Mending the Broken Pieces | By : LadyLaran Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > Het - Male/Female Views: 13665 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own "the Hobbit" nor do I make money from this story. Tolkien and Jackson are the ones who own the characters and world. |
Author’s Note – I’m a bit annoyed with the chapter and happy it’s done for the moment. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy it. Happy new year to everyone!
Disclaimer – I do not own “the Hobbit” nor do I make any money from this story. I just enjoy playing with the characters for my amusement and the amusement of those who read my stories.
Chapter Fifty-Six – An Unexpected Gift and Arrival
Letters had been flying back and forth between Erebor and the Blue Mountains, and Thorin was pleased with his sister’s reactions to his ideas. He had discussed it with Hawthorn, who had agreed that extending the invitation to the Stoor hobbits was a good idea as it would be beneficial for both their kingdom and the clan of hobbits who had never really found a place to fit in. The dwarf was proud of her for thinking of the kingdom and was also worried since he knew that the fears of her placing her own needs second was proving to be true.
He made mention of it to his sister in his letters, and Dis had agreed with both the raven chief and the Company about all of them needing to make sure her needs were met by others since she would be focused so much on the needs of Erebor. Thorin was grateful she had agreed with them on that, and she had also reported that she’d met with the Thain once again to offer a new home to the hobbits who were having difficulty in the Shire. It seemed that the hobbit leader had welcomed the opportunity and had promised to share it with the Stoor families.
That particular part of the letter had pleased him, and he hoped that this meant things would go well for his kingdom and Dale. He would put his trust in the Valar and continue on the path he was currently walking.
Dis had made him happy by writing Hawthorn as well as sending letters of introductions from the wives of the company. From what he could tell, he knew that his hobbit had written them back and hoped that his sister would be able to guide her through the missives until she and the others could return home to Erebor.
The letters seemed to help Hawthorn, and she often spoke with him or Balin about things Dis had written to get clarification about something the princess had said in her letters. Both dwarrow were willing to elaborate, and the adviser often brought in what books he could to help teach her further.
It was progress, and all of them were pleased with it since it meant Hawthorn was slowly learning what she needed to become a good queen. She had the heart and intelligence; the book learning and skills were being learned now thanks to Dis opening that line of communication.
He was pulled from his thoughts when Fili approached, a smile curving his heir’s lips as he found his uncle.
“A messenger arrived from the Iron Hills,” he told Thorin, who blinked in surprise.
“The weather is about to turn nasty,” he answered. “What could have possessed Dain to send someone here?”
“I have a feeling it’s important,” Fili told him. “Apparently, he has a gift for Hawthorn and it’s something you requested from him.”
It took a moment before Thorin realized what it was, and he was quick to head to the room where the messenger was waiting. A short while later, the king was on his way to Oin’s rooms with a leather case in hand. He was aware that his nephews were trailing behind him, eager to see the gift that their uncle had commissioned for the hobbit.
Hawthorn was sitting up in bed, feet carefully propped up on soft cushions so as not to disrupt the still tender flesh that rested beneath the heavy bandages. Elrohir, Elladan, and Glorfindel had done their best to help with the burns, but her body had taken too much magical healing over the years and the wounds had been incredibly slow to respond. So the elves and Oin had used herbs and other treatments to help her feet heal and ease her pain.
Thorin hid a smile, spying his betrothed reading to young Astrid as well as the trio of elves who had settled in comfortable chairs. It was amazing to him that he was so willing to accept these particular elves due to his betrothed and her connection to the elves of Imladris. She really had helped him work through some of his loathing for the elder race, and he was grateful for it since these three had been a blessing since their arrival.
“I see everyone is enjoying themselves,” he said, making his presence known.
Little Astrid hopped up, dropping into a clumsy curtsy. Someone had been working with her on manners, he mused with a smile, and he had heard glowing reports from Balin as to how bright the little handmaiden was.
“Miss Queen Hawthorn is reading to us,” she chirped, grinning brightly. “She’s been reading about a dwarf and elf who were good friends.”
“Let me guess, she’s reading to you about Celebrimbor and Narvi,” he asked, chuckling when the child nodded. “That was one of my favorites as a pebble.”
“Really? I like it,” she told him, sounding serious and rather adorable.
“I’m glad you do,” he said, seeing the expressions on the faces of the others. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one charmed by the little miss. “Now, I have a present for Hawthorn.”
She grinned, climbing into Glorfindel’s lap so that Thorin could approach the bed where the hobbit was reclining. Astrid let the elf play with her hair, watching as Hawthorn set the book aside.
“You shouldn’t have,” she said, giving her betrothed a gentle smile as he sat down beside her.
“Well, to be honest, it is a present that is replacing something,” Thorin said, setting the case beside her. “I’m afraid we found one particular item in your belongings that did not survive the transit from the Shire, and I asked Dain to help me replace it. It’s my hope that you will find this to be a satisfactory replacement and enjoy using it.”
A look of curiosity settled on her lovely face as she gently tugged the case towards her. Thorin helped her with the latches, and she opened the case to find the lute waiting for her.
It was an instrument of beauty, the king acknowledged as he took in the sight of the stringed instrument he had requested for his hobbit. The wooden body had been stained a gorgeous red-hued brown that showcased the stars and hawthorn blossoms that had been carefully carved into it.
“Oh Thorin,” she breathed out. “It’s gorgeous! I’ve never seen a lute this beautiful before.”
“She’s right,” Glorfindel agreed, still playing with the child’s hair. “I’ve seen quite a few crafted in Imladris, but I’ve never seen one that’s been made like this. The bards in Elrond’s home would be jealous if they were to see this gift.”
Thorin smiled, then nodded to his betrothed.
“Would you be willing to play for us?”
Hawthorn beamed at him, carefully lifting the instrument from its case before settling it properly in her arms. She tested the strings, listening attentively as she tuned the lute. Once done, the hobbit began playing a song that was popular in the Shire for dancing.
They listened as her fingers danced over the strings, coaxing a lively tune that filled her bedchamber with a rich sound as the instrument sang. It didn’t take long before her voice joined, singing a sweet song that matched the tune she was playing.
Everyone in Oin’s rooms gathered at the door, listening as she sang and played several tunes before stopping. She gave Thorin a sweet smile, caressing the instrument laying on her lap.
“I love it, Thorin,” she told him. “Please send Lord Dain my thanks; his luthiers must have been working nonstop to get this done so quickly and then to send it in this weather?”
“I’ll let him know you’re pleased,” he answered, knowing Dain would be remarkably pleased with the report.
“He’ll be very happy to know you like it, lass,” Oin said from his position in the doorway. “Knowing him, he’ll ask to hear you play the next time he’s in Erebor.”
“I’d be happy to,” Hawthorn said, not noticing when the adults smiled at that comment.
All of the adults knew that she had pretty much abandoned her music after losing her family, and it was heartening to hear her making plans to play for a guest when she had been so shy about singing just months before. Both the dwarrow and elves were very pleased, knowing her emotional healing was coming along nicely.
“Are handmaidens allowed to play stuff like that,” Astrid asked, looking to Thorin.
“Of course,” he answered. “My mother’s handmaiden would play the violin for her to help her relax whenever she needed it. If you wish to learn to play an instrument, we will do our best to make sure you learn. There’s a lot to choose from.”
“Do you play,” she asked, making the king chuckle.
“I do,” he told her, gently ruffling her hair. “But unlike Hawthorn, I play the harp.”
Given the look of confusion on the young girl’s face, Gloin chuckled and spoke from his position beside his brother.
“I think we may need to gather the company and have a singing night,” the red haired dwarf said. “This way the lass can hear the various instruments and have a better idea of which one she’d like to learn to play. Maybe tomorrow evening?”
“A company supper,” Hawthorn asked. “It’s been a while.”
“I think so,” Gloin agreed. “Now, I hate to do this, my lass, but Thorin’s presence is required elsewhere.”
Thorin pressed a soft kiss to his betrothed’s lips before following his cousin out of the suite of rooms. He was pleased with Hawthorn’s reactions to the gift, and his good mood made Gloin smile.
“Where am I needed,” he asked the younger dwarf.
“We’ve a visitor who has just arrived,” he said. “Surprised all of us when he showed up. An eagle brought him to the gates. Apparently, the brown wizard didn’t want to wait too long for us to start getting the lands in order.”
“Where is he?”
“The meeting room,” Gloin said, walking beside Thorin as he headed in the direction of the room that had been cleared for Thorin to do his work as well as meet with the company.
The pair entered to find several members of the company waiting, but the king’s eyes were drawn to a hobbit standing near a table. The male was slightly taller than Hawthorn, a bit heavier but that was due to muscle instead of the softness that accompanied the race due to their eating habits.
“You must be the king,” the hobbit asked, tilting his head curiously.
“I am,” he answered, moving closer to the stranger. “I am Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror.”
“I am Holman Greenhand,” he shared, offering a hand. “I was Mr. Bungo’s gardener and one of his tenants before the Baggins family decided to do Miss Hawthorn so poorly after her parents died. The wizard said you needed a hobbit to help get the land here back in proper shape, and I promised our thain I’d come here before the others did.”
“We could use all the help we can get,” Thorin said, shaking the hobbit’s hand and realizing that this one was a hard worker due to the callouses on his hand. “My sister has been talking with your thain about having some hobbits relocate here.”
“Right, he said as much but since I’m not married, he figured sending someone like me to get the preliminaries when the snows ease would make things easier once the caravans arrived,” Holman said. “There’s stuff that should be done before the grounds freeze, if possible, but if not, I can make sure we have everything ready to go when the thaws happen so we can start healing the land.”
“Anything you need,” Thorin told him. “We will do our best to provide. If the lands are not healed, my people and those of Dale will go hungry. I would rather that not happen.”
“Definitely not,” the gardener said. “I can also teach everyone about personal gardens too for an extra boost to people’s pantries. Every hobbit who is able to garden has one.”
“Erebor used to have kitchen gardens for herbs and the like,” Balin said, watching the hobbit. “That was made so that the winter temperatures wouldn’t affect it like the fields outside. There also used to be glass houses in Dale for certain plants as well.”
“That’s an expense but a nice one, no mistaking that,” Holman shared. “I can get the kitchen gardens going again if the weather doesn’t effect those.”
Thorin took a seat, passing a mug of warm cider to the hobbit as he sat down when the king gestured for him to do so.
“You said every hobbit has a garden,” he asked.
“Those who can garden had one,” he answered after taking a sip of the cider. “I used to tend to the one at Bag End, when Mr. Bungo and Mrs. Bella were still alive. Best garden in Hobbiton until they passed. The new owners didn’t keep me or my gaffer on, and it showed.”
“I don’t remember seeing one at Hawthorn’s home,” Ori said, tilting his head. “She did have boxes in her windows though.”
“She wouldn’t be able to,” Holman said, wincing at the thought. “It’s too demanding and with her bad hip, she wouldn’t have been able to handle the demands of a garden. If she’d lived closer, I’d have offered to take care of a garden for her since her parents had taken good care of my family when I was younger. Miss Hawthorn was a friend, and my family hated it when she had to move. The window boxes she had were a gift from my gaffer so she could still be able to take care of plants without hurting herself.”
“Is it important for a hobbit to be able to take care of growing things,” Gloin asked, concerned about his niece.
“Even the richest hobbits do a small bit of gardening,” the hobbit answered, taking another sip of the cider. “Mr. Bungo grew amazing tomatoes, and Mrs. Bella had a flower bed that she would take care of. Even if we’re not gardening, just spending time in gardens helps us. It’s how we connect to Yavanna.”
Gloin and Thorin shared a look of concern, wondering if Hawthorn would be able to have her needs met. Being around nature was important, and Erebor was not exactly teeming with plant-life.
“If I were to find a way so Hawthorn could have a garden,” Thorin began softly. “Would you be willing to work for us and take care of it for her so she could have her garden to commune with your maker?”
The hobbit gave him a soft grin, pleased with the dwarf’s question. The wizard had told him that the king was courting Miss Hawthorn, and he was happy to see that this one was willing to do whatever it took to make sure the hobbit lass was taken care of and happy.
“It’d be an honor and pleasure to work for a Baggins again, Mr. Thorin.”
“Then we’ll start planning,” he said, clapping his hands together once.
“Thorin, what are you thinking,” Balin asked, curious as to what was going on in his cousin’s mind.
“Well, by the time this particular garden is ready for Hawthorn to see it, Dis will be here,” he answered with a boyish grin. “This will be one of my acts of devotion. A garden fit for our hobbit queen.”
All of them grinned in response, glad to get a glimpse of what their king was planning for the future queen. They couldn’t wait to see what Thorin and Holman Greenhand would come up with for the lass.
Author’s End Note – And things are rolling along now! Truthfully, this chapter was giving me a headache. Nothing wanted to come out despite my knowing what I wanted to happen. It’s frustrating when the words just don’t want to be woven, you know? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! See you next time! ~ Laran
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