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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - Talasi on August 18, 2004
    Yay! *dances around* As always, wonderful chapter. I like how you described the recognition of her distant look by Glory. Can't wait to see what happens when she wakes up. Please update soon!

    *back to the craziness that is now my life*
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  • From ANON - Am on July 29, 2004
    Well that was interesting
    and I'm very much enjoying it.
    Looking forward to more.
    Am ^_^
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  • From ANON - Crimson Starlight on July 25, 2004
    Bwah, I love it. It's aways fun when soe gee gets dropped into
    >Middle-Earth. Someone should just write a FanFic containing various
    >snippits of different people's reactions to falling into
    >Middle-Earth...Speaking of which, excellent way to have her arrive -
    >dab in the middle of a group of the most important elf-lords of
    >and flat on her face. The nose breaking was just the crowning, though
    >painful, touch...
    >Yes, as if you hadn't guessed, I really really liked this chapter.
    >Probably because A) it's late and B) it's the lightest and more
    >chapter so far. It's very good, at any rate. Keep up the good work -
    >shall be waiting for updates, either on this or 'For Thine is the

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  • From ANON - tacenandy on July 25, 2004
    I really like how you don't have the elves automatically understanding
    >language, and mostly the same for Jan (she doesn't understand the full
    >Sindarin language). This will make for some very interesting
    >I think! I'm still very excited about this story, Shana, it only gets
    >better with every chapter!

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  • From ANON - Crecy on July 25, 2004
    Nope, seems she can't get a break. That's just Got to hurt though!
    >your entire Body weight on one dislocated arm. Ow... PLease update

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  • From ANON - trekqueen on July 25, 2004
    wohoo she made it! well she isn't feeling too keen about the prospect
    >being with sexy elf lords just yet but we shall see! hehee.
    >Of course I like the falling out of the sky cursing idea very much. :D

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  • From ANON - Deepwoods\' Dragon on July 25, 2004
    >...Wow. that was amazing. Very nice way of twisting the plot-- you
    >only managed to get us involed in Legolas' predicament, but Janessa'a
    >could almost have been an independant novel. I really was not
    >for her to die, though. Nice way of giving us reviewers a smack in
    >face. (I mean, I'm as peeved as the next person that she died, but it
    was a
    ry gry good plot development.) Nice going! Thanks for writing.

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  • From ANON - Crimson Starlight on July 25, 2004
    Finally got around to reading this chapter. Very interesting.
    >written, as per usual, as well. Keep up the good work, I'll be
    > per usual.
    >Urg. sleep now I must.

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  • From ANON - Phoenix23 ( on July 25, 2004
    this is a very good story and one i like very much due to its great
    >descriptive graphics and in depth knowledge of the various subjects
    >the story. very much like how you described the elves and their
    >especially that of the twins - i would never had thought of a great
    >to pull or dared to go as far as writing Legolas masterbating. given
    >some much needed drive to let things go and write things as they are,
    >scenes and so forth!
    >please keep updating, dont worry about the lack of reviews - people
    >time to find good stories and when they do - i'm sure this'll be a
    >keep up with it!

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  • From ANON - Crecy ( on July 25, 2004
    WOW! 0_0 Seriously, can her life get anymore messed up? never mind...
    >that's usually the cue for it to start raining... or acid rain. PLEASE
    >*Checks favorite Stories list*

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  • From ANON - tacenandy ( on July 25, 2004
    Excellent, as usual. I'm glad I checked on the story, as I see your
    >name has changed a...=...=-) And as always, I'm looking forward to
    >next chapter in this story!

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  • From ANON - moonbunny77 on July 25, 2004
    wowza... speechless.

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  • From ANON - moonbunny77 on July 25, 2004
    great as usual. but you KNOW that. i think i've read this before.. and
    >nc17 parts were from the story 'fantasy' right? awesome.
    >really wanna know what happens. lookin forward to the affnet stuff
    >keep it up yo.

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  • From ANON - CrazyChild4Ever on July 25, 2004
    I can't believe more people haven't reviewed your story. It's very
    >interesting and has a wonderful plot.I hope you update really soon. Ja

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  • From ANON - LorSparrow ( on July 25, 2004
    Hey, i love this story! I do, and i hopr you update again really soon!

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