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Catergories :

Echoing Light -:- By : TMFUSYWER -:- Published : September 1, 2023
Updated : September 1, 2023 4:38 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 6 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 2351 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Bolg defeats Tauriel and as he is about to deal the final blow, he is challenged by Legolas... But this time, the duel ends differently, allowing Bolg to return to his elven prey and unbeknownst to Tauriel, his intentions are not simply to kill her... They are far, far worse.
Content Tags : Abuse Anal Angst BDSM Bond COMPLETE Contro DP Ds Fingering Fist Humil MCD MF Ms Oral Rape SandM Slave Spank Tort Violence
My Lord, My King -:- By : Pilgrim -:- Published : July 1, 2021
Updated : July 1, 2021 5:23 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 2232 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
An encounter on a bridge, in the depths of the Kings Hall in the Greenwoods. Your attitude got you into this mess, perhaps it will also get you out of it.
Content Tags : COMPLETE Fingering MF OC Oneshot PWP
The Gift of Kindness -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : June 10, 2018
Updated : January 1, 2020 12:37 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1952 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
After the events on Samhain, Camilla Baggins was relying on her mother's words to keep hope alive that her soul's equal would return to her. What she didn't plan on was the reactions of the dwarrow to the gift she had given the dwarf she'd shelter or how far her kind actions would go. Part of "The Gift of a Wise Heart" series
Content Tags : GB MF UST WAFF WIP
A Gift Beyond Measure -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : December 30, 2019
Updated : December 30, 2019 6:22 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1210 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
When the parents of Ivy Baggins passes, the bonds are shattered and she is sent to her soul-father in hopes of helping her recover. It's there she finds true love.
Content Tags :
Yavanna's Warriors -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : March 16, 2014
Updated : July 8, 2019 11:24 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 23 -:- Reviews : 4 -:- Views : 9197 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
In acquiring the fourteenth member of their company, Thorin and the other dwarves learn that there is a stronger connection between their people and the hobbits than they remembered. A new telling with a lbo that is blessed by the Mother
Content Tags : Bi M/M
Heart's Mysteries -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : July 24, 2017
Updated : February 3, 2019 5:41 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1537 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
When her father had passed, Wilhelmina Watson had reached out to her cousin, John Watson, for help as she had to sell her home to cover the medical bills. Thanks to his work and Mrs. Hudson, she is now living in 221C. John notices that his cousin, nicknamed Bilbo, is not the bubbly character she usually is. He hopes to help her through whatever has hurt her, but her past will not remain hidden as the one who had broken her heart returns in need of the formidable skill of Sherlock Holmes.
Content Tags : Anal Angst FF Fingering GB HC MM Preg Toys WIP
The Gift of Samhain -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : October 29, 2017
Updated : October 29, 2017 10:38 am -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 2 -:- Views : 2093 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Samhain has arrived and Miss Camellia Baggins performs the ritual to celebrate the event. This time, a spirit speaks to her about some of the worries she carries and also brings a message of hope. Her soul's equal will soon arrive...a blessing and worry considering what walks in the darkness this very night when the veil is at its thinnest.
Content Tags : COMPLETE GB Oneshot
The Sacrifice -:- By : Juliette -:- Published : January 2, 2015
Updated : September 6, 2017 10:31 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 6 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 8587 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
She would give her life to the King Under the Mountain if it meant her people would recieve that which was promised.
Content Tags : Bond D/s Dom Fingering M/F OC Oral
Dawns y Galon -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : August 8, 2017
Updated : August 8, 2017 3:08 pm -:- Rated : Adult -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1408 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Of all the dreams Thorin had experienced, there were a few things he hadn't expected. Falling in love with the hobbit who had been his burglar was not one of them. When the time came for the summer festival, he takes action in hopes of winning Bilbo's heart. Written for the Bagginshield Summer Surprise.
Content Tags : COMPLETE MM NoSex WAFF
The Broken Ones -:- By : ChaoticReverie -:- Published : December 5, 2016
Updated : December 13, 2016 5:15 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 2040 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
In a world of so much darkness, the broken ones often come together.
Content Tags : Abuse Bond Ds Fingering HC HJ Hum MCD MF OC Oral WIP
The Fierce -:- By : ChaoticReverie -:- Published : October 30, 2016
Updated : October 30, 2016 12:55 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 2599 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Azog has his reasons...
Content Tags : COMPLETE Exhib Hum MF MiCD OC Oneshot PWP Violence Voy
Ikrêsik -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : July 17, 2016
Updated : July 17, 2016 10:24 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 3061 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
When the Valar designed the races, each one was given a unique way to find their soulmates. Dwarrow were a bit different. Clover Baggins is about to discover what happens since her soulmate is a member of the company! COMPLETE!!!
Content Tags : GB M/F
Obedience to a king -:- By : lovinghimonly -:- Published : May 25, 2016
Updated : May 25, 2016 4:54 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 40 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 4757 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
She willingly grants him his every desire, but is their illicit relationship doomed to end in love or hate? Thranduil & OFC
Content Tags : COMPLETE D/s Fingering HJ OC Oral Preg
A Hobbit's Rescue -:- By : LadyLaran -:- Published : April 10, 2015
Updated : May 20, 2016 3:13 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 69 -:- Reviews : 15 -:- Views : 5645 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
A lass from a society that scorns women becomes the cornerstone of the company.
Content Tags : Angst Bigotry COMPLETE Fingering GB H/C M/F M/M Violence
Faladar -:- By : TheTVJunkie -:- Published : December 16, 2015
Updated : February 3, 2016 3:11 pm -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 6522 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
After Legolas loses parts of his hair, Thranduil tries to restore it with ancient magic. The ritual backfires and soon both feel strongly sexuall attracted to each other.
Content Tags : Anal BDSM B-Mod Bond BP CR D/s Dom Fingering H/C HJ Humil Inc M/M Oral Other Rim S&M Solo Spank Toys UST Voy WD WIP
All I Have -:- By : ChaoticReverie -:- Published : October 13, 2015
Updated : December 1, 2015 11:35 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 7115 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Captured by orcs, Lasallin must do whatever it takes to keep the last of her kin alive.
Content Tags : Angst BP D/s Fingering HJ Hum M/F MiCD OC Oral Rape S&M Slave Violence Voy WIP
Royal Bonding Time -:- By : TheTVJunkie -:- Published : September 29, 2015
Updated : September 29, 2015 5:38 am -:- Rated : Adult ++ -:- Chapters : 1 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 7160 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Legolas is pining after Tauriel, much to Thranduil's dismay. However, the Elvenking easily sees through his beloved son's confused replacement behaviour and lures the prince into a sizzling scenario of illicit cravings & depraved debauchery
Content Tags : Anal Beast COMPLETE D/s Dom Fingering H/C HJ Inc M/M Oneshot Other UST
Can't Say We're In Love -:- By : CodyMThomas -:- Published : September 2, 2015
Updated : September 2, 2015 11:02 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 5 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 1864 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Everyone has thought lbo and Thorin have been together for years now. They're not. They're just friends, close friends yes, but it's never been anything more. But no one believes them.
Content Tags : Bi ChallengeFic COMPLETE M/M
My King -:- By : DarkRaivynn -:- Published : February 6, 2015
Updated : February 6, 2015 6:10 am -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 3 -:- Reviews : 0 -:- Views : 5761 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
Thorin from The Hobbit has various sexual encounters with an
Content Tags : AFFO B-Mod H/C M/F OC Oral PWP Rape
A Frozen Sun -:- By : Esequell -:- Published : January 28, 2015
Updated : January 28, 2015 6:26 pm -:- Rated : Adult + -:- Chapters : 12 -:- Reviews : 1 -:- Views : 2500 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0
Located : Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The
A growing darkness gathers close. Lesser Lords come forth to seek the King's favour. Thranduil must place his trust carefully as he manages his attraction to a troubled, unsuitable widow.
Content Tags : Abuse Angst H/C M/F OC Solo
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