Mending the Broken Pieces | By : LadyLaran Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > Het - Male/Female Views: 13665 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own "the Hobbit" nor do I make money from this story. Tolkien and Jackson are the ones who own the characters and world. |
Author’s Note – I have to apologize; I usually post on Wednesday but was feeling really bad yesterday so I didn’t get it done. Thank you everyone for your kind words; all of you are amazing! The concept of duty of care came from the amazing author, Bead, who has kindly allowed me to borrow it for this story. If you’ve not read her works, go do so! She is beyond fabulous, and I enjoy all of her Hobbit stories.
Disclaimer – I do not own “the Hobbit” nor do I make any money from this story.
Chapter Fifteen – Walks and Talks
Despite her nervousness, the walk had gone incredibly well, much to Hawthorn’s relief. Thorin had offered his arm, which she had taken, and he had shared stories of his childhood while they walked the paths around the garden. She would answer questions about herself and her past, knowing that this was one of the best ways to learn about each other. The conversation didn’t pause at any awkward points, and the hobbit began feeling more relaxed as time passed.
“Do your people always approach things like this with rituals? The way you asked to court me felt like one,” she asked as the conversation shifted towards their cultures.
“Certain events in a dwarf’s life are done through ritual,” Thorin answered. “When a dwarf approaches a parent or guardian to ask for permission to court his One, he comes empty handed and presents himself without title to ask. If permission is granted, he then comes before his One in full armor and with all of his weapons to prove that he can protect the one Mahal has crafted for him. His titles, every name he has worn in his life, is laid bare before the one he wishes to court so that she may see everything about him. Nothing is hidden when he kneels before her.
“Moving from courtship to betrothed as well as betrothed to married also have their own rituals,” he shared. “The bride has her own steps to take before the wedding as does the bridegroom. It’s said that Mahal went through these very same rituals with His own bride.”
“I know little of what hobbit courtships and betrothals are like,” she admitted as they walked. “If someone were interested in courting to see if the recognition scent happens, they present flowers to the one they wish to court. From there, I’m told they spend time together – walking, picnics, and dancing at parties. I’m sure there are other things that they do. Betrothals are usually announced by the family throwing a large party.”
“Those must be interesting to attend,” Thorin commented.
“I wouldn’t know,” Hawthorn replied with a small shrug. “I’m told the food is good, and I know that’s why a lot of hobbits will go because a fine feast shows how much love the family has for their daughter and how proud they are of her.”
Thorin looked over his shoulder, catching Gloin’s eye. His cousin nodded, knowing what the other was thinking, and he turned his attention back to his One. If things progressed as he hoped it would, his hobbit lass would have her feast to celebrate their betrothal.
“I imagine weddings are also parties with feasts,” Thorin asked, watching the small smile curve her lips for a moment.
“Hobbit parties usually revolve around food,” she admitted wryly. “And a lot of drinking as well. The feasts at weddings are hosted by the bridegroom’s family and friends to welcome the bride to their family. The ceremony itself is short, with a lot of flowers, and there’s dancing once everyone has had a chance to eat.”
“The ceremony for dwarrow is longer and can be more so depending on the status of the family,” the dwarf lord shared. “Usually, there’s a feast that follows. The more influential families will host a ball along with the feast to celebrate the marriage.”
“Sounds like it might be fun.”
“It all depends on who is present,” he answered with a rueful smile. “Some of the nobles can be annoying and refuse to leave well enough alone. Thankfully, my sister tends to help keep them away from me most of the time.”
“That would be Fili and Kili’s mother,” she asked.
“You are correct; the boys are her sons. She’s a formidable dwarrowdam, takes after our mother in her manner and bearing. Dis does not tolerate fools, and the nobles tend to wind up being her favorite target during events that force us under the same roof with them.”
“She sounds a bit like my mother,” Hawthorn said with a smile. “Mama had the grace of a Baggins but the ferocity of a Took. After we came back from Rivendell the first time and found out that everyone knew the full extent of my injuries, she went after anyone who whispered anything negative about me. The ones who used ‘halfling’ in reference to me met with Mama’s cast iron frying pan more often than not.”
“I think she and my sister would have gotten along too well,” Thorin said with a soft laugh. “And your father?”
“Papa was a Baggins through and through, but he had a bit of Took fire in him too. He would have denied it since he had no wish to present himself as anything but a respectable and loving father, but I do know he defended me several times. Most of the time, he would let Mama go after them while taking me aside to let me talk about what was going on and to make sure I understood that none of it was my fault. Of the two, he was the healer and scholar. As a fauntling, I would go to him whenever I had accidents during my times playing outside. Mama would be the one encouraging my playtime adventures and even designing some for me.”
“Both of your parents sound like they were honorable and caring people,” he told her. “I wish I had been able to meet them.”
“I do too,” Hawthorn answered, looking over at a rose bush for a moment to compose herself. “They would be happy to know I found my cariad. Both of them went on to Yavanna’s Gardens afraid I would spend my life alone. I hope Lady Yavanna will be kind enough to let them know that you and I found each other; I don’t want to think of them worrying about me when they should be enjoying each other and the Gardens.”
Thorin gently rested his hand over hers where it was laying on his arm, sending what reassurance and comfort he could through touch alone. He understood the pain of missing family, and he hoped that his and hers knew that the two of them had found each other and would be just fine.
The two walked for a while longer before going in to dinner, and Thorin pulled out a chair for her that was to the left of his own. He wasn’t sure if she would know the significance of this position, but he would pay her honor and ensure she was seated at his left anytime they shared a meal.
The company, who were all sitting at the table in the elvish dining room, all noticed where she had been placed. As he took his seat, he could see their eyes focus on the braid he had put in her hair earlier but none of them said a word. The dwarf lord was grateful for their restraint, knowing that tradition had them holding their tongues for the moment, and he set about ensuring Hawthorn had the choicest portions of the food before serving himself.
The meal passed with pleasant conversation, and both Thorin and Hawthorn were both rather quiet during most of it as they listened to the company chatter while enjoying the meal their hosts had provided. The monarch was quick to note that while she didn’t smile much outside of the very small one, her eyes would gleam with merriment whenever Bofur, Fili, or Kili would crack a joke or tell a story that was outrageously silly. Her life in the Shire had tried to break her, not allowing her to truly let her express how she was feeling, but it hadn’t taken away the expressiveness of those blue eyes. Looking at them now, Thorin could truly understand what people mean when they say the eyes were the windows to the soul.
The sign that she hadn’t been truly broken by her circumstances and the cruelty of the people of her native lands gave Thorin hope. He promised himself that he would find a way to help her be able to sing and laugh without restraint once more, and the dwarf was not above including his company in that mission. He knew she had endeared herself to the group with her gentle nature and the kindness she bestowed up on all of them.
Thorin kept his focus on his One even while answering the questions thrown at him by his sister-sons or friends; he ensured her glass was filled when needed or she was given the dishes she enjoyed. It was a duty of care that was part of tending to the One Mahal gifted to His dwarrow, and it was a joy to take part in. He and his nephews did this for Dis, but it was different taking care of his One and had a distinct feeling he would be spoiling her as much as she would allow. Knowing his nephews and cousins, it was distinctly possible they would also be tending to the duty of care when he could not and he was pleased with that knowledge.
Once the meal was over, the company retired to the area where their allocated rooms were and Oin made the announcement about the courtship. Thorin had expected the cheers and smiled, accepting congratulations as they were given. He watched as his sister-sons approached his One, knowing they were not planning mischief for once.
“We want to congratulate you, Miss Hawthorn,” Fili began, smiling brightly at the hobbit lass. “Our family is so greatly honored by your acceptance of uncle’s courtship.”
“Mum will be thrilled,” Kili chirped, smiling just as happily as his brother. “She’s been hoping for the longest time that uncle would meet his One; she wants a sister badly.”
“I have always wanted a sibling as well,” Hawthorn admitted quietly. “So I hope that I will get to meet her once this is over and find that we will get along amicably.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that, Miss Hawthorn,” the brunet assured her. “You have a lot of strength and courage, and those are traits our mother respects in spades. She’s going to be so happy once she gets Uncle Thorin’s letter.”
The dwarf lord hid a flinch, knowing he would need to write his sister tomorrow or he would be facing the dwarrowdam’s wrath if she discovered this through another’s words and not his. Dis’s temper was something to be feared, and he did not want anything to color this happy time. He would ensure to write the letter tomorrow and send it off as swiftly as he could.
“Do I need to write her,” Hawthorn asked, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at the two dwarrow standing in front of her seat.
“Mum might enjoy that,” Fili commented. “Uncle could have it sent along with his if you wish or you can wait until we reach Erebor. This way she has time to get used to the idea that her brother has finally found his One as well as recover from the shock that he didn’t need someone breaking a shield over his head to convince him to court you.”
“I’ll see what Thorin thinks,” she answered. “Giving her time to adjust would be proper, especially since I’m sure she’ll have questions for him.”
“Without a doubt,” the blond laughed. “In the meantime, Miss Hawthorn, we are at your service. As you are uncle’s One, we will see to the duty of care when uncle cannot.”
With that, the two dwarrow left and Thorin spotted the look of confusion on her face. He made a mental note to have Balin explain things tomorrow while he took care of the letter for his sister. The dwarf lord knew there would be quite a few habits she would notice now that he and Hawthorn were courting, and it was best to have her prepared so she would not feel uncomfortable by what would be going on around her.
Thorin gave a content sigh, listening to his company celebrate and quietly thanked Mahal for the gift He had given him. He couldn’t wait to continue with the courtship and woo Hawthorn as they went further on the journey to Erebor.
Author’s End Note - Announcement is made, and the company is happy for them. Thank you for reading, and please let me know what you thought of the chapter! See you next Wednesday. ~ Laran
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