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Reviews for Feud

By : narcolinde
  • From ANON - giggle on September 01, 2006
    Chapter 105

    On top of trying to remember, having a migraine, and having Mithrandir on his back no wonder Erestor is a little wanky right now. He does know that time has passed since the body clock is off. That is a nice point. Villagers, wraiths and Leoglas OH MY. He has had a very busy last few months. And I am thrilled to be reminded that Elrond is up on charges of malicious interference with Mirkwood affairs when all they were going to do was debase and diminish Ningloriel's child. I thought they did have a reason for being there besides that nasty low down one. I see I will have to re-read the beginning again.

    He thinks of Legolas and his heart goes pitty-pat. Let's face it he needs to remember being so twitter-pated again. He gets a memory! I did like "Don't threaten me anymore!" Wow he has a lot on his plate. His two Pen's in Lothlorien, oathbreaking, Legolas and Mandos' Halls, cowardice. Well if he needed to be punished he has been or is being or something.

    So a great deal of Mithrandir's anger is because the elf loves Erestor and the wizard would like to be in the place of the Noldo. I did read that the Maia seemed to be drawn to the elves.

    Oh the trees are upset about what is going on with Legolas. They are afraid he will do something foolish. He is really good at that. I did like that Erestor is still linked to Legolas whether he remembers who he is or not. Oh Legolas loves him and that almost takes his breath away. He has someone who loves only him and he doesn't have to share a heart anymore. And this is a true bonding since he can sense what is going on with Legolas' fea. The trees allow him to see Legolas and feel some of his sufferings. Even Tawar can feel how important Erestor is to their champion.

    The conversation between Fearfaron and Erestor was beautiful. And yes it is a cruel joke that Erestor finally has what he has wanted for centuries yet he cannot remember. He cannot feel the old hurts anymore and I hope Orophin will be healed of his hurts also. That would be a happy ending to the relationship. Erestor really must remember all that he did with Elrond so that he can help heal Tirno's hurts also. And he had a really good memory there of their time together and will endure the good and bad for Legolas' sake.

    What a nice chapter.
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  • From ANON - giggle on August 31, 2006
    Chapter 104

    So sad that the disaster of the previous scheme of his surrogate family makes him wary of another of their plans. Although it is kind of funny in an ironic way. They want so much for him to be happy and they couldn't deliver. It seems the more they try to help the worse things get. He had a nice daydream about his Berenuar anyway.

    I couldn't help but laugh at the image of the king cleaning his mostly ill gotten wealth. I can't think of anyone else who could do the job. I can just see him humming and gloating over his horde while he dusts and polishes.

    Oh the egg is the colour of his mother's eyes, that would clearly draw him. I like how he just wanders around and picks up what he wants. The Emeralds of Girion. OOh and AAh. He's going to lift them, albeit for a good cause but still, if he thinks the king won't notice he is deluded. I did think it was somewhat sweet that a young Legolas loved the stories of the wealth and the acquisition of same. He had one semi-good memory of his father. And he wants Miny'adar's bonding ring. That is very fitting since he is so akin to Oropher and his goals.

    CONFRONTATION - I was almost giddy at this part. Take the gloves off and get at it. "Your own family." And Legolas is probably stunned at this statement. How old is Legolas at this point? It has taken this long for the king to even begin to accept the truth. He just did not want to acknowledge this in any way before. Is it too little too late? My did Legolas get upset at all this but he has to make nice or things could just get worse. His plan to save his siblings could be for naught. It would be galling to have to ask pardon of the one who has treated him so horribly. Now Legolas is not just Ningloriel and Elrond's betrayal standing before the king but his father also. Things get even more tangled.

    Thranduil needs conciliation not for Legolas, he still cares little for this son but for his own needs. It is so like him to be so self absorbed. I would like to give him credit for some feeling but it is all still about him through HIS two new children.

    The idea of recompense for his life and banishment was a good save. And since the king looks upon the gems as a reminder of the trouble that has beset him since the banishment he is probably glad to get rid of them. Legolas doesn't remember his father ever talking about them, he may not have been so proud of having them in his possession. We get some very hard hitting truths here. It is all right for Legolas to suffer the deepest shame and humiliation but Taurant must be spared having to cry himself to sleep. I would be little ticced over that myself.

    Now to the crux of the matter. The king never called Legolas by his name. At least the king felt loss and shame over this oversight. And now we get the king's inner child. You seem to be trying to rehabilitate the king by showing he had a very difficult relationship with his father also. It does touch each generation if they can't manage to make peace. Since he could not be satisfied over his mother's death he was reborn into hate. So his whole life has been hate and revenge and unfortunately that is never enough. The more you try to punish and protect yourself the more you hurt yourself and those around you. Look at what a mess the king has made all these centuries. The pain he has inflicted on all around him. Being so proud he got rid of the elven warriors who rallied around their champion. And here is Legolas openly exposing all his lies he has battened on all this time. Blinding himself, destroying anyone who would deny him his hate, the barriers leaving him open to manipulation by not only Ningloriel and Elrond but also the warriors who brought about the disaster at Erebor and finally from Meril. That has got to be painful. I want it to be painful.

    So Thranduil gives a little and poor Legolas has a melt down and his son's pain is to much like his own. The king is only capable of abuse since he is not at all able to face up to his problems. It is a good thing that Legolas will never have children of his own. I don't think he would know how to bring them up at all. Only bad examples that he can see. Well maybe with Fearfaron he could get it right.

    Jealously. Unfortunately he does have a right and a reason. Not against Taurant but against his father. And since Thranduil simply cannot love him he will hurt again. Legolas really needs his father. Fearfaron is nice as a second father but he will not be whole until he can build a bridge between himself and his father. That will probably be the most painful thing he will have to do. He will have to forgive the unforgivable and let painful feelings and thoughts go and probably not with a lot of help from his father. It is true that what is past cannot be undone and the king may not be able to give much considering his feelings about his own father.

    I was so glad that Legolas got his heart's desire even if he almost blew that. He got a real surprise when his father tried so hard to be open with him. And Gwilith gets the blue egg.

    Legolas is such a wood elf. From absolute and utter despair to dashing off when his hopes about his mate are strengthened.

    Wow another one of those dense, painful and cataclysmic chapters. I know you are trying to reform or rehabilitate Thranduil but if it is OK with you I will still hate him until he is even more open about and with Legolas. He has a long ways to go in my book. So does Elrond and I can't wait to see you get him. Gloating here.
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  • From ANON - giggle on August 28, 2006
    Chapter 103

    Poor Erestor. Wakes up with a hangover that may be a first for the elves. He does have a lot of experience to look back on for comparison doesn't he? Not only hangovers but battles with orcs bearing big clubs also. I loved his brain ricochetting around in his skull. Snort. He even has orc poisons labeled. That was such a nice touch. Then he has wild hogs all around him and they won't leave him alone so he tells them to go eat grubs. What a hoot. I am amazed that Mithrandir put up with that. Do Not Shout!! This sounds so like my BIL. He prays and promises God he will never do this again. And he doesn't until next time:o) Gladdie again with her healers wisdom. Poor cold Erestor. Abused and then ignored by the human and the wizard. A link to Legolas still when they both shiver at the same time from the cold? I hope so. He is missing the vital months here. Well we shall see what effect that has on Tirno. Not a good one at all I'm sure.

    There is no victory for them because of the sins of the past. No great joy at this conclusion. They have slipped to a low state but they all had a hand in it. They have no one to blame for but themselves at this point. When I read that some of the warriors had wanted to bring the king down I knew that they would end up dead somehow. At least the king will get the benefit of having them do some orc killing first. I knew he would not forgive anyone. I wish someone wouldn't forgive him. Of course they are only wood elves so he could care. I am sure he feels much more comfortable with his Sinda around him anyway. They will be loyal to him no matter what terrible things he does.

    Poor Lindcalon. No peace for him since this did not bring any resolution to his problem. He feels no different and his father has not told him he is free. This has done nothing to change things. His musings about how quickly this will be swept under the rug and forgotten are so true. Not only will they not learn from the past, they will do all in their power to forget the past, ensuring they will repeat this again somehow.

    I liked Lindcalon's rant. It was wild but true. I also enjoyed the communion between Lindcalon and Celeborn. Even though he is not yet an adult he has through his pain become one anyway. He has the right to ask for justice for Legolas and his father. Meril's plan backfired. She made her son a prince by taking Legolas' place and now Lindcalon champions the one he usurped and claims him for a brother. Meril won't like this. Good. Anything she doesn't like is OK by me.

    I almost felt sorry for Maltahondo. Almost and only because the king walks away from this having survived another crisis stronger than before. He has gotten rid of a lot of wood elves that could have hampered him and he has managed to avoid censure, so far. This was a very strong scene and so well written. You managed to prolong the angst and agony for a future time. We have every expectation that everyone that needs it will get his comeuppance. It has started.

    Oh dear now Lindcalon is in the hot seat. He feels responsible for what happened to Erestor and Aragorn may bring news that Erestor has forgotten Tirno and we know what would happen then. Nasty cliffie here.
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  • From ANON - giggle on August 27, 2006
    Chapter #101

    You are now starting a second century. Did you ever dream that you would write something so long, complex and popular? I am glad you did. I am also glad that you have two more irons in the fire when this one is well done. And this one is for me. I am trying to remember the ad for that phrase. I think it comes from "This Bud's for you" but I can't quite put my mind on it. Oh well. Thank you very much.

    I love it when you have history lessons in your tale. You really make me see the scene in my mind's eye. And what a beautiful scene it is too. They would be imposing even if they were fleeing from their past. I do think that Gladdie is more resourceful than I would be but then why not? I do like for things to be tidy, cozy and the passing of the bottle is something I would do ;o) She wasn't one to forego some nice exciting adventure when young. She seems not to have changed that much as she has aged. And I am glad that she was there so she could pass this part of his grandfather's life to Legolas. He needs to have this link to the House of Oropher since he has only just now really realized that he has ties to the past. He isn't just an abomination foisted on the king by a Noldor creep. Don't you love my elegant use of language here. This was such lovely description of Oropher and clan. The horse was exquisite also. I did wonder where they would have gotten panthers in the Greenwood but you have answered that one. Oropher's grandson is all wrapped up in the cloak his progenitor entered Tawar with. How fitting. Legolas is like an impatient elfling. He now feels a link and just wants more and more of that lovely feeling. So eat up now and we can have more of a lovely history lesson.

    ROCHENDIL - again. I am so glad that poor Lindcalon keeps them on the straight and narrow. This bunch keeps wandering around easily distracted. The Lost Warriors are not all set free so Rochendil cannot have gone to Aman and squared things with the Valar. Did anyone over the age of five think he would willingly put himself in that situation. No one really gave this all that much thought once they had a scapegoat to blame for the mess. What did they care if they had the right elf as long as they had one who through lack of self esteem blames himself for everything anyway.

    We have a lot of elves looking as innocent as doves, butter not melting in their mouths while the populace murmours and shifts. Celeborn and Haldir have Rochendil in their past, Thranduil has Meril in mind and Ben'waeth is just waiting for an opportunity to gum up the works now. Lots of cross and under currents going on here. Ben'waeth is in a very untenable position since I think most of the elves there know what happens to elves who place themselves in opposition to the king. Look what the king did to his own son and heir without a backward glance.

    Now we have TALAGAN. Things just keep getting messier and messier for the king. He even has to go get his best friend himself. I was surprised the king didn't prepare him for this ordeal since he must be a little afraid of what his general could say. But no one gets satisfaction, especially Lindcalon. There is no one to take the blame and take up the battle to free the Lost Warriors. And the king has a real enemy now. If Rochendil is dragged back to the woodland realm he would be such a threat to the king's little family and could destroy all that the king has fought for in this council meeting. Lots of jockeying going one here. Celeborn and Haldir wanting to put their deeds in a good light also. Everyone kind of backing away from Rochendil and letting him hang in the wind.

    Then finally Legolas is declared free of blame. After what, about twenty years or so? I did like the irony of the king going to send soldiers who would be able to "persuade" Rochendil to "suicide" himself for the sake of the Lost Warriors. In your dreams. Somehow I doubt that the miscreant will be so amenable.

    So finally, their Law has failed them. Those in authority have failed them. Their own conscience's failed them and all are left with the disquieting realization that they bear a burden of guilt over Legolas' treatment and judgement. Life can be a bitch sometimes even among the elves.

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  • From ANON - giggle on August 26, 2006
    Chapter #100

    Ta Da One hundred big, long, very concentrated, convoluted and wonderful chapters. Go You!!

    I always like the history lessons. You give a good and plausible reason for the schism that developed between the wood elves. Also the rings and the dispositioin of them with Mithrandir ending up with Narya and the good use he put it too.

    I thought you put Galadriel in her place. She had a lot of penance to perform before she could return to her family in Aman. Starting with her arrogance and her absolute lust for a position of power. Oropher knew what he should fear about her and it took her a long time to be able to finally reject the ring and it's lure. She had to grow in wisdom and realize that she could not twist the music to suit her desires.

    The slow molding of the Galadrhim to suit her purposes was well told also. They forgot what the music was for wood elves while the Mirkwood elves clung to the old ways even if those ways no longer suited life in the Second Age. I thought the fact that they long remembered the good and bad done to them was a mixed blessing. A long memory can be a terrible burden to bear.

    I can see the Galadrhim despising the Sinda. Both groups are SNOBS in their own way but no one should despise the wood elves. They have remained The Faithful despite constent pressure on them to conform. They cling to the early song/music of Tawar. I am all for the old ways. Nobility, bravery and ethics. You have to admit that most elves are like humans, out for the main chance. Look at all the damage done by the "wiser and less dangerous" elves. All the kinslayings and the jockeying for the Silmarils as well as other sundry jewels.

    I thought that it was so funny when Celeborn came in with his group of warriors and the silvan elves straightened up right away. It is one thing to fight within the family so to speak, but quite another to have those snobbish old Galadrhim looking down their long elven noses at their distant kin.

    I like how Celeborn the Wise recognizes the benefit of keeping Thranduil on the throne. He is the buffer between Dol Guldur and 'Lorien. Let the orcs take out their wrath on the Mirkwood elves rather than raid the home front. He is wise isn't he? Not that Thranduil is going to appreciate why Celeborn backs him. Just as long as he does.

    So now Thranduil uses his guile to praise Tirno. He is contrite about the damage done and gratefully appreciative of all the hard work he has done to rid Tawar of the vile evil that spoils it. That made me laugh as much as it made Lindalcon's mouth fall open. If Lindacon wishes to be a politician some day he will have to learn how to talk out of both sides of his mouth and keep a straight face about it. He will have to learn to play both sides against the middle like the best. The best here being Thranduil and Celeborn. The floor is still slippery with Legolas' blood and Thranduil has the crowd eating out of the palm of his royal hand.

    So now we come to Thranduil and his unhoused fear guardians of his ill gotten wealth. It was ill gotten if I remember correctly. At this point no one can, will or even want to do anything about this even though it is a heinous thing to have occur. So the king's argument is that the Valar abandoned them. It seems that way sometimes but then all elves were invited to Aman to live in petted luxury. The Valar may have felt that just having to keep the elves in Aman on their best behaviour was the most they could manage. Their best being not at all good enough.

    In your story the three elven rings have unhoused fear in them, maybe. I don't think Mithrandir would use Narya if that were so. The Maia don't seem to have approved of this. Of course Curinir (sp?) would have approved of anything that would have exalted him above Sauron who was just a fallen Maia anyway. And then we have the king daring Namo. OOPS!! Not a good idea. He just keeps piling up the debt he has to pay. Then we have his personal avarice addressed. I can hear him say neener, neener, neener and whatcha gonna do about it. Not much they can do. Only the Valar can quell this one.

    Gladdie's here. Big smile. Yes she just patches elves up. She doesn't deal with their fear. She also sees a lot to patch up here. What have they been up to? Just a little elven fun in the great Woodland Realm. And no Legolas is not in such great shape. For twenty or so years he has been carrying around a death dealing burden and before that a heart breaking one. His life has been unholy hell thank you very much. We sure like to see Legolas get hammered don't we? We should be ashamed as we roll our eyes and blush. He looks so sweet when he is angst filled. Sigh.

    Now we get to the main fear for Thranduil. Or one of the main fears. In Shakespeare's terms he has woven a ferocious web of deceit here. Or in Bible terms he is going to reap what he has sown. One always does, just when? And then we have the good old Spanish proverb that I hope will prove true in this case, "The mills of God grind exceedingly slow but they grind exceedingly fine." I am all quotie tonite aren't I? I hate to see the elflings suffer but again "unto the fourth generation" Wow with elves that could be a long, long time. Their parents out of their own greed and desire have put the poor little mites in this position. Everyone wants to protect them but with everyone at odds will this be possible? Now is Meril Thranduil's wife or conubine? I can never really tell here. "How little she appreciates my love." Well I don't know if she loves him or the position she managed to gain. She wouldn't give her first husband another child but for the king she will give him two. Taurant is just as likely as Lindalcon to be a warrior but Lindalcon although she loves him just doesn't want to fulfill her ambitions. Good for him. He has dumped his noble position for one of great worth. I hope he survives Sauron's final attack.

    I was glad that she was thrown off her stride by the king using Legolas' name and declaring his two new babes as Tirno's brother and sister. She is going to have a real conniption if Thranduil accepts Legolas as his own son. She will be terrified that the people will want Legolas as Crown Prince. I am so glad he has other fish to fry so he can get away from this shrew. I also liked that as soon as the king said Legolas was OK little Taurant went to sleep to get some much needed rest.

    At least Lindalcon keeps to the main point. What was the main point again? Oh right. Erebor and what did Maltahondo see or not see, or do or not do. Whew. And Legolas let the three guardians loose. Another neener, neener, neener but this time to the king not by the king.

    So now Maltahondo the Mess is going to add his bit and what a tiny bit it is. I enjoyed Lindalcon's little rant about justice. When has Legolas ever been shown any justice? Last on anyone's list while the first thing on their list is what can I get out of this for myself. Good call Lindalcon.

    Now we have Ben'waith on the verge of spilling the beans. She will tell someone, sometime but the king doesn't want it here and now. Everyone will know what a lousy father he was and how he colluded in the horrific treatment of his own and only son. No props for him in that. The king will be in the same position as M the M. Right? Wait till Celeborn gets back home and finds out exactly what Legolas has had to suffer almost his whole lifetime.

    Aragorn and Mithrandir just more surprises for Celeborn. Also Erestor, oops the wise lord forgot about him; and the Enchanted River. He is having a full day isn't he? I hope he can keep all this straight. I am kind of sorry I had to start at this point. It is just so full of drama. I liked Radagast's "He was not ill-treated, not more than he deserves." The wizard having done the majority of the treatment he would feel that way and he would be within his rights.

    Oh by the way Celeborn there are some men outside that might have something to add to all this. I think this would give even an elf lord a head ache. I know Thranduil is about to pop because he just keeps getting blindsided. Gotta love it. As much as the king wants it all swept under the rug Lindalcon just keep getting his broom and sweeping it out into the middle of the room again. Damn kid.

    Now we have the men. I am so glad they appreciate Tirno. His presence filling them with hope and the will to keep fighting Shadow. He is good that way. And then we have the king and his dismissive attitude about the far seeing glass, probably stolen. Let someone sock him again please. What could they possibly see, hear, do. Quite a lot really. Now we have the villain of the piece.


    Hiss Boo Hiss. The king better hope that he never shows up again because if he does he might just tell all and there goes the king's happy little family life, again. Couldn't happen to a better elf if you ask me. A lot of gooses, big and little, will be cooked:o)

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  • From ANON - giggle on August 25, 2006
    Chapter 99

    (I hope it is chapter 99. I am very behind and hope I don't get lost.

    Legolas is such a glutton for punishment. Here he is haring and careening around cold stone, bleeding like a stuck pig and not in a good place mentally as well. Sigh. So if Thranduil doesn't show up then Legolas is always wrong about him. They just aren't on the same page as it were. Legolas and Oropher would be just as Oropher and Thranduil weren't. Legolas still needs recognition from his father though. Just because you hate your father and despise what he is you still need his love. Sad really. Legolas still feels the need to blame everything bad that happens on his father though. Ningloriel's treatment of him was not really based on Thranduil, she was desirous of Elrond's company not Legolas'. I feel that Legolas was her ace in the hole and whether she loved him or not I can't really tell. She loved herself more that's for sure and whether she had any love left over for anyone else is a debatable point. She wanted Elrond but whether she actually loved him is a moot point. Elrond loves only himself and his progeny so they had their little dance of deceit for a long time and then it was over.

    I thought the phrase "all that he loves taken from him" was pretty apposite. So far that is true and must be very painful. Hard to trust also. Maybe Erestor can heal those wounds when he finally wakes up.

    I have to disagree about the "little ones" though. Even if they lost the king and/or his concubine they would still have Lindcalon and Legolas. He seems to want them to have this ideal family that doesn't exist. Now that the king realizes what Meril has done that little fantasy died aborning. I think Legolas especially would be able to succor them with the power of Tawar but you have a plot to move along and if that is what he wants to believe then let him.

    I thought this part of the stronghold sounded icky. I hate the idea of squeaky things in the dark. I did like the idea that elves never have silence. They hear their own breath, heart beating and blood shushing through their veins/arteries. Shivery place to be though. He does have a little elven glow left so he isn't in total darkness. I also liked the treads of the steps being worn down by Thranduil going down to count his wealth. In this story anything that degrades the Royal louse is OK with me. I really like to hate him here. Oh and I love the word horripilation. I read it once in a Lovecraft story and looked it up. I enjoy learning new words although now at my age I don't remember them like I could when I was younger. (I just had a birthday and I am way to close to Social Security time. Sigh.)

    What a nasty bit of work the king is. No wonder the Sinda follow him no matter what. They are probably afraid of what he would do to them and theirs if they disagreed. He has become strong by slowly eliminating his foes and those who will not bend to his will. Yes Legolas is tough and toughminded also. I like the idea of him linked to Oropher and not Thranduil. Well not your Thranduil anyway. I laughed at the elves being proud, noble and arrogant. And we can chalk up more hate for the king from these three when they learn how Legolas has been treated.

    I was surprised that the three thought that Mando's Halls were closed to the forest elves. This was all Thranduil's fault not the silvan's. But being in the forest as unhoused ones would be OK for a silvan elf anyway. I know that everyone writes that every elf left Arda to go to the Undying Lands but I don't think they did. The faithful would probably see no reason to go to a place where they would feel unwanted by the other elves. Always considered dark elves for not dwelling in the light of the two trees would get wearying after while.

    At least Legolas now understands about what Thranduil has done. It is amazing to me that he keeps sheltering the king despite all the destruction he has committed. I would consider both parents as liable for elfling abuse if those elflings didn't stay totally under the king's domination. I think the king would have killed both Legolas and Lindcalon is he could have done it without any repercussions. Look what he did to his two brothers. He is one scary and lousy elf.

    Well Legolas got help and in the nick of time because his artery was cut. If he were a man he would be dead by now, actually before now. So Fearfaron will keep him from passing out and Gladdy will sew up the bad bits and go get some comforts for him.

    The statement that Sauron and Thranduil are much alike is quite an admission from Legolas. He is finally seeing the king for what he really is. Let's kill him for Legolas. He never needs to know it was us. I wrote that in my notes before I read "He shall die". Well great minds think alike. Now if I just had even the pretense of a great mind;o)

    The scene in the Sentinel with the unhoused fear of the three was so nice. Legolas saw gratitude, appreciation and respect. He just couldn't recognize it because he had never seen it. Others may have respected him but since he can't see it he would never know. I don't think even Erestor has shown him respect yet. Just lust. He needs to see it from the one who claims to love him. He still has this strong death wish but at least the three let him know that he is still needed and he should give this up. Keep note of that Tawarwaith. We want you alive also.

    Now we have another secret. Both at the beach and in the stronghold someone was telling him things that were not true. He needs to remember that. There is a SOMEONE out there who has it in for you. Gladdy and Fearfaron don't need to be so worried now. Legolas states he is not ready to join the unhoused ones in Tawar. He must realize he has more to do than just this mission of caring for his step-siblings. It is about time he realizes he has worth beyond the way elves think of him.

    I hope I can get busy and catch up. I also have the other two stories you have started to review also, as soon as I get caught up here.


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  • From ANON - giggle on June 03, 2006
    Oh you tease. It has been way too long.

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  • From ANON - Jo on January 03, 2006
    having just completed 108 of Fued I would like to pass on my congratulations to you for a huge complex story that is a page turner.
    Please keep up the good work, looking forward to 109+
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  • From ANON - Tenar on October 30, 2005
    I have just one word for this: *PURR*
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  • From ANON - Isa on October 19, 2005
    Sorry the sin interesting must be some evil influence caused by all that naughtiness swirling around in this place.
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  • From ANON - Isa on October 19, 2005
    Ellen my lovely, sure I had to find you in such an intersinting place too. You know already I.Love.Every.Single.Word. you write. FEUD is the most special story for me, nothing new I tell you there as well. I start missing our Tirno already again. But that is also nothing new. Lol. Cya around.
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  • From ANON - JastaElf on September 22, 2005
    Ohhhhhh.... that was SO lovely......... What a grand, marvelous, sweaty, wonderful chapter.... all three chapters are just wonderful, un-beta'd or not.... HOW I have been waiting for this!! :-) Thank you!

    I am so relieved that Erestor has his memory mostly back... and that things are improving. And what a lovely way to help him improve.... LOL! Legolas the Healer-waith.... :-)

    Marvelous stuff, and as always, well worth the wait.

    Now when are you going to explain the significance of Erestor's reaction to the Emeralds?? :-) Yes, greedy readersssess, the moment you give them three chapters they beg for three more.... :-)

    I almost have come to sorta like Thranduil. So complicated, so needy.... so strange.... so... like his son.... ;-) Freud would have a field day....

    Lovely stuff, my dear. Thank you SO much!!
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  • From ANON - Shanna on September 21, 2005
    Hola Erobey, al fin Erestor y Legolas juntos, por los Valar que ha sido maravilloso de leer, me ha encantado... Un saludo.
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 21, 2005
    Great to see this story updated and continued; it's in a class of its own what with the plot and the fantastic writing!
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  • From ANON - Jaylen on September 20, 2005
    YES, YES, YES!!!!
    A Great Update, 3 chapters!! I can't wait to read them. Just wanted to say thank you for such a great story and sticking with it. I am also really enjoying your new story, it is really different.
    Report Review

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