Underneath alien skies | By : Nuredhel Category: +Third Age > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: II do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, and i do not earn any money from this work of fiction, it is solely written for entertainment and not for profit at all. do not own Lord of the Rings, it belongs to Tolkien, |
So, what’s to happen next? Hmm, this chapter will involve a rather strange old man, an enchanted necklace, a proposal(yes, he is gonna pop the question) and some bedroom fun. Rated M for a reason. And everything is gonna be fine right? Naah, there is still some dark shadows lurking ahead….
Chapter Nine The heart of fireLove’s fire is a fleeting hungerAn endless all-consuming flame
Stronger than a hearts desire
Driving weaker minds insane.
The two of them woke up when a gust of chill wind dropped the temperature and made the meadow a bit too cold for comforts. Thilian shook her clothes once more and turned them inside out just to be sure that there were no more ants hiding within them. Thranduil stretched and yawned and Thilian had problems keeping her eyes away from him. He got his clothes on and they helped each other with their hair, still they looked as if something had happened and Thilian felt a small knot of worry within her belly, oh there would be questions! And she did not really know what to tell the others either, they would probably assume that the two of them had gone the whole way and the idea made her blush. Shanrae would probably put her through a third degree interrogation and she was not looking forward to it. And Ghuad? She shivered at the very thought of her step fathers gentle but yet serious glance. She just hoped that he wouldn’t protest against her plans and feelings.
Old Blaze looked a bit disappointed when the elf grabbed the reins and pulled him away from the green grass, the horse almost bit him but Thranduil sent the animal a glance that made it change its mind. Thilian opened the bag she had carried, it held some bread and cheese and a small bottle of thin wine. They ate in a hurry and Thilian knew that they couldn’t wait too long before they returned, the others would worry. They got back on Blaze and the horse was reluctantly walking back towards the city, Thranduil had to laugh by the annoyed expression within its eyes.
They did not say much on the way back, they did not have too. They both knew how the other felt and it was such a sweet blessing to feel wanted and loved. Thilian was leaning against Thranduil now and she did not mind him touching her at all. He was safety, he was everything she could ever have wanted. She felt a strange sensation of awe, she had to have done something good in her life after all since the Gods rewarded her thus.
The sun was sinking towards the horizon when they rode through the gates and into the arena, a stable boy came to get the horse and Thilian could feel that her legs were a bit shaky and she felt dizzy, It had been a long day and she wasn’t quite as strong as she pretended to be. Thranduil was hungry and wanted to get something to eat before he called it a day and so they went their separate ways but not before he had given her a rather chaste kiss on her forehead and promised he would meet her again the next day. Thilian felt like she had butterflies in her belly, she was in love and she could not deny it, not a bit. She just stood there and Enez came strolling by, she was eating an apple and her eyes immediately saw the weird condition of Thilians hair. The lithe young woman stared at Thilian with huge eyes. “Thilian, you have bed hair, seriously, you haven’t…?”
Thilian shook her head violently, her cheeks were burning red. “No, absolutely not! I got wet, that’s all, I mean…I bathed!”
She knew what it sounded like and Enez had a very sly expression on her face. “You bathed, and may I ask why?”
Thilian wanted to shake Enez and get that naughty expression off her face. “We got ants in our clothes and had to bathe, the first pond we jumped into had mud, and leeches.”
Enez laughed, she looked like she didn’t quite believe it. “So, you got invaded by ants, and I must confess I am no entomologist but ants usually don’t crawl into the clothes of someone in motion. What were you doing? Counting clouds?”
Thilian had to look down and Enez grinned widely. “Aha, you were making out right?”
Thilian nodded, her cheeks so red she feared she looked like a beetroot. Enez grabbed her arm and pulled her with her into the corridor that ran underneath the stands around the entire arena. She was obviously very eager to hear more and Thilian was moaning, she really didn’t want to share this with anyone just yet. Enez was almost jumping up and down in excitement. “Well go on girl, you were bathing together, is he well endowed?”
Thilian had not believed that it was possible to blush even deeper than she already was, but she obviously could. “Do I have to answer to that?”
She tried to make her own voice sound as cold as she could but it was shivering and Enez grinned from one ear to the other. “How wonderful! I have noticed he’s got big hands so…”
Thilian was rolling her eyes. “Enez, you are being just…just rude! This is none of your business!”
The smaller woman giggled and grinned even more widely. There was a rather diabolical glimpse within her eyes. “Don’t worry Thilian, you won’t have to tell me more. I’ll surely know when you’ve lost it, it usually affects one’s ability to walk the morning after.”
Enez giggled and waved and was gone and Thilian was leaning towards the wall with her eyes closed and she was swearing to herself. Tomorrow everybody would know what had happened, she was sure. Enez could not keep her mouth shut even if you gagged her. She walked to her room and got undressed, put on her nightclothes. She was tired but she felt so restless, so filled with some sort of energy and with a sigh she pulled the covers over herself and tried to sleep. She already knew there would be little sleep if any.
Thranduil was happy the dining room was mostly empty, his hair was a mess, he had some ant bites that still were itching like hell and he knew how silly his face looked. He tried to look as usual, calm, ethereal and haughty but he failed miserably. Everybody who was not blind could see the light in his eyes and the constant shadow of a smile upon his lips. He felt like he could shout it out to the whole world but he didn’t want to embarrass himself or her. The very thought of her being in love with him made his heart sing. Jalisa did notice his expression, the vulnerable look and the awe within his gaze, she winked at him and dropped another mammoth portion on his plate. This time it was scrambled eggs with pieces of ham and leeks and he moaned and rolled his eyes in disbelief. He almost wished he’d been a hobbit, to them this would be just an appetizer.
When he finished eating he felt like one more tiny bit of food would make him explode, he walked to his room and sighed with relief when nobody stopped him to talk. He needed some time alone to sort out his feelings and calm down. He stripped and washed the ant bites and leech bites with some wine to prevent infection, it made him hiss in pain but he knew he had to do it. Afterwards he got his pants back on and combed through his hair, it was filled with tangles and he had a real hard time getting it back to its usual looks. When he had finished his scalp did hurt and he grinned to himself, it was a price he was willing to pay.
He placed himself on the bed and put his arms under his neck, stared at the ceiling. His heart fluttered within his chest and he could not stop thinking about her, her laughter and the light in her eyes. And the fact that she liked him, that she wasn’t afraid of him or anything like that, that she was interested. He could have cried, it made him so relieved and so happy. He finally had hope, hope of a better future but would she want to follow him back home? If not it had all been for nothing and he swallowed and tried to remain calm. He had to save his son from the danger he had witnessed, his own safety did not matter at all if his beloved child was in peril. Where did she fit into the picture? She had her powers of course, and there were greater powers in motion than he could understand. The Gods themselves had brought him there, and they never did anything without a reason. He just had to trust them and hope that it all was for the greater good. He smiled and closed his eyes, he had no idea of when he would be allowed to return home, he just had to be ready when the time came and he sighed and remembered her face when she lay there on top of him in the woods.
She had looked so vulnerable and yet so strong, so determined. He grinned to himself, she had of course asked about the things he had said, he had been a fool not to tell her himself earlier but it did no longer matter. He was looking forward to the next day and he had gotten an idea. The city was huge with a lot of shops and he wanted to buy her something. He had no money but he hoped that he could borrow a little from Akisha or Raigh, they surely would agree on his decision if he told them the reason behind his question. He did fall asleep after a short while and this time he had a smile on his lips and his mind was at peace.
Thilian on the other hand had a far worse night, she had fallen asleep after several hours of tossing and turning and at first she just dreamed about ordinary silly things. She dreamt that the water in the baths had been replaced with vinegar and beer and that Naragh was furious beyond belief. Then she dreamt that she tried to go for a ride on old Blaze but the horse refused to go forwards, it just backed up no matter what she did. She felt furious and frustrated and then she and Thranduil was laying in the meadow again kissing like crazy while a huge herd of ants the size of sheep were dancing by holding walking sticks and hats singing a rather silly children’s rhyme. She was giggling in her sleep, her mind was probably overly tired. Then it all changed, she was in a wood but it was not the woods she was used to. This was once grand, beautiful and lush but now dying, it felt like it was somehow infected. The grass in the clearing she stood upon looked like it had died too and she could feel danger all around her. In front of her she saw something move, it was Thranduil and a child, a small girl and she was playing with her father’s long silvery blond hair while he tried to make her sit still long enough for him to get her shoe back on. “Be still little one, you cannot walk without shoes, you’ll get splinters in your feet.”Thilian gasped, her eyes wide and her heart shivering within her chest with a love she’d never thought possible. This was her child, her daughter with Thranduil and she suddenly felt hollow, empty. She needed this, by the Gods how she needed it.
He suddenly got on his feet, stared into the forest ahead and she saw several huge spiders slowly crawling into the light. They looked terrible and she could see his fear, he would willingly sacrifice himself to save their child but would that be enough? Thilian felt something push forward within her, she ran past him, felt the fire within roaring with rage and hunger. She had never shape shifted before, she was too young and unexperienced yet. But she did anyhow, suddenly the ground was far beneath her and she opened her mouth and roared. The roar made the leaves fall from the trees, the spiders stopped, looked a bit shocked. “So you dare threaten my family? The ones I love?”
She spread her wings and felt how her throat was swelling with fire. “You dare threaten the offspring of a she dragon? Fools, fear my wrath cause you are gonna BURN!”
She let the fire out, watched it consume the spiders entirely and she did not move until they were nothing but ashes. Then the huge bronze dragon let out a last roar in triumph, she would guard them forever. Nothing would ever get past her, nothing! The woodlands would be protected by flames much hotter than those of any smithy. She had a narrow smile on her lips as the dream ended, she now knew what her task was, what she had to do. And she had one more yearning inside, a consuming hunger she could not ignore. She wanted his child growing in her, she wanted to be complete, and the sooner the better. She had been denying herself love and joy her entire life but not anymore, no, never again.
The next morning was rather dark, it was raining and everything was soaking wet. Thranduil found Akisha in one of the storage rooms, she was trying to determine whether or not the people participating in the show should be wearing some rather ridiculous costumes and she grinned at him and lifted an utterly ghastly design high in the air. “Tell me my friend, what do you think of this monstrosity? It is supposed to look like the things the wild tribes of the north wears in battle, I think the designer must have smoked his own socks!”Thranduil was staring at the creation, it was made from cheap leather and metal and he had problems keeping his composure. The thing was utterly ridiculous, it would have been impossible to move within something like that and he grinned and felt like laughing. Akisha could see the glimpse of humor within his iceblue eyes and she knew that this elf was a changed ellon. He was no longer the same person he had been when he woke up in their infirmary, he had become someone new, someone better. “I would not want to be found dead wearing something like that, it looks utterly ridiculous!”
Akisha was shaking her head vigorously and she laughed. “I think the actors will feel the same way as you do, if the northerners really wears something like this in battle there is no wonder they are feared. Their opponents are probably laughing themselves to death!”
Thranduil could not help it, he got a mental image that was just sick, a bunch of orcs dressed in these horrible costumes. His facial muscles started to twitch and suddenly he stood there laughing so hard it hurt. He had tears in his eyes and Akisha winked at him. “Bet that felt good ha? I have a strong feeling it has been centuries since you had a good laugh. “
He dried the tears from his eyes, he was still sniggering. “Yes, I had forgotten how to, until I came to this place. Damn, I think that idea you just gave me will haunt me forever!”
Akisha smiled and dropped the costumes, she was shaking her head. “We are going to have a reenactment of a famous battle, it’s gonna be all heroic and stuff but with costumes like these it is gonna be a bloody comedy! Sometimes I can’t believe the people we hire to make costumes have any idea of what they are doing”
He nodded and she shrugged and looked at the boxes with costumes with a tired expression. Thranduil swallowed, he felt embarrassed to ask but felt like he had to. She turned around and saw the expression within his face, it was rather obvious that he wanted to ask her for something and she smiled. “Yes?”
He tried to look calm. “Ah, I wondered, could I borrow some money? I want to buy a gift for Thilian and I really don’t have anything of value, I can’t even trade”
Akisha sighed and just smiled, there was a kind expression within her usually rather cool and distant eyes. “But of course my friend, I must say that I am very happy for you both and if you wait here for a couple of minutes I’ll go get some cash right away. “
He felt a strange sensation within his chest, he knew it was gratitude and a new and different kind of gratitude. He had rarely encountered anyone who would act like this without asking for something in return. He nodded and Akisha left the room, she was as always moving with the fleeting elegance of a great cat and he admitted to himself that he never had encountered a more dangerous woman than this one, at least when it came to physical fighting. If you took magic into the equation Galadriel was far more powerful but if he was to fight a battle Akisha would have been a very good ally in deed.
The warrior priestess returned after a few minutes and dropped a leather pouch into his hands, it was darn heavy and he opened it with huge eyes and stared at more than a handful of gold coins. He stared at the black haired woman in disbelief and she lifted one eyebrow in a very playful and yet strict mine. “You have been working like a madman for the last weeks, training our apprentices, helping out in the stables. Consider this your salary, and no, I do not want to hear one single word of protest. You’ve earned it, go buy her something gorgeous, she deserves it!”
He had a weird feeling in his throat, like it had gotten swollen, he did not really know what to say. “I…thank you!”
Akisha let her hand slide across his cheek just for a second. “When you came to this place you were a bit of a pain in the ass, I must tell you the truth. But you have changed into a man I am proud to call my friend. To know that you are happy and that Thilian is happy too for the first time in her life is enough for me and everybody else here.”
He bowed to her, he was truly humbled by her willingness to give, it was a fortune. He left the room and almost ran to the dining room where he completed breakfast in record time. He had been shown the city by the apprentices he was training and knew where to go. The streets were packed with people in spite of the bad weather and he pulled the cowl of his cloak over his head to protect himself from the deluge of rain. It was as if all the rain of several months had decided to pour down within a few hours and everybody was drenched. The sewers were overflowing and the smell made him a bit unwell but he kept walking with the pouch well hidden within his tunic. There were a lot of pick pockets working the streets and some of them were very good at this illegal activity.
He knew where the jewelers had their shops, it was within the more wealthy part of the city and he just hoped that he would find something suitable for her. Nothing could ever compete with her beauty but he hoped he would find something that could highlight and complete it. The shops were rather small and the best ones usually had at least two guards on duty at all times. He had a feeling that these places sold stuff that was just silly. Expensive yes but without real meaning, without a soul. He kept strolling through the area, looked at all the shops and felt a bit frustrated, yes they sold some gorgeous stuff but he wanted something special, something that would tell her how he felt. He was staring into the window of a shop with a lot of very intricate and lovely necklaces when he notices a rather old man who was watching him. He felt no danger from the stranger, it was an old and fragile human and he looked a bit sad. Thranduil straightened himself up, he was a rather imposing sight like that and the old man tilted his head and stared at the tall elf with an almost melancholic expression within his hazy old eyes. “You are searching for that one special piece aren’t you? The one thing which will be just perfect for the lady of your heart?”
Thranduil nodded slowly, he was feeling a bit nervous, he had no idea of what this man wanted or who he was.
The old man sighed and grinned. “I think I may be able to find what you are after, but it may be expensive”
Thranduil tried to look calm but there was something really odd about this man, he thought about magic, perhaps this was some sort of sorcerer?
The old man bowed and waved his hand as to ask the elf to follow him. “Do not fear my fair friend, I am not dangerous. I am just a man once known in this world as the best in my trade, now those days are long gone and my true name is lost to this world like love hearts written in the sand of a sea shore.”
Thranduil felt curious, he followed the man into a rather narrow street, it was dark and filthy and he had his hand on his sword the whole time. The old human stopped in front of a door, it was more holes than material and the building was apparently ready to crumble at any moment. The old man sighed. “I was once rich, I made things so beautiful even kings coveted them. I was proud of my skills, until I got involved with the wrong people. I was naïve, I thought everybody would respect my work and the beauty I created but some people can only see one thing, Power!”
He lit a candle and Thranduil saw a single room with only a small bed, a bench and a fireplace which had not been used for years. This man was probably so poor he rarely could eat, what could he possibly have to offer?
The old man was kneeling down by the fireplace. He removed some of the rocks it was made from and pulled out a small box. His eyes were dark and he had an almost warning expression upon his face. “This was my masterpiece, something nobody else ever has been able to create. It was a queen who wanted me to make it, or so I believed. But I was deceived and the person who was going to use it was a rather wicked sorceress. I could not let her have it and so she ruined my life, my name, everything I ever had. But she never got it, it has never been tainted by evil hands and it never will. “
He slowly opened the box and Thranduil got a funny feeling, this was something which was meant to happen, the gods had been leading him to this old man. Inside of the box was a piece of black velvet and the old man removed it slowly and with reverence. Thranduil gasped, inside the box was a most amazing necklace. It was not flashy or showy, it was in fact rather simple but the beauty was so stunning it almost brought him to tears. It looked like the elegant branches of a young tree, entwined within each other and on those branches made from gold there were tiny emerald leaves and ruby flowers. In the middle of the necklace lay the most amazing sight he had seen for ages, it was a jewel, heart shaped and cut into that shape by a true master. It had a wonderful shine and it looked like flames frozen like ice.
The old man lifted it carefully from the box, his eyes were watering as if he was crying. “The heart of fire, a fire opal. Most rare and precious of gems, and I and only I know how to cut it like this here in this world. The art will disappear with me when I go to my grave.”
Thranduil stared at the wonderful piece of jewelry and he felt like it was somehow enchanted. It held some sort of power and he looked at the old man with a sense of suspicion. The man chuckled and let a finger glide across the smooth surface of the gem. “Oh you are indeed a careful one, my old friend with the grey hat and the beard and the staff told me you would be! But do not worry, its power is for the good, only for the good. It was made for her, I know it now.”
Thranduil swore to himself in dwarfish since there were no real swear words in elvish, Mithrandir! It seemed like the whole of middle earth was somehow involved in this.
He sighed. “So old man, what does it do?”
The man sniggered. “It protects the one wearing it from all evil, and gives the power to see through all lies. And first and foremost it protects love, it will never allow loving hearts to fade or drift apart. That is the power of my masterpiece.”
Thranduil swallowed hard, he looked down. “It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, but I do not think I can afford it.”
The old man gave him a very kind and warm smile. “You have already paid for it my friend, you have given her your heart. I will rest in peace now, knowing it is with the one it was meant for in the first place. Now, take it!”
He hesitated for a second, then he reached out and the old man placed it within his hand, it felt weird, almost familiar and he suddenly felt safe, how and why he did not know. The old man sighed and closed the elf’s hand around the small box. “Go now, give it to her.”
Thranduil did not know what to say and the old man tilted his head once more. “My friend who visited me told me to tell you this; Through fire and flames, through the dread of the mind you must go to save her, beware when a black wolf howls!”
Thranduil felt a chill run down his spine, oh gods, no more trouble please!
The man had a sad expression within his eyes. “It is inevitable, but fear not. I can see that your love is strong, strong enough for the both of you. What is written in the book of destiny cannot be erased, by the mortal or immortal alike.”
Thranduil squeezed the box within his hands, he had problems breathing. The old man nodded as if he was listening to something only he could hear. “I dreamt of a woman, one of your people. She was fair and beautiful and yet terrifying, her powers beyond description. She told me that if you do what is needed without hesitation what you saw will come true, it will all be yours.”
Thranduil closed his eyes. Ah yes, Galadriel, he should have guessed it. He just sent the old man a somewhat wry smile. “I thank you for your information, and by what name should I remember you?”
The old man sighed and sat down, his face was weary and his eyes strangely empty and deprived of life. “My name does not matter, through many worlds I have walked and I have owned many a name, lived many a life. Some of honor, some of shame, others immortalized within the minds of the mortal, I guess I can face the gods knowing I have done good deeds and bad alike, as it should be. Remember me only as a feather blown by the wind, as ashes within a cold fireplace. I have watched kings come to power and that power being torn from them again, I have built empires and burned them down, rested under the very earth and been reborn from her womb time and time again but my long road has finally come to an end, it is as it should be.”
The man sighed and laid down upon the bed, he grinned at something and Thranduil had a weird sensation that they weren’t alone at that moment. He clutched the box to his chest and the old man whispered something he did not understand, then he sighed and went silent and Thranduil winced when he suddenly heard the far cry from some small bird of prey, a kestrel of merlin perhaps. He looked at the old man and he was dead, the elf took some steps backwards and then the body turned to smoke which dissipated and disappeared without a trace. The elf stood there for several minutes before he could gather his thoughts and calm himself down. He finally managed to leave the room, he could not really believe what he had seen but it had been real and not a dream.
He almost jogged back to the circus, the rain was pouring down but he did not notice. There was some kind of danger ahead of them, one he would have to ward off to save her, if he only knew what kind of danger it was. He could only pray that he would manage to do whatever it was the gods demanded of him, before it was too late.
Thilian had awakened with a bit of a headache and she rubbed her temples and got out of her bed on shaky legs. She could hear the rain outside and groaned, she hated rain. Her head felt heavy and she put her clothes on rather reluctantly. She just hoped this day would prove to be better than she feared, such rainy days usually proved to be rather boring. She was contemplating getting something to eat when there was a knock at the door and she sighed and went to open it. It was Shanrae and she was dripping wet, it was obvious that she had been running across the arena. Thilian drew a deep breath, she prepared herself for a barrage of questions but there were none, at least not right away. Shanrae was complaining about the weather, about the water which was everywhere and the darkness the low clouds created.Thilian was starting to feel a bit annoyed, she was getting hungry and Shanrae smiled and touched her shoulder gently. “I am keeping you occupied when I shouldn’t, Jalisa has made some amazing sandwiches this morning, if you hurry there could be some left.”
Thilian was a bit confused, she had anticipated a lot of impatient questions about the last day but it appeared that Shanrae was too smart to choose that tactic. She just nodded and puller her cloak on, Shanrae followed her out the door and Thilian closed it with a strange feeling. She had wanted to be done with them, the questions she knew would come and then there were none? It was confusing. She walked to the dining room with a feeling she could not quite grasp. It was as if something had changed, something important and she did not know what it was. The room was half full as it usually was and she sat down and could smell the kitchen very well, there were some rather delicious scents coming through the door and she knew that Jalisa would bathe in a pool filled with snakes before she ever made a meal which was less than perfect.
The cook brought her some sandwiches and they were amazing, Jalisa told her she had gotten the recipe a couple of days earlier and needless to say, they had become a great success. She had finished eating when Frostbird and Elywen came over and sat down, Frostbird looked tired and Elywen too looked as if she hadn’t slept that well. Elywen got a glass of wine and tossed it back like it was water, Thilian was looking at her with a rather puzzled expression. This was absolutely not normal for the flame haired woman and Thilian tensed up a bit. She was not used to people acting out of the ordinary and her cautious side got the better of her. She went into a sort of defense mode right away.
Frostbird smiled at her but the smile was faint and a bit distant, like the short elf was thinking about something. Thilian just sat there with her arms across her chest and the two elves got some food and ate in silence, it made Thilian feel a bit uncomfortable and her head hurt still. Frostbird sighed. “You have a headache? Let me help you”
The elf just touched her head ever so lightly and the pain was gone as if it never had been there. Thilian looked at her in amazement. “Oh, thanks!”
Frostbird shrugged. “It was so little, glad to be of service. “
Elywen looked at her wine glass with a sad expression within her golden eyes. Thilian wondered what it was that could remove the usual spark within her glance. Elywen grimaced and put her glass down, leaned forward across the table with a yawn and shook her head as if to clear her mind. “I am sorry, I haven’t slept tonight, something has been bothering me. “
Frostbird tried to smile but it became more of a snarl than a grin. “Me too, it is like I feel some sort of disturbance, there is evil somewhere, and it is close. “
Thilian was going to say something less than intelligent when the door flew open and Akisha rushed in followed by Raigh, Hawk and Rheynek, they all looked angry and a bit nervous. Akisha stopped and stared at the two elves. “Ladies. We need to talk, there has been some rather disturbing events happening.”
Elywen and Frostbird got on their feet and nodded to Thilian who remained there with a sensation of deep confusion and a bit of fear. It had to be very serious to cause such strong reactions among the priestesses and masters. She wondered what it could be.
Thranduil got back to the circus and noticed that Akisha and the others left on horseback and they appeared to be in quite a hurry too. He went in and found Thilian in the dining room, she appeared to be a bit worried and he sat down next to her. She blushed and leaned towards him, sought comfort and safety within his presence and he swallowed a sensation of pure awe. He still could not believe that she could trust him this much. Thilian sighed and he let his hand slide through her thick silky hair, she was leaning into the touch in a way that revealed just how deeply her emotions were flowing. She would never have allowed anyone else to do just that. Thranduil sighed and kissed the top of her head, he did not mind that the rest of the people there saw their love, she giggled and squirmed a bit in pure bliss. He could see that several of the people were leaving the room and Thilian bit her lower lip. “I was talking with Frostbird and Elywen, Akisha came and asked them to follow, something bad had happened.”He nodded. “I saw them leave the circus, I bet there is some things they just have to do, some mission perhaps. “
Thilian nodded. “Yes, they have to help people whenever it is needed, but I feel a bit nervous. Elywen had sensed some sort of evil, and so had Frostbird.”
Thranduil kissed her cheek lovingly. “Do not worry my dearest, they can handle just about anything.”
She did notice that his hair was a bit wet and cocked her head in a questioning movement. He grinned at her. “I was visiting the city, I have a gift for you. “
Thilians eyes suddenly sparkled and he felt something clasp around his heart, she’d probably never gotten anything really nice from anyone before. She was leaning towards him. “Oh, how exciting, what is it?”
He got on his feet. “I’ll show you right away but not here, it is rather precious.”
She looked at him and there was wonder within her gaze. “You do not need to give me expensive gifts, I hope you know this?”
He nodded. “I know, but this thing is special, it is perfect for you”
She smiled and took his hand. “Well then, let’s go to my room.”
He followed her and felt a bit insecure. How would she react to the necklace, and furthermore, how would she react to the question he was going to ask her? She needed to feel safe, to know that he was serious about their relationship, that he would stay true to her forever. And it felt right to do it, it was honorable and he wanted to prove to her how he trusted her and wanted her. Thilian opened the door and they entered the room, he felt how his words almost fled him, he knew he would stutter like a nervous kid but he had to do it. She turned around with a warm glimpse of anticipation within her lovely eyes and he pulled out the box and placed it in her hands. “This is for you Thilian, do not ask me how or why but it was made for you.”
She frowned and opened the box, her hands were shivering and she had an odd expression on her face. It was as if she already knew that this was something very special. She removed the velvet and then she gasped, a loud gasp and her eyes were huge and showed shock and awe. She lifted the necklace from the box with reverence and he could see tears within her eyes. “Oh, this is…”
Her voice failed her. “This is just too beautiful!!”
She gasped again and held her hand in front of her mouth. “Gods, I have never…I have never seen anything this gorgeous!”
He swallowed, tried to keep his voice calm. “But I have, and it is standing right in front of me now”
He gathered his courage, his heart shivered with the fear of rejection. He slowly knelt down on one knee and grasped her hand, held it gently while he stared into her golden brown eyes. “Thilian, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife? “
He could have said more, elaborated and spoken a lot of gibberish but he kept it simple and she made a strange noise deep in her throat, she just stared at him and then she suddenly flung herself forwards and embraced him tightly. “Yes, yes I will! I will be your wife, now and forever!”
He felt a mighty wave of relief rush through him, he wanted to cry with sheer happiness and she hugged him so hard he almost lost his breath. He lifted his face towards her only to see tears in those beautiful and yet strange eyes. “Why are you crying?”
He felt worried again and she sniffed and kissed his forehead. “Because I am happy you big fool, because I think my heart would burst if I got any happier than I am right now!”
He got on his feet, embraced her tightly and wanted to loose himself within that embrace, to drown into her eyes, let her scent and presence become everything that was and ever would be. Thilian giggled. “If you squeeze me any harder I will break my ribs!”
He gasped and let go, in the grip of his own emotions he did not remember how strong he was and how fragile she seemed. She smiled at him and reached up and kissed him, a very light and gentle kiss and yet it made his heart yearn and sing. “I have accepted, but you will have to speak with my step father too, not that he can protest against our union but it is the honorable thing to do.”
He nodded but felt a sensation of dread rush through him. Indeed he would have to face a dragon, and he feared Ghuads reactions. He could just hope that Thilians step father would agree on their decision. Thilian placed the box with the necklace on her small table and turned towards him again, she had an expression of something very vulnerable and yet strong in her eyes, a sort of longing he could not yet recognize. She cupped his face between her long elegant hands and kissed him once more, a long and passionate kiss which made heat pool up within him. “I had a dream my dear, I saw you, and I saw a child, our child. I defended you both from spiders. I saw what is to come, I saw what I want and need more than anything else in this world, my own family.”
He gasped, grasped her hands and held them to his chest, over his heart. “I have seen her too, our daughter”
Thilian nodded and she placed her arms around his neck, her kiss almost desperate and he felt how his body responded to her embrace, it was getting harder to breathe and he was shivering. Thilian had gotten her hands underneath his tunic and undershirt, was pulling the garments up and he moaned when he felt her hands against his skin, so warm and so eager. She kissed his throat, the area where his neck and shoulder met, pulled the garments completely off him and he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her so she stood on top of the bed. That way they were the same height and he kissed her back while he let his hands roam over her. She was so firm and strong and yet soft and her waist so small his fingers almost met around it, he lowered his head, tasted the skin of her neck, suckled her earlobe and she made some mewling sounds and tried to untie his belt. He grasped a hold of himself and took her hands, kissed them lovingly. “Not yet my sweet, although I would love to go all the way right now. I want our wows to be official before I make you mine”
She sighed and there was a glimpse of disappointment within her eyes, she was almost pouting. “But I want to, I want you Thranduil, to feel you within me, to feel you filling me with your seed.”
Her words almost made him loose his control, he felt his heart pound like a thousand dwarves hammers and his pants had become really uncomfortable. He closed his eyes, used every ounce of self-control within him to prevent himself from throwing her down onto the bed and taking her. She saw the expression upon his face and whimpered, tried to push herself even closer to him. He drew a deep breath, braced himself. “I want that too Meleth nin, I want to be yours and only yours forever. But as I said, I want our wows to be made before I claim your maidenhood. I do not want to rush this in any way, it is far too precious for that.”
Thilian smiled but he could see her battling with her emotions. “You are so chivalrous, so honorable. I just…”
She was squirming, her face contorted with feelings. “I just need something, I need it so bad my body is burning, and I don’t know how to sate this need.”
He took her hands in his own again, kissed them slowly. “I may help you, if you trust me completely. But I won’t go all the way, I promise you this. I will only give you pleasure this time, my heart could not bear to know that I would hurt you.”
Thilian shivered, she was beyond the fear of that moment but now it returned. She knew it would hurt the first time he entered her and she had no doubt it would be rather painful too. She had to ask the other women for advice, she now realized just how inexperienced and ignorant she really was. She nodded and he swallowed and prepared himself for something he knew would be rather challenging. He wanted to show her what true pleasure was but he would have to remain in control of himself the whole time, and it would be difficult. Slowly he raised one of her hands up once more, kissed it but he kissed the palm of it this time and he let the kiss linger until he let his tongue glide across the skin, drawing wet patterns. Thilian tensed up, her eyes got huge and she started to breathe in a very weird rhythm.
He kissed her fingertips, one by one and then he slowly sucked the tip of her ring finger. Thilian gasped and her eyes went wide, why did she feel something that was done to her hand somewhere entirely different? She had feared to be touched for so long, to her every touch was treacherous, a hidden promise of violence and betrayal so why did his touch feel so entirely different?. Was it because she knew that their souls were as one? That she could trust him with her very being? She could feel something deep within her contract and she knew it was her womb, she whimpered and he let go of her hand, turned his attention to her neck. He was sucking and licking at the pale soft skin, he even gave her a few very gentle small bites and the combined pleasure and slight pain made her shiver from head to toe. He untied the laces of her bodice and let the cloth glide down from her shoulder, he enjoyed the sigh of her like nothing he ever had seen before. Gently he started to kiss her shoulders while he let his hands caress her soft perky breasts, the nipples were erect and rosy red and she shook all over like a tree in a violent storm. It felt like madness, like some all-consuming fire within, it made her hunger for him, yearn for him to claim what was his. She wanted to lay down, pull him over her and finally know what it all was about but she knew that he was right, they would have to wait until they were properly married.
She grinned, she wanted to tempt him, tease him until he forgot all about his promises and did it, she did not care how indecent she would have to be but she realized that she needed to learn more before she gave him her virtue. And so she surrendered completely to him, allowed herself to relax and enjoy his caresses and gentle words. He was whispering things to her, she did not understand what he said but it did not matter, she just loved to hear his deep soft voice so close to her body, the vibrations made her shiver within. Slowly he started to explore her breasts with his mouth, she cried out when he pulled her left nipple into his mouth and sucked it and he knew she was a passionate one, that she had a heck of a lot of emotions stored up inside. It was such a thrill and privilege to watch it all become unbound and free. A thin coat of sweat was covering her skin now and she was panting, her legs shaking so bad she could no longer stand up straight. He quickly lifted her off her feet and placed her upon the bed, pulling her shoes and socks off and then the rest of the dress. Thilian could feel herself blush, she was far more shy now than she had been by the pond in the forest, the situation called for it. She felt so exposed, so utterly naked.
She could see the love in his eyes but also the inferno of desire within him and she admired him even more than before. Few would be able to restrain themselves the way he did. Thranduil could smell her need, it was making him yearn for her so bad he could hardly breathe, he needed this to end fast or else he would be in trouble. He continued to explore, kissed and touched every inch of perfect creamy skin and she was beyond words now. She could no longer think, speaking was completely out of the question. All she could do was feel and she did indeed feel a lot. Her heart was beating so fast and hard it sounded like a herd of galloping horses within her chest, her breath had become ragged gasps and she could not control her body at all. She was pushing herself up towards him, begging without words.
Slowly he started to caress her inner tights, knowing she needed to reach her climax soon, and he felt humbled and honored to be the one to show her such pleasure. Her reactions told him beyond any doubt that she never had achieved an orgasm and he was using all his skills now, carefully playing her like a talented musicians uses an instrument. Every sound she made, every twitching muscle, every movement showed him the way to go, how to push her further towards complete bliss. She had opened her legs for him, and she was so perfect, so utterly caught by her own needs and passion. She had let her head fall back onto the pillow, her eyes closed and her mouth open, grimaces flying across her face and he knew she was ready. Quickly he got himself in position and was glad he still had his pants on, or else this would have ended with him taking her no matter how deeply he wanted to keep his promise. He kissed her right below her navel and then he let his tongue explore her gently and yet with determination. Thilian almost screamed, she saw stars and sparks and the sensation of that touch, teasing and light and so extremely powerful was beyond description. He held her tight with a good grasp around her hips and prevented her from bucking up towards him, she was in shock of the feelings her own body now revealed to her, she had never imagined herself being able to feel so much, at once.
He grinned to himself, she was so close and he lifted his head a little, caught her eyes, they were black and wide open and she was panting hard. “Come for me my lovely one, let me hear you scream my name”
He let his tongue glide against that little bundle of nerves, gently but with force and her breath stopped for a few seconds before she tossed her head backwards, tried to lift her lower body off the bed while she screamed his name. He could feel her shudder, see how the muscles in her sex contracted and her voice faded into a wailing sob as the last spasms passed through her. He felt in awe, so grateful he had been allowed to do this to her. So humbled by the fact that she had trusted him so utterly, it was such a precious treasure this trust and one he never would betray.
Thilian was in complete shock, she knew what an orgasm was of course, but she had not anticipated anything like this, the world had indeed been shaking and she was feeling light headed and terribly heavy, like she was made from lead or something. She probably would be unable to move for a while, it had almost knocked her out for a few seconds. She saw how his eyes were shining and knew that he really truly adored her. It was so fantastic and so very hard to believe but it was true.
He crawled up and lay down beside her, she placed her head on his shoulder and relaxed, she felt protected and safe and a little giddy too. She felt bold, strong somehow. She knew she had him to back her up no matter what and she had let go of her fears. When she was with him she was in an entirely different world, one where her previous life didn’t matter at all. Thranduil nuzzled her cheek, she could see that he was deeply moved by the moment and she felt grateful. He kissed her gently and she made some soft sounds which reminded him of a playful kitten. “I would do anything for you Meleth nin, anything. This I swear!”
She just giggled and pushed herself closer to him, since he had placed himself on his side she could not help but notice that he was far from relaxed, in fact he was hard as a rock still. “Oh, isn’t that a bit…painful?”
He had to nod, he was still very aroused but he had forced himself to forget about his own feelings so he could concentrate entirely on her. She looked down and could see that he was shivering a bit, that he was sweating and still breathing rather fast. “May I help you?”
She had a small but nonetheless naughty smile on her face as she moved her hand in a very suggestive way and he blushed. “I…I don’t think that’s such a good idea my lovely one, I would not be able to restrain myself I fear”
Thilian grinned, she had that very attractive and also determined glimpse within her eyes. “Right, if I don’t remember it all wrong you just promised you would do anything for me so very well then, show me!”
He looked at her in confusion. “What?”
She did the same move once more, the tip of her tongue visible between her lips and the sight made him moan. “How you do it, I am sure you elves are no different from all others, that you touch yourselves every now and then. I want to see you do it, or else I am rather convinced that you will go through this day in a state of frustration and discomfort.”
He cringed and felt very uncertain there and then. “Must I? “
She grinned and rolled over, stared at him with eyes that revealed a bit of a mischievous attitude but also a lot of concern for his well-being. “You promised remember? I have seen you naked before so don’t be shy, and besides from that, I would like to know you better before we, well, do the deed”
He sighed, she was right of course, she should know a little more about what she could expect in the future. He was still embarrassed and felt how his cheeks and ears burned red but he bent down and pulled of his socks and then he unfastened his belt with his hands slightly shivering. He hesitated for a few seconds before he lifted his hips and slid his pants and shorts down and threw them off the bed. He was completely naked now and Thilian was staring at him with a wide eyed expression. “Oh by the goddess”
Her words were a bit breathless and she blushed deeply, he feared that she would feel scared of him, or feel disgusted even. Not all women did in fact appreciate the sight of a full erection, some felt threatened by it.
He did not know what to say, or do, he just lay there and watched how her eyes were sliding across his body, it was admiration within her glance and love and she did not look too intimidated, he was a bit relieved by that fact. She swallowed visibly and he could see a lot of curiosity within her eyes, she did not seem to be very reticent now that she trusted him. “You…you make me feel funny, again!”
Her voice was a bit hoarse and he gasped and fought his own desperate need to touch her, if he did he would be helpless, he would break his promise right there and then. And so he started to do what she had asked of him, touched himself while he stared at her and tried to at least keep some dignity. Not that it mattered much, but he did not want to startle her in any way. She was staring at him the whole time, the curiosity was getting even stronger and she was not afraid to ask him even the most intimate questions. He appreciated that but it did make him feel a bit shy, even now. He realized that he needed to finish as fast as he could, before this became even more weird than it already was, he quickened the pace and she stared at his face and became fascinated with his grimaces, the low moans he made and the way his body moved. It was so very thrilling to watch and also in a strange way beautiful, he allowed her to see him in his most vulnerable moments and she tried to learn as much as she could so she could assist him later. He felt how he was tensing up within, how the heat was building itself up to the point of no return. He gasped and closed his eyes, his hips had been moving up towards his hand but his rhythm failed, became sporadic and irregular and he caught her glance, stared at her face as he came. Her eyes widened once more, she stared down at his hand and saw everything that happened to him, heard his hoarse cry and somehow she felt a bit in awe of it all.
Thranduil was just gasping for air and he still shuddered from the aftershocks, Thilian could see the considerable amount of white sticky fluid upon his hand and stomach and wished it could have been spilled within her and not like this. But her time would come, she would just have to be patient a little longer. He was slowly returning to normal, felt extremely sleepy and she grinned and got out of the bed, got a cloth and some water and washed the seed of him before she got into the bed beside him and relaxed. He felt incredibly lucky and blessed and he silently thanked the gods for bringing him there, she was his life from now on. He fell asleep right after her and it was a deep dreamless and nourishing sleep.
Thilian woke up because she felt cold, she felt confused for a few seconds but then she remembered and felt how the warmth of his body made her want to crawl as close to him as she could. She yawned and looked at the small window at the end of the room, it was still light outside and she knew that she would be unable to sleep if she stayed in bed any longer. And she was hungry, her belly was howling like a pack of wolves and so she reluctantly shook him by the shoulder until he stirred and opened his ice blue eyes. His gaze became very soft and loving the moment he saw it was her and he reached out and touched her face in a most endearing gesture. Thilian blushed. “It is getting late and I am hungry, we’ll have to get up before they start to wonder where we are.”
He yawned and stretched himself and she shook her head in mild disbelief. By the goddess, how could anyone be so beautiful and yet so masculine and have such elegance? She was a very lucky woman indeed. They got their clothes back on, helped each other with their hair and finally they regarded their looks to be so normal that nobody would suspect anything. They went towards the dining room when they heard the sound of hooves and saw that the group that had left earlier in the day was returning. Thranduil felt a surge of excitement rush through him, he could see that they had seen battle and Thilian noticed that Hawk had a huge sack hanging from his saddle, blood was seeping from it and he had an awful expression within his pitch black eyes. Thranduil stared at the masters with a puzzled expression and Akisha threw her cloak back and Thilian had never seen the priestess look so grim. Death and darkness was dancing within her cold blue eyes and her fists were clenched so hard her knuckled were white.
“What has happened?”
Thilian could feel her voice tremble and Frostbird jumped off her horse while Khir held it steady. “Something utterly foul and terrible, a disgrace!”
The elf’s nostrils were flaring and she reminded them of her totem animal, a white wolf. Thranduil swallowed, remembered what the old man had told him. “Do explain?”
Akisha almost growled. “Some girls disappeared from a convoy of travelers heading for this city yesterday. At first they thought that they had gotten lost but last night they found one of the girls dead, she had been raped and tortured. “
Hawk threw the bag on the ground, spat at it. “We found the other three girls, all dead like the first one. But we did catch three of the men responsible for the kidnapping, beasts and nothing more than just that. Their heads are in the bag, the king will want to see that justice has been done.”
Thranduil stared at Akisha. “You fear that there are more people involved?”
The warrior priestess nodded sharply. “Yes, this is a well organized group, we have ordered the roads to be guarded by the kings cavalry and the gates will be guarded as well. There will be an investigation into this matter, we fear that these were slave traders and we do not want this city to return to the state it was in before. It was a rats nest of violence and death and nobody was safe.”
Thilian was nervous, she was a bit pale and Thranduil embraced her gently. “Do not worry, they will end this my love, I am sure of it. You are safe.”
She grinned and kissed his cheek but he could see the worries within her eyes and felt how a cold feeling clutched his heart. There was still danger ahead, could it have anything to do with these terrible men?
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