Underneath alien skies | By : Nuredhel Category: +Third Age > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: II do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, and i do not earn any money from this work of fiction, it is solely written for entertainment and not for profit at all. do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, |
This is an epilogue, i wanted to reveal how their lives will become later, when they have settled into their new situation. Thranduil’s and Thilian’s daughter will be born, and her name Narya means fiery if I haven’t been mistaken. She will be a fiery one indeed, maybe I’ll write something about their growing family later. So here it is, the last chapter of this story, I hope you’ll enjoy it and thank you very much to everybody who has bothered reading this story, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Chapter Thirteen: Born of fireBehold, a new dawn is risingIt is bringing new hope new life
Never fear the dark my dear
Cause its power will fade
And the light will rule forever more
Thilian was sitting on one of the many balconies, she was sewing on a dress and she enjoyed the heat of the midday sun. Tauriel was sitting beside her, the warrior was trying to stitch together a new belt for her husband and the two women were chatting and enjoying each -others company. Thilian and Tauriel were rather different but they had become very close friends none the less and the new peace and calm within the realm Thranduils return had brought had been good for everyone. Thilian had managed to become a very loved and respected queen in very little time. The ladies of the court had been a little reluctant to approach her at first and she had been smart and managed to speak with each of them alone. Soon they all saw the new queen as their new and very good friend and they were all extremely loyal to her. It was a good thing and Thilians kind heart and gentle way of treating others made the whole population just adore her. And they loved her even more for having transformed their rather ill-tempered king into a softer and far wiser man. He was a stronger leader and a far better one and Legolas had returned to his old self too, he was so happy it was contagious and people were joking a little about the way he and his wife often just disappeared for a while and returned looking both disheveled and sweaty.Thilian sighed, she felt so darn heavy and uncomfortable but it was a small price to pay. She had told him the good news a couple of months after their arrival at Mirkwood and Thranduil had actually been crying. She had never seen him that emotional and he had treated her as if she was made from the most fragile of materials since that day. Thilian was slightly annoyed by it, she was strong but he did not listen. He had arranged for the very best midwives to take care of her and she felt safe. But off course she was a bit scared, it was her first child and she knew that childbirth was no easy task.
Ghuad had returned and they would not use the portal again until the baby was born, she just hoped that it would be soon, she felt like a hippo! The men were so busy with organizing the defense of the realms and everything else. The shadow in the east had been growing ever stronger and she knew that Legolas had been summoned to a council in Imladris. Rumors told that representatives off all the races were called there, that something had been found. Legolas was a bit reluctant to leave but he knew his father had to stay there. Thilians baby could come any day now and he did want to be there for her. The midwives had been a bit confused, they had no idea of how long her pregnancy would last and they finally concluded that twelve months would be a guess as good as any. And it appeared that they were right, she was getting ready and now she was just looking forward to being done with it so she could meet her daughter. Everything was prepared and she knew that her husband was more nervous than she was. Tauriel was swearing to herself and grinned, she was no seamstress at all. She loved to be a captain and she still had her title and job. She just had a little more freedom and she enjoyed it immensely. She stared at Thilian who was elegantly finishing her work. Tauriel had been jealous when Thilian and Thranduil made the official announcement and told everybody of the child they were expecting. She wanted a child too but nothing had happened yet, even though she and Legolas were enjoying a lot of love making on a daily basis. She blushed, they had almost been caught red handed in the stables the day before and just luck had prevented that the stable boys had seen things they absolutely had no business seeing. Oh how she longed for the blessing Thilian and Thranduil had received.
Thilian sighed and put down her work, she rubbed her back and grimaced. Her back was aching like crazy but she was used to it by now, weird, the pain was stronger than usual. She moaned and Tauriel looked up, a bit worried. “Are you alright Thilian?”
Thilian smiled, she rubbed her back but the pain did not lessen even a bit. Instead it suddenly got far worse, as if a sort of spasm shot through her lower back and belly. She gasped, these were not just muscle cramps, they were real contractions. She was going into labor and she became pale. “Oh by the Valar, it is time!”
Tauriel got on her feet, she was staring at Thilian with huge eyes. “What am I to do? Tell me!”
Thilian gasped, she felt dizzy and nauseous and she took a deep breath to calm herself down. She could not believe that it was finally happening. “Go tell the midwives and Thranduil, and help me get back inside.”
Tauriel grabbed her arm and Thilian waddled back into the rooms, she sat down in a chair and moaned as a new contraction grabbed a hold of her. Tauriel ran like she had a dragon chasing her and was gone and before long Thilian could hear running feet. The healer and the midwives arrived and Thranduil with them. His face was white and he looked terrified. Thilian had to laugh at his expression. “Do not look so fearful my love, I am going to have a baby, not be fighting an army or anything of that magnitude.”
Thranduil did not look a bit more at ease and he was clinging on to her hand. The midwives examined her and Thilian knew that this could last for a while. Tauriel returned too and she had allowed the warrior to be present during the birth. Tauriel was her best friend and she needed someone there who wasn’t too emotional. Thilian bit her teeth together as a particularly bad one hit her and she winced when she felt a gush of hot liquid running down her legs. The healer smiled. “The water broke, good, this is going well”
Thilian moaned and Thranduil was whispering soothing words to her but his voice was shivering. He felt so helpless, so utterly out of his comfort zone. Normally a father to be would be kept out of the room until the baby was born but he refused to leave her and now he was beginning to doubt the wisdom of that decision. They helped her over into the bed and put her into a loose nightgown, they removed every knot they could find, even the ones they found in the curtains. It was superstition of course but it was common practice. Tauriel was standing by the bed and she was no longer jealous of Thilians condition, she was horrified. How could there be so much pain in bringing new life into the world?
Before long Thilian was moaning and sweating and panting and the midwives were scurrying around carrying hot water and blankets and preparing the crib and everything. Thranduil was suffering with her, he had not been there when Legolas was born, he had no idea of how hard this really was for a woman. The healer had given him strict orders to stay away from her for the last month of the pregnancy and he had obeyed willingly. He did not want to hurt her or the baby in any way but he missed her embrace. And now this, he was sweating just as much as her. As the hours passed and the birth started for real he wished he could go and slay some orcs or something, she was screaming in agony and he was on his knees beside the bed begging her for forgiveness for what he had done to her. Thilian had told him that they both were guilty in causing this and she had wanted it, he should not worry that much. But it was damned hard not to worry when the woman he loved above everything in the world was laying there screaming and panting and he could do nothing to ease her pain.
Tauriel was pale too and close to swooning and the midwife told her to get lost. Tauriel obeyed and left, the midwife knew that this could become so traumatic to witness that Tauriel would develop a severe phobia for births and that could become a very serious problem if she ever was to conceive. The midwives had seen their fair share of young mothers to be who were so terrified they had to be sedated.
Thilian needed to push, she wanted to push but the elleths told her to wait, her body had to prepare properly before the baby could be born, if she pushed now she would damage herself. Thilian gasped and yelled, the agony was unbearable but still they would not let her push. She was getting afraid that something was wrong but the healer and the midwives were all very calm and so she trusted them. Thranduil was wiping the sweat off her forehead and the healer helped her getting into a better position, it was getting closer now and she prayed it would be over soon. She could not understand how she could survive this much pain. Thranduil was crying and shivering and she felt how his hand was shaking. She pitied him, he was so afraid and she smiled at him and tried to cheer him up. “Do not worry my love, it is just natural”
He stared at her and grimaced, he should not have been there at all, but he was too proud to leave now. The midwife who was in charge examined Thilian again, the poor girl screamed again and the elleth nodded and smiled gently. “You have enough opening, you can start to push now, just remember to breathe”
Thilian sobbed with relief, she was finally allowed to do what her body had told her to do for hours or so it seemed and she started to push even though the pain was worse than ever. She almost roared and pushed and the midwives brought her legs up and held her, she felt safe but the pain and the feeling of being unable to control her own body was uncomfortable to say the least. She could no longer focus on him, she had to think only of the job she was about to do and she had a strong flame of determination within her eyes. It felt like she was being torn apart completely but she heard the midwives praising her, encouraging her to push even harder down with every contraction. “She is crowning, it won’t be long now”
Thilian could barely breathe, the pain was everywhere and her body was utterly out of control now. It followed its instincts and she screamed and pushed, pushed and screamed. Thranduil was just sitting there, he was in some sort of shock, he had never heard screams like that before, were they normal? How could anyone survive that much pain? He felt so sorry for her, so very sorry and he wished he could have taken the pain but he had a strong suspicion that a male would die if he was to endure something like this.
The very time itself seemed to stop, the pain and the struggle was everything there was, she could hear them talking to her but she was unable to understand anything, sparks were flying before her eyes, she was pushed beyond her normal limits and she was letting out one almighty roar as something seemed to come free within her and a huge weight slid from her body and out. She was gasping for air, the agony was gone but she was still in pain, just not so much. And then she heard it, that tiny squeaking noise which grew into a healthy piercing cry. She turned her head, her tired body and pain was forgotten, she needed her baby and she needed it now. The midwife was grinning, a very wide and wry grin. “Now that is something you don’t see every day!”
Thilian looked down, the king of Mirkwood lay on the floor next to the bed completely passed out and she could not help it, she had to laugh. She was laughing so hard she didn’t even notice that the midwife delivered her placenta and placed a couple of stitches in her. The healer hauled the unconscious ellon into a chair where he sat slumped forwards in a not very regal posture and Thilian did not stop laughing until she got her daughter placed in her arms. The baby opened her eyes for the first time, they were a deep shimmering color of bluish green and the irises were vertical slits, as her own. She was a dragon too and Thilian closed her eyes and thanked the Gods once more. “Oh Narya, my dear little one, I am sure you will become very happy, and blessed.”
Thranduil woke up after a short while and met his new daughter, crying with joy and relief and then Tauriel and Legolas was allowed to meet the new member of the family as well. There was so much joy Thilian felt how her heart almost burst with it. Thranduil remained by her side for the rest of the day. He slept on the bed next to her and Thilian knew what complete bliss was now, she was complete. He was laying there stroking her hair and she smiled and kissed his hand. She giggled. “I remember those first words you said to me, do you still think I look delicious?”
He winced and then he grinned. “I have still no idea where that came from my love, but I am glad I said them. I would not have tried to find you again to apologize if I had been my usual polite self. I guess the Gods played me a prank. “
Thilian presses her face against his neck and sighed with contentment. “I am glad you did insult me, I would not have missed this for all in the world.”
He stared into her eyes, cupped her chin. “I am so sorry you had to suffer this way.”
She just smiled and kissed him. “It is inevitable, it is our proof of courage my dear, a woman’s sacrifice to receive the greatest gift of all.”
He nodded, felt a deep sensation of reverence. “You are so very brave, more courageous than anyone else I have ever met.”
Thilian smiled and put her arm around him. “I will prove that courage more than once, somehow I know I will give you two more children, a boy and a girl.”
He just nodded and she let her fingers glide through his hair. “I know things will be ok my love, I know that Legolas will come back from Imladris, that the enemy will be conquered and destroyed once and for all. I just know it, there will be fights and darkness and death but the light will prevail and win in the end. Our children will face a bright future.”
He smiled but his smile was a bit sad too. “And when the time comes and the sea calls for us to sail into the west, will they follow us?”
Thilian had oceans of love and peace within her golden eyes. “My love, I am sure they will, the Gods will never break us apart, when the last elves leave this place we will be among them, all of us.”
He pressed her closer to himself and closed his eyes. One day they would have to leave this behind, but until that day came this home would be a place of laughter and joy and peace and his heart was finally whole, finally completely healed. The love he never had believed in had healed it and his soul and it would never leave him again. As long as his family was happy and safe he was stronger and more adamant than ever before and in the knowledge of this he finally drifted off to sleep, holding his wife and daughter as close to his body as they were to his heart.
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