I am here not only to send you back home but as a warning of what you may become if you should return to your old self. I am very powerful, so are you. We may not possess the same kind of powers but it is a fact, it corrupts the soul and it becomes increasingly easy to make excuses and use that power in darker and darker ways. I can see in your eyes that the notion of this is familiar to you. “
Thranduil swallowed, he felt ice cold and knew that the wizard was right. Marteen nodded towards Thilian. “She will keep you on the narrow path so to speak, she is the purest of light and she can chase even the darkest of shadows away.”
Thranduil grasped her hand once more, held it towards him without knowing he did it. It was as if he tried to protect her. Marteen nodded. “You are very possessive, so am I, but remember this, you may befriend a dragon, even break one but you can never tame it. Let her run free and try not to protect her against everything. She is stronger than you are, believe me. We are both mere dust in the wind compared with her. “
Thranduil looked at her lovingly and kissed her cheek. “I am more than aware of this”
Marteen nodded and his face was calm. “In three days we have to leave, so you’d better start packing your stuff and prepare. “
Thilian had a sort of vulnerable expression within her eyes. “Is there any way we may return to this world again?”
Marteen nodded. “Yes, I will create a magic that will allow travel between Mirkwood and this place whenever it is necessary. It is not to be abused mind you but it will allow you to keep in contact with your loved ones.”
Thilian let out a sigh of relief. She had been afraid she never would see her step parents again. Marteen sent her a surprisingly gentle smile. “Do not worry fair one, your bonds shall not be broken so easily.”
Thranduil was also relieved, he had feared that she would become unhappy if she had to leave everything behind completely. Marteen got up, he was just as tall as Thranduil and almost as graceful as an elf. But he was a human or was he? Thranduil sensed something weird about the man, something unnatural and Marteen saw his suspicious expression and grinned, the grin a bit crooked. “You are of course right, I am no human although I appear as one. It the world in which I was born there are dragons, rather similar to the kin of your lovely wife and her step-father. Back in time, far back in fact, so long ago it would make your world seem young there was a terrible war. One man was leading the battle against the darkness, a mighty warrior of dragon kin. I am a distant descendant of this man. My mother was a chosen one, born to gather the forces of light once more and conquer the darkness but she was too weak, she fell in love with my father and another descendant had to take her place instead.”
Thilian gasped. “So you are of dragon blood just like me?”
Marteen nodded. “Yes, but no skin-changer I am afraid. My father’s blood prevents me from that.”
Thranduil frowned. “And your father? Who was he? I sense something about you that is just not…right”
Marteen nodded calmly. “Yes, you may say so. My father was a vampire, I am a child of both death and life, of light and darkness embraced. I am a living impossibility, a trick of fate perhaps. But it has given me tremendous power, of which I am very grateful in deed.”
Thranduil felt a shiver run down his back. “Indeed!”
Marteen waved a finger in front of Thranduils face. “Was that sarcasm? Beware my friend, do not fall back to your old ways. “
Thranduil managed to smile. “Not a chance”
Thilian bit her lower lips. “Three days, oh gods there will be so much to do. I do not know where to start!”
Thranduil felt a bit of relief knowing he had few belongings here. Just some clothes and the gifts he had been given. It made him remember the gift he had for her, he had almost forgotten about it but he smiled to her and nodded to Marteen. “We’ll speak again soon, I have something I have to do”
The wizard just grinned and lifted his jug in a salute. Thilian stared at Thranduils eyes with a bit of confusion. “What now?”
He took her by the hand and led her back to his room. He had a silly grin on his face as he opened the door and dropped a huge packet into her arms. “This is yours my love, your morning gift.”
She looked a bit shocked, then she grinned and looked eager. She ripped the paper off the packet, it was a very beautiful book filled with thick sheets of paper and several good pens.
“I have seen your drawings, they are good so I thought I’d buy you some real equipment”
He had her hanging around his neck before he had time to react. “Oh thank you Meleth I guilen”(love of my life)
She was clearly very happy about his gift and he felt almost overwhelmed by her reaction. Thilian kissed him and he kissed her back, enjoyed the feeling of her firm body towards his own. He was starting to look forward to the moment when they could be as one once more but he would not push her, she would decide when she felt ready to receive him once more. Thilian immediately sat down with the book and wrote her name in it and started to make a drawing of the circus. She would be occupied with it for a while so he decided to go and see if he could find the others. He had to tell them he would be leaving soon and it made him feel sad. This place had changed him forever, shown him the errors of his ways and taught him where true strength was.
The others were gathered in the dining room, Elywen had told them about Marteen and the wizard was sitting by the fire with the cowl back over his head and a jug of ale in his hands. Akisha got on her feet when he arrived, she looked a bit sad. “I am glad and sad at the same time. I know you have to go and save your son and your people but I will be very saddened to see you go.”
Thranduil smiled but his heart missed a few beats and he felt something swell up inside his chest, a sort of longing he had no name for. He had felt so welcome there and somehow he belonged there too, he did not know why or how but he knew that this place still would be important to him. Akisha tilted her head and smiled, a very beautiful and kind smile and he had not really realized how truly gentle she was at heart. You only saw the priestess or the warrior on daily basis, not the real person inside. “We will help you both prepare, and you will get all the pack horses you need.”
He bowed his head to her, a gesture he probably never would have dreamt of doing just months before. His people would have gotten the shock of their lifetime if they had seen their arrogant and haughty king bow his head to a mortal woman. “I am very grateful!”
Akisha grinned once more and Raigh placed a hand on her shoulder, he was grinning too. “We have a gift for you, it did not arrive until a couple of hours ago.”
Thranduil got curious and Akisha grinned at him and grabbed his hand. “Come, it’s in the stable”
Thranduil followed them and they were met by Dheg who looked very thrilled, he was literally shaking with joy. Thranduil had a strong suspicion that he would be given a horse but he had to stop and stare with a slack jawed expression. He and Thilian would get not one horse each but a whole herd of horses. Five gorgeous dapple grey mares, all tall and elegant and of the same breed as Akisha’s Steelhawk. He had never seen mares this beautiful and powerful, not even the people of Rohan had animals equal to these. He was staring at the mares and Raigh sniggered. “Those are beauties, they will surely make excellent broodmares and they are all in foal. Three by Steelhawk and Two by Nightblade.”
Thranduil did not know what to say, breeding from these mares would give him the possibility to create a breed of superior war horses. Akisha raised an eyebrow. “But to breed horses you need also stallions”
She waved her hand at Dheg who hurried and opened the door to the small hall where they trained the young colts. Inside were four animals and Thranduil could not believe that these were for him and Thilian. He stared in disbelief at Akisha and Raigh who both looked very pleased with his expression of awe and shock. “Yes they are yours from now on. The two steel gray ones are the sons of Steelhawk and they are named Steelblade and Bladedancer. The two black ones are sons of Nightblade and their names are Shadowblade and Nightsword.”
Thranduil could not speak, the horses were the spitting images of their sires and he knew that only one of these stallions alone were worth a huge fortune.
Akisha cocked her head. “We own a stud farm closer to the great plains, we have kept the best horses there and are breeding these races. All four have been trained as war horses by our finest trainers, you will find no horse better than these anywhere. “
He had to hawk to be able to speak. “I…I can’t believe that they are for us? They are so amazing!”
Akisha just slapped him across his back and smiled once more. “You deserve them, and as a king I think you would expect nothing less as a wedding gift, and as a parting gift as well. “
Thranduil could only marvel at the beauty of these amazing horses, he felt a little giddy. What would Legolas say when his father returned with not only a new wife but also such treasure? He had already decided that Legolas should get one of the black stallions, he would be overjoyed for sure.
Akisha waved her hand. “We have saddles and tack ready for each of them, do not worry. We have been honored to have you as our guest and I hope that Marteen really is able to open a portal between this place and your home.”
Thranduil nodded, he was still staring at the horses. “Yes, Thilian would not like it if she never was to see Ghuad and Shanrae again.”
He suddenly got an idea, it just rushed into his mind and he felt like a complete idiot for not having thought of it before. “Akisha, I have learned so much here, and there is yet much more to learn. Could my son possibly visit this place? I am sure he too would benefit greatly from such a new and different experience”
Akisha just nodded gracefully. “Of course, he will be most welcome!”
Thranduil let out a sigh of relief and grinned, he was suddenly looking forward to returning home to Mirkwood.
The next two days became almost a blur of activity. He had no idea how he managed to keep his cools while the people of the place so obvious were sorry we was leaving. He was invited to one last drinking party with the men and he did not manage to get back to Thilian before the sun was rising. She was not angry but a bit annoyed, although she understood his need for this. When he returned he would be a king once more, he would not be able to just let his hair down and be one of the guys. Their gifts were packed and properly registered so they knew who had given them what. He had been truly shocked by the gift Rheynek had given him, it was a sword he was sure had to be of dwarfish origin, it was so exquisite and beautiful and he learned that the material it was made from was sacred and would destroy all evil creatures even if it only nicked them. A huge green gem was placed within the pommel and another smaller one on top of the blade itself. Rheynek though he would need it and Thranduil had been so stunned he barely managed to thank the hunter. The sword was called Adhkar which meant eagles talon on an ancient language of this world and he knew that Rheynek had a similar sword called Nadharn which meant fang of the wolf. Akisha had one too, Elthear which meant the tigers claw and he realized that these were legendary blades, created by the very hands of the Gods, That he should be worthy of carrying one such weapon was almost scary. He hoped he never would have to use it, no matter how perfect it seemed to fit him.
He last night before they were to leave he and Thilian went to bed early, Marteen told them they had to be ready at sunrise and he felt a bit worried that something would go wrong. He had said his goodbyes to many people he now regarded as his best and truest friends and he felt a bit sad and almost melancholic. Yes they would be allowed to return to visit but Marteen had warned them about using the portal too often, once or twice a year could be allowed but not more often than that. Naragh had promised to send medicine and equipment with them together with instructions for their use and effects. Thranduil was certain that his healers would be thrilled to learn something new and he was also convinced that Naragh would insist on visiting Mirkwood as soon as possible. Thilian had packed all of her belongings too and she was torn between sadness and joy. She was looking forward to seeing his home but she also disliked the idea of not being able to see her step parents again for months. She was cuddled up against him and half asleep, both exhausted from a long day. He was letting his fingers glide along the scars on her leg, they were only fading lines by now and hardly visible. She was healing so fast it seemed unnatural. And he had been a great part of that process, as had she with him. They had fixed each other and now it was time to fix the problems at home. He just hoped that it wasn’t too late in any way. He had been gone a long time, everything could have happened.
Thilian smiled at him and dozed off, she was so sweet and so young and yet she harbored a strength he only could compare with the most powerful people he knew of back home. He was looking forward to introducing them to each other but he strongly suspected that they all already knew. He too drifted off into sleep and spent the final night at this place without a single disturbance of any kind.
The morning came almost too soon, Thilian and Thranduil was awakened by a gentle knock on the door and someone shouting that it was time to get up. Thilian sighed, she did not want to get up, she felt so relaxed and drowsy and just so darn well. She mumbled something and tried to dig herself into the cushions and blankets once more. Thranduil smiled at her, the smile was melancholic and a bit worried. He just hoped that everything was alright back home, that some disaster had not happened while he was away. “We must get out of bed my love, there is no point in trying to defer this. “She just sighed and got out of bed, she washed and got her clothes on. She had gotten a beautiful riding suit from Elywen, it was made from deerskin and velvet and it hugged her curves and yet it allowed her to move freely. Thranduil had gotten something similar, he looked like a hunter when wearing those clothes and he was so handsome her heart skipped a few beats. Thilian had everything packed and some servants would bring everything to the stables while they were eating. The dinner room was filled with people, everybody was there to bid them goodbye and Thilian felt like crying. She would of course see them again but it felt strange to know that she was heading for an entirely different world. Jalisa had made some huge portions of their favorite food and she had also filled the saddle of one pack horse with spices and stuff and also a lot of recipes. It was an honor to be trusted with her recipes and Thranduil was sure that his cooks would love some new ideas. They ate in silence. Marteen was already out there preparing the magic and Thranduil felt a bit scared, that man gave him the creeps.
When they had finished the meal everybody came to hug them and bid them goodbye and there was a lot of heartfelt advice and farewells. Thranduil was hugged by the women and he had to admit he enjoyed it, a lot. Even Akisha gave him a good hug and her eyes were a bit more shiny than usual. Raigh shook his hand and Hawk grabbed him by the elbows and nodded at him. “Keep your steel sharp and your eyes open my friend. Do not let anyone get in your way, and stay safe my friend”
Thranduil bowed back, he had almost a sort of brother in this man and in the others there as well. He had never had friends like these and he would always cherish and honor them above any others. Thilian hugged Shanrae and cried and she looked so very young and vulnerable, Thranduil felt almost guilty for taking her away from everything she had known and loved. He felt sad too, he had no idea as to what would happen now and his heart was beating hard and fast. The horses were ready, the two silver grey stallions had saddles on and the other horses were tied in a line behind them. The packhorses were ready too, it was twenty of them and a cart pulled by two mules. It was filled with things and Thranduil raised an eyebrow when he noticed two barrels of Derns best brandy hidden at the bottom of the cart. That stuff could burn the hairs of a horse and it had a taste that was just fantastic. He was looking forward to see the expressions on the faces of the elves he allowed to taste it. He was sure it would be rather comical.
He helped Thilian into the saddle and suddenly he heard hooves and Ghuad came riding out of the stable on an old mule. It was so lethargic it didn’t mind carrying him. Thilian looked at him with confusion. “I am going to follow you, I have a strong sensation that my presence may be needed. It is my wedding gift for you”
Thranduil was staring at his father in law with huge eyes. Ghuad grinned. “I cannot stay for long, but I can at least see the place my daughter from now on will call her home”
Thranduil smiled, he felt a sense of relief knowing the dragon would follow them. “You are most welcome.”
Marteen was waiting for them in a clearing in the woods and they had to hurry but they did not leave until they had waved goodbye once more. Thranduil was riding Steelblade and Thilian Bladedancer, both horses were so well behaved it was a joy to ride them and the black stallions and the mares followed willingly. The pace was slow because of the cart and Ghuads rather sluggish mule, but they got to the clearing in time. Marteen was waiting and he was smiling. He had pulled the cowl away from his face and they both sensed the magic in the air. The wizard grinned and walked over to a huge carved pole he had placed deep into the soil. “This is the focal point of the magic. Whenever you want to return this is where you’ll go first. I will make sure you end up rather close to the palace, but not too close. There will be a similar pole there, when you all have crossed through the portal grab the pole and say my name. Then it will become invisible. Whenever you want to return grab the pole once more and say my name again, that will activate the portal. It works the same way from both sides. Got it?”
Thranduil and Thilian nodded and Marteen sighed. “I cannot cross over with you, unfortunately my presence in your world would have terrible effects so I must stay here. But fear not, the magic is safe and it will last for as long as you wish.”
Thilian sighed and touched Thranduils hand. “I am ready my love, do you think they will like me?”
He smiled and leaned over, kissed her hand gently. “They will adore you, just as I do”
Marteen touched the pole and a strange flicker seemed to spread through the air in front of them, It had the shape and size of a fair sized gate and it looked like the surface of a quiet pond. Almost a mirror but not quite because you could see no reflections within it. Marten nodded and grinned, his face was very sincere. “Good luck to you my brother, may the goods hold their hands over you both and protect you and one day we’ll maybe meet again. I will keep you in my heart as I know you will remember me. Go now, your presence is needed.”
Thranduil bowed to the wizard, then he urged Steelblade forward and the brave horse did not hesitate. He walked straight into the wall of magic as if there was nothing there. Thranduil felt a rush of something cold and for a second he felt like falling and a sense of panic almost rose within him but then he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a clearing in Mirkwood and he knew this place very well. He had taught Legolas how to ride right there and it held many joyful memories. He turned his head and saw how Thilian and the horses and the cart and Ghuad appeared through the shivering magical wall. When everybody was through he touched the pole and said Marteen’s name and it became invisible just as he had said it would. Thilian was looking at the forest surrounding them with awe, she smiled at him and he urged the stallion forward. The palace was not far away, he was eager to return home now. Yes he felt sad to have left the circus but he could go back and he was so very grateful for the things he had learned, about himself above all. He had become a new ellon now and he hoped that he would become a better ruler as well. Thilian let her horse gallop beside his own and they were making good speed.
The palace was buzzing with activity, the whole place was in utter chaos. Warriors were running everywhere, gathering weapons, getting into the right group, receiving orders and so on and so forth. Legolas was standing on the balcony overseeing the courtyard, he was shivering inside. He looked strong and determined but on the inside he was so scared he was ready to run and hide. Now he knew what his father had felt when his grandfather had fallen, he knew the sensation of pure sorrow and of being utterly alone and unprepared. He had never expected to be the ruler of this realm like this, so suddenly and in such a strange way.He had been confused at first when his father disappeared, they had tracked his horse and the track had suddenly stopped in the middle of the path as if he had vanished into thin air. Oh they had been looking for him, for weeks they had been searching the woods and the areas around Mirkwood. But not a trace could be found and the advisors were trying to convince Legolas that it was time he took his father’s crown and title. It was rather obvious that Thranduil was gone and if he was dead or not was anybody’s guess. Legolas had refused almost violently, he knew his father was still alive and he did not listen to them. He was alive, he would see him again.
Legolas could not allow himself to believe that his father was gone, not even once. It would be like betraying him, if he gave up hope then he would be truly dead. As long as he had hope there was a chance of him returning. Oh he had cried himself to sleep so many nights, he had been sure he had heard his father’s voice and he felt like some huge part of him had been ripped away, the wound was still bleeding and it was slowly eating away at his soul and heart.
He remembered his youth, when things were better and the days filled with light and joy, He remembered when his father had taught him to swim in the ponds, how they had laid on the bank of the river and let the sun warm them after the cold bath. He remembered how his father carried him around, how he would tuck him in for the night and sing him to sleep. The very thought of his father being gone forever was unbearable, it was just impossible. He had always been there so how could he be there no more?
Legolas knew their relationship had been far from good lately, they had drifted apart and he did not really know how or when it had happened but his father had become distant and cold. There was no more laughter in his eyes, no more light. Legolas knew he had become a ghost of his own self and it had been so very painful to witness. And now they were claiming that the same thing was happening to him, he had too much on his mind, too many responsibilities, too many things to consider. To rule this place was no easy task and he was so very grateful for all the help he got. He had good strong advisors and many who tried to take some of the burden off his shoulders but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He barely slept and had no appetite, he had somehow lost the very spark within when his father disappeared. He remembered the last time they spoke, the words had been harsh and cold, and he had wept more than once. He should have told his father how he felt, that he loved him no matter what but he had been silent, and now it was too late. He knew it was his love for Tauriel that had triggered some of the problems, his father did not think she was worthy of him and he disagreed. She was such a fierce soul, a flame of determination and strength and he admired her so much.
Some of his friends had hinted to him of the possibility of marrying Tauriel now that his father was gone, there was nothing standing in their way anymore. But he could not, even if the idea was very tempting. He felt like he would be committing some kind of betrayal if he did, he wanted to but he just couldn’t.
The warriors were getting ready, he sighed and tried to gather his courage and his thoughts. Since the day his father disappeared the situation had been getting worse than ever, there were orcs and spiders crawling everywhere and he had used most of his time trying to organize the defense of Mirkwood.. He had been successful so far but now a huge army of orcs had been seen marching for Mirkwood and he knew this would be a battle they could not win. Yet they had to try, they were few in numbers but they were fighting for their home and the ones they loved. He had ordered for the women and children to be moved to the deepest caves and they would be guarded by the best warriors. He could not allow any doubt to cloud his mind but he knew that they all would be slaughtered if his warriors were defeated. It would be a massacre and he had told the warriors to kill everybody before letting the orcs get them. He had given the order knowing he was dooming his people but he had no choice, they were too few in number and their allies had no chance of getting there in time. If the orcs got the women and children alive it would be a fate far worse than death and he knew that they knew of his order. He wanted to be with Tauriel, he needed her so much, to hold her just once, show her how much he loved her. But he could not, it was too late. Too late for everything. The only thing he had left was regret and if he survived this day he knew it was the curse he was bound to endure for the rest of his life on Arda.
His heart felt hollow and cold and he knew it was a feeling his father had been all too familiar with, he now knew what his father had been struggling with. His proud and haughty father had been lonely, had been insecure and scared. He had always feared he would do mistakes, that he would do something that would harm his people, that he wasn’t a good king for his subjects. Legolas knew, because he now shared those same feelings. He was so afraid, so very afraid that his decisions would be wrong and eventually bring the end of his people. He had cried the entire night and he had not tried to hide the evidence either. His eyes were red and sore and he had dark rings underneath them. He had lost a lot of weight and felt weak. Not the best condition to be in when confronting the enemy but he had no choice. Tauriel rode out in front of her troops, she looked up at him once and he caught her eyes with his own for a brief second. The thoughts of what could have been were so bitter, so terrible. He whispered her name, wanted to scream to her that he loved her but he could not, he was a coward. He took a deep breath, then he walked down the stairs to get his horse. He was wearing a full armor and they all were prepared for battle but their chances were slim. He was riding into doom and death and he only wished he could have told those he loved how he felt one last time.
He was just about getting ready to throw himself into the saddle when he heard a shout from one of the guards on the bridge in front of the main gate. It was so loud everybody heard it. “Someone is coming, three riders and some loose horses and a cart.”
Legolas frowned, who would be travelling through the forest now? And be heading right for the palace? Some emissary from the other elven kingdoms? He felt a faint hope and turned towards the gates, he heard a strange noise, the guards were suddenly falling to their knees and Legolas felt as if time itself suddenly froze. Two riders entered the courtyard riding the most amazing horses he had ever seen, a rider wearing a cloak with a deep cowl rode behind them on a mule and behind him came a small herd of horses, also just stunning animals and about twenty sturdy pack horses. A huge cart followed, pulled by two huge mules. Legolas stared at the riders, he could not believe what his eyes were telling him. Then he heard the voices, shouting out in disbelief and relief and joy. “The king, the king has returned!”
Legolas just gaped, it was his father, it was Thranduil but he was so changed. He looked younger, more vibrant. There was light in his eyes once more and he looked so healthy and fit. It was as if time had reversed itself and brought back the ellon Legolas remembered from his childhood. There was a sudden chaos, everybody was calling out, some were crying, others were so stunned they could not move. Legolas let go of the reins and he whimpered, he felt like his chest was about to explode. He had never been so relived in his entire life, his tears had started running once more and he did nothing to stop them. The other rider had been almost hidden from view behind his father and now he saw her. It was an elleth, and Legolas had never seen a greater beauty anywhere except his beloved Tauriel. She was breathtaking and looked a bit scared and shy. The third rider was still covering himself but Legolas sensed a sort of power from the man which gave him goosebumps.
Legolas walked forwards, he did not feel his legs move, he felt like he was floating and Thranduil saw him. Their eyes met and Legolas let out a choked sob. “Adar!”
Thranduil jumped off his horse with an elegance nobody had seen the likes off, then he almost ran towards his son and the two embraced each other with tears flowing freely. Thranduil hugged his son so hard Legolas was gasping for air, he hugged his father back and he could not really believe that this was real. His father was back, and he was obviously stronger and healthier than ever. “Ion nin, how I have missed you!”
Legolas was sobbing with joy. “Oh ada, where have you been, we have been looking for you everywhere! They thought you were dead!”
Thranduil kissed his sons forehead. “But you didn’t did you?”
Legolas closed his eyes and rested his head towards his father’s shoulder. “Never!”
Thranduil smiled, his eyes were filled with tears still and he let his fingers glide through his sons hair. “Ion nin, you look terrible!”
Legolas had to snort, he tried to smile but could not. “I know, things have gotten…complicated!”
Thranduil took a look around, the troops were lined up and ready for departure and he got a serious look within his eyes. “I see, orcs?”
Legolas nodded, he saw that the elleth on the horse was looking at everything with wide eyes, she appeared to be very young and he wondered who she was. “Ada, who are these friends of yours?”
Thranduil grinned and went over to the huge silvergrey horse the elleth sat on. Legolas could not stop looking at these horses, they were so beautiful and the two black stallions were even more amazing. Thranduil could see how he stared and grinned again, it was a glimpse of joy in his eyes. “The two black ones are called Shadowblade and Nightsword, you can have one of them if you like, just pick the one you like”
Legolas was staring at his father with huge eyes, indeed had his father changed, and he was going to own one of these amazing steeds? He could not believe it! He felt a sort of almost childish joy starting to gather within his heart, he had never even dreamed of owning a horse like that. Thranduil lifted the girl off the horse and she blushed and looked around with a glimpse of worry within her eyes. “Thilian, this is my son Legolas, Legolas, this is Thilian, she is my wife!”
If the moon had fallen down and turned out to be a huge wheel of cheese Legolas would not have been more surprised, he was just staring at his father in slack jawed amazement and he did not know what to say. Thranduil leaned over and whispered something to the girl and she giggled and kissed his cheek, oh it was so apparent. Legolas could see the shine in his father’s eyes and the softness of his glance. Thranduil did really love this elleth and Legolas suddenly felt like he too could have kissed her, just for having changed his father in such a way, Thilian lifted her hand towards him and he took it and kissed it politely. She was indeed very lovely and he could understand his father very well. “I am most honored to meet you hiril nin”
Thilian blushed and smiled. “The honor is all mine”
Legolas stared at the man on the mule, he felt a bit nervous and the horses of the guards whinnied and tried to get away from him. “Ada, who is this?”
Thranduil smiled. “Ghuad, you can remove your cowl, you are among friends.”
The man pulled the cowl down and everybody just stared at the tall man with the strange and yet beautiful features. “Legolas, this is Ghuad, he is Thilians step father, so he is my father in law. He has come with us to offer his help if it is needed, and from what I can see here, I am sure it is deeply needed.”
Legolas swallowed, he stared at the man again, it was as if he was hiding something and Ghuad grinned, a slow grin which revealed that this was a creature you didn’t toy with. Thranduil laid his arm around Legolas shoulders. “I arrive to find the entire army gathered and lined up and my only son in armor and ready for battle. How bad is it?”
Legolas sighed, his father had returned but it would not change much or would it?
“It is hopeless. There are a huge army of orcs heading this way, they are close to the outer border by the old ruin, at least a few thousand strong.”
Thranduil bit his teeth together. “I feared something like this, where are they, show me on the map!”
Legolas went over to a table someone had placed along a wall, it had maps and he found the right one and pointed at the area where the orcs had been seen. “They were here, heavily armored and with good weapons. They are coming to destroy us once and for all Ada, I have prepared for battle and sent the women and the children underground but I fear we stand little chance.”
Thranduil grimaced. “I have brought a weapon they never will be able to defeat.”
He waved his hand at Ghuad who dismounted the mule and walked over towards them, he moved with the flowing grace of an elf but with far more power and Legolas stared at the man with a mix of fear and respect. “Ghuad, take a look, what do you think?”
The tall stranger bent over the map and studied it for a while, he cocked his head and bared his teeth. “I see one perfect spot, if that is a narrow valley or canyon it will become a death trap”
Thranduil nodded. “It is a narrow valley, there are steep cliffs on both sides.”
Ghuad laughed. “Even better, I will enjoy this my friend, a lot”
Thranduil turned towards Legolas. “We will need a hundred warriors on horseback, no more. The rest can stay here to protect the palace in case some orcs manage to escape but I have a strong doubt anyone will. “
Legolas did not understand at all, he was just staring at his father who suddenly had become very dynamic and eager. Thranduil smiled and nodded at the warriors. “We will not lose a single man today my son, not if the Gods are with us. Ghuad is a skin-changing dragon, he will destroy that army utterly.”
Legolas was just staring in disbelief and he had problems breathing. A dragon? Where had his father been really? Thranduil went over to Thilian and waved his hands at two servants who were staring at him as if they were seeing a ghost. “Ciliel, Lango, show her the way to my rooms and make sure she has everything she needs. She is your queen now so show her respect and clear out half of my closets. She’ll need them now.”
Thilian swallowed and she looked scared, Legolas began to understand that she really was very young and he had a somewhat crooked grin on his face. So his father preferred the flowers of youth. Thranduil kissed her openly and very passionately. The elves who were assembled there just stared with huge eyes, their king had never openly shown any sort of emotions and absolutely not the amorous type. “Follow them my dear, I’ll be back very soon and do not be afraid. Your step father will remove this danger and then there will be a great feast in your honor.”
Thilian just nodded, she knew they had landed right in the middle of a very dire situation and so she accepted that she had to stay there but she was so afraid something would happen to him. The servants bowed very deep and she followed them with her heart beating like crazy. She just hoped that Thranduil’s people would like her.
Thranduil waved his hand at his butler who had stood there looking like a man who has been pardoned with his head already on the block. “Darion, prepare the palace for my return, make sure there is food and drink and room for everybody. Use all the servants you need and make it quick”
The man just gulped and ran like he had a pack of orcs at his heels and Thranduil grinned and turned towards the soldiers. “Protect the palace and keep the gates shut. Troop three and four may follow me and my son. We are going to get rid of that orc filth once and for all!”
Legolas saw that Tauriel was sitting on her horse, she looked as if she was in a bit of a shock and he swallowed hard, he had a chance once more, a chance of telling her how much he cared about her. They could survive and have a future even if they had to stay apart. Thranduil saw where his son was looking and hid his wry grin. “So, Ion nin, you are still infatuated by that Silvan elleth?”
Legolas took a deep breath. “Yes Adar, I love her with all my heart. “
Thranduil stared at Tauriel with narrow eyes. “And she, does she share your emotions?”
Legolas sighed, one more speech of how he should stay away from her and forget her. ”She does Ada, she loves me too”
Thranduil had a strange light flickering within his gaze and Legolas brazed himself for just about anything. His father was notoriously unpredictable at his best, he could perhaps send Tauriel away forever and Legolas would never get over that. “Good, it would be a waste to have a wedding with just a groom and no bride”
Legolas slowly turned his head and stared at his father, his eyes were so filled with confusion and disbelief Thranduil had to laugh and rustle his sons perfect warrior braids. “What? Have I sprouted an extra head or something? You heard me, if you still want her she’s all yours son. Heck, let’s get you two married tonight, it will be just perfect.”
Legolas was ready to swoon and Tauriel was staring at the two with her mouth open. She looked just plain silly for the first time in her life. Thranduil gestured for her to come over and she dismounted and came forth on shivering legs. She could not believe what she just had heard, was this some kind of cruel joke or was it real? Thranduil placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know you’ll never be a perfect princess and wear gowns and dance at the balls but you are the right elleth for my son and I am sorry I have been blind to the truth all this time. But you two elflings have my blessing. “
Tauriel gasped and Legolas embraced her, he was crying and whispering words of joy and love and Tauriel started to cry too. Thranduil grinned. “I have gained a daughter, isn’t it that they usually say when their son is getting married? Anyhow, Tauriel, you may go to my personal servants and get a gown of your choice. Then you can have a bath and let the maidens do your hair. If you are getting married I think a full suit of armor is a poor excuse for a wedding dress.”
Tauriel could just make a weird squeaking sound before she curtsied and ran off, too overwhelmed to be able to speak.
Legolas could only whisper. “Thank you Adar, from the bottom of my heart!”
Thranduil cupped his sons face between his hands. “I have been blinded for so long, I did no longer know what light and love was, I was fading my son. But now I have seen the truth and I know what I must do to save you from becoming who I was. Only love has that power Ion nin, only love”
Legolas hugged him again and Thranduil smiled and nodded. “And now, let’s annihilate some orcs shall we?”
Legolas stared at his father with some questions lingering and Thranduil grinned, a wicked grin. “Do not worry my son, I have a plan!”
Legolas got back on his horse and they left with two troops of cavalry. It was just a hundred men and Legolas was feeling a little worried but he trusted his father. He seemed so much more relaxed and self-assure and he had a new sort of energy to him. They rode hard and Legolas could see that the lovely steelgray horse was a trained war horse. He could see how proud his father was of the horse and he was looking forward to learning where he had gotten such an amazing steed. They rode for a couple of hours and then they saw the narrow valley in front of them. Thranduil stared at it and his eyes were determined and hard. “Troop three, you will engage the enemy, make them follow you but try to avoid getting too close. I do not want anyone killed is that clear?”The men nodded and he looked at the officer in charge of the second troop. “You split your men in two groups, you are to attack from the flanks but only from a distance, kill a few and then retreat, taunt them, make them forget to watch out.”
The officer nodded but was a bit confused, this sort of guerilla techniques were not usually the way they fought. But he saw the plan behind the orders and the men rode off. Ghuad got off the mule and he had a weird grin on his face. This would be fun. The valley would become a baking oven and he really enjoyed killing orcs.
Ghuad walked into the woods until he found a clearing big enough for him to transform himself back to his real shape. It was as if his soul did the equivalent of changing clothes. There was a flash of bright light and he stretched himself and got comfortable again. He tested his wings and his tail, smacked his terrible jaws shut a couple of times and there was a strong determination burning within his gaze. He kicked off from the ground, the trees shook and the ground too, it was impossible for him to land or take off without causing a minor earthquake. His magic was strong, as soon as he was airborne he cloaked himself and flew high up above the canyon. He had a very clear idea of what he was to do. He just had to wait for that perfect moment to strike.
The elves did what they had been told to do, the orcs were moving forward at an amazing speed, they were filled with a deep thirst for blood and death and they knew they would win. Their master had told them to destroy this elven stronghold and kill everyone they saw and it was an order they were more than happy to follow. They did not get surprised at all when elves suddenly showed up and attacked, they had anticipated it and the troops roared and went into a counter attack. The elves turned and rode back while shooting backwards and several orcs fell but it did not affect the others at all. They had no loyalty towards their own comrades. There were elves everywhere or so it seemed, executing lightning fast attacks and then they disappeared again and the officers were roaring with rage and confusion. This was not the normal method of defense, but it did not matter. This army was too great to be stopped by anything.The orcs were so set on killing the attackers they did not realize that the elves were almost herding them towards a valley ahead of them. To the officers it looked like a perfect place to slaughter the damned elves and get rid of them so they could continue on their path towards the palace. The orc army started to chase the elves, they hoped that they would be able to trap them within the valley and the officers did not manage to control the blood thirst of their soldiers. The urge to kill was too strong and the army rushed into the valley like flowing river of darkness and death.
Thranduil and Legolas and a couple officers were placed in some tall trees on a hill, they could see the entire valley and Legolas started to understand Ghuad’s plan. Thranduil was just waiting. The officers gave a signal using a horn and the elves no longer tried to fight the orcs which were at their heels. They just spurred their horses and rode out of the valley as fast as their steeds could carry them. The orcs believed that their prey was fleeing and a sensation of triumph overtook them, they had put fear into the hearts of these puny worshipers of light. They followed and the entire army was now inside of the valley, rushing forwards with no other thoughts than the desire to catch up with the fleeing elves and kill them all.
High up above the valley Ghuad saw the time was right for him to make his move. He grinned and pulled his wings inn, he was falling fast, diving like a peregrine falcon towards his prey. As he fell he started to fill his chest and throat with fire but he kept his maw shut. The pressure was building up until he was harboring an inferno, the throat was swollen, his chest as well and the temperature was unimaginable. He was going to do something only the very strongest of dragons could even dream of attempting, it was a maneuver known as the wall of wind and it would rip the wings off a dragon not powerful enough to take the terrible powers it would unleash. He fell like a rock towards the valley but he fell at an angle, not straight down. At just the right minute he suddenly opened his wings fully and came to an abrupt stop, the sudden resistance felt like hitting a solid wall but in front of him he created an area of compressed air, a wall of wind which started to move away from the dragon like a miniature hurricane. And in that exact moment Ghuad opened his mouth and spewed forth flames hotter than the surface of a star. It created a fire storm, a scorching roaring river of flames which engulfed the entire valley completely. The orcs had time to see the falling dragon, they had time to get a few confused thoughts as to where that dragon had been coming from and if it was a friend or foe. The answer was delivered with lethal force, the orcs did only have time to register a second of intense agony and then nothing more. Ghuad flew along the canyon, he made sure that no orcs had survived and he also crushed a few slow ones who had not managed to follow the rest, one strike with the immense tail and they were smithereens. Ghuad rose above the valley and roared in triumph, he grinned and hovered in the air. He noticed how absolutely shocked Thranduil’s son and officers looked and knew he was greater and more terrifying than any dragon this realm had ever spawned. “I will take a round and see if I can roast some spiders while I am at it if you don’t mind.”The voice was like thunder and Thranduil just nodded. “Go ahead, enjoy yourself but do not let yourself be seen.”
Ghuad grinned and took off, there would be very few spiders nests left once he was done with his job. He could use his flames with just as much precision as a welder uses his torch and the forest would not be harmed. He was really enjoying himself.
Legolas stared down at the now singed valley, the entire area was covered with a thick layer of ash and the rocks had split apart from the heat. It felt like standing next to a baking oven and he stared at his father with shock within his eyes. “Ada? Where have you been? I did not know a dragon could get that huge? And good?”Thranduil just smiled at his son. “I will tell the entire tale tonight, do not worry. I will let you all know what I have been through, believe me, there is much to know and even more to learn. Come now, it is over, we can return to our home and celebrate. These orcs will never bother us again and if new armies should try to do the same thing we can summon Ghuad once more.”
Legolas felt his legs shiver a bit. “Then our home is safe?”
Thranduil sighed. “Safer my son, not entirely safe. Not until the very root of all evil has been destroyed once and for all. But we have won a battle and things will be different from now on.”
Legolas did not question that remark, not for a second.
They returned to a palace which was utterly different from earlier that day, the sense of relief and new hope was causing an euphoria that made some of the elves act rather hysterically. Servants were running everywhere, trying to prepare for the feast and others were helping in the kitchens and unpacking the stuff the king and queen had brought with them. Thilian had waited within Thranduils private rooms and she had been in awe of them, they were so beautiful and full of light and she knew she would love this place. The servants were very efficient, they had moved his stuff into some closets and placed hers in the vacant spaces and things were getting in order with record speed. She was wondering what she should be wearing when there was a knock at the door, a servant opened it and Tauriel came forth, she had put on a beautiful dress in a dark green color and she was practically beaming with joy. She bit her lower lip, then she rushed forward and hugged Thilian who was a bit stunned by the sudden outburst of emotions. “Thank you, oh thank you thank you!”Thilian smiled at the elleth who was close to tears. “It is not me you should thank?”
Tauriel did remember that this was her new queen but she had just not managed to follow the etiquette, she had to show this beautiful young creature the magnitude of her gratitude. “It is, you have changed him, if not for you he would never allowed me to marry his son. I owe you everything my lady, I will do whatever you ask of me. I am your loyal servant from now on”
Thilian let a hand glide over Tauriels shiny red locks. “Oh Tauriel, I am so glad on your behalf, but do not call me something saucy like your majesty or your highness. We are family from now on Tauriel, call me Thilian and I will regard you as my sister from now on!”
Tauriel was staring at the young elleth with huge eyes, she could see the deep kindness within her glance and the softness of her heart. She knew that they from now on had a queen so gentle and filled with compassion she would transform this very realm entirely. Tauriel could just nod before she ran out of the rooms again, she had to prepare for the feast and she still had problems believing that this really was happening.
Thilian got the help of a couple of very awestruck maidens to get into the green dress she had been wearing after her wedding, it was very nice and she stared into the mirror and knew she looked stunning. She looked over at the huge bed in the middle of the bedroom, it looked very comfortable and she grinned to herself. She was rid of the discomfort now and she swore to herself that this her first night in her new home would be spent in the best possible way.
When the men returned not a single warrior had been killed, a couple had received some minor injuries and a horse had been killed due to a fractured leg but that was all the losses they had had. Legolas had to head for the baths to wash and get ready for the feast and he was still stunned by the events of this amazing day. He felt like his head was floating in the skies and he could not believe that all of his dreams were to come true.
Thranduil spent the couple of hours left before the feast together with Thilian, he was showing her the palace and she was just in utter awe of its beauty. He realized that he never really had regarded it as a home, but now he did and he felt so happy he barely could believe it. He changed into clean clothes but he did not dress as sumptuous as he had before. His clothes were more modest and simple and he knew it had to do with his new feeling of inner strength. He had been insecure and fearful and tried to dress in a way that revealed the opposite. But now he no longer needed those fancy things, he had inner strength and that was all he needed.
The feast started and everybody was crammed into the courtyard and the surrounding halls. The atmosphere electric and many had come forth and pronounced their loyalty to their king once more. Everybody could see that he was a changed person. His personal servants were in shock when he didn’t ask for wine and he looked more humble but at the same time stronger, much stronger than before. His previous strength had been nothing but a façade, a masquerade to hide his inner turmoil and fear. Now he had returned as an adult, and as a true king.
Thranduil got up and told the story of where he had been and what had happened to him. Everybody was silent and Legolas was just staring, he could hardly believe it but he felt grateful beyond words, the Valar had really blessed them all by placing his father in that situation. Ghuad had returned just before the feast started and he was seated close to the king and he was grinning the whole time. He had not killed all the spiders of Mirkwood but he had managed to burn the biggest nest, the problem would be much less threatening from now on. Thranduil presented Thilian as the new queen of Mirkwood and everybody was cheering. It was indeed a happy evening and Thilian felt so welcome and cherished.
Thranduil called Legolas and Tauriel forth and made them take their oaths and wows in front of the crowd before he presented them as husband and wife. There was even more cheering and laughter and the young couple was now seated next to each other and they could not tear their eyes away from each other.
There was dancing and singing and Thilian grinned to herself. She had never thought that elves could be so fond of partying and joy. Thranduil made Legolas taste some of Derns brandy and the young prince was gasping for air and had to drink a glass of water afterwards. His father just sent him a crooked grin and told him it would provide him with lots of strength for the night to come. Thilian had placed herself next to Tauriel who was blushing from her new father in laws jokes. She had never seen him act like this before, so relaxed and just normal. The night was falling and Thilian knew that the couple soon would leave, the servants had arranged Legolas rooms so that Tauriel could move into them right away and she noticed that the elleth looked a bit nervous. Thilian knew why, she hid a crooked grin. She had brought a small box from the crates of medicine Naragh had given them and now she slid it into Tauriel’s hand. The elleth looked at it with confusion and Thilian leaned over and whispered into her ear. “It is an ointment, it helps a lot against soreness and such. If your new husband is anything like his father you are gonna need it dear!”
Tauriel did not understand at first but when she did she blushed so deeply she almost looked scarlet and giggled. “I…thank you! “
Thilian just petted her hand. “You are most welcome mellon nin, I am sure you will have a night worth remembering”
The party ended, everybody left and Thilian and Thranduil was finally alone in their rooms. She had already made it clear that she no longer felt sore and wanted him and before long they were in bed and Thilian finally knew how it was supposed to be. The pleasure was just overwhelming and the huge bed did not fall apart but that was just due to its very strong construction. Both were making a lot of noise and did not care, this was their new home and everything was as it should be. This would once more become a home, a place filled with love and joy. Thilian had never imagined that it was possible to do it in so many positions and she was not ashamed to scream with pure ecstasy, neither was he.
Thranduil rooms were placed so that the prince’s rooms were right on the other side of them with a small hall between. There were guards placed at each door and they had to stand there no matter what. Both guards were a bit wide eyed and both were blushing. They were not allowed to move but one threw a quick glance around and saw nobody. He caught the glance of the guard on the other side of the hall and grinned, moved his elbow up and down in a very suggestive gesture and the guard on the other side grinned too and nodded and repeated the gesture. The noises coming from both rooms left no doubt about the activities which were going on. It was good to know that their royal family was so happy and that the halls once more would be filled with life and light. Yes, the days to come would be good.
Thranduil was almost asleep, Thilian was deep within dreams already and he too felt like dozing off, he was just too tired to sleep. He had a sheepish grin on his face and felt satisfied to the very bone, it had been wonderful to be able to make love to her without fearing that he would hurt her and he hoped that her appetite for this would remain this strong forever. She was just amazing and he could not get enough of her. He suddenly heard a voice whispering to him. “Welcome back my friend, we are all glad to see that you have healed completely.”
There was a hint of mischief within the lovely voice and he sighed and grinned. “Indeed I have, and I suppose that none of you know anything about why and how I ended up in a parallel world?”
The female voice just giggled. “We are completely innocent my friend, we just prayed that the Gods would help you and they did, and in a most wonderful way I must say. You are a new ellon”
Thranduil nodded. “Yeah right, you had nothing to do with it, and I am sure I saw a pig fly the other day. But I thank you never the less, you saved me!”
Galadriels voice was fading. “No, you saved yourself by allowing yourself to feel once more, we just started the whole thing. Thank the Gods, the Valar and the Gods of that other world. The black wolf is very powerful and I am grateful we have her sympathy and love. Never forget that, it may help us in times to come. Rest now my friend, be assured that you will have many happy days to come”
He smiled softly. “I know, thank you once more!”
The voice was gone and he closed his eyes and pulled Thilians warm body closer to himself. He had fallen but he had been found, he had been lost but he had been saved. Never again would he be the lonely and cold soul he had become, never again would his son have to face the darkness alone. He would be there for him, and he would be there forever.
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