Mending the Broken Pieces | By : LadyLaran Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > Het - Male/Female Views: 13665 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own "the Hobbit" nor do I make money from this story. Tolkien and Jackson are the ones who own the characters and world. |
Author’s Note – I’m happy to declare that I broke 50,000 words for Nanowrimo so I’m now returning my attention to current projects. I’ve got over twenty chapters for a new Hobbit story, and I’ll be doing fine tuning for it once I finish a WIP already posted. For my American readers, Happy Thanksgiving!
Disclaimer – I do not own “the Hobbit” nor do I make any money from this story.
Chapter Twenty-seven – Correspondence
Hawthorn spent the rest of her recovery slowly regaining her strength under the watchful eyes of the company and their host. She went for walks, often with Thorin, and slowly began practicing with her weapons again to try to build strength and flexibility in the area that had been injured. Her betrothed, his nephews, Balin, and Dwalin often worked with her, and Oin and Gandalf stayed close at hand so she would not overdo it and rip her stitches.
Now that they were betrothed, the presence of a chaperone was not as intrusive as it had been during the time they had spent together during their courtship. She knew it was because the only other way of a betrothal ending was due to the death of a partner because the slow bonding of the souls of the betrothed couple was irreversible. The Valar had joined them together, and Hawthorn had to wonder what it meant for couples who were of different races that had been formed as cariad. She was quick to pull her thoughts away from that, not liking the idea of being away from Thorin once Mandos called them away from life on Arda.
Radagast’s arrival had been productive since he’d deemed her healed enough for the stitches to be removed. She’d stayed quiet during the removal of the stitches, watching as another ointment and a lighter bandage was applied to the healing injury. The hobbit had thanked him for helping her and saving her life. The wizard watched her for a moment, voice gentle.
“Daughter of Yavanna, you are well loved by the Valië who created you,” the Istar said softly, resting a calloused hand over her smaller one. “She has chosen you to help Her husband’s children, and I will lend my aid when I can. All I ask is that you ensure Her creations are taken care of as you help provide a home for Mahal’s children.”
“That I can do,” she answered in a voice just as soft. “All I can offer is what little advice I have to give while the others are rebuilding the farms and helping the land heal; I stopped gardening in my tweens after I was injured and simply grew my herbs in my window boxes. Because of that, I don’t have the same knowledge as most hobbits do.”
“You were taught to show respect for all things living and grown,” the brown wizard told her. “Teach them to have the same, and Yavanna will help with the lands the dragon burned. I will come to show them what needs to be done, but the respect must come from the people in power. While the dwarrow care for things that lay beneath the stone, they respect their creator’s wife and will do what they can to help Her creations because you will show them it is all right to do so.”
Her blue eyes looked up at the wizard for a moment, nodding in agreement. She would do what she could to help her future husband’s people survive, which meant some of the dwarrow would have to help the men of Dale prepare the lands for farming. Radagast and the men couldn’t do it alone.
“I’ll do all I can to help,” she promised, realizing she might have another resource to call upon as well.
“Good,” he said, gently patting her shoulder. “I should go, there’s more work to be done. Just take it easy and listen to your body. If it hurts, rest. It’ll heal well if you listen carefully.”
“I will; thank you for help, Master Radagast,” the hobbit told him, giving him a deep curtsey to show her respect for him.
The wizard grinned at her, then disappeared on his sled. Once she was alone, she went back into the house and asked Ori if he had writing supplies. Fortunately, he did so she accepted them and sat at the table to write the letter that would help her future husband’s people.
~To the Thain of the Shire,
Dear Uncle Isengrim,
As I write to you, I am currently a guest of a very kind man named Beorn. His home lies over the Misty Mountains but before the forest called Mirkwood. I am doing well and have happy news to share with you.
I found my cariad, uncle! I thought I never would, but it seems the Valar decided otherwise since he’s a member of the company I’m traveling with. I assure you, everything has been done properly and Mithrandir has watched over everything to ensure nothing untoward happens. I wanted to share my news of finding my cariad and tell you that I’m now betrothed. He knows of my problems and accepts me for who I am.
If all goes well, Erebor will soon be reclaimed and home again to the dwarrow of Durin’s line. The other reason I am writing to you is I need your help with something, uncle. The dwarrow living in Ered Luin are in need of food to help them flourish through the winter, and I know that hobbits are in need of tools repaired or even replaced. Would you please see to it that my future husband’s people will have enough food to last the winter so they can go through the cold months without the threat of hunger or illness? They are proud so charity will not be accepted, but I have confidence you can come up with a fair trade.
I was also hoping you would be willing to send what seeds and seedlings that can be spared to Erebor once the dwarrow of Ered Luin make the trip from the Blue Mountains to Erebor. The land outside the mountain has lain fallow for all this time, and it is our duty as children of the Green Lady to help where we can. Supplies for the people as well as everything needed to restart the farms and orchards would be a huge help if it can be spared. Advice in helping the soil waken and thrive would also be greatly appreciated as there will be two communities relying on these new farms for survival.
Uncle, these people have not flourished as the husband of our Lady would want them to. Their birthrate is too low, and I fear it is partly due to the lack of good food. Valar willing, a safe home will be provided soon but the food issue will be a problem for some time. I very much want to see them thrive!
I am hopeful that you will be able to help the dwarrow as they are our siblings and neighbors. Their creator, Lord Mahal, is the husband of our own Green Lady. I know She would approve of any aid Her children could provide.
If you agree with my thoughts on this, please contact Lady Dis, daughter of Thrain, in Ered Luin. She will have the authority to negotiate any trade between their people and ours. If she asks of why you have approached her, tell her that your niece travels with her brother, Thorin Oakenshield, and the rest of her family. Please let her know that her kin are doing well, and we are preparing for departure to face the next leg of our journey.
Thank you, dear uncle, and know that I love you and the rest of the family.
May the Green Lady watch over you,
Hawthorn Baggins.~
She heard a slight scuff of the chair beside her being moved and looked over to find Thorin focused on his own correspondence. The hobbit had heard him mentioning writing his sister to inform her of their betrothal, and she hoped Lady Dis would be pleased for her brother.
The king-in-exile sensed her watching him and looked up, giving her a gentle smile that lit up his eyes.
“Something you wanted, Hawthorn?”
“I’ve finished my letter, and I would like you to read it,” she told him, sliding the parchment over to him. “I hope I haven’t overstepped my boundaries.”
Thorin frowned slightly, taking the parchment and reading it. The frown disappeared, giving way to an expression of awe and shock for a few moments. He looked up at her once more, and his voice was rough as he spoke to her.
“You are truly amazing, my One,” he said softly. “If your uncle agrees to this, it will make the winter easier for my sister and people.”
“That is my hope, Thorin, and if uncle does agree to all of it, this will make it easier for the two communities to begin farming,” she replied. “There’s always a surplus of seed; it wouldn’t hurt the farmers in the Shire to trade it for equipment and the help of the dwarven crafters for things the hobbits can’t make.
“As a daughter of Yavanna, it’s my responsibility to see the land taken care of. Physically, I’m not capable of it and I don’t have all of the knowledge for growing things that most hobbits do. This is one way I can not only see to my responsibility as a hobbit but also as a future citizen of Erebor. There are going to be hungry people, and the supplies and seeds will go a long way in taking care of them.”
Thorin set the letter down, taking her hands and pressing kisses to each palm and fingertip before resting his forehead against hers.
“That Mahal and Yavanna could render such a perfect heart to complete mine,” he murmured. “I am completely humbled by such an amazing One. You, my beautiful Hawthorn, are an amazing hobbit and I can only hope to be worthy of you.”
“I only want my cariad, Thorin,” she answered, leaning against him as he kept his forehead to hers. “We are already worthy of each other because that was how Yavanna and Mahal grew and made us to be. Never doubt that please.”
“I will try to remember your words,” he promised, closing his eyes for a long moment. “Thank you for thinking of our people and believing enough in this quest to start preparations for what will be needed to feed the two kingdoms affected by the dragon.”
“I want this mission to succeed as badly as the rest of the company does, Thorin,” Hawthorn told him. “I refuse to accept failure because I know how desperately your…..our people need to return to the safety of Erebor. I want to see the kingdom return to life and hear the songs of Durin’s Folk echo within the halls of your mountain. Life will return to Erebor, and we will see it done.”
In the face of her determination, the king-in-exile could only kiss his future queen and thank the Valar for the gift of this wonderful hobbit. With her and the company at his side, Erebor would be theirs again and Hawthorn’s wishes would become reality!
Author’s End Note - She acts like a queen already and doesn’t realize it. I think Thorin and the company will be able to point it out to her in time. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Again, Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers. Please be safe traveling and watch out for those who have no common sense and will insist on driving while drunk. Take care, and I will see you all again next chapter. ~ Laran
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