Lorinand Memoirs: The Bough Breaks | By : Avaloyuru Category: +Second Age > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 2235 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any form of copyright to Tolkien’s world, Middle-Earth, or associated characters or the Middle-Earth Fandom. I receive no form of compensation monetarily or otherwise from this work of fan-fiction |
Slowly as the days passed Thranduil became more resolved in the differences he had with his father. Now that he was confined to his chambers, time was an abundant commodity, he had much time to think about things. He found a kinship of sorts with Galion, learning everything he could from him about the unrecorded history of the Silvan Elves and the Woodland Realm. Unaware that his own thoughts had begun to mirror those of Galion, he had no plans or even the desire to ascend to the throne yet he believed he could influence his father through a better understanding of the elves they ruled.
Evening had settled, once again finding them sitting quietly in front of the hearth after they finished their meal, each one appeared lost in his own thoughts. Galion observed him on the fringes of his vision, noting the prince’s injuries had healed well. There was no outward sign of what had happened between him and his father, yet he knew the truly painful scars ran deeply within the young prince. There were things he sensed but would not press him, hoping that he would tell him when he felt more comfortable with his own feelings about whatever it was.
“Is there anything I can get for you before I retire for the evening?” Galion asked as he rose from the chair and walked toward him.
“Thranduil?” He asked, frowning as he grasped his shoulder when the prince continued to stare silently at the flames.
“Do you really need to go?” Thranduil asked quietly, reaching up to cover Galions’ hand with his own as he turned slowly to look up at him.
“Not if you don’t want me to.” He told him quietly, smiling softly as he squeezed his shoulder.
A torrent of emotions washed over him as he pulled Galion’s hand to his mouth, just holding it against his lips for long moments as he studied the expression on his face. Having watched him over the past few weeks, Thranduil had come to see him very differently. In all the ways that still mattered to him, he remained the one that he had loved so dearly all those years ago, yet he had become a perplexity to him. It was easy to silently watch and study him as he chattered away, requiring no comment or contribution to the one sided conversation.
Thranduil rose from the chair, pulling him into a firm embrace as he reached his full height. A few inches taller than him, Thranduil leaned downward slightly, pressing his forehead against his as he closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself. Aldalómë had always been the aggressor in their encounters and Thranduil was unsure of himself even as he desired him.
Sensing his unease, Galion tilted his head upward, kissing him tenderly as he teased his lips with the tip of his tongue.
Groaning softly at the invitation, Thranduil crushed him against him as he snaked his tongue into the warmth of the willing mouth offered to him. Tangling his fingers in the long dark tresses, his kiss grew more searching, almost hungry as he savored the feel of him in his arms.
“I do not ask for what you cannot give freely.” Thranduil breathed as he released his mouth, yet still held him tightly.
“I just needed to know this was what you wanted.” Galion replied, brushing his lips with his own as he spoke. “I was only waiting for you to ask.”
“I am asking.” Thranduil whispered, recapturing his mouth in a deep searching kiss. Groaning softly as Galion pressed himself against him, revealing the hard length of his own desire. Slowly releasing him, Thranduil laughed slightly, more out of nervousness as he took his hand to lead him into the bed chamber.
Slowly undressing him as if he were a present, Thranduil kept leaning forward, kissing his lips and face. Slipping easily out of his house robes as he watched Galion climb into the bed, he wanted nothing more than to spend the entire evening with him but he knew that would not be possible. Although his father had not visited his chambers since that night, the risk they were taking now was enough to concern him.
Collecting the small vial of thick oil he kept hidden behind the broken panel of the headboard of his bed, he settled beside him as he dipped his index finger into it. Thranduil leaned forward teasing the silken surface of the crown of his sex with the tip of his tongue as he sought the small rear opening with his finger. Pressing into him, he slowly swallowed the length of him until he felt the pressure at the back of his throat. Swallowing, he massaged the head with the same rhythmic thrusts of his finger as he listened to Galion’s soft moans. Rolling the fluids on his tongue, he tasted him, slowly inserting the second finger as he gently prepared him. Even listening to the growing urgency of Galion’s moans, he was still unprepared for the feel of his release as it filled his mouth. Startled, Thranduil froze for an instant before swallowing and continuing to suckle him as Galion thrust forward in his release.
Moving up over him, Thranduil turned him onto his side as he snuggled closely behind him, he was content at the moment to just hold him. Unsure of himself as Aldalómë had been his first lover and the dominant one between them. Leaning down, he kissed his cheek and jawline as he traced his fingertips over his body, enjoying the slight tremble he felt in him. Slowly though, as the ache in his groin became unbearable, he positioned himself at his opening, rubbing firmly against it before pressing into the tight warmth.
Groaning softly as he buried himself deeply within him, he held tightly to him for long moments, feeling almost overwhelmed by the pleasure that washed over him. Slowly he rocked against him, savoring the feel of the tight ring that slipped along the length of his shaft as he took him in long gentle strokes. Burying his face in his neck as the tension built within him, he breathed in the scent of him, thrusting faster and harder as he felt his impending release.
Clinging to him for long moments, Thranduil nuzzled his neck, placing soft kisses just below his ear as he waited for the weak feeling to pass. Finally pulling himself free of him, he pushed him onto his back as he rolled on top of him. Slipping his arms beneath his shoulders, he cradled his head in his hands as he kissed him softy.
Pulling back from him slightly, Thranduil smiled down at him, enjoying the feel of Galion’s gentle touch as he softly caressed his back. He let his gaze travel over the dusky shade of his full lips, the dark sooty color of his lashes, focusing on the soft moss green of his eyes. Pale like the color of new spring moss, yet there were darker emerald flecks that sparkled within their depths. He knew there was no turning back now, things had definitely changed between them but he found himself more than pleased with the change.
“Now I must go.” He told him when Thranduil remained silent, only arching a questioning brow at him. “I will see you in the morning.”
Capturing his mouth once more, Thranduil kissed him for long moments before reluctantly releasing him and allowing him to slip out of the bed. Quickly pulling on his robes as Thranduil climbed under the covers, he still reached down to pull them up over him out of habit as he leaned down and kissed him. It was not the customary fatherly kiss on his forehead, rather he kissed him deeply before caressing his cheek and then turning quickly to leave him.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Unfortunately, as the day of his departure loomed, Thranduil grew more apprehensive for what the future held for him. Standing silently in his private garden he longed to be in the forest, to listen to the soft voices of the many creatures that lived there. He wanted to feel the soft breezes in his hair and on his face as he walked amongst the trees, to savor the scents lingering in those breezes. The expressionless mask he wore revealed nothing of the chaos that raged within him.
He was well aware that his father would never agree to his choice of a Silvan elf as a wife, even if he was inclined to accommodate him in the fulfillment of that duty. Forcing himself to think of the long talks he had with Galion about this place he was being exiled, he could also see that his father had plans within plans. While it was the realm of the Wood elves who were kin to the Silvan elves, there was also a large number of Sindar that also lived there. He thought too of Aldalómë, he had been attracted to him, even enchanted by the beautiful golden elf, but he knew now it was not love.
He had been alone most of the day as there were other matters requiring Galions’ attention, he also knew there would be personal things as well and Thranduil understood. He had joined him for the morning and midday meals, breaking up the silent monotony of the dreary days he had spent confined to his rooms. Thranduil had become so accustomed to him being there that he found he missed him when he was gone for long periods of time.
“I wondered where you had gone off to.” Thranduil chuckled, turning slightly at the sound of Galion clearing his throat at the door. Although he knew he had been supervising the loading of the belongings they were taking with them to Lórinand.
“Alythiyiá would like to know if there is anything particular you would like for the evening meal?” He asked as he walked out into the garden to stand next to him.
“No.” Thranduil sighed softly, maintaining the slight smile as Galion stepped up beside him. “Whatever you bring will be fine.”
“Tell me Galion.” He began, his voice taking on the strange contemplative tone he had adopted during last couple of weeks if his confinement. “Do you think he will bother to say goodbye?” His gaze remained fixed on some distant point that only he seemed to see.
“The king is stubborn.” Galion replied cautiously, the new relationship between them was still a bit fragile, he believed Thranduil still loved his father and did not wish to create trouble there.
“Who is being evasive now?” Thranduil stated more than asked as he turned his head slightly to glance at him.
“Humph!” Galion snorted, noting the glint in Thranduils’ eyes even though his expression did not change.
“When you return, I think tonight I would like to talk more about Lórinand.” Thranduil said quietly, almost to himself as he turned and walked back into his sitting room toward his wine cupboard. “I am very interested in the elves that live there.” He continued as he poured himself an ample portion of wine.
“As you wish.” Galion stated as he walked toward the door. “I should not be long.”
Moving toward the hearth, Thranduil sighed heavily as he sank into one of the chairs and set the goblet on the stand next to him. Closing his eyes, he knew it was not going to be forever but it was the not knowing how long his father would wait to allow him to come back that angered him. He would be on unstable ground in Lórinand with no one beyond Galion, for whom he was truly grateful. He was convinced this was just another tactic his father was using to try to force his hand into marriage which he was not opposed to in the proper time and an elleth (elf maiden) of his own choosing. Based on his fathers’ claims to have known all along about his relationship with Aldalómë, this excursion was more than likely something worked out between his father and King Amdír long before their final confrontation. While arranged marriages were not the custom among elves, they were not unheard of particularly among those of noble rank.
Smiling to himself as Galion returned, his constant chatter commencing almost as soon as the door closed behind him. While it felt to Thranduil that he had been imprisoned in his rooms far longer than he knew he actually was, he had to admit having him around was enjoyable.
“It took a little longer because Alythiyiá was still baking the bread and I wanted to bring you some of the freshest.” Galion stated as he began his normal ritual of setting the table and filling their plates.
“It smells good.” Thranduil ventured a comment as he took his now customary seat facing the hearth. He wasn’t really hungry but arguing with Galion about anything was not something he wanted, especially on the eve of their departure.
“I was thinking that all of this might prove to be interesting.” Thranduil commented quietly, watching him as Galion watched him back.
“How do you mean?” Galion asked curiously as he spread the honey thickly over the bread he was preparing for him.
“I have no memories of my fathers’ home in Lindon and I never been outside of the Woodland Realm.” He replied thoughtfully. “I have never had a reason or desire to leave. At least it is still spring, it could turn out to be enjoyable in spite of my father.”
“It really is not all that different from here, only very much smaller.” Galion told him as he poured their tea. “It is Sindar ruled with a majority of those living there being Wood Elves. Their primary language is the same as here. The Nandor are friendly enough but they really do not care for either Sindar or Noldor.”
“Interesting considering my father’s extreme dislike for the Noldor.” Thranduil commented quietly, almost as if he spoke out loud to himself.
Thranduil listened quietly as Galion continued to talk about the history of Lórinand, King Amdír, as well as commenting on various other notable elves who sought refuge there. He did not know any of those Galion spoke of except through word of mouth as far as who they were. He smiled as Galion made a particular point of mentioning that King Gil-galad’s personal healer Elrond was also known to visit Lórinand from time to time.
“I can tend to myself this evening. I am sure there are others with whom you should spend your time with tonight, considering that we are leaving in the morning.” Thranduil said, pushing himself up from the table. “I am fine Galion. I will see you in the morning.” He added, his stern tone lessened slightly by his smile.
“Do you want me to bring you something to help you sleep?” Galion asked quietly as he rose to his feet and walked toward him. “It is going to be a long day and I can already see that mind of yours...”
“No.” Thranduil chuckled as he slipped his arms around him. “You worry about me far more than necessary.” He added as he leaned down, kissing his forehead. “I want you to spend time with your friends tonight. I am going to enjoy the fire for a little while, have some wine and then I am going to bed.”
“If you insist. I suppose I can find something to do with my time.” Galion sighed, his slight pout soliciting a gentle hug and another chuckle from Thranduil.
Turning away from him, Thranduil went to his wine cupboard yet he watched him as Galion quickly cleared the table, stacking everything on the tray to be returned to the kitchen. Turning toward him as Galion made his way to the door, he carefully schooled his expression to one he hoped reflected at least some level of contentment. He had no idea how long they would be gone, it was important to him that Galion enjoy this time with his friends since the servant had already given up so much by insisting on accompanying him.
He knew Galion was right yet sleep was the last thing on his mind as he poured himself an ample portion of the dark red Dorwinion wine. He smiled in silent appreciation that Galion managed to keep the cupboard well stocked for him, he had developed quite a taste for the strong heady brew over the long weeks of his confinement. There was too much to think about to even consider retiring for the evening, not even a hot bath would relax him enough to escape into slumber this night.
“There you are!” Kérÿth exclaimed as Galion entered the kitchen carrying the tray ladened with empty plates and the remains of the evening meal for the prince.
“Where else would I be at this time of the day?” Galion asked, frowning slightly as he handed the tray to one of the kitchen helpers who seemed to appear quickly out of nowhere. “What did you need?” He asked as he turned toward him.
“Lord Garävegión wishes to speak with you.” Kérÿth stated as he nodded toward the door as if to hurry him up a bit.
“What is this about?” Galion asked, a sinking feeling setting firmly in his stomach as he quickly followed him out of the kitchen.
“He did not say.” Kérÿth replied, casting him a sideways glance. “Only that he needed to speak with you tonight as he is aware that you are departing in the morning.”
“I see.” Galion sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly and the tightness in his stomach returned. He knew full well what the lord wanted to talk to him about but there was nothing more he could tell him as the prince was far from being ready to talk about it.
“He is in his study.” Kérÿth said quietly as he opened the door of the lords’ chambers. “Go on in.”
Steeling himself for a conversation he would much rather avoid, Galion squared his shoulders and walked the short distance down the narrow hallway to the open door of the lords’ study.
“You wanted to see me hîr vuin?” (My Lord) Galion asked quietly as he stepped up to the door.
“Yes Galion, I do.” Lord Garävegión stated, smiling softly to take the edge from his words as he rose from behind his desk. “Please come in and close the door if you do not mind.” He added as he walked toward a small table against the wall to pour them both a cup of tea.
“Honey?” He asked, looking back over his shoulder at the servant.
“Lots.” Galion replied, smiling a little sheepishly.
“I like a lot too.” Lord Garävegión said with a wink and a grin. “Please, sit down.”
Slightly uncomfortable with the situation, Galion was still glad that he had taken his concerns to him. The lord was one of the few members of the kings’ advisors that did not hold to the idea that Silvan elves were somehow lesser than their distant Sindar kin. Many of those who had spent the majority of their lives in the west, particularly in the areas of Lindon, Doriath and the Gulf of Rhûn seemed to have forgotten that they were both descents of the Teleri Clan.
“I just want to clear up a few things.” Lord Garävegión said quietly as he handed him a cup of tea and moved toward the chair opposite him.
“I am sure you are aware of the circumstances prompting the kings’ drastic measures.” He continued as he made himself comfortable. “You probably already know as well it was my son with whom the king found him.” He added, finally meeting the servants gaze.
“I am aware of both yes.” Galion answered, a slight frown creasing his brow as he continued to watch the lord.
“Do you remember when it was that you discovered what you told me about?” Lord Garävegión asked, preferring to get straight to the point on the sensitive matter first.
“It was.” Galion started then paused as his frown deepened in thought. “The prince was barely into his adult years, perhaps a hundred and fifty there about. He claimed he had hurt his shoulder in a fall from his horse, which I did not believe.”
“I am sure your memory is just fine Galion.” Lord Garävegión stated, a knowing smile curled his lips. “Your discovery confirms what myself and Lady Laurefindë had only suspected. My son was the young prince’s lover yes, but only for the past two turnings (years). Based on what I have come to understand from my son, the prince had not taken a lover before him.”
“So Oropher...”
“I am afraid so.” Lord Garävegión interrupted him. “Unfortunately with so much time passed, there is little that can be done.” He stated, pausing to sip his tea for a moment.
“However.” He continued, pinioning the servant with a firm gaze. “Because we suspected this was happening, Laurefindë and I took great pains some time ago in convincing him to send him to Lórinand. I know.” He said raising his hand to silence the servant when he opened his mouth to speak.
“We have our reasons.” Lord Garävegión stated pointedly. “Mainly to get him away from his father and into the hands of those who can help him but he is going to need your help more than he knows.”
“What do you mean, my help?” Galion asked, suddenly very interested in what the lord had to tell him.
“Shortly after our last discussion I had reason to travel to Imladris and speak with Lord Elrond.” Lord Garävegión told him, pausing again to sip his tea and collect his thoughts. “I confided in him my personal suspicions and requested that he travel to Lórinand to see what he can do to help him. Because he seems to trust you, your part in all of this is to convince him that Elrond seeks only to help him.”
“Yes, but Thranduil does not want to talk about it even to me!” Galion exclaimed, his eyes widening slightly. “He will never talk to a total stranger!”
“Leave that to me.” Lord Garävegión stated with a smile.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
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