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Reviews for My Twisted Road To Life: Through A Mirror Darkly

By : Shanastay
  • From ANON - Kirah on December 21, 2006
    It's almost funny... I think the first time I read this story was about four years ago, but reading it again it's like a whole different story. You were one of my greatest inspirations, and after I thought you had compeltely disappeared I'm thrilled to find you again. If you ever see the book "Fate's Hand" - it's being reviewed for publishing right now - it was written by me, but inspired by you. The main character is similar to Janessa, and the writing style is mainly derived from your own. I owe so much to you, and I still feel that I don't compare to your work. I just wanted to thank you, and give at least some credit where credit is due.
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  • From AngelTeixeira on January 24, 2006
    Great story! You did a wonderful job describing the parallel worlds and the characters’ connection. I had already read Fantasy and loved it (sorry I didn’t review then… I’m kinda lazy).

    Hope you post again soon and wish you the best of luck with your personal life, though the best I can do for ya is give ya my support…

    But I have a candy for you =) I’ve 2 of your stories on my fav list!


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  • From ANON - Nethien on January 03, 2006
    I followed you over from and love your writing. I hope everything turns out for the best in your personal life! We're here for you hun.
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  • From ANON - Jayn on November 26, 2005
    Oh my god! That is really messed up. That must be a terrible time for you! I hope things will get better for you.

    Another incredible chapter! I'm glad that Legolas woke her up! I can't wait to read more but I won't do my usual 'please update soon' thing because it would be mean. Good luck on job searching.

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  • From ANON - MarzBar on November 25, 2005
    I'm glad to see you back with this story. I'm looking forward to Legolas and Janessa being able to have a relationship "in the flesh." Sorry to hear about RL for you. To steal a philosopher's saying, "the planet is a pian factory." I hope it makes you stronger.
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  • From ANON - Serentiyblack2000 on July 12, 2005
    YAY! *does happy dance around the room* UPDATED! WWOOOOHHHOOO! glad to see you have again given a good chappie! Poor Legolas, fading away, lonely. *wipes tear from eye* He's just too sweet....and heroic. He really needs someone like Janessa and she him too.. Please update soon, I just can't wait to read what happens next.

    I Love It!

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  • From ANON - katelyn vendea on May 04, 2005
    Are you dead? I love your fic. please update it as soon as you possibly can
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  • From ANON - MarzBar on April 02, 2005
    I hope things are going better for you and your muses. I hope this because I want Legolas back. Don't want him left in limbo too long. Not to mention, more the twins irresponsible and irrepresible behavior is good.
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  • From ANON - aguikeameia on March 26, 2005
    YES! AN UPDATE! I have been following your stories for...more than a year now. I think your writing as well as your ideas are awesome. I am so happy you are writing again so KEEP UPDATING PLEASE. (Of course at you own convenience...but SOON)
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  • From ANON - aguikeameia on March 26, 2005
    YES! AN UPDATE! I have been following your stories for...more than a year now. I think your writing as well as your ideas are awesome. I am so happy you are writing again so KEEP UPDATING PLEASE. (Of course at you own convenience...but SOON)
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  • From ANON - Alex on March 24, 2005
    Wow, I think is one of the better stories that I have read in a long time. I really hope that you update soon, so that I can read further and see how Legolas and Janessa are doing! I hope she wakes up soon, along with Legolas. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Ren on March 20, 2005
    FINALLY!!, an update!! THANK YOU!!
    Awesome chapter, just loving it as usual.
    So that's their connection. sweet...
    PLEASE!! update soon (with even more Glorfindel >_
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  • From ANON - Crecy on March 07, 2005
    Thank You! You updated! Yay! Please do so again. I really want to know what's happening in her mind.
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  • From ANON - Crecy on February 12, 2005
    So I've found this story again, completely by accident, but nonetheless i found it. I read ot again. I really want to read more!! Please update soon!
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  • From dawnenab on October 09, 2004
    Ali: *grabs handful of popcorn* Good story, huh boys?
    Lindir: Eh. It's alright. She wrote it, so pardon me if I don't rave.
    Ali: You're just pissed 'cause she gave you away. One thing has nothing to do with the other and you are rude. *smacks elf on thigh to underline her sentiment*
    Dom: He knows her? You know her? *looks confused*
    Ali *stupid grin as she looks at Dom* Yes we do. Shana is a remarkable writer, don't you think? Makes me wish she could write about you. *sighs dreamily*
    Lindir: HIM?!? What about me? You wished for me for so long, and now I'm treated like this? *pouts*

    Ali: Never mind those two *jerks thumb at the 'men' beside her*, this story is still one of my all time faves. I've been away too long and just wanted to drop in & let you know that I'm still reading and as always a fan.

    (review style done as parody of disclaimer style--all credit to Crimson Starlight and Shanastay.)

    Love as always,

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