Obedience to a king | By : lovinghimonly Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The Views: 4895 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own LotR, The Hobbit, or any other Tolkien world. The story is meant only for entertainment purposes, not money. English is not my native tongue. Please excuse errors. Constructive criticism is most welcome. |
Thranduil fumbled with his gown while he listened nervously to Malfinnor's words. Baineth's father was awestruck but his expression did not show this kind of emotion. His voice was low and calm "Your faults are indeed numerous. And I despise the way how you have ensnared my innocent daughter into the impure web of lust and desire."
The king swallowed hard and hated the pause which followed these words. It appeared to stretch endlessly and caused him to feel insecure. He hated that feeling. How had it come to that? Would everything end here and now? The king's eyes narrowed slightly and his brow furrowed as he awaited Malfinnor's next words. He would never admit, but the sweat on his palms was a witness of his fear. Baineth's father could read Thranduil's emotions clearly. His king was like an open book to him and he marveled about this change. Never before had he had such a open view into the king's mind and emotions. Malfinnor might have expected it. But he had never thought seriously about it.
It all seemed surreal to him. The nature of the elves was different than that of other beings and Malfinnor experienced it now first hand. Something new and surprising, somehow refreshing in his age - it was truly welcome. It was a change from which he had known that it would happen one day, but he had never expected it to be so profound. He leaned forward, his voice now calm and free of anger
"Yet I understand you. I can't say the same for my wife though. Her opinion in this matter might differ greatly from mine. But know that my good will does not excuse your deed. Yet I understand very well why you have chosen this path."
Malfinnor paused and lowered his gaze to his hands which rested on the king's desk. He did not see any good in punishing his king in the way his mind had dictated him. After all Thranduil had ruled the kingdom faultlessly for thousands of years. But he had wronged his daughter greatly. Malfinnor suspected that he himself might be partially responsible for that. His strict rule and control might have driven Baineth into this situation. Had she trusted him, she might have confided in him when the king had approached her. His anger had tried to rule him now, but there was something much more precious than those dark emotions. Malfinnor concentrated on that feeling inside him and a small smile appeared on his lips. Yes, the king, his king was now his son-in-law. No matter how strange this fact was, it felt good. There was no way that he could deny it without uttering a lie. And that was all that mattered.
Malfinnor's fëa had begun to form a bond with the king, what was common amongst elves in such relations. He just had never really thought that it would happen. And never in his farthest dreams had he thought that the king would become his daughter's husband. Not until the day when Thranduil had expressed his desire openly. And even then it seemed inconceivable to him. Malfinnor's eyes met the ones of the king. He found uncertainty in them, fear and hope. He smiled briefly before his mood was once again serious
"I understand that we have to attend a council meeting."
Thranduil nodded visibly relieved and surprised at the same time. They rose from their chairs and Malfinnor sighed deeply
"No matter what the council will decide, know that I will support you in matters which concern my daughter. And that includes all incidents which have occurred in this situation. I would harbor darker feelings for you, if you would have spared Lhinniel's life."
Malfinnor's expression was agitated and he obviously tried to calm himself before he arched a brow at the king
"There is something else."
Thranduil's posture stiffened when he saw her father's stern expression
"The details of your.... romance.... should remain within the family."
The king nodded slowly and they began to approach the door of the study. He had no interest to share those parts of his private life with anyone, especially not with his council members. Thranduil hoped that he would be able to avoid that part of questioning.
The elves which had assembled in the council chamber awaited the arrival of their king. Rumors had begun to spread about certain events and the usually quiet elves appeared to be greatly excited. With the king's and Malfinnor's arrival the elves sat down on their seats and the noise in the chamber quickly faded into a deafening silence. Thranduil took his seat and met the eyes of every elf present before he began to speak
"I have summoned this meeting, to inform you about recent incidents which have taken place without your knowledge."
Thranduil reflected upon his next words before he uttered them
"First, I have married my Baineth by consummation and as a result she is now with child."
Some elves began to mumble and Thranduil heard some shocked gasped amongst the hushed voices. He ignored them all and continued to speak
"Second, my wife and our unborn child were attacked three times within a few hours. The aim of those attacks was to murder them. I have killed the first culprit, which was Lhinniel, daughter of Arodeth and Tharion. I have taken her life by my own judgment when I had caught her in the act as she tried to stab my sleeping wife. The second elleth is Fimiel, daughter of Eryniel and Mírdor. She is severely wounded but alive. Both have abused my trust and misused it in the most horrible manner."
The king leaned against the backrest of his chair and sighed inaudible
"You may ask your questions now."
Thranduil fell silent and listened for several minutes into the silence which had spread in the chamber. When nothing was said he looked over to Dimaethor who appeared to be deeply shocked. He nodded towards his eldest council member
"Dimaethor will lead this discussion and the questioning."
A deeply disturbed Dimaethor rose slowly from his seat having difficulties to collect his own thoughts.
Legolas stood outside the council chamber and waited. His usually calm mood had been replaced by impatience and nervousness. No one had left the chamber once his father had entered it. The moon light in the sky would soon be replaced by the first rays of the rising sun. He worried what the council might decide. Having begun at noon, this meeting seemed to be more difficult than the prince had anticipated. There might not only be a punishment for Fimiel. His own father might face the wrath of the council. Legolas had not heard about the outcome of his father's conversation with Baineth's parents. Only that it had lasted for hours. The prince paced up and down the narrow corridor and his mind raced wit different thoughts.
Baineth had woken up many hours before and Elrond was by her side. Legolas little brother or sister was doing well and the prince was immeasurably grateful that he or she had survived the stress. Elves were sensitive beings and Legolas was sure that his sibling would be very strong. To withstand such trouble in the early stages of pregnancy showed great resilience.
"How is my wife?"
Legolas was startled and turned abruptly when his father suddenly spoke. He looked at the king with concern. Thranduil seemed greatly troubled. Legolas replied and tried to read his father's reaction carefully
"She is doing well. Both are doing well."
Thranduil nodded and walked past his son without another word. Legolas knew that the council members would soon come to a decision. They would now discuss the situation. His eyes followed the king who went towards Baineth's chamber. Legolas decided to follow him slowly. His father's steps were unusually short. Just before Thranduil reached Baineth's door he stopped
"Does she know"?
He turned towards Legolas, his expression filled with concern. The prince knew what his father meant
"Yes. Elrond told her about Lhinniel's death. But not too detailed. She knows how you took her life, but not what you did afterwards."
Thranduil saw a new emotion in his son's eyes and could not read it. Did Legolas despise him for this deed? It had brought him peace to kill Lhinniel. But he had been out of his mind when he had disfigured her lifeless body. Thranduil nodded slowly, acknowledging his son's words
"I do not wish to be disturbed by anyone. Should I be called upon by the council you may knock".
He walked into Baineth's chamber and Legolas positioned himself outside the door.
The king's glance fell upon the Lord of Imladris who left the chamber quickly. The air in the chamber bore Baineth's scent and Thranduil's senses felt instantly relieved. He approached her slowly. His heart and fëa feared her rejection and his eyes searched within her eyes for a hint of her emotion. Baineth sat motionless in the armchair by the fireplace and answered his gaze by the same searching glance. His expression and posture confirmed her suspicion. He worried. Baineth had been thinking for hours about Lhinniel's death. Elrond had told her that Thranduil had stabbed her, but she knew that this was not all. Something else had happened what the elf refused to tell her. She watched as the king approached her slowly. Her soft voice broke the silence "It is not your fault."
Thranduil furrowed his brows and sat down on another chair which stood but an arm length away from her. Baineth's words had surprised him. The king looked at her questioningly and waited for her to speak. She sighed heavily and lowered her eyes to her fingers which toyed with the blanked that covered her legs and womb
"I am responsible for her death."
The shocked king sat up straight. How could she think like that? Baineth looked at him and Thranduil saw guilt shine brightly in her beautiful eyes. He got up and knelt by her side, cupping her small hands with his while he never broke their gaze
"Do not speak thus! You know that this is not true."
Baineth smiled weakly and shook her head, a small tear escaped her eye and rolled over her pale cheek
"I know of what I speak of. And my words are true. Do you remember the day when Camaenor and Lhinniel came to my chamber? The day after the attack in the passages?"
A cold shiver ran down Thranduil's spine. Of course he remembered that fateful night. How could he forget? But he did not understand the context
"Yes, I do remember this moment of our life."
Baineth remained silent for a long time before she spoke again
"Do you remember how bad I felt when they visited me?"
Thranduil nodded silently. Baineth sighed and her lips appeared to tremble. He felt great agitation coming from her fëa and his thumbs caressed her small fists which he held within his hands
"Today I suspect that Lhinniel knew of my wound. On that day she grabbed my arm repeatedly. Always exactly where my wound was. She caused me intolerable pain."
Baineth gazed into his eyes "I almost fainted due to pain."
Thranduil stared at her in disbelieve
"Why.... How...?"
Then his expression became stern and his voice was demanding
"Why you told me nothing about it?"
Baineth watched his anger rise through her tear filled eyes and smiled sadly
"Because you are, who you are. Because your wrath is feared by many, even by me. I feared your wrath. I believed the elleth to be unknowing about my wound and..... I feared that you would punish her severely for this. I believed her deed was innocent. One day, weeks after that incident had happened I pondered if I should tell you about it. Ultimately, I decided against it because I was afraid that you would be very angry with me."
She watched how his thumb caressed her knuckles and Baineth sighed heavily. A hot teardrop fell onto his hand. The warm touch of the king's fingers on her jaw line caused her to shiver momentarily. He tilted her head up and leaned in to kiss her cheek. His hot breath brushed over the skin before he whispered into her ear
"It's still my fault. If I were not so capricious, all this would never happen and you two would have been safe."
Baineth leaned her head to the side, making their cheeks touch. He felt her hot tears on his face and pulled her into an embrace which both of them needed much
"If I promise that I restrain my anger, will you promise me that you will never again withhold something of such great importance from me?"
She remained silently for a long time before she nodded. Her wordless agreement was all he had wanted. It was more than he could have wished for. He sighed deeply before he spoke
"I'll make you yet another promise. You are not only my wife but also the future queen of this realm. I promise you that I will share everything with you. I'll withhold no knowledge. Whatever you want to know, you shall know."
Baineth's eyes widened. Had he really just said that? A beautiful and honest smile played on her lips and she tried her best to hide it. She had not expected that he would ever change his mind on this matter. Thranduil's eyes were fixated on her mouth, whose corners twitched upwards wanting to express her innermost joy. He leaned forward and kissed the corner of her mouth. Her lips parted slightly and Baineth pressed her lips onto his. His breath hitched and his large hands ran up and down her spine before he grabbed her upper arms gently. Baineth's fingers ran through his silver blond hair before she placed her palms on his head, pulling him closer to her. His tongue poked against her lips and she allowed him to explore her mouth as he wished to. Thranduil pulled her onto his lap where he held her close. She straddled his lap and enjoyed the feeling of being so close to him. Baineth was breathless but Thranduil could not bring himself to end the kiss. His need for her was deeper than anything he had ever felt. He had almost lost her and that's how he kissed her. A deep and longing kiss, passionate and yet gentle at times.
Her hands pressed now firmly against his chest and he began to smile, giving her finally room to breath. Baineth's eyes were slightly hooded and the smile on her lips was truly infectious. Thranduil smiled widely at her and kissed her brow repeatedly before he sat her back onto the armchair. Baineth leaned against the backrest and he leaned forward to cover her with the blanket which now lay on his own lap. She seemed tired but there were no signs of trauma or anxiety visible. He shook his head slightly while his hand cupped her cheek again
"Your recovery amazes me."
Baineth smiled and gazed at her husband silently. He tried to read her thoughts but to his surprise he did not succeed. Baineth placed her hand above his and brought it up to her mouth, kissing it "Our child is responsible for that."
Thranduil's expression was confused
"What do you mean by that?"
She sighed, her gaze lowered to her belly
"When I was in the darkness, Tauriel tried to bring me back to the light. It was a slow process. But I finally heard her. The light came but could not enter into my heart and fëa. The darkness inside of me remained nevertheless. It was finally dispelled by the strength of my child. Its energy and life force pulsed through my entire being, making the darkness wane."
Thranduil was utterly flabbergasted
"I have never heard of such incident before."
Baineth shrug her shoulders and shook her head
"Neither have I."
The king smiled
"If our child has such ability now, I wonder how powerful it will become once its born."
Baineth sighed silently and shook her head
"It is still there, and that's what counts."
Thranduil nodded and he freed his hand from hers, caressing her tummy with his large and warm hands. Baineth brushed over his cheek with her fingertips and her small finger ran over his lips. He used the opportune moment to kiss it.
"Have you been up all night?"
He eyed her curiously and Baineth nodded
"Yes. I sensed your tension."
The hint of a smile appeared on his lips and he shook his head in disagreement
"This is not good. I'm sorry that my inner tension has kept you awake."
She leaned forward, curious to know what was going on
"Tell me of the meeting! I want to know what happened there!"
The king shook his head
"I won't burden you with these things."
The surprise and disappointment on her face quickly changed to determination
"I want to know it and you'll tell me."
He sighed after hearing her demand. He had given her a promise. Now he had to stick to it.
"The council is angered. They consider my mistakes to be too gross for my position. I was not sure where all this would lead to until your father spoke."
Baineth's eyes widened by the mentioning of her father
"What did my father say?"
Thranduil clasped her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. His voice faltered as he spoke
"He mentioned my first wife, Elien."
Baineth had never heard much about her and searched his face for emotions. They were strong and raw. Thranduil sighed deeply
"Your father is a good diplomat. He does not hold his position in my council without reason. But I must admit that today he surprised me with his skill. He is very strong minded if he wants something - you know yourself too well. It appeared to me that his determination has not only convinced my council, but also your mother. The question in the end was rather what will happen next, not, if what I did was right or wrong."
Thranduil sighed heavily
"But the council is not happy about Lhinniel's death. They accept the fact that I killed her, but they don't accept what I did after ..... I...."
He lowered his gaze and Baineth felt the tremor which ran through his body in the palms of his hands which held hers
"They despise my deed. I don't want to say what I did. Not now and here, not in your condition. Never."
He looked into her eyes and the understanding and acceptance which ran deep within them made him sigh deeply with relieve. She would not ask him and he was grateful for it
"They will decide upon Fimiel's punishment. Until then I am free to be with you."
He smiled softly
"And with our small elling."
His fingers ran once again over her tummy and he leaned closer and placed a kiss upon her dress just above her navel. Baineth's fingers ran through his hair and she enjoyed his presence and touch. Thranduil cradled her face in his large hands and claimed her lips in a deep and longing kiss.
Together they sat in the armchair. He leaned against its backrest and Baineth snuggled up in his lap. His strong arms wrapped around her slender waist and his fingers caressed her tummy while she rested her head on his broad chest. The air was chilly and the dew which rested on the flower tendril outside her window glistened in the sun light. The countless silver droplets slowly began to evaporate as the sun rose higher in the sky until they disappeared entirely. Baineth's thoughts had long left the present and were now lingering in the past.......
They walked quietly into the forest after they had exited the tunnel. Being careful not to disturb the peaceful surrounding each of their steps were made cautiously. Baineth felt the heat of Thranduil's hand on her skin which had enveloped her hand protectively. She followed him silently through the night, passing by countless bushes which were heavily laden with wild berries. Autumn was close and the air bore the scent of the star light. The light of the full moon fell through the large branches of ancient trees. Baineth peered upwards to catch a glimpse of the stars from time to time when the roof of the forest permitted it. She tripped and fell over an protruding tree root and was caught by Thranduil as he slung an arm around her waist quickly, holding her securely against his body. He whispered
"Mind your step".
Then he placed her safely on her own feet again. Baineth blushed slightly and fixed her eyes on the forest ground. The soft moss had become the last resting place of wild berries which adorned the ground along with leaves and pine needles which tried to penetrate the thin sole of her boots. Her mind had become absorbed with the forest and she ran into Thranduil when he stopped all of a sudden. Baineth looked up at him in surprise and he hushed her
"Shhh, look over there."
He pointed his finger at a small lake not far from them. Baineth gasped soundlessly when she saw hundreds of glow worms flying above the calm surface of the water. Their tail-lights flashed and their lights made the atmosphere appear magical. The corners of her mouth curved up into a smile and Baineth glanced at the king briefly who had fixed his eyes onto her scene in front of them. She held her breath, watching him, wondering what it was that he felt in this moment. He seemed so peaceful. She had rarely perceived him that way. He noticed her glance upon him and turned his head towards her, offering his hand to her yet again. Baineth touch was gentle and her fingers brushed over the palm of his hand before their fingers entwined. He pulled her forward and they slowly approached the lake. When they reached the shore of the lake, he let go of her hand. Thranduil unfastened his sword and leaned it against the large oak tree which stood at the bank of the lake. The king began to undress himself without a word and Baineth stared at him wide eyed
"Are you enjoying it?"
He smirked at her when his silver tunic slid over his shoulders, baring his muscled back. Baineth failed to answer his question and could not help but touch him. Her fingers ran over his back, tracing up and down his spine before she placed her palms onto his skin, feeling his muscles flex under her palms as he continued to undress himself. He was so strong and yet his skin was soft as silk. She was taken off guard when he turned around to her. His nimble fingers opened the laces on the back of her dress and he pulled them open, slowly baring her shoulders, cleavage, breasts.... His gaze wandered lower as the dress slowly fell down onto the mossy ground. His hands ran over her curves before he rested them the small of her back. Thranduil pulled her close and her body shivered as she felt his hot body press against hers. His lips lingered on hers before he took a step back
"Let us swim."
He took hold of her hand and they slowly stepped inside the cool water. Baineth swam a few rounds before she climbed onto a small rock which reached out of the water near the center of the pond. She gazed around herself in wonder. The usually shy glow worms did not seem to mind their presence. It seemed to be the opposite. She found herself being surrounded by hundreds of small lights. She glanced over to the king who gazed at her
"Why are they not afraid of us?"
He gave her a smile and swam over to her. Thranduil reached her side and he placed his arms on her upper thighs while he rested his chin on them. He gazed up at her
"It's the place. Nothing bad can happen here."
Baineth arched a brow at him and grinned, believing him to jest
"And why is that?"
Thranduil gazed up at the many lights
"There is a legend about this place. It says that many, many millennia ago Varda came to middle earth. The legend says that she lived here."
Baineth arched both brows at him
"Here in this forest?"
Thranduil shook his head
"At that time, this forest did not exist. But the legend says that Varda planted the first trees which are the center of the forest which you see today. Varda blessed them with eternal life."
Baineth became doubtful
"Eternal life?"
The king nodded but remained silent. Baineth pondered over his words
"This would explain why the trees are still alive despite the darkness which has enveloped this forest. So this is not only a story, it is true?"
Her eyes widened and he smiled seeing her innocence shine brightly through her beautiful orbs.
"Yes. It is a true story. My father heard it when he was very young. That's why he wanted us to settle here. He believed that if we lived here, we would be safe. After Doriath fell....."
He paused and Baineth saw pain in his face
"After ...that..... he wished nothing but peace for us. He trusted that Varda would protect us if we would live here."
Baineth watched him intently
"Do you believe that she has protected you throughout all those years?"
Thranduil bit on his lower lip and hesitated before he spoke
"When I was young, I lived my fathers dream. I believed that she would protect us throughout the greatest evil. When the darkness crept into this wood I began to doubt the tale and of her protection. I lived thousands of years here and I recall forbidding the servants to share the history of this forest, and that of Varda with my young son. I had lost my believe in this legend."
He remained silent and Baineth pondered over his words. Thranduil sighed deeply and looked her straight in the eyes
"Today I am sure that Varda, or let us say her magic and blessing has never left this forest. The darkness which has infested it, has outwardly destroyed the forest, but it could never destroy its life force, the fëa of the forest."
He looked up at wide eyed Baineth. Thranduil chuckled softly. Baineth appeared to him as no more than a young elling who was sitting in one of the nightly legend classes. She had still not lost her youthfulness, her innocence. He secretly hoped that she would never fully grow. Life would mature her. She would be forced to grow up and leave those innocents traits behind as soon as she would take her position as the queen of Mirkwood by his side. Thranduil sighed and shook his head. She yelped when he pulled her into the water
"Let me show it to you."
He swam with her to the western side of the lake where the water was the deepest
"Look into the water."
Baineth smiled and stared downwards, her gaze penetrating the waters surface. First she saw nothing but then she gasped. Her hands reached down and her fingers tried to touch that what should not be there. Baineth looked at him and Thranduil explained
"The legend says that Varda created this pond. It is said that a star fell into this place and created the crater. What you see is an underwater spring. It's nothing unusual in middle earth, but this water has the color of pure star light. It is said that it has special powers."
Baineth was totally amazed
"You have the greatest treasure of all in middle earth."
He chuckled and approached her
"Yes, indeed. I have you. There is no greater treasure for me."
She laughed and he silenced her with a kiss. Thranduil picked her up and carried her to the bank of the lake where he laid her down onto soft moss which covered nearly all the surroundings. Her breath trembled in anticipation as she knew what would follow. He was over her immediately and smiled at her predatory. Baineth grinned back at him before she pouted playfully. Her pouting lips parted as he lowered himself onto her. His heated skin on hers set into motion an avalanche of desire which raced wildly through her body. Her shaking breath touched his face and he kissed her lips briefly before he began to trail kisses across her cleavage. Baineth arched her back slightly off the ground and buried her hands in his wet hair which tickled her at times as they hang loose over his shoulders. Thranduil licked and sucked on her breasts lasciviously and she could not help but moan sensually. He found himself lying between her legs which she had spread unconsciously, being filled with strong wanting for him. His hot tongue ran along her collarbone before he claimed her lips passionately. Their tongues danced and he intertwined their fingers, placing their hands above her head which rested on the soft moss. Thranduil lifted his body slowly up and began to rub his hardening arousal on her. She was wet and ready for him and he moaned deeply into her mouth when he felt her physical reaction.
Baineth body trembled with anticipation and her heart was pounding in her chest which heaved with each excited breath that she took. Her body reciprocated to his touch obediently and he liked it. He wanted it. And he needed it. He positioned his shaft at her entrance and entered her teasingly slow. Her lips trembled and her eyes asked him to fulfill her burning desire. Baineth clung onto him and he began to move within her. First slowly, stretching her until her body accommodated the size of his shaft smoothly. Then he picked up his pace, pumping into her faster driven by his own desire. His lust for her was raw and urgent and she felt his passion clearly in each of his movements.
The feeling of her hot and tight walls around his pulsing length brought him utter satisfaction. He wished to spend an eternity with her like this - just making love. He felt her body tremble under him, ready to release her lust fiercely. Thranduil began to move more precisely, letting his length tease her soft spot repeatedly. He felt the intensity of her lust for him become almost intolerable, even for himself. He drove into her with demand and the orgasm washed over her violently, making her whole body tremble. Her inner muscles squeezed around his shaft, enveloping it firmly. He let go of the control which he had tried to maintain and followed her into a harsh and much needed climax. His hot seed spilled into her and he began to slow his thrusts. His heart raced and he swallowed hard, trying to regain control over his weakened body. With their hands still intertwined he gave hers a light squeeze, trying to receive her attention.
Baineth opened her eyes and saw the satisfied king grinning down at her. He glistened from sweat and she freed one of her hands from his grip and ran her fingertips over the pale skin of his face, catching small pearls of sweat which threatened to fall. He lowered his head and kissed her tenderly. Baineth felt his strong heartbeat on her breast as he pressed himself firmly against her, his skin still sweaty from his endeavour to please her. Baineth's hands ran down his back and she grabbed his shoulders to which she clung. She squeezed the muscles of her inner sex around his shaft as she felt it harden yet again within her. His eyes swam with lust and he lifted his body off of hers slightly, before he began to thrust inside her again........
Baineth startled when the knock on the door repeated, this time more loud than the previous time. Thranduil stroke affectionately over her upper back
"That was a wonderful memory."
She looked up at him and blushed heavily. Before she could speak their lips collided and he drew her even closer against his body
"I sometimes linger in that memory too. But my memories differ from yours greatly. You perceive things differently."
She shook her head slightly. Was her mind such an open book to him? Thranduil smirked at her, his eyes glistened with joy
"If your condition permits it, we shall enjoy each other tonight."
Baineth reply was a gentle kiss which she broke abruptly when she heard another knock on the door
"This is my son. I have to open that door finally."
He stood up and placed Baineth onto her feet before he kissed her forehead tenderly
"I will see you tonight, if not earlier."
His lips brushed gently over her knuckles, his kiss almost imperceptible. She watched him stride away, approaching the door swiftly. Legolas stood in the hallway, behind him Dimaethor appearing somewhat worried. Baineth managed to overhear a part of the words which were spoken before the doors closed, bringing silence into the spacious chamber of the king. She sat down in the armchair and curled into a small bundle. The council had made its decision and the meeting would soon be over and she would meet her parents in no time. Baineth dreaded this meeting but she found hope and courage in the king's words. Her father had spoken out in their favor and had apparently defended them. Her hands rested on her tummy and Baineth broke her thoughts to concentrate on the energy within her womb. The almost unnoticeable sound of a door opening startled her. She heard faint footsteps approach her. Her heart fluttered fearfully and she peeked cautiously over the armrest, angst clinging firmly onto her heart.
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