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Reviews for Masks

By : ElvenDemagogue
  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 29, 2005
    Same here as in Beth's part of of the world, I was happy to have something very enjoyable to read only in my case it was this morning rather than last night, since I am in Europe and cannot possibly stay up until 6am to see you posting at last, lol!

    GREAT chapter, I KNEW Eomer was up to no good! One of my other favourite authors recently referred to Haldir as a "horny bastard" in her story. I had to laugh this morning remembering that as I read chapter 13 and thinking: "Well, that is not three million light-years away from what Faramir and Eomer are." They may have their motives and all, but "horny bastards" they are as well. :D

    Oh and Beth? I was LMAO regarding the BOBBIT METHOD! That was such a good one and it gave me this disturbed mental image of a union of Frosty and Elven OCs finally getting their revenge and going after our boys with a kitchen knife in hand - chasing them all the way to Mandos and back. :D Wouldn't that be a sight?! And yes, those girls need to learn some martial arts SOON, I agree. Wouldn't that be a treat? I can already see Faramir approaching Alura while she rubs her hands in anticipation and gives him her best Clint Eastwood impersonation with a low voice saying: "Come on, asshole, make my day!"

    So far for evil plot bunnies, ladies. ;)

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  • From ANON - Beth on January 29, 2005
    Me: *looks at Eomer incredulously, then cuffs him*
    Eomer: Ow! Hey!
    Me: You deserved it.
    Eomer: *reminisces, smiling* Well yes, I suppose I did.
    Me: *thwaps him again, harder*
    Eomer: OW!

    Whoa...I had no idea he was THAT corrupted....XD Poor Alura. She really needs to learn self defense, or at least learn the 'Bobbitt' method. Yeesh. *pets her* It's disturbingly fun to see how evil Faramir is in this story. Is is wrong of me to fantasize about how low he can actually stoop and still remain Faramir? O.o

    Happy happy, had something enjoyable to read tonight! (And I finished Frosty's fic, too--it was great--but I cried, so don't tell her. Poor Valawen! *sniffles*)
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  • From ANON - Elven on January 29, 2005
    Hey, Beth! Thanks! I do have a thing I'm not telling you, indeed. ;) Yes...that Denethor is a toughy to get ahold of. I'm trying not to make him too mysterious...but I think all will be understood once the thing to understand is revealed. This also ties into why Eomer is wonky. ;) The reason is ahead, not behind. :) I only hope it's a "not stupid" reason. ;D Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Beth on January 27, 2005
    Creepy! It's always interesting to see how people write Denethor, as he is so readable in the movies and tiresome in the books, yet when one tries to write him he ends up being too mysterious for one to truly grasp his intentions. I'm not sure if you have him yet, but the dialoggue was good and in keeping with his only concern is him trusting Faramir so quickly. Perhaps something has happened with the Palantir involving Faramir and you're not teeeelllling uuuuuussssss.... XD

    Oh, and one more question: you say there's a more subtle reason that Eomer is acting the way he is. Do you mean it's concealed somehwere in the past chapters or do you infer that you haven't posted the part containing the explanation?

    It's good; keep it coming!

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  • From ANON - Elven on January 27, 2005
    Hehehehe...yeah. Thanks for noticing. The only reason I ever really don't delve too much into POVs is to keep everyone guessing as to who the badguy really is. ;) Since it's established now that Boromir doesn't know crap of what's going on...hehehe. I figured...why not? Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 27, 2005
    Forgot something as usual... *bangs head against the wall*

    I noticed that you told this chapter from Boromir's point of view!!! That's a first, is it not? I know there is a chapter in Frosty's "Persuasion" where we see Aragorn and Faramir talk to each other, but that is not so much a POV as it is a chapter told from the outside observer's point of view. However, in "Masks" you used a different POV other than the OC's for a change which I noticed right away and found interesting (and don't you think I hadn't noticed, lol!). I mentioned this earlier, it is certainly something worth playing with and it was important for this chapter also as Boromir knows things about his relationship with his father and brother that an OC character would simply not be able to detect through mere observation or know about but which are neveretheless vital for the story. So... well done! :)
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  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 27, 2005
    *leans over to Freya in kind of confidential gesture*

    Could it be... *gasp* that Boromir is about to find his bl***y brain again? About time, I say! :D Then again, blonde males are a bit slower on the pick-up, aren't they?

    I really enjoy the fact, this story is more canon for a change. It's interesting to learn about Elrond's call to all races of ME to gather in Rivendell from the Gondorian POV. It is something I liked in the Extended Edition of the Two Towers as well. To learn how dire the situation was in Gondor and Osgiliath when news reached them of the upcoming meeting in the house of Elrond. Very interesting perspective.

    Now I am curious to see if Boromir actually does come to his senses and what he is going to do with his last two remaining brain cells (duh!)...

    Keep up the great work! :)
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  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 24, 2005
    *looks at Freya's review*

    I think I can beat you on the weird flu bug recepies: WARM BEER! Seriously, it is an old actors' trick. Warm up some beer, drink it, you will start to feel VERY warm instantly. Get under a load of blankets and sleep of the flu. You will sweat out the infection, feel a lot better the next morning, your bedroom will smell like a Guiness Pub and what's more.... the warm beer will get straight to your head so you couldn't care less. :D What a fantastic remedy! ;) But use a good old Guinness or German beer for it (Australian might be a bit TOO much for this purpose...) not those light beers. Honestly, I am not a beer drinker to begin with, so this is the only time I ever do, lol!

    As for Bormir: Oh well, I chased him around the dinner table for a few hours, he is all yours now, finish him off, girl, finish him off! *g*
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  • From ANON - Dread Lady Freya on January 23, 2005
    Here ya go, Elven, an old family recipe: hot tea with honey, lemon and Jack Daniels. We’re still not sure of its medicinal value, but drink enough of it and ya don’t really care anymore! *vbg*

    What IS with these men? They all seem to be a bit “off.” Are we SURE Frosty’s evil Palantir wasn’t somehow accidentally shipped to this fic? Am I gonna have to drop the “Doom” bomb? *snicker*

    Gotta run now, must finish sharpening my claymore, “Wee Willie.” It’s time Boromir and I had a little chat (that is if Sandra’s left anything *evil grin*).

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  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 23, 2005
    *hands Elven the chicken soup bowl*

    Caught it as well, haven't you? Poor baby! Hope you are feeling better now. Still fighting the bug myself I am afraid.

    *points at Beth's review*

    What she said! *g* Encouragement wise...

    *nudges Freya*

    Don't you feel like you want to wack Boromir-Babe over the head, I mean... like... really HARD? What's the MATTER with this guy?! AH!

    Oh and while we are at it: Isn't it us girls who are supposed to be the blabbermouths around here? Seems those guys are the tattlers for a change, lol!

    Really liked chapter 10, btw, very well set up, even though one guesses what is coming, but it was still very well done, I thought!

    The one thing I would change perhaps is leave out the use of "yeah" and "okay", I am not a native speaker, but they sound rather modern day to me. I also wouldn't use fuck as in "I want to leave this fucking city". Using it as an adjective sounds very modern day to me, verbal use seems all right though. Just my two cents, but it is nothing really. ;)

    Oh, and while I am busy wacking and slapping people: EOMER. What's the deal with him? I want to throw something at him. Seriously. Stupid git. *vents in anger*

    Now if you excuse me, Freya and I need to find a way to get some sense into Bormir's head for crying out loud. :)

    Keep up the great work, get better soon oh and... UPDATE! :)
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  • From ANON - Beth on January 23, 2005
    ...Oh, and don't listen to that jerk-off what's her name. I mean, the title of your web site is "The Kingdom of Mary Sue." We know and expect deviations from Tolkien because if everyone spent 10 hours a day researching and one writing, no one would ever attempt an AU ever again. I did that for a while, but I spent way too much time on the details and never wrote much, and now I have to go back and start over again because I forgot what my plotline was!

    The key to good fiction is that it is ENJOYABLE. You have a consistent plot line, you plan ahead (or at least appear to very well!), your grammar and syntax are excellent 99% of the time, and I never find myself distracted from your chapters by excessive typos like so many fanfic writers out there. The fact that yoiu both write frequently in Sindarin attests to your talent. Few writers have mastered the tongue of the Sindar substantially enough to even attempt using it in their fiction. It's very impressive to read it. At the risk of sounding arrogant myself, you have better grammar then several Harvardians I've met during college, including a few who auditioned for and enrolled in a fiction writing course with me. Moreover, there is no FLUFF in your fanfic. I am eternally grateful for that. *cough*Darkfic rules!*cough*

    Don't be discouraged. Just hit the delete button. If idiots like ZeeDrippyVessel can do it when they receive legit criticism for their crappy fics, so can you. Constructive criticism is one thing, but ranting without a modicum of netiquette is quite another.

    As for my own criticisms, I really couldn't find anything in Chapter 11. I wish I could be more helpful, but it was such a good chapter! The only thing that puzzled me was Eomer's rapid behavioral mood swing, but I'm sure you'll explain it to us eventually. ;)
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  • From ANON - Beth on January 23, 2005
    Oooh...things are not looking good. "Something's rotten in the state of Rohan...Gondor...whatever."

    I like this plot. But I always like plots with seeing stones in them. ;)
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  • From ANON - Sandra V on January 21, 2005
    Sorry, you two, for being hopelessly behind with my reviews, but I am kicking a flu bug's ass, so to speak! ;) Still reading though and hope I will find my brain again really soon, so I can manage a proper and well-deserved update again asap. Until then... I am still reading and loving every line of your stories, ladies! :)
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  • From ANON - Beth on January 19, 2005
    O.o So much for Faramir being a nice two really have it in for him, don't you? XD Seriously, Alura was incredibly stupid not to make sure it was Boromir and not Faramir, or at least refrain from giving away her feelings towards either. Stupid, stupid, stupid. *tsk tsks*

    Poor Eowyn. Poor Alura. Caught between a cad and a hard place...

    More! More! I can't WAIT to see how Alura untangles herself from this one.
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  • From ANON - Dread Lady Freya on January 18, 2005
    O.O I had a feeling this was a set-up! Where did evil Faramir come from? Shouldn't he be over in "Possession" with Frosty? Is this some sort of AU crossover? *must lie down, head spinning, where's my Boromir action figure?*
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