Tokowhŕ | By : Nyssa Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > General > Lord of the Ring Stars Views: 3317 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is work of fiction! I do not know the celebrity(ies) I am writing about, and I do not profit from these writings. |
Orlando woke only slowly as a dull sound made its way into his auditory canals. A little disoriented he sat up in bed and switched on the light which made him narrow his eyes. Outside it seemed to be pitch dark still, not a single sunbeam sneaked through the tiny spaces of the closed jalousie. When there was another knock on the door of his trailer, more impatiently now, Orlando threw a quick glance at the digital numbers of his alarm-clock und then reluctantly forced himself to get out of bed. Dressed only in crumpled shorts he shuffled the short distance to the door on bare feet and opened it just a crack. For a few moments he just stared in silence and surprise at the man who stood there in the darkness, but then he gently cleared his throat and tiredly and abrasively asked, “What do you want, Karl?“
“May I come in for a second?“ the Kiwi replied calmly after plucking a lit cigarette from the corner of his mouth. Orlando thought for a moment, then nodded curtly and opened his door wider. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to talk things out.
“But leave the cigarette outside. This is a non-smoking trailer”, Orlando said more gruffly than he had intended to, turned around and retreated back into the trailer again. He heard that Karl followed and quietly closed the door behind his back. Unsure what to say – where to begin – Orlando turned to face Karl and was surprised about how close his colleague stood opposite him. Karl stared into his eyes in silence, but Orlando couldn’t read anything in them. The Brit leaned back until he sat halfway on the small table at which he and Viggo so often spent evenings together, eating and chatting.
“And what exactly do you want to talk about?” he asked a little nervously to break the awkward silence. The whiff of a grin fleeted over Karl’s face. Single strands of hair had fallen into it and threw scurrile shadows over his skin. Here in the dim light of the bedside lamp Karl’s hair was pitch-black, just as the clothes he was dressed in. And as close as this he seemed even taller and broader to Orlando than he was anyway. But he didn’t want to let this sod intimidate him.
“Do you have any idea what time it is? I’m really tired. So make it short or come back tomorrow, then we’ll have enough time to talk.”
“Talk?” Karl repeated amusedly and took one last, almost threatening step towards Orlando, which made them come so close together that the Brit could feel the denim of Karl’s dark jeans on his bare legs. “Who said I wanted to talk to you?” Karl added quietly, quickly captured the smooth chin of his colleague with his thumb and forefinger, and took the totally dumbfounded Orlando by surprise as he kissed him.
Orlando would have gasped with shock if Karl’s mouth hadn’t pressed onto his so firmly, robbing all breath from him. His hands shot up and pushed against Karl’s chest, but the Kiwi didn’t let Orlando fend him off so easily. The unfamiliar and admittedly amazingly soft lips moved more demanding now, and Orlando almost went along with the passion, drowsy as he was. But when he felt the moist, hot tip of a tongue slip between his lips teasingly, he clung his hands more tightly to Karl’s shirt and tore away from this electrifying kiss by turning his face away abruptly.
“What the hell are you doing?” the young Brit asked breathlessly. He didn’t dare look at Karl because he feared that the Kiwi could read in his eyes what his bold approach had caused inside of him. Orlando didn’t want to admit it, but he felt a not really discreet arousal well up, especially in his scarcely dressed lap.
“What am I doing?” Karl asked back and grinned again while he pushed even closer to Orlando’s almost naked body.
“Stop it, Karl”, Orlando ground out as he was being sandwiched uncomfortably between Karl’s strong body and the table. The fact that he felt Karl’s body heat and the well defined muscles he had gained for his role in the movie pressing against him didn’t really help getting rid of his arousal, and when Karl tilted his head and started to nibble Orlando’s ear, he grew impossibly hard in a matter of seconds. And he didn’t even like Karl! Sometimes he loathed being in the middle of his twenties and being so extremely receptive to caresses...
Orlando’s physical changes didn’t escape Karl either, and without any inhibitions he planted a hand onto the crotch of his younger colleague and massaged the solid erection through the fine cotton of the shorts. Orlando groaned without wanting to and closed his eyes.
“Shit, Karl, oh my God, what are you doing…“ he whispered feverishly while the fingers of his arch-enemy stimulated him so unbelievably well. In his mind, his feelings and thoughts were at war. This was insane. He just couldn’t… And with Karl, of all people! But it felt so bloody wonderful…
“You enjoy this, don’t you?” he heard Karl’s voice close to his ear, hushed, seductive and hot, but when the New Zealander continued it suddenly became sharp and icy. “But if you think that I dropped by to jerk you off you’re barking up the wrong tree, you little, dirty son of a bitch.“
Orlando’s eyes fluttered open with shock and for a few seconds he back-pedalled, horrified, before he anxiously said, “Quit playing this fucking game with me.“
“You wanna quit playing?“ Karl asked. “For all I care. Let’s get down to business.“
Before Orlando could react, the hand that had so wonderfully caressed his cock only a moment ago grabbed his throat and squeezed. Not hard enough to stop Orlando’s oxygen supply, but it was more than uncomfortable anyway.
“What has gotten into you?!“ Orlando croaked and clung his hands to Karl’s strong forearm to somehow shake him off, but to no avail. The defeating hand didn’t move an inch. “You’re hurting me! What do you want from me?! Just say it and let me be!“
“I want you, Orlando. You, on your hands and knees, on the floor where you belong. I want to see you grovel before me, licking my boots. I want to hear you whine and whimper. I want to smell your cold sweat. I want you to beg me on your knees to not go on, but I will do it. I won’t stop. Not before I have what I want.“
Orlando’s gaze met his colleague’s, who stared at him viciously and greedily. And in Orlando’s brown, fright-widened eyes was one single question: Won’t stop with what? He received another endlessly cold smile from Karl as an answer. Then the Kiwi let go of Orlando’s squeezed neck, very roughly grabbed his naked arms and turned him around abruptly. Orlando desperately tried to defend himself, but the more he struggled, lashed about and squirmed, the stronger Karl seemed to get, and within seconds the New Zealander had his young colleague bent over the table and pushed the bare upper body flat onto the cool wooden surface.
“Oh God, Karl...” Orlando ground out in panic and again tried to escape the adamant grip, but it was futile. Karl was much stronger than him. “Don’t do anything thoughtless now, I beg you!“
“This isn’t thoughtless, you dumbass! I’ve been planning this for quite some time now!” Karl’s voice was like ice and made Orlando’s blood run cold. Petrified with horror, the younger one held his breath and waited in silence for his colleague to do something. When his shorts were hastily pulled down over his thighs, pure panic burst out of Orlando.
“No, leave me alone! Let go of me, you perverted asshole!” Orlando screamed in fear and struggled like mad, and for a fleeting moment he thought he could escape Karl, but the moment was gone again in a second, and again he was trapped between the New Zealander and the table. Suddenly a hand clawed for the hair at the back of Orlando’s head and jerked him down, slamming his forehead into the table top. Orlando groaned in agony as he was knocked against the wooden surface so hard that for a moment everything went black. Totally dazed, he stopped to resist and for a while only lay there, motionless.
“Just imagine that I’m Sean, then it won’t be that bad for you”, he heard Karl’s voice as if it was very far away, “It’s him who you are thinking of, everytime you wank or let somebody fuck you, isn’t it? You get laid by any random horny guy, and while they shag your brains out, you’re wishing that it was Sean who’s fucking you, aren’t you?” Karl’s hand slid deeper, from the back of Orlando’s head past his slender back, all the way to his bottom.
“Please don’t...” Orlando whispered while tears started to fill his eyes, but Karl ignored his entreaty.
“Aren’t you?” the Kiwi repeated, his voice cold and gruesomely unemotional. And his hand pushed into Orlando’s cleft. The younger man whimpered with shame and pain as two fingers bored into him roughly and energetically. “Tell me. Come on, Orlando… Tell me how much you want him. How deeply you desire him. Tell me that you want to get fucked by Sean, exactly the same way he fucked me.”
“Let go of me! You...”, the first tears escaped Orlando’s eyes and rolled down over cheeks that were pale with fear and pain, “… you’re hurting me… Just leave me alone!“
“You think I’m hurting you?” Karl asked and pulled his fingers ungently and quickly from the tense body which was at his mercy so defenselessly. Orlando sucked in a hissing breath since his abused flesh already burned and throbbed badly. He didn’t even dare imagine what more could possibly happen tonight. For a moment nothing happened at all, but then Orlando heard a zipper being undone and the rustle of clothes being disarranged behind him. His heartbeats picked up pace so violently that it felt as if his ribcage would burst any moment, and he tried to prop himself up as effectively as possible.
“No, Karl, please don’t!“ Orlando pressed out. His face was now wet with neverending tears. “Please don’t, please!“
“Shut the fuck up, Bloom!”
Violent hands forced him back down onto the table, and again his head was banged into the wood plate. The scared Brit tasted salty blood in his mouth and also on his lips as he instinctively licked them, feeling a gaping split in his lower lip, and a stinging pain pulsed in his nose. He couldn’t speak, he was petrified with horror and shock. He couldn’t even move.
“I’m gonna show you what real pain feels like, you little slut”, he heard Karl’s threatening voice close to his ear. “And you’re going to keep your mouth shut. I want you to be as quiet as a mouse. Start screaming and you will wake up in hospital tomorrow. Without teeth. Did you get that?“
“Yes“, Orlando ground out, whimpering and so hushed that he could barely hear his own voice which trembled with plain fear.
“Don’t fail to stay mum. If I have only the slightest suspicion that you told anyone, then...” Karl’s hand which was still gripping on the hair of his victim tightened and Orlando moaned with pain. “As you know Sean’s the only one who never travels to the set by helicopter. He drives through the countryside in a car, for miles, all by himself, day by day. You know, something could happen. The brakes of his car could malfunction. But you are so very attached to him, aren’t you? We wouldn’t want him to be in a sad, fatal accident, now would we...?”
“You wouldn’t dare!“ Orlando blurted in panic.
“And why not? Do you seriously think I’m in love with him?“ Karl snorted a scornful laughter. “No, Orlando, you are the one who loves him. I only allow him to fuck me, and you know very well that he’s not the only one on the set I’m having some fun with. To me, Sean is disposable and replacable. But not to you. You love him so fucking much, don’t you?“
“You bastard!” Orlando yelled in tears. “If you do anything to Sean, you dirty sod, then –“
“Keep your mouth shut and nothing will happen to him!“ Karl hissed, cutting Orlando off. “Just keep your fucking mouth shut, Elfling. I guess we have a deal?“
Orlando didn’t say a word. He squeezed his eyes shut in despair and prayed that any moment all this would turn out to be nothing but a very morbid and vicious joke of Urban. Maybe the New Zealander just wanted to administer a serious shock to Orlando, as revenge for all those insults which the young Brit had thrown at him in his boiling jealousy. Oh please, it had to be like this… Not even Karl could seriously be capable of such cruelty...
“Do we have a deal, you fucking maggot?!” Orlando was pulled from his thoughts and for a third time his already bleeding face connected with the table top. This time, the impact was so huge that he actually slipped into light unconsciousness, but only for a short moment, because a few seconds later the most intense, most abasing pain he’d ever felt in his whole life brought him back to reality.
This pain, it took his breath away and made his vision blur... He felt Karl inside of him, hot and stabbing and burning, disgustingly deep and abhorrently hard... and, oh God, this degradation... This endless humiliation.
Karl seemed to tear him apart. Violently he forced himself into Orlando’s tight, resisting opening, drove into his abused, weakened body again and again, opened him up and overstretched him without mercy, broke him open. Continuously, until Orlando’s constant whimpers changed into loud, sobbing pants. The ruthless pain was so intense that the Brit thought he would have to throw up from it in a moment.
But he didn’t. He didn’t yell for help either, like Karl had told him. And he didn’t beg Karl to stop. Not anymore. All strength had left him and now he just let it happen und prayed that it would be over soon and that Karl would leave at last. It seemed to him like an eternity as the Kiwi pinned him down to the table and penetrated him by force, but eventually Karl’s breathing became fast and laboured, just like his motions, until he finally, with a choked groan and a few extremely powerful and deep thrusts, gushed into the slender body of his young co-star. Karl had hardly reached his climax when he already pulled out of his victim untenderly and abruptly. He hastily closed his trousers while Orlando slid from the table to the floor where he pulled his shorts back over his sore and, judging from horrible pain, probably also bleeding bottom, and then coiled up, sobbing and crying.
“Jesus, stop sniveling!” Karl looked down to the picture of misery with scorn and took a calm, luxurious drag from the cigarette he just lit. “You’re pathetic, you know that? Fucking pathetic. A sentimental, mollycoddled and naive little sissy. You’re not even a good fuck.“ With a smirk Karl reached out and stubbed out his cigarette on Orlando’s bare shoulder. The young man didn’t even feel the pain that burned on his skin.
“Get out…“ Orlando ground out and swallowed troublesomely. All the blood that had gathered in his mouth almost caused him to succumb to nausea. He could hear Karl chuckle viciously and closed his eyes even tighter, as if by that he could make the Kiwi vanish into thin air. “Get out! Fuck off!“ And promptly, Karl turned around and walked to the door. But before he left for real, he turned back for one last time.
“Mark my words: Blab it out, only to the guy who’s getting coffee for you, and you can scrape the remains of your beloved Sean from a car wreck.”
And then he was gone.
The door had barely shut behind Karl when Orlando gave free rein to his terrible feelings and sobbed and wailed from one crying fit to another. It became so bad that he thought he would suffocate if he didn’t calm down again. In panic he tried to catch his breath, but choked on his own saliva and blood instead and succumbed to a painful, nerverending coughing fit which kept him from taking in some air even more so than the crying fits. Continuously coughing, sobbing and retching, slowly but surely the world went black before his eyes. A sudden thought darted through his mind: If only he could make his way to his phone, he could push the button that would automatically dial Viggo’s number. Yes, Viggo would be worried sick if he called him in the middle of the night, not saying a decent word but only coughing and snivelling, and he would probably come over and check on him. The phone had to be somewhere next to the bed, he had put it there after his chat with Liv. He crawled along the floor of the trailer, hectically but clumsily, past small puddles of blood and stains of semen which were slowly drying on the carpet. But before he could reach the rescuing phone, his body broke down. Panting for air without any success, Orlando collapsed completely. Spasms jerked through his body, his lungs and his throat felt as if an invisible hand was crushing them without mercy, overwhelming and ultimate darkness finally came over him, released him from all the pain, and...
… Orlando woke from his sleep with a scream. For a moment he didn’t know where he was, but he could remember very clearly what had just happened. Shivering from head to toes, he raised his hands to his face and felt that it was wet. He needed a few moments to realize that the slippery film which covered his hot skin was sweat. Only sweat. No blood. No split lip, no broken nose, no semen of a stranger on and in his body... Just a dream.
Disoriented, he felt around in the darkness for the bedside lamp, knocked it over first, then found the small switch and turned the light on. His clouded gaze quickly scanned the trailer, searched for marks that would argue against the fact that this didn’t happen for real. But he found none. Just a dream.
Orlando tried to take a deep breath, forced himself to lie down again and close his eyes. But he didn’t switch off the light. At least not for tonight.
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