Obedience to a king | By : lovinghimonly Category: Lord of the Rings Movies > Hobbit, The Views: 4895 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own LotR, The Hobbit, or any other Tolkien world. The story is meant only for entertainment purposes, not money. English is not my native tongue. Please excuse errors. Constructive criticism is most welcome. |
Thranduil leaned back in his oaken chair, and sipped on his wine, deeply in thought. He reflected on his relationship with Baineth as he did often these days. The elleth had been obedient - so far. But what would he do, if she would begin to think freely, disobey his commands or even threaten him, as Bereneth had done? His facial expression darkened and he drained the goblet in one large gulp. Bereneth... Thranduil had begun to see similarities between her and Baineth. Not only that they had similar names, both of them were very beautiful elleth. Baineth had moments in which she did not fear her king, daring even to tease him momentarily. Moments which Thranduil knew, Bereneth had had in her time on his side too. She had begun to feel too safe in their secret relationship, and her apparent new position, demanding too much, until she utterly crossed the border, beginning to threaten him. She had desired to marry him, giving him no choice but to get rid off her when her demands had become too fierce. Bereneth had demanded to become the queen, or she would make their relationship public. A threat which brought Thranduil to the point to do the unthinkable. The king poured himself another goblet of wine, while his memories wandered momentarily back to the day when Bereneth suddenly `disappeared´. His mimic was tense and his eyes cold as ice.
He had given her almost everything she had desired, but still it had increased her greed steadily, letting her lust for precious items and his attention become boundless. Thranduil found himself granting her her wishes constantly, but failed to satisfy her ever growing demands. With each gift that he gave her, she would ask for more. The more he gave her, the more she craved. To fulfill her every desire had been a grave mistake, what Thranduil only realized, when it was already too late. She had become spoiled by his gifts. It was a mistake which he would never again commit. Bereneth had served him under conditions, while Baineth rendered her service to him unconditionally. Baineth had served to his needs for several month now, and he had not even once given anything for her service. He did not plan to do so. She was of course very different from Bereneth, but position and power was something, that could twist even a strong elves mind, what to speak of an elleth, who had a soft spot for security and a powerful partner. It was something that Thranduil would never again underestimate. He refilled his goblet again and drained it quickly, before he filling it once again.
It would not be a good idea if he would allow Baineth to be in the position, which she factually held already. She might not be aware of it, but he had become dependent on her. She controlled him in a way, which even Bereneth had not done. This was dangerous. He sipped on his wine and placed one if his legs over the armrest, letting it dangle freely. Perhaps it was because she was pure. He moaned quietly as he felt his body react to the thoughts of her. As a moth is attracted to the light at night, in the same way his body was attracted to hers. But his yearning was not only present during the night time, it was an ever-present longing, which at times seemed to drive him insane. It might be possible that the urgent desire which he felt for her, would reduce after he had taken her to bed. But what would he do, if that would not be the case? What if his cravings for her would persist? He drained the goblet again and poured himself more wine. He would decide this, when need be. In any case, he should try to be less dependent on her. But not a single day passed by, when he did not call her to relieve him of his lusting pressure. The bulge in his leggings was obvious and he tapped his fingers on the stem of his goblet, waiting for her arrival. She was late and his mood darkened. Was she trying to influence him, as Bereneth had done? A question which would be answered soon. Another half an hour passed until he heard a soft knock on his doors. "Enter"! He was greatly angered from the long wait.
Baineth opened the door, her facial expression was tense, but her eyes revealed her fear to the king´s penetrating gaze. She swallowed hard, upon seeing the displeasure upon his face and carefully walked over to the king´s desk, and placed the oil and towel down on it. Baineth saw the wrath written all over the king´s face, but stood straight, her eyes never leaving his. "Why are you late"? The king´s angered voice caused her body to stiffen, and her heartbeat quicken, while her hands became wet with sweat. She replied with a almost inaudible voice "I was with my parents in the large garden. The guards did not find me until recently".
Thranduil saw no lie in her eyes and was pleased that she feared him greatly. There was no sign of her, that she wanted to control him. He placed the goblet on the desk and with a movement of his hand he indicated her to come closer to him. She walked around his desk and with an unexpected motion he grabbed her by her upper arm, and pulled her roughly towards him. Their noses almost touched each others, and he stared at her with a murderous gaze "I thought that you might have been treated too well last night". He arched a eyebrow at her, and awaited her reply. His words made her shake her head quickly "My king, I was in the garden, and the guards...." Thranduil grabbed her chin rudely, his fingers digging into her flesh his painful grip immediately silenced her. "You don´t have to repeat what you had said already. I am not so dumb that you have to explain me something twice". The change in his mood frightened Baineth greatly ,and a tear escaped her eye and fell onto the king´s silver tunic. His eyes followed it and he saw how the soft fabric of his tunic absorbed her tear entirely. His gaze wandered back to her eyes and softened slightly.
He let go of her face and pulled her into his lap making her feel his erection. "I need to find release now". She simply nodded and he pushed her up, helping her to stand up again. He himself got up and walked over to his sofa, where he sat down. Baineth followed him and knelt in front of him. She opened his belt buckle and freed his erection, which stood erect and proudly for her to behold. Baineth looked up at the king, who eyed her with an indefinable expression, before she lowered her head. Thranduil placed his fingers below her chin and shook his head. Her facial expression showed confusion and she furrowed her brows, biting nervously on her bottom lip. A growl escaped his lips as her reaction aroused him greatly. "Not like this. I want you to use your hands today". Her lips parted and she stared at him in surprise. He had not requested her to do this since he had taught her to use her mouth.
Baineth licked her lips and got up. She walked over to a shelf and picked up a tin, coming with it to the waiting king. She opened the lid and placed the tin onto the sofa, next to his thigh and positioned herself between his legs. She pushed him gently back, making him lean against the backrest, and took a generous amount of lube into her hand. With the other hand she held his shaft, pointing it at the ceiling while she brought the lube down on the head, spreading it down the entire length of his shaft. She massaged some of it onto his balls with one hand, while she drew her other hand slowly up, reaching the top, she tightened her grip and and gave it a gentle squeeze before her hand descended down to the base of his shaft. She continued this motion a couple of times while she massaged his balls with her other hand. Baineth risked a look at the king,
who had sat in silence so far, uncertain if her deed was to his liking. Thranduil watched her through hooded eyes, his expression was relaxed and calm now. He nodded at her with approval. Baineth continued stroking his shaft, keeping a steady rhythm, bringing out the first reactions of her king "Mmmm... yesss... " she looked up at him, seeing that he had closed his eyes and was biting down on his bottom lip. As her left hand stroke him downwards, reaching the base of his shaft, her right hand stroke him upwards, creating a continues motion, making his breathing become heavy after a few minutes. Baineth grabbed his shaft firmly with one hand and sped up her strokes, pumping him hard, while her other hand rubbed his balls. Thranduil panted and his muscles began to tighten, as she worked him toward his climax. A loud groan left his mouth and his body shook, releasing his semen which shot into the air. Baineth covered the tip of his shaft with her hand, while her other hand gently stroke his length. After all his seed was spilled, his body relaxed and his breath calmed down. Baineth got up and brought the towel from the desk, wiping his semen gently off his thighs, while she watched his face carefully. Thranduil eyed her closely, and licked his lips as she closed his belt buckle.
The king got up from the sofa and walked over to his desk, opening the drawer. Baineth face fell as she saw him approaching her with the same disgusting herbs, which he had given her the day before. Stepping over her shadow she obediently opened her mouth, and chewed them while Thranduil was busy hiding the evidence of their deed, touching her head first, followed be her heart and womanhood. Long overdue he gave her permission to swallow the herbs and handed her a cup of water. Baineth drank it all and the king nodded slowly "You have my permission to leave now". She bowed to him and left his chamber.
Thranduil sat down behind his desk and drank more wine. His facial expression was dissatisfied and slightly angered. This would not work. He thought that he could keep her at a distance. But he felt greatly dissatisfied by doing so. Baineth had released the pressure in his loins, but the way he had asked her to do it, did not satisfy his need. He felt utterly dissatisfied.
Baineth had left the king´s chamber and visited her mother on the healers ward before she retired to her room. When she walked past the common places, she was watched by a pair of eyes, which held no favor for her. Lhinniel´s eyes followed her with envy. If her glance could kill, she would have burned Baineth to ashes countless times, using her fiery glance. The elleth was a beautiful daughter of the Noldor, and very skilled in the art of weaving. Many of her works were in fact given to the king´s weaver, used for the king´s fine tunics and sometimes robes. The long absence of a queen in the woodland realm, had the natural side effect of an absence of an elleth by the king´s side. This had given Lhinniel hope, that she might find her rightful place in his heart and on the throne. She was very ambitious when it came to realizing her dreams. The past few months she had spend weaving a very fine silver lace, which she hoped would be used once again for the king´s clothing. She hoped that he would appreciate it enough to grant her his personal audience, as it had become a true masterpiece. She had woven all her skill into it. She planned to present her work to the king´s main weaver tommorrow, hoping to gain his favor. As she was a beautiful elleth, she was convinced that not more than that was needed to attract the king´s attention. But alas, Malfinnor´s daughter Baineth was often seen leaving the king´s chamber, even at night. Too often to Lhinniel´s taste. Suspicion had begun to grow in her mind, that the king might be fond of Baineth. A deep and dark hatred for the young elleth festered in Lhinniel´s heart, and she could do nothing else, but watch Baineth visit the king´s chambers, sometimes a couple of times a day. Often carrying oil and a towel with her to massage him. Lhinniel had practiced different techniques of massages in the past years, hoping that one day she might get a chance to impress the king with her skills. If she would be allowed touch him, she might be able seduce him. Her eyes shone with lust for a few seconds. Baineth had disappeared into a corridor and Lhinniel leaned against the stone wall and sighed, before she left to continue her work on her loom. She had to finish her work today.
Baineth blew out the last candle in her room and lay on her bed, rolling over to her side and looking out of the open window, into the night sky, marveling at the beauty of the stars. It was difficult to find rest for her mind tonight. Still she tried by fixing her eyes on the stars, breathing in the fresh night air deeply. Her meditation was disrupted by a quiet sliding sound. If her elven ears could twitch upon hearing sounds, they definitely would have done so. She knew that she was not alone. Baineth was about to turn around when she felt a strong hand grab her hip, pulling her over onto her back. Before a yelp could escape her throat, her mouth had been covered by another large hand, muffling her scream. Baineth eyes had widened in shock, but now her body relaxed visibly as she saw the king´s face hovering above hers. His hot breath touched her face and she could tell by the look in his eyes, that he had not been entirely satisfied with her service today. How had he entered her chamber?
Thranduil had not been able to control his urges. His body literally screamed for her attention. Being overcome by lust he was impatient, and decided not to waste time in sending a guard to fetch her. He went to her chamber by himself. Thranduil removed his hand from her mouth, being assured that she would not scream. Baineth sat up as he moved back, to give her space to do so. Without saying another word she gently pushed him back on her bed, laying him down, before she opened his belt buckle. She pulled his leggings down, removing it entirely before she touched his throbbing length with her hands. Baineth took his entire length into her mouth and began to bob her head up and down. With one hand she began to fondle his balls, but was surprised when he removed her hand, holding it tightly within his. His moans traveled through her dark room, filling it with sound as she licked over the head of his shaft before taking his length into her mouth again, closing her lips firmly around it.
She sucked him hard, feeling that his release was close. Thranduil squeezed her hand tightly as he felt his body prepare for the release for which he had hankered for for so long. Baineth´s lips covered the head of his shaft, and with her tongue she applied firm pressure onto the slit in his shaft, making him groan out while he moved his hips up commanding her silently to take him in deeper. She obeyed his desire and with a loud moan be spilled his seed into her mouth as she lowered her lips down his length, his hands shaking, and his face contorting in pleasure. She swallowed his seed while her lips were still around his shaft and sat up, eyeing the king.
Thranduil lay breathless, with his eyes closed, feeling the aftershocks of his much desired orgasm slowly ebb away. He let out a sigh through his slightly parted lips and moaned out, when he felt her hand upon his shaft again. Baineth carefully freed her other hand from his grip and began to press and massage his shaft, desiring to give him another climax. The king did not mind and let her do as she pleased. Once again her lips enveloped his length, making his erect shaft glide into her wet heat, making him moan out in pleasure. Baineth bobbed her head up and down slowly, while massaging his balls gently. As the king´s pressure had been released once, she took her time now, trying to relax him, letting the urge to find his release build up slowly. Thranduil watched her as she concentrated on her movements and his expression darkened. If he would not take her soon, he would definately go insane. He covered his eyes with one arm and tried to concentrate on the incredible feeling which she gave him. It was not very difficult to do so, as she had plenty of experience in pleasing him thus. It did not take long until Thranduil felt the urge to release his seed into her mouth once more. But this time he would not let it come that far. He waited for the opportune moment which came soon.
Baineth let his shaft glide out of her mouth and grabbed his length with her hands firmly, licking over its head. Before she could lift up her head to react to the king´s sudden movement, he had grabbed her already, pushing her down onto the bed. While he held her down with his left hand, he had ripped her night gown off her body, grinding his loins greedily into hers, making his twitching shaft rub against her folds, which were still covered by her slip. Baineth had trouble to adjust to what was happening, and tried to push him off of her. But it was to no avail. He only pushed himself further onto her body, letting his weight keep her in place. He held her hands above her head to immobilized her entirely. Baineth surrendered to his will and felt his hips grind ever more aggressively into hers. His hot breath touched her ear from time to time as he moaned out repeatedly, his movements becoming more urgent with every second that went by. The young elleth realized that she would soon have to deal with her king in a different manner. He would seemingly be an aggressive lover. This thought made her cheeks blush heavily. Thranduil kept her hands in place with one hand only, and used his other hand to rip off her slip, releasing a loud grunt from his throat, as he removed the silk barrier between their sexes.
Baineth moaned out as she felt his hot and slick shaft sliding up and down her folds, touching her pearl in the process. He let his shaft travel deeper down, nestling its head into her entrance, feeling her inner heat on its tip. He let out a loud groan, his body shaking uncontrolled as she felt his teeth biting down into her shoulder. Baineth lay completely still, her eyes widened in fear, awaiting what was to happen next.
Thranduil´s body shook from desire, the untamable urge to unite with her instantly invaded his entire body. He was consumed by the desire to feel her inner depth and warmth around his shaft, her tight walls enveloping his throbbing length, to hear her cry of pain as he ripped apart the shield of her virginity, pumping into her wildly, as he had so often fantasized of. The animal within himself was ready to take its prey, slaying it mercilessly in this moment of raw and wild lust. The king within him was frozen in place, shocked by the uncontrolled desire within himself, which she had awoken in him. A raw and natural need which had laid asleep within himself for so long. Being awakened by her touch, it had become untamable. Who would win this battle of control? The animal and the king inside of him fought a battle, which was eventually won by one of them. In a sudden motion he left her heat and rubbed his shaft in pure urgency between her folds, until his hot seed spilled onto her soft skin. He groaned out wildly as his body shook from his orgasm. Thranduil lay on top of her, trying to calm his breathing down, gaining slowly control over his shivering body.
He tasted blood on his lips and understood that he had bitten into her shoulder. Thranduil had not been aware of such deed, so urgent had his need for his release been. Slowly he raised his body from hers, sweat made their skin stick together. The cold air that floated in from the open window was a welcome relieve to her hot skin and squeezed body, giving her goosebumps all over her body. Baineth just lay there and watched as the king dressed his morning robe again. When he was ready he walked closer to the bed, looking down at her, his eyes showed an unknown expression. Baineth furrowed her brows. This was not good. He placed his hands on her head and began to speak, removing the obvious traces of lust from her mind and body. When he was done, he leaned his head slightly to the side, his facial expression turning cold "Tomorrow night I will return. I will complete what I have begun tonight". He turned around and walked over to the wall. Baineth sat up slightly and leaned back on her elbows, watching with interest as he opened a hidden door in the wall before he disappeared into the darkness, closing the door after him. She stared at the wall and blinked a few times before she rolled out of her bed, and walked up to the wall, running her fingers over the stone wall where there had been a door just seconds ago. There was no sign of it. She dropped her hands and stepped backwards. Baineth sighed deeply and stood on the open window for the rest of the night. This had indeed been an truly unexpected visit. Her eyes widened as she thought about the upcoming night. There was no doubt in her mind that she would loose her virginity to him.
The next day Baineth waited that the king would request her presence, which never happened. She had hoped that he would request her to relieve him of his pressure, before they would meet that night. She worried about his demanding behavior, the memory of his body on hers still fresh in her mind. But apparently the king wished to keep his passion for their night together.
In the morning, Lhinniel approached the king´s main weaver, Camaenor, who was a Sindar of great skill in his field of work. He stood outside his work chamber, conversing with a maid, who assisted him. Lhinniel stood at a distance, waiting patiently that he would notice her. To her satisfaction the elf noticed her quickly ,and began to study her work from afar, which she held in her hands, while he continued to speak to the elleth. When they ended their conversation he approached Lhinniel with a smile upon his face "I remember you". Lhinniel smiled broadly and bowed slightly to him, before her eyes returned to his face, seeing his excitement "May I"? Camaenor held out his hand, pointing at the lace she had weaved. She handed it to him and he inspected it carefully, nodding with approval "You are highly skilled and I wonder, why you are not in the king´s direct service". While Camaenor continued to check the detail of her word, Lhinniel could not hide her grin as she heard his words. Maybe fate would be on her side. "For whom do you work"? Camaenor´s eyes met hers with a questioning expression. "I work for Lord Conor and his family". The weaver nodded, eyeing her work once again. "I am on my way to majesty, and I wish to take you along. Come with me, and who knows, maybe you can help me to work on the king´s new winter robe". He nodded his head, inviting her to follow him. He entered the weaving chamber and took samples of his work with him, handing a few to Lhinniel to carry, before they headed straight for the king´s chamber. Lhinniel had great difficulties to hide her excitement. This was far more than she had expected. They approached the king´s chamber and Camaenor knocked on the massive doors, waiting for permission to enter. To Lhinniel´s surprise the king opened the doors by himself and walked back into his chamber, letting them in. Her heart was taken by awe as she saw him so close. She had merely watched him from afar, dreaming of the day when she would meet him in person. Doing so was quite different from what she had expected. He looked stunning to say the least. His masculine scent lingered in the air and made her senses weaker with every breath which she took. Camaenor hinted her to follow him, and they placed the different samples of fabrics onto a large table in the king´s chamber.
A knock on the door interrupted them. A guard entered the king´s chamber and bowed low "My king, the council members await your decision regarding the meeting this afternoon". Thranduil looked annoyed and rolled his eyes "Tell them that I will attend the meeting, and call Baineth to me, I feel tense. I wish a massage". The guard walked out and Thranduil returned his attention to his weaver. Lhinniel felt jealousy rise within her, making her blood boil. Baineth..... Lhinniel knew that she had to act fast and professional, to achieve her much desired goal. "My king, I will make your new winter robe, and have brought samples along". Thranduil stood kingly and proud, arching an eyebrow at the weavers words "Am I in need for a new robe"? Silence fell and lingered on as Camaenor searched for the right words to say. "You have made me a new robe last winter. Does this here" he pointed over to the samples on the table "mean that last years robe looks inadequate to be worn by me"? Camaenor shook his head "No my king, all your clothes and robes are made and taken care of, with utter care and attention, being all in perfect condition. But you are our king, and as such we desire to serve you". He bowed low and Thranduil walked over to the table with grace and eyed the samples "Very well then, what are your suggestions"? Camaenor joined the king at the table and Lhinniel was taken aback by the king´s authority. She had to be very careful not to reveal her intentions to others. She quietly neared them and listening to their conversation. "This my king are the samples which I have made so far, I would suggest that we could use midnight blue this year, with silver lace and embroider". He picked up the lace which Lhinniel had made, and showed it to the king. "Lady Lhinniel has weaved this lace, to be used for your new clothing, and with your permission I would use it for your new robe". Thranduil eyed the lace, and his fingers ran over it, as Camaenor still held it in his hands. "Who us Lady Lhinniel"? The king´s question made Lhinniel straighten her posture, and she looked nervously over to Camaenor. "She is right here, my king". Thranduil eyed her intently, making her feel as if his gaze tried to penetrate through her entire being, searching for her secrets and desires. He broke their eye contact and returned his attention to his weaver "Carry on. What are your suggestions"? Camaenor went on explaining his ideas to the king, who nodded occasionally with approval. "Very well, make me another robe". Camaenor bowed to him "My king, I thought I might ask for Lady Lhinniel´s assistance with making this robe". Thranduil raised his eyebrows in expectation "And"?
Camaenor cleared his throat "She is presently in the service of Lord Conor and his family. To get her assistance, I would need your command". The king looked over at Lhinniel whose heart beat quickened considerably, awaiting his answer impatiently. "Tell Lord Conor, that I require her service for this one robe of mine, once it is done, she will return to her usual duties again". With that he turned away from them and poured wine into his goblet, draining it quickly. He really looked tensed, Lhinniel thought.
The guard returned to the king´s chamber and to Thranduil´s displeasure he informed him, that Baineth was nowhere to be found. "My king, we can not find Baineth". Thranduil´s face darkened "Then find somebody else, and do it quickly". His voice was full of anger as was his face. Lhinniel had the insane idea, to offer her service to the king. "My king, I am skilled in the art of massage as well. If you desire so, I can offer this service to you too". She looked at him through innocent eyes, awaiting his reply. Thranduil was highly angered by Baineth´s absence, and nodded in agreement. Camaenor had been busy collecting his samples, and left the king´s chamber along with the guard. Silence spread and Lhinniel returned her attention to the king, who watched her with impatience "How long will you keep me wait, elleth"? His voice was intimidating. "How skilled are you"? He eyed her closely while he began to slowly unbutton his tunic, watching her reaction intently, while he slowly bared his muscled chest. Lhinniel stared at him and turned her eyes away from him reluctantly, pretending shyness. Thranduil smirked at her, enjoying the moment "How will you massage me, when you can not look at me"? His voice now was seductive to say the least, and Lhinniel looked back at him. "Take the oil over there and begin your service"!
She spotted a oil bottle in a shelf and walked over to take it. When she returned to the king he stood bare chested, awaiting her service. She moved his hair to the side, making sure she would brush his skin tenderly with her fingertips while doing so. Lhinniel poured oil into her palm, warming it briefly before she began to spread it over his shoulders. She began to massage him, and was amazed by his stature and strength. His muscles were toned and tensed wherever she touched them. Thranduil enjoyed her massage and thought about the fact, that Baineth could once again not be found. It was time that he would give her officially a place in his direct service. In this way he could control her every step, without raising suspicion. He bit on his lips to prevent a moan to escape his mouth. The memory of last night made his senses run wild, and he craved greatly for her body. Tonight he would make her his. He felt his shaft grow at the mere thought of her, lying under him naked, trembling from his touch, as her body winced, his strong shaft deeply embedded in her tightness. Thranduil sighed inaudible and forced his thoughts back to the present moment. The way how Lhinniel´s fingers worked on his back and shoulders, was skilled and trained. Very different from Baineth, who massaged him by using her intuition, feeling into his body, relaxing him by knowing exactly what he needed. But this new elleth did her job very well. She worked with professionalism, what was a welcome change. When Lhinniel thought that she was done, she dared to speak "My king, may I stop now"? His voice was unusually low and calm "Yes. You can stop". She closed the oil bottle and placed it back into the shelf before she walked back towards the king, who had turned around to face her, watching her intently. Lhinniel stopped midway when she noticed the large bulge in his leggings.
She spoke to him without even considering, that her words might have an ambiguous meaning to him "Is there anything else I can do for you my king"? Thranduil looked at her, his expression heated and lustful "What would you say"? He approached her slowly, never breaking eye contact with her "Is there..... something else what you can do for me"?
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